Why does leftypol get triggered so easily
AND SPAM Holla Forums ?
Communism so fragile
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getting exposed for who they are and we all know that truth hurts.
this tbh
Communism succs
Leftypol is gay pol
ur gay lol
bad shop. not enough roastbeef
It's totalitarian communism that failed in fact just like fascism who ended up with high corruption too. Democratic part of communism turned to left wing social democracy and made social advances that are being demolished now. In America it's nearer to someone like Bernie Sanders, but limitless campaign budgets help the rich to somewhat buy elections results
based and bolshy
all me
Nice tumblr memes lad, you go there often? I'm sure you do. Joking aside, communism by its very definition totalitarian. Have you read much Marx? What he advocates is the "dictatorship of the proletariat". And this is what literally every Communist country has ever been; Maoist China, Soviet Russia, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc etc etc… and in each instance, lots of people are killed or just starve to death. It's a flawed system, yet somehow people still pretend it's somehow viable; or claim it "wasn't real communism".
Grow up kiddo; get away from Holla Forums Holla Forums partisan politics and learn to formulate your own opinions, rather than grafting some easy-bake oven ideology into your soft skull.
pol pot was a based nazbol and he dindu nuffin wrong tbh
Jonestown was the most successful example of a communist society, because its people actually had the decency to all kill themselves
socialized suicides
fuck you
back to >>>Holla Forums with you, small guy
ugh ugly ass midget
Look at board……confirmed for being true
I fucking love that picture. My fantasy is that all attractive women have to show off their bodies when men want them to.
not new
take your meds
Cool story bro
What 'fascist' government was destroyed from the inside (like the USSR) rather than external armies?