I'm a student at LSU and thought spamming the quad and student union with fliers and chalk ahead of the faggot Jew's visit tomorrow would give us some publicity, fan the flames of the meme war
just wondering if any of you have some good flier ideas? I'm leaving in about an hour after I get some chalk from walmart
Godspeed user. I'm an LSU alum but thankfully I got out before they tore down every last tree on Burbank to build apartment complexes (making traffic a nightmare) and of course the massive flooding that BTFO the city.
Did they ever finish the UREC?
If you can gather a small group of Holla Forumsack friends why don't you dress professionally and perhaps pass out flyers with subtle redpills in Free Speech alley (or whatever it was called, I avoided that stretch)
Bentley Bennett
Wait, Milo is coming to LSU? Shit how have I not heard about this.
Ask him about the Milo "white men's scholarship fund" where he actually just pocketed all of the money. Or ask him as a jew, why do most of his fellow jews support open borders and mass immigration in the US but are suddenly super-conservative and anti-immigrant when it comes to ISrael.
Jordan Baker
I tried getting dudes from the dailystormer bookclub together but they can't make it to baton rouge
being user, I'm of course friendless, but LSU I find is an especially pozzed campus, even by poz standards. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only Holla Forums there
Jaxon Cruz
Ryder Smith
Could also mention all the jewish organisations that are assisting the influx of sniggers, including Israel itself.
Oh yeah, and don't forget to take pictures. I want to see what sort of (((protestors))) they have their because the Advocate won't cover it honestly.
Not trying to doubt you OP, but post something that only an LSU student would know. What building has the best bathrooms?
Lincoln Powell
Did you go to the Trump rally in BR (like 6-ish months ago)?
Julian Kelly
This just makes me want to smuggle the syrians and high grade arms into isreal.
Parker Torres
Stein prefers Trump to Hillary, perhaps worth spreading.
Jonathan Walker
Carson Roberts
What I'm posting
Alexander Morgan
I like it user.
I'd make the suggestion that you change the book to "Ride the Tiger", both because of the mascot and it's something any burgeoning fascist would recognize.
But it's a good subtle, poster. Thanks for actually getting off the computer and doing something, even simple activism like this – more of Holla Forums should follow your example.
Jordan Thomas
btw I've sent you a email. You should recognize it because it's the name of a great russian patriot.
Hunter White
Nice digits.
Jace Lee
I'm sure there are many college pol/acks here. We can do shit aside from posting dank memes on a Khazkistani exotic fruit forum. I think I'll draw Pepe and write the coughing fit, pants of shit poem in the plaza over the weekend.
Easton Green
Meme Milo as anti-alt-right. Compile tweets and articles that show others disavowing him as alt right, as well clear statements that it is fundamentally anti-degenerate and anti-Semitic. Also that Breitbart is Israeli owned. Undermines both the leftists protesting his talks as well as radicalize the cucks supporting them. People want to be cool and edgy by being on the right, show that Milo isn't nearly right enough.
Also make a pants of shit poem poster for keks
Also don't name Holla Forums, though at least you didn't state 8ch. And agree, Evola is more fashy.
Sebastian Jones
Wish you fags would quit promoting that "women should obey husband" image like it's something bad. Mudslimes are savage sandniggers, but being against feminism isn't one of their bad points. Wives being submissive in everything to their husbands is in the Bible several times.
Joseph Lopez
I got 100 of these up in the quad
Hopefully something happens
Kayden Price
those hallways seem old world
Christian Williams
You should have posting something more meaningful like the counter signal memes you fucking failure
And youre supposed to out them in difficult places that they cant all be ripped off as easy and fast as you put them
Gas yourself
Samuel Taylor
Luke Sullivan
Did you seriously name Holla Forums? Are you fucking retarded? It's like you want this place to swarm with newfag trash like 4cuck. Grow a spine, nigger. Start representing the ideas yourself. Holla Forums is not a movement, it's a think tank.
Camden Edwards
Henry Jenkins
The madman actually did it!
Benjamin Gray
you earned this pepe user
Cooper Collins
Fuck off back to reddit.
Daniel Perez
doesn't say 8ch on it, they will probably flood halfchan
Owen Cruz
Whatever your thoughts on Milo are, he is an effective speaker that rallies Trump supporters.
The fact that you don't realize this indicates that you have a low-IQ. You're too busy masturbating to your Nazi fantasies that you can't even see a feasible political strategy right in front of your stupid face.
Gavin Miller
OP's uni is leftists. Some of them are shutins at least. They know about 4cuck and Holla Forums and how 8ch is evil. Most will go to 4cuck, but there will be newfag traffic here too. The worst kind, of course, the kind that makes threads and never lurks.
Milo is a kike faggot. You should know that there are no good kikes. He's also an e-celeb. He'll just use his kike face to rally more supporters for himself and siphon money from them. The same happened with Ben Kikepiro and just about any e-celeb kike. Of course, you are some alt-cuck nigger, who doesn't care about ideals. Supporting kikes is not the base of any feasible political strategy. It's beginning of failure of any movement. Also nice use of the word "nazi". Please tell me how 20 million died in the holohoax, best goy.
Sebastian Cooper
Someone is always going to bitch
In case you've been living under a rock; the whole world has been gaggling about the nazi frog
Pol constantly bitches about influencing the world, well this is how you do it, not by being a circlejerk island.
Bentley Jones
Pol might support kikes and out themselves to the normalfags so it can be flooded with shit threads and slides however much it wants. On Holla Forums, however, supporting kikes is instantly outing yourself as a kike or redditor or some other trash. If you think Holla Forums is a circlejerk , then why are you here? Fuck off, reddit. Also please, name one favorable change in the world that came from supporting the kikes. Ever, at any point in history.
Brody Thomas
Never said I support a butt munching Jew, calm your trigger down and try to read
Btw, you sound like a complete dumbass
Luis Collins
You sound like a crazed retard who is posing as an ideological purist. You're the kind of guy who, at best, could be a useful idiot if you could be wound up and pointed in a direction and at worst, actually toxic to any decent movement.
Arguing with you would be completely pointless just based on the shit you write.
Christopher Hernandez
requesting status report, OP
Landon Lee
Ryder Sanders
Owen Wright
why the fuck would you tell a public board exactly what you're going to do and where?
jesus fucking christ do you even opsec?
Joseph Powell
checked and heil'd.
Daniel Lewis
Any updates OP?
Elijah Nelson
Chalk in nugget crime statistics. It would probably be best instead if chalking in a graph or something to instead pose it as a question.
Sort of like Something like that will grab somebody's attention and actually force them to process it whereas if you were to just be upfront and state the statistics their safespace commie brains would immediately block it out.
Charles Cook
Grab a bite. Grab a sniggers.
Andrew Martin
Do we know if they are even still up? Nothing on LSU hashtag on twitter.