Islam and Dindu graphics

I like debating Islam with Islam apologists and Muslims, and I also like debating dindu IQ and violence with cucks. One of the best ways to reinforce my arguments, especially on Twitter due to the character limit, is by using infographics.

I'll use this thread to dump mine, and hopefully you Anons can contribute too. Also welcome are news articles, and links to studies, etc.


I really wish people would focus on ALL third world trash flooding into the west and not just a percentage of them.

It needs to be made clear that THE problem is mass third world immigration and low white birth rates.


A lot of third world trash is Muslim.







kek, I can always tell when someone is from here on twitter because they use this infograph



Want to trigger a goat fucker?







Get some genetics into your repertoire and memorize the names of a few studies and the abstract version of their conclusions.




