The solution? As I said before, Copyright licenses (like any license) are freely revocable unless barred by estoppel. The GPL v2 lacks a no-revocation clause thus estoppel would be more difficult to argue (additonally none of the "agreeing parties" have ever met each other).
GrSecurity is a derivative work of the linux kernel, it is non-seperable: it wholly relies on the linux kernel source code to work.
The linux kernel is not under joint copyright, it is simply a collection of derivative work upon derivative work.
The solution is for one or many of the rightsholders to the code GRSecurity is derived from/ modifies to rescind Brad Spengler's license to use or modify their code.
Brad no longer contributes to us. This is his stab at us all. Stab back.
Addionally there were third parties who contributed to the GRSecurity code base when it was publically distributed.
Brad Spengler prevents a private purchaser from redistributing the sourcecode via contract clauses between him and they: thus willfully frustrating the purpose of the license HE was granted by the linux kernel rightsholders. This is another reason a court may find him in violation of the license grant of the GPL. As we discussed previously.
Also Brad Spengler threatens others with lawsuit in a nearly transparent attempt to get them to stop porting over the work:
So I tried the MikeeUSA game "RPG1". So confusing! I got stuck and didn't know wtf to do. I'm thinking there is a bug in there. Crossfire looks nice and comfy. Might give that a shot. Anyway I'm OpenBSD user, so don't care about Brad, except to say he's very angry at OpenBSD team for some reason. Oh well, not my problem. Time for games! XDDDDD
Time to go to truly secure software like the divine-intellect operating system TempleOS. Remember ring protection faults never happen, that's a myth.
Robert Nelson
Just use the last testing patch until the kernel it goes with becomes obsoulete in 2019.
Xavier Flores
Poke around, you can read some txt files from other users on that terminal, which might have info on the passcodes to the doors. You can also search around for bombs, which can destroy glass windows... which can get you through to the next corridor. Be careful though: if you detonate a bomb (b) in a confined hallway you'll feel the heat.
Kayden Lee
Problem is these patches, somehow, only work with exactly the kernel they're diffed from, so if you want new hardware support, you're out of luck. Guess that's what happens with one huge monolith.
Also they're violating the agreement, also they call their work an "original work" while it's a derivative work. That's like me saying Chaos Esque Anthology or Crossfire-Extended is somehow an "original" work of mine (they are derivative).
..Atleast I have some originals tho (RPG1, gpcslots1, gpcslots2, music, etc)
Spengler is threatening others with legal action when he is intentionally frustrating the purpose of the agreement that allows him to modify the linux kernel in the first place. (A court would likely find him in violation of the agreement).
haven't received anything back more than an automated reply. Likewise internet troll mikeeusa -- I have been trying since June 3rd of last
Seems he's abit steamed about my emails and articles from last year still and the discussions those wrought. Funny seeing my nickname just appear. Also I wonder why lay people think that since they have any idea about what the law is* thus it must be that, and I am just some stoopid dumb troll who doesn't know jack-shit?
*(It's always proud gritty white men who hate the thought of men marrying female children and thus not giving advantage to white-goddess-wuuuman-U-CANT-HANDLE-HER!!, who believe that whatever they come up with is what the law must be, oh and the law is a genie that just follows the narrowest definition of a word, and judges apparently can't figure-out the purpose of a scheme)
I bet he wants money to attract adult roastie whores. He's mad people don't pay him for a hobby. He hate's the idea of man + lolis so thus violates Deuteronomy 22, 28-29 (hebrew), along with various others. He's a normie good boy.
Connor Jackson
Have you tried GPCslots2 and Chaos-Esque Anthology (a modification of Xonotic)?
Aaron Anderson
They should take over the project and keep it going forward. It's clear Brad Spengler and "Pax Team" (whatever guy that is) are done. Packing it in. No more of this opensource bulllllshitt.
They're half way through their 30's, they want to drown in 30+ year old american gash like proud gritty AMERICAN (Co is registered in Pennsylvania (what idiot does not reg in Delaware? or Utah atleast? (Though the D also allows undisclosed boards now too IIRC)) WHITE _MEN_ (BETTER A MILLSTONE FOR YOU PEDDDOOOSSSSSS) etc.
Benjamin Martinez
Adding "MikeeUSA" to my filter list under "Fagioli"
Aaron Bailey
If you want to talk technology, fine. But if you must spread your mental illness go to Holla Forums
Jeremiah Edwards
Wait, is that the same Brad Spengler from lolbertarian circles who was arrested for molesting his daughter?
Xavier Cox
The quick rundown:
GRSecurity goes full commercial, no more free patches, threatens programmer trying to port.
Brad Spengler prevents a private purchaser from redistributing the sourcecode via contract clauses between him and they: thus willfully frustrating the purpose of the license HE was granted by the linux kernel rightsholders. This is another reason a court may find him in violation of the license grant of the GPL. As we discussed previously. (See: ****)
Also Brad Spengler threatens others with lawsuit in a nearly transparent attempt to get them to stop porting over the work:
Here Brad Spengler threatens a copyright infringement lawsuit regarding his non-original wholly-derivative work. (An original work stands alone). This while he threatens those paying customers who might redistribute the work (see: **** below).
Note: Copyright licenses (like any license to use the property of another (copyright is freely alienable in the same way real property is)) are freely revocable unless barred by estoppel. The GPL v2 lacks a no-revocation clause thus estoppel would be more difficult to argue (additonally none of the "agreeing parties" have ever met each other).
Note2: GrSecurity is a derivative work of the linux kernel, it is non-seperable: it wholly relies on the linux kernel source code to work. Courts in both the US and Germany have reaffirmed that if a work based on another work cannot stand alone it is clearly a derivative work. (See the Anime Subtitles case from a few years ago) (See page 6 of the phoronix discussion at *2 for a review)
Note3:The linux kernel is not under joint copyright, it is simply a collection of derivative work upon derivative work.
A simple solution is for one or many of the rightsholders to the code GRSecurity is derived from/ modifies to rescind Brad Spengler's license to use or modify their code.
Christopher Wood
Additionally copyright violation claims can be filed as Brad Spengler has reportedly attempted to frustrate the purpose of the agreement that allows him to modify the linux kernel in the first place; placing additional restrictions to prevent redistribution of the sourcecode (a court would not be fooled by such a scheme).
(Addionally there were third parties who contributed to the GRSecurity code base when it was publically distributed.)
Other snippets from (*5) include Mr Spengler's unhappiness with the publication of his scheme and RMS's opinion of it:
(****) GRsecurity is preventing others from employing their rights under version 2 the GPL to redistribute (by threatening them with a non-renewal of a contract to recive this patch to the linux kernel.) (GRsecurity is a derivative work of the linux kernel (it is a patch))
People who have dealt with them have attested to this fact: andi "You will also lose the access to the patches in the form of grsec not renewing the contract. Also they've asked us (a Russian hosting company) for $17000+ a year for access their stable patches. $17k is quite a lot for us. A question about negotiating a lower price was completely ignored. Twice." -- fbt2lurker
And it is suggested to be the case here aswell: "Do you work for some company that pays for Grsecurity? If so then would you kindly excersise the rights given to you by GPL and send me a tarball of all the latest patches and releases?" -- lolidaisuki "sadly (for this case) no, i work in a human rights organization where we get the patches by a friendly and richer 3rd party of the same field. we made the compromise to that 3rd party to not distribute the patches outside and as we deal with some critical situations i cannot afford to compromise that even for the sake of gpl :/ the "dumber" version for unstable patches will make a big problem for several projects, i would keep an eye on them. this situation cannot be hold for a long time" -- disturbio
Kayden Taylor
Why, faggot, don't like pretty young girls you white gritty MURICAN piece of shit?
Go FUCK yourself normie pro-women's rights piece of shit.
Brad Spengler "rips off" linux kernel using it as a base to make his secure system.
Then threatens to sue those trying to fold the changes back into linux kernel and "ripping off" his work.
IE: I can benefit from the GPL... but after 15 years... I'm done with letting you benefit in-turn.
Clear contempt for the agreement.
Nicholas Russell
Make sure to read the readme of the Crossfire-Extended. It requires compiling in the ancient python (that's on the download sections) so the game scripts work. It gets compiled into the game, but you got to put it in the right spot etc.
Charles Wilson
Thoughts on grsecurity and what they're doing?
Josiah Perez
disgusting tbh
Mason Ross
It's been some time, but think I got lost after falling down a hole into a room flooded with water or something. Couldn't find any exit from there. Maybe there was a way out but I missed it. Haven't tried the other stuff. The slots game looks cool though. I once tried vanilla Crossfire (whatever came with my package manager) but the server was all empty except for me, so dunno if anyone plays that still.
Austin Hernandez
Connor Brooks
You need to find the capped staff so you can prop yourself up when you break your leg iirc falling down a drain, then you can walk to the switch and actuate it.
The capped staff is in the 1st room, but is only found on if you stay in for a few turns (enter).
According to reddit, Brad Spengler doesn't even use linux anymore: he uses win 7:
Nope, normie is from r9k on 4chan (which isn't full of white-knight anti-pedo nazi fucks like here), faggot.
Easton Campbell
Does Intel's chipset backdoors (IM) and AMD's chipset backdoors make GRSec effectively snake oil either way?
Building a cathedral on quicksand...
Robert Anderson
I'm just kind of curious what Alpine is going to do. 3.6 still has it, although they renamed the version of the kernel that includes grsec from linux-grsec to linux-hardened in preparation for some future version that may lack it or have something else.
I like having grsec on my servers but grsecurity are acting like fucktards.
Eli White
the chinks who ripped him off will now just use the forked patchsets congratulations on achieving fucking nothing, spender
Dylan Butler
Normie and normalfag are fucking cancer only used by retards trying way too hard to be special on an anonymous image board, like you're doing right now by thinking anybody fucking cares about you supposedly being a pedo. You aren't a special snowflake, try killing yourself if you want to be one.
Why doesn't OSI sue them for trademark infringement? It is possible that a customer could confuse the benevolence of the Open Source Initiative with the cool calculated commercialism of this Open Source Security.
Now that grsecurity is no longer public, it can hardly be called Open Source. Open Source denotes public Open distributon. I think a case could perhaps be made. OSI had their trademark first.
Adam Clark
Why are you libeling me? I never claimed to be a pedo. I said that this website is filled with nazis who worship white women and who hate pedos.
Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 18-19, in hebrew explicitly states that men who rape female children who are in their father's house keep said girl as a woman of his and pay the father 50 silver.
You hate such an idea, and you hate the God of the Jews.
Also you cannot comprehend simple statments because you are cattle with muh white ADULT WUIIIMMAAAANNNN as your ba'al (master: what the man is supposed to be, but whites reject)
Elijah Peterson
He ripped off the linux kernel.
That's what Open Source, Libre, Free Sofware is about. We work together to build what we want, and anyone that want's to have a piece and build from it must sacrifice their labor to us as payment.
Very simple concept.
Also known as "Software Communism" (SC) or "Copyleft" or "Software Socialism" (SS - 8 chan nazis should like that one)
Juan Perry
Shut the fuck up, normie anti-marry-girls white knight nationalist piece of shit.
Just the fact that I develop ChaosEsque rather than slaving away for some boss like you (so you can pay your "wonderful" wife and fuck her when SHE should choose) already makes me a "special snowflake".
You're just a normal piece of shit.
Jacob Gray
Good for the Chinks.**
American white men are fat lard-asses that: 1) love the phrase "Better a Millstone" 2) feel pride in being "civillized" to (white) women and holding women on a pedestal 3) strive to make sure women have advantage and any possible disadvantage is outlawed 4) are estatic when "uncivillized" "pedo" cultures are bombed into the stone age.
Gritty, Independent, Proud, AMERICAN white men are golems of white women. Their beliefs and actions are controlled by said women and their idol English-Language-Jesus.
It's good when their businesses are destroyed: they're only money funnels to the white American rostie whores.
(**I wish the Japanese would do it too.)
Ethan Ramirez
Why the fuck can't Linus just make a kernel that doesn't need shit like grsecurity in order to be non-shit?
Luke Bennett
MikeeeUSA, as a fedora-fag, let me express how much of a fan I am of your work. Master coding and master trollolollery sir, you are a virtuoso! Well done!
Justin Lewis
Oh no oh fuck no fuck no Mods please ban him for fucks sake please. Not again
Michael Johnson
he uses tor which is why when tor was broken for a long period of time we were rid of him until it got fixed
Hunter Long
I thought he gave up after getting repeatedly banned, but I guess I underestimated his vast autism.
Brayden Lopez
Many thanks.
BTW: If there are any buildings you would like created for the city generation system in Chaos-Esque post a picture (and perhaps of the inside too so I can figure out an interior schematic).
Lincoln Nelson
I have never been banned from anywhere, ... so far atleast as I can tell.
But intent does not equal success, another thing you seem to not understand. (And yes, sure you /could/ ///easily/// have done the opensource videogame work (code, 3d modeling, architecture) I've done.... but you have not)
William Ross
It was more of not wanting to bother posting to /lv/ when Holla Forums decided they hated men who like young girls. When Holla Forums became HPV16 and HPV18 infested cunt sucking normies (that's what you get for fucking roastie whores: cancer).
Ayden Williams
Please grow some self-awareness and off yourself already Mikee
Christian Rogers
From my perspective I have never been banished from anywhere as even if a banishment was desired, it was ineffectual.
Daniel Harris
Thoughts on grsecurity's way of living life?
Carson Fisher
So let's say someone buys a license for his Linux patch. They give him $17K or whatever it is (one time? yearly?) and then they have diff that presumably can be used to patch the latest stable kernel to make it more secure. But how do you actually verify that what you're paying for is legit? What if there's cianigger backdoors, or just plain stupid bugs or other flaws? Unless you're a kernel hacker, you now have to hire someone competent that you trust to audit this code. So that's more time and money spent. But if you have this trustworthy competent guy already, what's to stop you from hiring him to just update old GrSec patch every time a new Linux kernel is released, so that it merges correctly? Then you have your own patch that nobody else knows about, and it costs less overall. It seems like the whole story is an excercise for GrSec to shoot themselves in the foot. Some of their old users are bound to jump to OpenBSD or other alternative.
Cooper Lee
Even more evidence that the use of "normie" or "normalfag" is only used by cancerous redditfags trying way to hard to fit in on an anonymous imageboard.
Ethan Watson
Did systemd do this?
GNU/systemd Don't call it a grave, it's the future you choose.
Spengler noted that he no longer uses linux because it is not configurable as it once was and "a daemon goes around and automatically changes your settings anyway".
Now linux is just a potential profit centre for him, not the hobby it once was.
Thank you Mr Poettering?
Joseph Butler
It's called "paragraphs" and "not a wall of text" you fucking retard. Go through any of my posts anywhere on the internet, including before reedit existed, and you will see the same format.
Oh my, the list isn't in "reedit spacing"
Alexander Ramirez
Just another way for a windows 7 user to fuck us over.
David Gomez
What are your feelings on this occurrence?
Caleb Rivera
Except paragraphs are typed with three sentences minimum with each paragraph having one line of separation, no breaks between the two, and each paragraph beginning indented. You aren't using paragraphs you're just using shitty formatting, like a redditfag does.
Caleb Murphy
This entire thread is seriously a fucking mess Mikee. Nobody knows what the fuck you're trying to say. I'm more disappointed than anything else but for the love of God please actually try to improve yourself and be a decent person, take a hint nobody likes your schizophrenic posting style.
Aaron Howard
Good luck
Daniel Smith
Alexander Peterson
No. I do not love your Jesus God. I like the God seen in Deuteronomy.
Austin Wilson
If I'm a skizo, how is it that I have a law degree etc, program, make music, etc?
What do you have?
Parker Gonzalez
You don't know what is a schizo. protip: they can hold university degrees and make music
Levi Hall
Explain your definition of a skitzo.
I don't hear voices, don't have split personalities.
Your definition seems to be "A mmmaaallleee that does not proudly follow the Correct White Path of supplication to women and utter disdain for cute young girls as such would be disadvantageous to women"
IE: "Someone who likes what I forbid them to like"
Ofcourse, you will not explain yourself because you have no argument and I am correct.
You fucking normie piece of shit.
Adam Cooper
*"A mmmaaallleee that does not proudly follow the Correct White Path of supplication to women and utter disdain for cute young girls as (to have any other opinion of) such (girls) would be disadvantageous to (adult) women"
BTW, what is your fucking problem with me? How about you just fuck the fuck off from my threads you fucking normie anti-marry-girl-children anti-old-testament-God piece of fucking shit?
Sound like a plan you normie piece of garbage?
Noah Martinez
Any project catching the passed baton?
Gabriel Rogers
The license grant the Linux Kernel is distributed under disallows the imposition of additional terms. The making of an understanding that the derivative work must not be redistributed (lest there be retaliation) is the imposition of an additional term. The communication of this threat is the moment that GRSecurity violates the license grant. Thence-forth modification, making of derivative works, and distribution of such is a violation of the Copyright statute. The concoction of the transparent scheme shows that it is a willful violation, one taken in full knowledge by GRSecurity of the intention of the original grantor.
Jaxson White
that title gave me cancer; non-public =/= commercial.
what the fuck are you on about? They're using the GPLv2, so it's open source. Refusing to distribute your software for free doesn't magically make it non-open-source (or non-free). The only real issue i am curious about is whether their agreement that terminates your access to future versions is plausible.
Imagine it as them charging $17000 per patch and renewing your access free of charge if you choose not to share. Is it still an additional condition or just a nice bonus? That's the crux of the matter.