Venezuela govt may seek to dissolve congress: spokesman
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Venezuela govt may seek to dissolve congress: spokesman
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Socialism leading to tyranny? Who would have thought?
How is Venezuela socialist?
they've nationalized a number of industries. they're not socialist in the strictest sense of the word, but they practice what has been known as 'socialism' for the past century.
socialism really has nothing to do with their problems, though. government has ruined the market by fixing prices on basic goods, making them unprofitable.
i was just shitposting. i figured someone from Holla Forums would have said it if i didnt.
I know a hardcore marxist leninist who fully supports the Bolivarian revolution.
he's like 65 or something, has been a commie since he was a teenager.
What gives man? How can you guys help me explain this… how can anyone be in such denial?
I agree user how can you be in such denial?
Wrong flag, jeez.
Now could you please help me answer the question? I'm legit speechless about it.
Could you please explain what denial you see?
I'm sure all the hoarding private businesses are doing hasn't effected the economy at all
Tell me, could you profit selling (let's say…) 1kg of cheese at 700 BsF? What about 6 months later, when everything is more expensive but the government hasn't raised the process for regulated products?
So, capitalism then.
Well, Maduro now has no choice except to either step down or institute a massive restructuring of the economic and political system.
How can a Marxist-lenninist support the bolivarian revolution when it's clearly the worst case of state capitalism ever.
how can it be not-socialism and still have socialists 100% behind it?
government has ruined the market == socialism
Don't see anything wrong here. :^)
da guberment doing stuff is socialism :DDD
This is more evidence that planned economies don't work.
People need to give up on trying to achieve Marxism and move towards market socialism.
Are you high?
At this point Maduro either needs to step down or begin a full on violent revolution against the capitalists
mexican stalin needs to nut up or shut up and start the revolution or step down
In the Democratic People's Republic of Congo Democratic?
Of course it is. See, nobody cares about your wet dreams, what actually matters is the policies you support. And all of you support any fatal intervention into the market by the state. If you say: "lol of course I support minimum wage rise, but that's not real socialism", I don't care about that second part. You are effectively supporting intervention into the market, wealth redistribution and other social-democratic policies of envy and resentment, rationalize it all you want.
you do realize that venezuela's failing because they rely on oil for it's economy
and oil prices are down
also sanctions from the USA aren't helpful as well
No, we support the annihilation of both.
Holla Forums capitalists don't understand economy, markets, etc. They're all amerifag "red scare" brainwashed commie-haters.
why do retards keep repeating this shit
it all started with the currency controls and expropiations. unexperienced people can't lead markets, but chávez put unexperienced people in everything that he expropiated and drove the companies to the ground. we had to rely on imported shit that was previously produced here.
currency controls made everything a pain in the ass, i don't think that i need to explain why.
why did inflation (and especially black market dollar prices) go up in Q3 2012, when oil prices were still around $100/barrel?
Look all I know is that it's wednesday here and people are already queing up for friday.
Socialism or not, it's shit and cannot be defended.
US imperialism claims another victim.
This is the last straw to socialist ideology. If it keeps failing masses lose trust. Something really needs to change about this.
As I said – that's irrelevant what you want in your wet dreams, in reality you will support any socdem left-of-centre interventions, while keeping your edgy whining ("this is social-fascism opportunism classcuckery revisionism and won't help the rotten corpse of capitalism-imperialism-cis-white-supremacy that will dissolve any day soon, but of course I support raising minimum wage!").
people in /r/socialism seem to agree with everything that chomsky says
what about Holla Forums?
Obama just put Maduro on notice.
same shit that they always say. there's nothing where the government and the opposition agree, "dialogue" won't lead to anything.
Why would I give a fuck about Brazil?
But at least Joe Blow can picture having a beer with ol' Barry
when does "dialogue" stop the government from using other powers (TSJ, CNE) as their "branches" and wiping its ass with the constitution? they even say that there's no medicine crisis in venezuela, and outright refuse to accept outside help, letting everyone in the country die.
While people on Holla Forums generally seem to like him they tend to be fairly critical of his politics. I'd say people prefer Zizek over Chomsky.
The only dialogue between a tyrant and a people happens before the firing squad.
Is it really a Coup when the guy leading is the Vice President? It obviously was backed by political alliances and corrupt party leaders but most of the populace support it now anyways. I wouldn't compare the two too much.
pretty much
the vice prez was from aon opposition party and all the media in brazil was pro coup, people only wanted it because they were told it was the best by their shitty media.
It wasn't
Read a book, nigger.
It never is user, it never is.
how does this shit happen
Maybe there should be an Acap version of this.
Also, what definition is he holding up?
seriously, where does "sanctions from the US" come from
do you faggots read telesur and rt all day? are you guys learning spanish by reading revolucionaldia, listening to maduro's speeches, and watching vtv?
suck my dick
Have you tried reading any of them?
Those sanctions only affect:
1. Antonio José Benavides Torres [Commander of the Central Integral Strategic Defense Region of the National Armed Forces, former Director of Operations for the National Guard; born June 13, 1961]
2. Gustavo Enrique González López [Director General of the National Intelligence Service and President of the Strategic Center of Security and Protection of the Homeland; born November 2, 1960]
3. Justo José Noguera Pietri [President of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana, former General Commander of the National Guard; born March 15, 1961]
4. Katherine Nayarith Haringhton Padron [National Level Prosecutor of the 20th District Office of the Public Ministry; born December 5, 1971]
5. Manuel Eduardo Pérez Urdaneta [Director of the National Police; born May 26, 1962]
6. Manuel Gregorio Bernal Martínez [Chief of the 31st Armored Brigade of Caracas, former Director General of the National Intelligence Service; born July 12, 1965]
7. Miguel Alcides Vivas Landino [Inspector General of the National Armed Forces, former Commander of the Andes Integral Strategic Defense Region of the National Armed Forces; born July 8, 1961]
There will never be real socialism.
Pick one.
Is Somalia real capitalism?
Possibly. But for Somalia you have Qatar, Singapure, Saudi Arabia, all European countries, etc.
Both sucesses and failures exist in Capitalism for a long while.
We have been waiting for 2 centuries now for first communist sucess. Even with millions killed each it time, it never works.
good, fuck em'. I don't give a shit about appeasing classcucked liberals. Their so called "democracy" is a farce.
Yes. It's real AnCrap as practiced by Somalis.
How can an oil nation go broke. Money is literally coming out of the ground through thousands of tiny drilled holes.
Because global oil prices are falling retard.
it's not that simple
Opinion article
"Venezuela’s democratic façade has completely crumbled"
Jesus Christ
Do you even know what the CNE is?
He definitely won the elections, nobody is questioning that. What people complain about is shady tactics that make the opposition more likely to lose.
And the article is about this:
Seriously, i'm venezuelan and I can't even begin to imagine anything like that. How does that happen?
God, will that faggot ever stop saying stupid shit? He makes it really hard to love Megadeth.
If I was Venezuelan I'd probably be thanking Mustaine for staying out of my country.
Have you guys considered that since every case of socialism existing in the real world is actually state capitalism, that maybe existing capitalist states are similarly really socialist utopias but you don't realize it because of false consciousness or something?
What if it is all a dream, man?
Or we are just dreaming about dreaming the dream, making the illusion itself the reality
there is no such thing as intervention in the market by the state. You can't have one without the other.
"How to Count Our Dead / The Venezuelan Violence Observatory (OVV) publishes the country's most cited figures on violence. Here's why those figures are very wrong — and why you should cite our estimate instead."
yes it is you fufcking retard the democratically elected president was deposed for absolutely no reason at all
Oil prices are not down anymore.
The rise in life expentancy and education, decreasing of poverty and hunger in most socialist countries seem to tell you otherwise
2.15 a gallon says otherwise
will anyone reply to this
Dude's right, there's nothing to reply to. Graph is quite handy too.
I heard their last album and it sounded like Holla Forums if they actually wanted to transmit a message instead of just saying "nigger" and "kike".
"Defending the country" by importing Hollywood trash and displacing native peoples? nice one.
Right-wing free-market nationalists are a sick joke.
The vice prez is from the highly corrupt centrist "catch-all party" PMDB that has majority in congress, they were backing PT in 2014 in exchange for political alliances and high management positions, after the corruption scandals went public and it was each man for himself they sided with the opposition to "plug the leak" (keep their friends from being caught).
Nigga, don't try and explain me how my country's politics works. I know it better than you ever will.
Yes, it is the PT's fault for entering an alliance with the PMDB but that doesn't change the fact they used a grey area in law to remove a democratically elected president from office (i.e. coup) and if you listen to the recently leaked audios of key figures in Temer's government you'll see that Dilma wasn't trying to save PMDB from corruption charges which is one of the many and complex reasons why she was ousted
Is there much of a leftist movement in Brazil?
All I ever hear of that place in regards to activists is eco-activists getting murdered.
Are you new? Next to nobody here believes what you think we believe. I certainly don't support minimum wage rises and general government intervention in the market, and almost everyone here sees the state as a major roadblock in the quest for a socialist society.
Labour unions and landless peasantry are considerably strong, although they should be hindered by current and future right-wing governance.
Environmentalists and Native Rights activists are also heavily connected to the the Left and play a very important role considering Latifundiaries (Agriculture is a major part of our economy) are constantly violating legislation and invading their land.
the bolivarian revolutin was fine. This shit is not.
say that to revolucionaldia
So, you would support the rolling back of the welfare state and removing the minimum wage and the other government interventions?
Market is a set of laws set by the state which regulate economic activity of the private actors interaction. The state then intervenes by changing monetary or fiscal policy.
Maybe this is a good thing user. As "left wing" governments continue to stumble and fail around the world, it's possible that literally everyone will lose faith, and neoliberalism will be completely unchallenged, and the world will slowly devolve into a lolbert/ancap nightmare that's unimaginably horrific. In this world, alienation will become so utterly complete and unbearable that the proles of the world will revolt, one last time. This will either result in success or the the planet getting ripped apart.
I mean, it's something, I guess.
Friend do you have a learning disability? Should we use shorter words?
Or you could just answer yes or no.
Would you support rolling back the welfare state and removing minimum wage and other government interventions?
Personally? Yes. Austrians get many things right.
People on Holla Forums generally think that that would harm workers in the short-term at the very least, even if they might agree that those policies are ineffective or counterproductive, one of the reasons some people here supported staying in the EU to counterbalance Tory rule.
I'm too misanthropic to care for any workers except those of my own country so any Acceleration is good.
Although I still believe some Social Democratic policies are in order within the Capitalist system like Education and Health which tend to be abused by Porky.
Nationalization = Good (some times)
Keynesianism= Bad (most times)