It's scientifically proven that women only want to choose a man with superior genes to have sex with because she only finds superior genes attractive, this is because sex is a reproductive instinct after all and women want to pass the superior genes to their offspring, this happens on a subconscious level, it doesn't matter if she just wants to have sex or really wants to make children, she will only find men with superior genes attractive. So if you have inferior genes you will most likely be either beta-cuck/buck or you are a permanent virgin, there is no escape.
For example: Tall men with chiseled faces are classified as attractive by women because it means that they have superior bone structure. That's why men with round facial features or short height often have a hard time getting women because women consider them unattractive since those traits point at a inferior bone structure, which means inferior genes
What else is signalizing superior or inferior genes, does stuff like the size of the penis have to do with genes or beard growth?
And I'm also wondering if there is any mental stuff that can be gene related which women will sense. Of course a woman likes stuff like self-esteem etc. but are any of those traits gene related?
What do you think user?
Kayden Collins
even betas can land girlfriends, usually some at their own level. sometimes even better. if you would try more to hook up and read less statistics you'd be surprised.
William Cooper
I want to fuck that cute twink in OP's picture, no reproduction involved. Am i alpha?
Jordan Murphy
not, really you can have money, stop being a cuck. you won't get 10/10 genes, but 3DPD will want you just for your money
Aiden James
Money and wealth won't save you, there are inferior millionaires that score a chick because she likes his money and then they get cucked and bucked out of their lives, while she fucks a genetically superior man, happens all the time.
Adrian Phillips
I am not saying use the money to take care of the 3DPD just show that you have it, then she'll fuck you as she thinks she'll be able to get some of it, then never call her again you're not virgin anymore, and she can't cuck you, because you left, thus she wasn't able
Matthew King
Mark zuckerberg is a cuck. He's got the ugliest wife I ever seen for a billionaire. Maybe you are onto something.
Jackson Hernandez
why do you have this cuck fantasy user? So black people are the ultimate alpha male for being deadbeats..
Women on the pill find chiselled faces unattractive and feminine faces more attractive.
Justin Gonzalez
what is it like being so fucking stupid?
William Davis
the thing about being stupid is you generally don't know you're stupid tbh
John Sanchez
Yeah, and its scientifically proven that men want 11/10 women between 13 and 25, but we have a brain and women dont have a way to understand what a "superior gene" is, they just check media and what happens in their habitats, this is why all women always prefers tall white males, they saw superior conquerors, owners of resources and brilliant men, this view of men is still the trend in the world, white women in america or yurop are irrelevant compared with the rest of the world, i am not gonna fall in complicated things, but everything is relative.
They said that the human brain isnt yet ready for our world and its real, asians in shitholes fall for the first white tard and american women ruin their lifes with violent animals, but we have sciece and sheit, we know that breeding with stupid tards is wrong, muslims castrated blacks for a reason and the Bible banned offering your girls to degenerates, why we dumped science and embraced stupidity is a mistery to me.
Ryan Phillips
Sorry for samegoyim, check economy, single mothers are suicidal like cucks, this is why monogamous relationships forged civilizations and why harems are only tolerated in countries that parasite others.
Lucas Thomas
I missed the question mark at the end, relax.
Samuel Foster
Charles Price
Btw, dna tests stopped cheating, the real problem right now are cucks and eventually all the world will fall in an economic crisis and in those times shit is always the same for non blacks, jews buying everything for a few pennies, single mothers crying for their stupidity, kids dying, chads receiving bullets in the head, betas forced to grow up and dress always grow a lots of inches.
Kayden Ramirez
My dad was a chubby, bald manlet and he managed to have like 10 kids with three different women. I wish I could pull it off, but there's more to it than physical stuff. He was very dominating, down right abusive, and I think that's a big part of it too.
Nolan Cox
The money game is not that easy, this might only work with extremely mentally retarded whores if anything. I think you need to put in more game than that to make the money thing work.
Gavin Murphy
You also shouldn't forget that he grew up back in the days when we didn't have this fuckery of today.
Ethan Butler
so most 3DPD then I don't really care all that much, bro. I am just waiting for sexbots, and not nothing to do with 3DPD at this point, this for the user that care about being a virgin for some reason. Money is probably the easiest way to get sex from 3DPD. I am not saying buy her shit, or give her money, just find a subtle way of letting her know you have money, and she'll try to get to it via sex.
Carter Murphy
the girlfriends they land are most likely sluts that fucked over 100 guys and enjoyed some alpha dick and if she wasn't a slut back in the days she will most likely run away as soon as she gets her sights on a more superior man. betas end up in almost sexless relationships with a slut that will get fat.
Brandon Anderson
I would not be surprised if she divorces him some day and gets custody for his child while scoring some good alimony and child support money
Elijah Russell
Smell, social status, intelligence which would usually manifest in wit/humor in a small talk conversation, knowlege etc, selfesteem is also working since it would be a cumulation of other traits manifesting.
"Mental stuff" is also mainly gene related but also amplified through a certain environment. To clarify: Having good physical genes do not neccessarily imply high intelligence.
Lucas Mitchell
Unlikely, the grinch and his grinchess have a good connection i would assume.
Ryan Baker
It's an instinctive behavior, they don't have to understand it, they sense it.
Even dogs do a similar thing, small dogs try to piss-mark as high as possible so the bitch in heat will follow his tracks because she thinks he's a big dog, that will higher his chances to fuck since the bitch prefers to reproduce with a big dog.
Jose Gray
most women are not well known to fuck a guy for being intelligent
Adam Brown
Depends on how you put that intelligence to use, most likely this is done through personality.
Gabriel Thomas
that explains why girls put "don't message me if you're under 6 ft" on their tinder
Hudson Thomas
muh pickup skills
Liam Harris
I dont use tinder, and even a mediocre cunt on soical media gets the impression to be a queen since the dicks use the "big numbers" principle. And many dicks using the big numbers principle results in many cunts thinking they can get many dicks. That is why they preselect.
I m not really into the pickup stuff, i just use basic principles.
Ryan Scott
can you elaborate on that?
Isaiah Gomez
I talk how i see that fit, but i will also "scan" the environment i m in. Do not be a cuntsoldier which means if she wants something from you you do not give it to her other than having an interest in it yourself. Also know when boobanimals want to test you, do not fall for it. Once a high value boobanimal likes you the other animals will sense that and will also like you for that, or any boobanimal for that matter. Women have a different selection process than men do, so i keep that in the back of my head. So if you have a good status in the group it will also help you. So i just go with the flow and once a boobanimal does boobanimal stuff i just circumvent it so to say.
Robert Price
but what about men suffering from autism etc. which can be related to genes and causes them to lack social skills?
Thomas Jones
Cameron Sanchez
meep meep I wanna fuck the one on on the far right tbh no homo
Joshua Taylor
Thomas Anderson
yeah it is a mother fucker. I am constantly getting attention and I put no effort into my appearance. When I met a new group of friend I always get a look from a guy like, "I've been working hard and doing nice things and working out and you just waltz in her and get it easy?" and what can I say to that? I have cucked and been cucked. They like facial hair sometimes.
Gavin Murphy
An that "sense" is wrong, see this please:
Btw, the dog with more marks is the white dog, from Filipinas to Russia, basically all the world was white and was the white man the one that forced blacks outside Africa, white women liking black men its artificial, ban welfare or wait untill America collapse (i am talking about cycles and history, not memes) dress get a few inches, all kids look like dad, chads get death penalty and nigs just die like they are doing right now in Africa, the problem is the genetic pool, every cycle is darker.
They are germans with some asian and black blood doing inbreeding for centuries.
Ask my ex wife.
Michael Hall
Most bikers are autists that did a lot of heavy weight and roids, most sailors used autism powers to conquer the world in ancient times and thanks to aspies you can shitpost in the internet.
Seriously, all males with 99 or less iq must be castrated and all females 80 or less too.
Jace Cruz
homosexuals pls go
the measure of a female's value is her physical attractiveness, IQ in women is irrelevant. just take their rights away and you've solved most of the world's problems.
Justin Torres
i was saying that men with autism lack social skills I never doubted that they are intelligent
Carter Rodriguez
Women should either 1; be brought up to men's level through eugenic practices so that men can actually get good ideas into their thick skulls or 2; be put down to mere objects through artificial wombs. Society cannot function with them at the level they are right now though, and no amount of traditionalism or matriarchy can solve the inherent problems women have with logic and reason.
Oliver Peterson
Then i will stay here because i am hetero, ask my ex wife, now to the point, so downies are ok to breed? guetto nigs? white trash?
"Social skillz" according to our media are just the ability of being a con, nothing else, thats my point, mongols breed a lot, almost all China is Gengis bastards, was Gengis the most charismatic man ever? In ancient times cons were executed in public places with women forced to saw that, fun fact, muslims still do that.
Homosexual please, its a cultural marxism problem, christianity forged a Europe capable of conquering the planet and the moon.
Logan Turner
You have zero source. Women have not and do not chose men with "good genes". If this was true then STI/STD's would not even be a problem and many people would not have medical problems. More people today have life altering medical problems that they must take medications to treat. Every "Alpha Chad" I've met today takes some forum of drug and supplement to help him throughout his day. Most "Alpha" men also have been putting out more and more Autistic children since "betas" don't breed. How can a "beta" be a "cuck" if he has no kids and is a Virgin with no GF. The only thing he can be is a white knight.
He has a point. This is why the media and movies push "Alpha" males. In reality they make societies fail. Look in a history book on civilizations and you will soon discover that when "Alpha" cads run around fucking everything the civilization degrades into African levels.
Most men are being pushed to be Alpha-Cucks today. They are also being driven to be bie. The amount of "Alpha's" i see turn into total cucks when they get older is a big problem. If the Alpha has a daughter then she will become a slutt. He also spoils her so much that they end up like modern women today. If you want to know why women are shit today look at her family and you will see her "Alpha" dad and slutt mother is to blame. The few Beta's I've met that have a family "They got a foreign wife" have a good family and great kids. Tell this to any women thats a slutt or any modern women and watch how much they attack you.
Grayson Moore
/thread to be quite honest
Samuel Taylor
"Cultural Marxism" doesn't exist. Reminder; modern feminism is a byproduct of capitalist identity politics and female nature.
Joseph Harris
Benjamin Rivera
I was calling him stupid for thinking niggers are Alpha for reason and it is 3DPD are the ones that pull civilizations to African levels if you just leave the niggers alone, and take away their welfare, yeah, they won't be as well off as whites, but they won't go batshit, and the destroy civilization they are in.
Daniel Mitchell
There are plenty of betas in relationships but they are never happy in one, they will have miserable female partners that had lots of kinky sex in the past but won't fuck them and become fat and probably cheat on them as well. In the worst case they will get him to impregnate her and then cut him off leaving him to pay child support, alimony and all that shit.
In the future there will be polyamory and women will put betas in an open relationship and cuck the shit out of them getting the chad dick and they will call this "progressive"
Christian Russell
Not that goy, it happens in every specie with sexual reproduction, why not in humans? everything else can be related with /k/r strategies or cultural marxism, our way of reproduction arent natural anymore.
Nope, its just a name like everything else in your mind, if you can get its meaning then its a proper term and the Frankfurt school, the same releasing Stalin and Lenin, was more related to jews that capitalism.
Check your quote please.
Christopher Stewart
I meant to quote this one here:
Jason Gray
Hm…. Yup. It all adds up now.
William Wilson
Not in Russia, Asia or America ( i am talking about the times of titanic) and its about names, nobody can name them ever, the enemy of the people is capitalists, bankers, communists, christians, but them? never, every time they use a scapegoat that they put in the front of everyone, but every time the genetic pool is darker, why? blacks dont have the capacity of doing a decent army and revolt.
Dominic Reed
The point is people are pushing "Alpha" levels of niggerish behavior. If you look through a history book you will see many civilizations held back when most of their men only thought about sexual gains.
This will most likely happen and it is why the system being promoted now must end. But the terms "Alpha" and "Beta" are being misrepresented.
You need to research into how many extensions this planet has had. Many species cannot breed their way out of this, even if they select the best genes. This is because courting is visual in our species and the ones you are talking about. They have done studies by infecting animals that "look healthy" and females still selected them. Of course they aborted and offspring. Also, anything can be secretively controlled in breeding. People do it all the time in dogs and cats. It's even being done today in humans, think about it.
Henry Davis
Remember my words, they will name themselves openly for a global aristocracy (we are living in one, but not open) once everyone is a mix between han chinks and congoid niggers.
Carson Miller
Spotted the failed chad
Jaxon Cruz
okay, 3DPD are one making it so tho
found the idiot
Owen Gray
Then my point is correct, we are not super gene selectors, that isnt real, not even american scifi or nip harem porn is capable of showing that, women do what they can with what they have, again, thanks for showing that my point is correct.
Carson Taylor
Yes, we cannot select the correct healthy genes to breed with unless we do genetic tests before we have children. But most of the time and in todays world we are opportunist. I don't know what user you think I am but i never said we "are super gene selectors naturally" we are not. But we do have the technology today to find and breed with the best genes. This is why i push surrogacy for any man wanting a healthy child since the women in those programs are screened for health and mental issues.
Ryan Myers
For the most part its jealousy if they sense it. Or it could be their alpha slutty instincts kick in and they just want to fuck you so the other girl cant have you.
Luke Sullivan
I want to fuck those drawings
Daniel Murphy
Ok im not trying to be mean i just get triggered when i read or hear "bro"
Ryan Wood
I am triggered by you getting triggered. it is my trigger
Dominic Price
Exactly turn them into slaves again tbh
Jaxon Edwards
women are like gene dogs and they can smell superior genes. is this what you're saying user? why not use this (((revelation))) as advantage for human race as whole also blacks proven to be superior to whites
James Campbell
yeah, have a lower IQ does sound superior fucking cucks
Liam Torres
black cock is what women want
Gabriel Flores
It's not about IQ for the Alpha-Chad media push, It's just about being Fake and looking Fake.
Joseph Foster
money is what 3DPD want if niggers only have their dicks going for them, then dildos already have them BTFO
sure, most of what media is looking fake
Michael Smith
They want status, you don't have to have a dime as long as your the "IN" look or the IN thing at the time you will attract 3DPD. If you stop keeping up with whats in at the time then your dumped. Right now Movies and Media are pushing "alpha-blacks" and other "Minorities".
Ayden Johnson
It's not about genes. Hence race-mixing.
It's about social currency.
Nicholas Walker
at the end of the day, 3DPD want to be taken care of. in the past that meant you have to alpha to get food and not die, and 3DPD wanted to use you to feed themselves and not die, now you just have to have money to get food, and not die. Yes the genes that are there to make sure 3DPD try for an alpha are still there, but as long as you aren't a cuck, and won't support the 3DPD if she cheats, then the 3DPD will stay with you and quell her urges, as long as someone with more money that is willing to support her doesn't come along. I am not saying trust her, don't ever trust a 3DPD. Hollywood is another story, they play and live by different rules then you or I do, and thus aren't reflective of what the world outside Hollywood is like.
Colton Wright
money doesn't mean food for females, they need money to buy those new Louis Vuitton bags and Levi's shirts, that's why they need money, to fulfill their dreams. They don't even think that a rich man is attractive, only the money is what they like, they just might use kinky sex to get that money, the genetically superior men are still those that make her wet and horny and it doesn't matter if those are bums or rich a female still gets into steamy sex with them. That's why so many millionaires get fucked over by gold digging females.
Colton Evans
you're an idiot if you think 3DPD don't care about money when looking for a male, but that isn't really my problem, none of this is, so good bye.
Henry Ortiz
Blake Young
Owen Cruz
Listen you faggot, I never said that they don't care about money, I said that they don't think that a man is attractive just because of money. Of course they fuck any rich guy for his money so they can fulfill their materialistic needs but still they don't think that he is attractive. I agree that if you are ugly you can still get pussy by having money but even if a female fucks with you it doesn't mean that they think that you are hot, they would never fuck with you if you were broke, so they choose to have sex with you because of the money and not because you make them wet.
A genetically superior man instead doesn't need money in order to fuck females because they think that he is attractive, they choose those males on tinder and fuck them because they like it.