been a while since we've discussed pink haired commies, discuss communism in this thread
Communism thread
meep meep I would fug big red tbh no homo
basic economics pepeee
it's hard to hear what gommies have to say when they're literally sucking down jew cock tbh
I didn't know there was a video. Since when?
capitalism is even more jew tbh
Capitalism != ((corporatism))/((globalism))
At least a few days, might be a week.
If only I still had sides.
he does give good head tho
i suppose he'd have to, otherwise he wouldn't get paid.
So is the story true about the dick that Holla Forums tranny BO was sucking belongs to a Holla Forums mod named zerosugar.
communism is based
Fuck off, pinko.
shit thread shit posts and OP is a faggot
100% big if true
Is that a dude
quads of communist cock consumption commisar
OP isn't the one with a cock in his mouth.
>>>Holla Forums
sage negated cuck
commies absolutely cannot run a city, just look at what they did to Berlin
At least it wasn't full of Arabs back then
still better than living with nigger
Why is it that NO ONE who supports communism ever moves to a communist country?
I'd move to swedan, norway, canada or any other 'communist' nation in a heartbeat if I could afford to famila, but US wages are so shit they keep you down, also their imperialist nature means they still collect taxes on you even if you're a naturalized citizen of another country
sucks to be american tbqh, it's sad this nation was even founded if you think about it
because of communism in this country
Communism as is is a failure.The only way it could ever work would be if it where run by an unbiased, unafraid, cold computer. A computer doesnt feel afraid, paranoid, or biased like all of the old soviet leaders, uncle joe being the worst of the lot.
Why would someone be a communist? Serious question. It is a system that may appear good on paper but it goes absolutely against human nature for any inherently selfish organism such as humans to adhere to. At least National Socialism made Germany a major force to be reckoned with in just 6 years. Communism was just death and misery for all resulting from Jews stealing the time and effort from the worker population.
No one who says they love communism has ever moved to a communist country.
Is porn allowed under communism?
More important than that, you need a educated society that actually loves is country. Communism will never work in fucked up countries. People in the middle east, africa and wherever else poor people live, are to stupid for communism.
to stupid to be poor? i doubt that tbh
said the retarded pedo
Communism is dead. Feminism now lives in its corpse. Even Holla Forums has been taken over by feminists.
Someone should get those girls a real hovercraft. They're missing out with that toy thing.
Here, have some actual footage from some Holla Forums meetups rather than some random photo of a tiny and irrelevant Swedish organization.
All communists should be gassed tbh
Whats the sauce on Dodger Masturbating in the 5th clip?
her name is PressHeartToContinue or something like that
These strapless dildo webms are tasteful af tbh
So like, was she actually masterbating or was that just taken outta context? Haven't seen her in a long time tho. Complete waifu Status.
They're obviously ghetto trash pretending to be classy. It breaks my IMMERSION.
She vaguely denied it, but it's been roundly accepted that she was in fact masturbating it, but she handled it pretty professionally and pretty much ignored it into oblivion.
How does this image make you feel?
user what is this?