Was she autistic?
Was she autistic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Good shows like Lain are kinda like Marx, Zizek, etc. Too deep for Holla Forums.
She was cute.
You don't want to be here and we don't want you here.
You don't want to be here and we don't want you here.
I don't know about autistic, but she's shit.
She was a physical manifestation of the internet, so yes, she was unquestionably autistic.
also a qt
Lain is a slut
tfw when i lusted after her setup more than her, seriously she had an awesome watered cooled computer room.
Your anus isn't too deep for your wife's bull though.
t. cuckime connoisseur
I tried getting into this one time and the 1st episode nearly bored me to death. Does it actually get more interesting?
Was he autistic?
I've never understood why this gets posted so much.
The song is garbage, the guy can't dance for shit, the animation is terrible, his outfit and appearance are just dumb but not outlandish enough to be noteworthy.
This thread cofirn reddit superiority over this asylum for retarded kids.
It's funny tbh. Though this time I posted it for the "we wuz" meme and I don't have many niggerboos saved besides that one.
Then go back to reddit.
Because it's cringeworthy, somewhat humorous garbage.
that's literally the first time I've seen it…