When is Seinfeld going down? He's a creepy dude who dated a 17 year old girl when he was 39.
When is Seinfeld going down? He's a creepy dude who dated a 17 year old girl when he was 39
>implying the (((tribe))) won't protect him
maybe it was normal back then?
It would be good for him to suffer but his 'offence' is next to nothing. We should not fuel the fury of furry fanny feminists by helping them expand their problem glasses stare across any relationship they deem 'abusive'.
Fuck off pedo apologist.
t. retard
There are millions of people who are this stupid that they believe:
- the media definition and breadth of pedophilia
- an age gap of more than two years is scandalous
- teenagers are children
- the age of consent is an unquestionable truth which releases the younger party from any responsibility for their actions, while still advocating for their voting rights as 'informed younger persons'
all me
t. me (you (me))
It's been normal for all of human history. And it still is.
nothing wrong to have gf of any age tbh
love is love
I'm a 22-yo going out with a 13-yo girl. We just don't see what the problem is. There's nothing sexual between us, we just really enjoy hanging out together, and love being in each others' company. We spend a lot of time together with her family, and they accept us just fine - they can see how we care for each other is very real. We appreciate other people don't understand the depth and joy of our relationship… my gf is short enough that we get weird looks when we're out together in public. I think 5'2" is pretty tall for a 13 year old, though. Fuckin' normies. Leave us alone - we're all happy - isn't that all that matters?
Speaking of comedians, I'm ready for Louis CK to be charged with raping his daughters. He had a lot of creepy jokes about their vaginas.
note to self when president: make joking criminal offence
i agree that there is nothing wrong with dating a17 yo, but a politician in oklahoma is gonna be going to jail for at least 10 years and maybe the rest of his life because he was caught with a 17 yo in his hotel room
i think thats a grievous injustice, but if thats how the law works why arent we putting this jew away too?
All politicians should be locked up anyways
17 is legal
this is americucked
As a millenial, it simply amazes me that this was ever considered acceptable in any regard. Women have put up with a lot of BS. I mean, we still have to, but back in the day it was like a million times worse.
Thank God things are changing.
know the rules, whore…
Remember that episode of Seinfeld where George and Jerry stare at a 15 year old's cleavage?
Something is up with Seinfeld.
What are you, gay?
Stinky yid or not, i don't see any problem with somebody dating a woman above the age of 12
Because white people were lazy and allowed jews to run the country. There is no way jews are going to jail their won people and dont pity this politian
*their own people
Absolutely disgusting. I just deleted all my pirate Seinfeld episodes.
He is not the type that gropes women or asks if he can jerk off in front of them. He's the type that holds them captive in his hidden basement dungeon.
Wow so I guess there aren't any based jews after all.
17 is legal in New York.
You know who else dated a 17-year-old from New York when he was older? John Walsh, of America's Most Wanted.
It doesn't matter if it's legal or not. It's creepy as fuck.
yeah, but it's something 95% of society think is fucked up
If, by society, you mean "Burgerland," then I'm afraid your sights are set quite narrow.
I dated a girl in her mid 20's once when I was pushing 50 and felt super weird about walking down the street holding hands with her. That said, I wouldn't hesitate to wreck a legal teenage girl's fuck hole when given the chance.
Come to think of it, I met with a 19 yo prostitute once who looked easily like she could be 17 in a restaurant before heading back to my motel room and I felt super weird about that also.
It looks like his daughter…
Grandpa get out of 8ch. Go oil your hip replacement.
Come at me you little faggot.
Don't forget to change your catheter bag.
95% of men would fuck 17-year-olds if they had the option, roastie.
big if true
95% of men would. problem is, unless they're rapists, 95% of 17 yo girls don't want anything to do with older men
and how do you know this? Are you a 17yo girl?
silly boys don't hit on me :3
lil jew, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to
absolutely checked
can confirm
t. older man
Once knew a 14 yo that flirted with me but I was too smart hesitant and she ended up getting caught with two 40-yo guys at a park and their lives are probably over. Explain yourself.
#MeToo ==Holla Forums version==
Holla Forums version
I can see two big arguments for that relationship.
confirmed, only loop hole i can think of would be showing her your bitcoin wallet and convincing her it will be worth billions someday
t. older poor man
I always like how nearly brain dead leftists or any other faction for that matter would call a sexual relationship to a postpubescent girl pedophilia.
The age of consent varies highly in different countries, so the matter isnt "pedophilia" but rather the line of jurisdiction or culture for that matter.
consent is consent. if she can consent, then it's none of your goddamn business who she gives that consent to. fuck off moralfag
Consent isnt always consent, in the german jurisdiction sexual intercourse with a 14year old is legal if the relationship doesnt involve any elements that could be interpreted as abusive. 16 is always legal, but as in the variety of life and experience 16 year olds might be more mature than for example 20 something university students in murica.
So the main topic is the legal red line, it doesnt fit every situation perfectly but usually it is there to give a certain security.
So i was wandering around on the internet and found out people make a big fuzz out of an 18year old having a relationship with a 15year old, which is the most normal fucking thing since females reach maturity sooner than males do. But apperently an 18year old is a pedophile once he feels attracted to a female that has the same physical and mental development.
i was around 25yo when i was flirting with a 15yo one time. We really hit it off. She was really cute but i didn't know her age at the time. I had just come from the dentist and was getting a haircut at the mall. she was waiting for a specific hairdresser and we started chatting while sitting down in the chairs.
she was super cute and we obviously had chemistry. i even gave her my number and she giddily put it into her phone. then we scooted our chairs together so we could flirt a bit more and that is about when her old ass fucking mom came and started making a fuss. she did the usual
to which I just shrugged off. I said we were just talking. So her mom went to go pay and we kept flirting. The 15yo was obviously into me. Could have fucked her that night if I really wanted to. We kept talking and I said we should "hang out" to which the young girl replied
I said if she wants to call it that. I didn't mind. So I guess the mom overheard "date" while at the register and she came storming up towards my face and cussed me out. I told her there is nothing wrong/illegal with hanging out with my new friend. We were just new friends wanting to see each other again. You could tell the mom was super pissed. Took her daughter's phone and deleted my number.
As the mom was storming out of the haircut shop the young girl was going SUPER SLOW. Like half-walking while trailing behind her mom. Then her mom went through the exit and she just stood there for a few seconds looking back at me. In the frame of the doorway. Then I could hear her mom shouting
Then she scooted off in a hurry to catch up to her mom. I had really wished I pushed the envelope and asked for her number instead of giving her my number. I felt it was less agressive if i let her decide to call me. Cuz then I would know she wanted to talk to me herself.
As odd as it would sound we bonded over Paul Blart, the movie, as we had just both recently seen it and were laughing and joking over it. She even had her hand on my thigh a few times. Then we talked about favorite ice cream flavors and then we talked about how she wanted to cut her hair (super long) but didn't know what to get. So I said i'd take her to a better place next time (when we get together) and i'll have her talk with an actual stylist in a salon. She really liked that idea. Then we started flirting for a few minutes before obviously you know how the story ended
I remember telling a female coworker about this (she is in her 50s) about a week after it happened and she told me that 10 years age difference seems like a lot when she is 15 but her husband is 13 years older than she is and it really isn't a big deal like many people make it out to be. Love is love who cares what people say. I think a lot of the older generation of females (45+?) really understand that older men with teenage girls is pretty much always been the norm.
I have an aunt who is 40 and her husband is 60. 20 year age difference. she was a 19yo single mother when she met my uncle who was 39 at the time at a party.
Faggotry isn't always faggotry.
Facts aren't always facts.
Blue isn't always blue.
Germany isn't always Germany.
Gender isn't always gender.
Pedophilia isn't always pedophilia.
Shitposting isn't always shitposting.
checking these dubs user. well said
I m not talking about 20year old brats that get drunk fuck with a beta and then regret it to claim those rape tokens. Bit more nuanced.
nigger I'm still trying to wrap my mind around "consent isn't always consent" what the fuck does that mean. a thing cannot not be itself.
Means that a 15year old may consent but their consent is made due to their retarded brains (not fully developed). That is what i meant by this. Now from case to case this might vary.
The SJW shit you see is just bending this to absurdity, but that doesnt mean (because these people are retarded) that there is a difference involving minors.
Eh, seventeen.
Would fuck her nevertheless, has huge tits and a pretty face.
user, this is exactly the reason why age of consent laws exist. if the age of consent is 15, then that society has determined that 15 is old enough and mature enough that they are NOT retarded and their brains are developed enough to decide for themselves. consent is consent, and retarded (you) is retarded
I m rather arguing about people calling intercourse with postpubescent girls pedophila, nigger.
17 is legal in my state too. In some states 16 is legal. Not very smart, but legal.
you were doing a terrible job of arguing that. yes, burgerland is retarded and fully kiked in that respect.
Nobody gives a shit on the Republican side because women all know their place. There's a reason the statue of limitations exists, and it's because of filthy backstabbing whores such as yourself. It's been fun watch the Dems eat each other alive though. I'm confident nobody else cares.
Not that i give much shits about that anymore.
Nevada, an oasis of sanity in an ocean of dumbfuckery.
based and bolshy
Fuck off normalfag. If you are unable to consider the concept without immediately rejecting it you don't belong.
Age of consent laws exist because older women were jealous younger women got all the good men their age. It meant that if you didn't get a bf or if you fucked up your first relationship you were competing with prime pussy. Feminists did not like that so they pushed age of consent laws.
In the worst case he will fly to France or laws will be changed to protect jews.
This is a sad story. You and Natalie would have been so happy together if her stupid mom wasn't a retard along with her defective generation of feminazi cunts. There's a story right now on /n/ about Chinese feminists getting pissed at sexbots. The shit just doesn't stop. Honestly, I think feminism has broken the trust between the genders. I doubt gender relations will ever be repaired, and that's not good for the future of the species.