Announcing Rust 1.18
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leave plz
lol enjoy your cuck language
leave ploss
Thing that surprised me most about Rust is how friendly community is. If you get stuck during learning or have any questions about Rust just go to #rust-beginners on Mozilla IRC.
jej git gud b00n
They get very hostile if you mention that you voted Trump
logs or didn't happen
If I remember correctly there is "no politics" rule in Rust related IRC channels.
You're one of the people who whines about politics on Holla Forums aren't you
Holla Forums gets very hostile if you mention that imkampfy is a controlled opposition cockroach and Trump has been bending the knee to Israel at every turn.
This is such an obvious hypetrain.
kill yourself
Did they fix the syntax yet? Rust is uglier than Perl. Python and Ruby overtook Perl because they looked better even though Perl had more libraries. OOP and the Perl 6 failure was part of it, but people were glad that they didn't have to use Perl anymore. JavaScript only replaced Ruby because it's the language built into browsers, not because it's better. A good syntax makes you feel good when reading and writing code. It's like looking at art instead of looking at a garbage dump. Rust is like a garbage dump. These things matter because I don't want to be stuck with another disgusting language. People only say "syntax doesn't matter" when it's a syntax they like.
are you retarded? i hate significant whitespace but is still use python. i think that you are a cuck tbh.
You're an idiot.
You're triggered.
lol no rob pike
Yes, I'm super triggered.
I was walking on the subway and a nigger asked me for directions. I could see it in his eyes: he was cucking me with his eyes!
I'm literally shaking right now. He eye-cucked me and killed 45 conservative and straight white men on his way home. Trump save me pls. 😟
go home sjw. Holla Forums is Holla Forums territory.
I agree
I agree
nice trip
around blacks never relax tbh
I sense a sleight of hand.
Holla Forums is /christian/ territory. Holla Forums can't write a compiler.
neither can Holla Forums
Rust is using static analysis (borrow checking) to ensure memory safety.
Shill pls
The "rust community" will immediately turn hostile if you voice any wrongthink.
Yeah that language looks super safe *teleports behind you* *inserts unsafe keyword* pfft nothin personnel kid
Holla Forums and SJW, both get out you ultrafaggots
damn your argumentation is impecible. im a #cmissile now
Most programming communities get hostile if you bring up politics, because no one gives a fuck about them except the larpers on Holla Forums
Back to your hugbox, rustfag. If you go out of your way to write pic related in to your code of conduct not to mention have one in the first place, then you absolutely care about politics more than you need to.
Do it yourself but here's some tips:
Because rust doesn't have a CoC that pushes an agenda ?
SJWs and CoCsuckers are the ones who brought this plague in the free software community.
We are concerned because against all logic these people are changing the rules of being excellent with each others to having an apartheid because "muh white people" "muh opression" "muh LGBT rights" etc...
Doesn't having a CoC mean "be excellent to each other"? If not, then what does the CoC actually mean?
Fork their projects or start your own. Whining about things on Holla Forums will not accomplish anything.
not an argument
shit arguments
Step 1 in forming a cult. Write a code of conduct.
This thread is proof that Rust will never amount to anything because of their political baggage. It is dead on arrival.
No, Holla Forums needs to fuck off with their shitflinging.
Rust has no "political baggage." All their CoC says is "don't be a dick with other members in the community", yet all autists in imageboards get super triggered and start yelling "cuck" and "SJW".
In the real world that CoC is just an unwritten contract that everyone should follow unless you want to be fired and punched in the face.
There are very few people trying to discuss Rust (which is, you know, the point of a technology discussion board), everyone else is just spouting buzzwords.
kek, nice trip
It means be excellent to X because they try to be specific to specific groups of minorities instead of everyone.
If there is no CoC, and someone behaves like a dick and bothers some people, he gets kicked. If there is a CoC, the same guy can still behave like a dick and still gets kicked. But now, he not only was a dick, but also violated the CoC, so he was, with the same behavior, more of a dick than before. Which tends to bother people more. Its a psychological thing.
CoC are to me an example of cultist behavior trying to make something more bad that it initial was.
It basically artificially increases and exaggerates the behavior of the ones who believe/follow/has faith in the CoC.
not an argument
The request demands no energies do it yourself you lazy faggot.
If you think these are shit arguments then you are incapable to recognize good from bad.
It's frightening how it's similar to the SJW/LGBT mindset.
Just like github who stopped their conference because they didn't have enough grills in it.
Does somebody has screenshots of the rust survey to show this user how wrong he his.
And the magic of the CoC is that it if someone wants to punch your face it doesn't magically stop that person from doing it.
Stop being irresponsible.
Don't give up your freedom of thought and action to a stupid piece of badly written rules that doesn't have any sense in computing.
totally not buzzwords/hype/meme
this much autism because muh coc muh cult
ok. retard confirmed
Fucking Christ, are you capable of speaking English?
It is not just CoC, there are more political controversy surrounding this language. In the form of pull requests, issues, logs, etc. I get that you are mad that you invested time in this forsaken language, but I would not touch it even if I got paid to do so.
lol no
fag detected
Just a couple of questions about Rust:
1. Why do they use an informal versioning system where 1.0 was only partially stable, instead of explicit semantic versioning? (This is a good quiestion to ask most software projects.)
2. Why use a train-base release model, instead of releasing when it's appropriate? (A good question for any project using this release model.)
3. Why does Rust have a hard dependency on LLVM, instead of transpiling Rust into compiler-independent C you also can use in GCC? (An excellent question for most meme languages)
4. Why do they have a long CoC section with many mods policing the mailing lists, instead of issuing a simple message like "Use your god damn common sense!"? (If someone destroys productivity, kick them out from the project, it's been done decades before the Contrubutor Covenant was first released.)
5. Would it not be preferable to spend ones time developing a compile-time garbage collector for C instead of developing Rust? (C is familiar, universal, and works on almost every platform.
6. Why would they develop yet another language specific package manager, Cargo, for Rust, instead of using Nix or Guix? (Does every new language need its own package manager? This is a serious qeustion every language implementation community should ask itself.)
muh coc. just ignore the cancerous community
no. c/c++ is fucking garbage and can't be made memory safe
I am used to C++, I have tried Rust, and I am not happy programming in it.
I do my work faster in C++. I can have machine code as good as I want to have. I don't generally have problems, because I avoid introducing opportunity for them, because I'm a disciplined programmer.
I do my high level programming in CL or Scheme.
Rust is a kind of language my compiler prof would refer to as authoritarian, almost contemptuous.
I'm in the bottom right of the compass.
Exactly. Unlike probably many, I have been in a team who shipped a million line C++ product with a near empty crash record.
Bugs, exceptions, but almost no crashes in 3 years of existence with a constantly up program behind a public web service.
You don't have to believe me, and if you wonder how such a miracle is even possible, it's by enforcing programming discipline and code review, just like I have said in the above post.
Not entirely true. Rust is based on Cyclone (they repeat that over and over in the references page of their book), which is a bastard version of C with compile time safety you can technically ignore maybe too easily, but point remains.
I assume it is because, contrary to popular belief, C by itself can't do everything, and this is a problem with systems programming languages. At some point you will either have to use vendor specific libraries, or go full inline assembly for dem exotic CPU instructions, at which point you may as well use LLVM. One of Rust's objectives was also to be completely its own thing without depending on the fucking language it is trying to supersede.
Guix could work, but AFAIK there is no way to make an AUR/PPA for Nix to host That would be a nightmare for reproducibility.
Cargo is not that bad. In fact, it is actually pretty good. All it's missing is system-wide integration for dynamic and existing package manager linking. I bet most people here are mad at it because it is straightforward and not as "trve" as the insanity that are makefiles.
It's a advertisement/marketing system that google has made a long time ago and that retarded developers like in the mozilla community adopted because it has better repercussion on the mind of the non tech literate.
Because they work with corporations.
Simply because rust is sponsored via corporations who don't like the GPLv3.
Two reasons
First because they are partly SJW
Second because corporations like to virtue signal.
Licensing issues because corporations don't want the GPLv3.
It all comes to control.
Doesn't respond to the question.
Are you retarded ?
The problem is certainly the language and note the ones who makes it.
yes it does
I expect nothing of you because you are an enlightened Rust person and you know everything about software quality.
Who the fuck made this chart.
They had a very short-lived #rust-politics channel. Needless to say, it didn't end well.
fitzy: Kill all fascists. ^ ticki: stop it kill . them . all HELLO CHILDREN please behave. this is why everything trump does "wrong" or unprofessional is another point for him- he's an outsider. underdog. that's a potent fucking story bash the fash ticki: stop Please don't advocate killing ticki ticki: i got called out and lumped in as trolling before by niconii, and mostly due to you calling me a troll, just calm down* sinclair votes to keep it civil and ofc any "bonus" racist/sexist/whatever views you hold play straight into that frewsxcv: it's fash. some people in here really need to chill and smoke a blunt xqwpx, no i won't i know you meant me i'm really fired up at the moment I feel like we're all just trolling. XMPPwocky: what do you make of things so far? i have to be ticki: Advocating murder for someone's political views is definitely not allowed by the CoC because i need to pack *decendening into 4chan** niconii sets mode +m on #rust-politics so yeah yeah... wow
Try actually empty.
Two things. One, you cannot use LARP arguments here, even if they are actually true, because there is nothing you can do to prove it, and even then that's just one example that proves nothing. Two, for all we know that million line project could be all boilerplate or unnecessary class bloat, don't use LoCs as an argument.
The thing is, humans make mistakes, it's understandable that people try to make languages safer to use while trying to not lose power. Also, once you become good at one language it is hard to get into another. You cannot judge Rust after using it for 2 weeks if you have been coding in C++ for decades.
TL;DR: Nice blogpost
rust syntax is complete garbage
Poor and messy syntax is certainly a valid criticism of a language.
define poor and messy syntax
Who are you quoting?
can you specify what and why?
no you cant you larping not an argument fAg
There's not just one thing you can point out. The whole syntax is bad. It's supposed to be some kind of "mnemonic" for C++ programmers, but I can guarantee that C++ programmers don't use C++ because they like the syntax. Rust is a new language with no backwards compatibility with any other language.
Not many languages have generics like Rust or C++, while also being static (aka, not simply doing dynamic polimorfism like most of them). So I fail to see the comparison.
I'm not complaining about the generics or the functions provided by the iterator library, but the syntax. Nothing makes sense. What does putting & in front of a number like &3 mean in Rust?
What does this code mean?
>fn scan(self, initial_state: St, f: F) -> Scan
> F: FnMut(&mut St, Self::Item) -> Option,
How about this?
>implimpl Iterator for StepBy where
> &'a A: Add
Those things do make sense and can be read. I am no Rust expert, but I have read the whole handbook, which is more than enough to read that insanity. Doesn't make it any less batshit insane, though.
'&' is the reference operator and is also used when referring to reference types.
In order to really understand this, you need to understand how generics work and how traits and their implementations work. Some understanding of lifetimes is helpful also.
>fn scan(self, initial_state: St, f: F) -> Scan
> F: FnMut(&mut St, Self::Item) -> Option,
`scan` is a function with generic parameters `St`, `B`, `F`. The first argument is `self`, or the instance of the `Iterator` (i.e. this is a method). It consumes `self` for use in the returned `Scan`.
`Scan` is parameterized over `Self` (the type implementing `Iterator`), `St` and `F`. `Scan` is an adapter type which wraps the original iterator.
The generic parameter `F` has a bound which restricts it to types that implement `FnMut`, which is a trait that closures implement. `FnMut` specifically means that the closure can mutate its environment and be called more than once.
The closure `F` must take a `St` as its first argument (which it has exclusive access to and may mutate, via `&mut`), and a `Self::Item` which is an associated type specified by the type implementing the `Iterator` trait (`Self`).
`F` returns an `Option`, which is either `Some(B)` or `None`.
If it's not clear, this function is like `reduce` but may yield multiple times: given an initial state `St`, it folds over the contents of the iterator with the closure `F`. When `F` returns `Some(B)`, the `Scan` will yield a `Some(B)`. It's not seen in the signature of the function `scan`, but the type `Scan` yields items of type `B` (which is what `F` returns).
>impl &'a A: Add
wow. great argumentation. you thoroughly convinced me of your position.
kill yourself
Decades ago, open source advocates were advised never to start a post with “we should”, when it’s more appropriate to write “how do I…”.
Now we see the Rust Evangelism Strikeforce roaming around with their RIIR book in hand and going door to door.
All it takes is something huge for anyone to take notice.
No, it very much does not. These documents are written to divide individuals into in-groups and out-groups. They cede moral high ground to certain selected groups based on their skin color, sex, sexual identification, or other "special snowflake" label. They are specifically designed to squash discussion when needed based on who is speaking, not what the content of their argument may be or the validity of their input. Don't believe me? Watch how it is selectively used to silence individuals.
These documents are the infiltration of postmodern philosophy cultivated in soft-science academia. This philosophy is primarily a direct attack on enlightenment philosophical thought: critical reasoning, scientific method, meritocracies. Postmodernism is a twist on marxism - instead of dividing people along the lines of economic power and pitting them against each other (which was largely proven to be a utter failure) it divides people along supposed social power divides (CIS white male etc etc). and then of course, pits them against each other.
The ideas of postmodern philosophy are dangerous and destructive. Please read the original sources - a bunch of French dudes with their heads up their asses. Decide for yourself. But be on guard. These people are not your friends. They are swinging a noose around western civilization and kicking the stool.
can you specify?
can you specify?
personally i think you are just some faggot who can't even program and has absolutely no clue about rust except muh sjw muh coc.
bump tbqh
It's dead, Jim. Let it rest in pieces.
My 2 cents:
So much signaling in the opening paragraph.
You remember the latet 90s/early 2000s nicknames such as hotbabe84, hansomchad79, sexylara86? Forget using them on IRC, even if you don't talk about sex.
How about deleet fucking everything else and leave this here if you hate rudeness!? No need to go all NKVD on the whole community.
Fake courtesy can actually be more demeaning than honest rudeness, and direct frankness can be more respectful than false politeness.
Sometimes there is.
Lofty ideas aren't allowed? If an email starting with "Here's an idea, it's not rock solid but maybe some of you might like it: ..." derails the project, it was never meant to be.
Having a frank discussion will get you kicked out is what they are trying to say.
Lately Coraline Ada Ehmke encouraged violence against people outside his own stance, but before that a Drupal developer was kicked out for privatly engaging in concensual BDSM sex with adult women. SJWs are hypocrites and will apply the rules as they please, and not in a consistent manner.
What does that mean? If a tranny spams the bugtracker with requests to downgrade the license of the project frome GPL to MIT, or shitty code, we can't tell it to go fuck itself, because that would be trannyphobic?
Now you have really made a mess of your project rules. So if a developer made anyone feel harassed, their role in the project is in jeopardy? We're moving into thought police area here.
Spamming has been b& for decades, trolling can be useful and lulzy, flaming provides a lot of entertainement and baiting is sometimes necessary if you want to find out what people really think.
If they spent half the time they spend rooting out dissent, instead on developing Rust, it could have been independet of LLVM.
never targeting another user, and never in a hateful manner.)
Stalin-era USSR was freer than this. And they smear layers upon layers of rules for how to behave yourself. Is Rust about a memory-safe systems programming language
or enforcing a CoC for its own sake?
The 6014 character long Citizen Code of Conduct[2] just wasn't enough. So not only do they have many rules, mods make up new ones "just-in-time"!
How cute. We won't send you to gulag for first wrongthink, only second wrongthink.
Mods get to decide who has to "cool off" and who can continue has they were.
Did you really need all these rules to kick out annoying people?
If the political police comissioner was treated well by his wife and feels generous, we can bring you back from reeducation camp to house arrest, provided we get
"a genuine apology".
bans in-channel are not allowed.
Sometimes you have to expose corrupt moderators. But the fucker deserved his ban.
How was software before CY+2 developed without dedicated moderators?
We'll take care of you until someone stabs you in the back for wrongthink.
Motivational speech nonesense.
What is not sensitive to you guys/girls/xirs/hens?
Why do you hate fun so much?
You can choose to be offended, but damaged trust should not come from being frank, but from getting caught putting an NSA backdoor into the software.
That's not what you want?
Resist the urge to start a lulzy flamewar
Literally "shut up and take it!" not rapey at all.
How is it possible to not be misrepresented when talking to Rustaceans?
Don't trigger those Twitter induced PTSDs
You want to talk about technology instead of endorcing CoCs? How about restructuring these pages, like deleting them.
How can anyone in their right minds trust these snowflakes?
No thanks.
I used not to.
But then Adria Richards (1), Julie-Ann Horvath (2), PronounGate (3), Brendan Eich (4), Connie St Louis (5) and many, MANY others happened (ShirtGate? Pleb Comics? Gregory Elliott? THOUSANDS OF THEM)
Now I care about politics, verily muchly; and advice you to, too.
1) A father of three fired because he said "fork a repo". Feminist thought it was a sexual reference, and got him fired.
He didn't even said it to a her, cunt eavesdropped on him & his friend.
2) Tons of drama (including complains about men looking at women, and open hostility to meritocracy), but finally founder and CEO of Github is forced out of the company - because of something his wife did.
3) One of the most important contributors to node.js (in Top3 IIRC) was forced out of the project because he didn't want to use "correct" pronouns. Project later split in two (node.js/io.js), partly because of this scandal.
4) Founder&CEO of Mozilla and creator of JS forced out of the company because he donated 1 (one) grand to anti-gay campaign 8 years prior.
5) Feminist journalist (and illiterate at that; as in, writes with mistakes) lies about Nobel laureate's speech, forces him out of his job at London's UCL. Lies on her CV, it turned out, which is a fireable offence, but feminists are above the law.
No, it doesn't. The CoC-loving POS started "OpalGate" - she saw a guy saying Bad Things on Twitter, found out he was involved in opensource project, and launched a mob on that project, demanding (hysterically, as they do) that they accept kick the guy out - for something 100% unrelated to the project, just some stuff he said on his own fkng Twitter!
Many versions of CoC cover behaviour outside the project - so, your personal Twitter/FB/whatever. They'd threaten you if you say anything they don't like ANYwhere (eg that Hillary is plain fucking incompetent).
"The code produced by the company reproduces its organizational structure" (can't recall the author)
That they accept _CoC and_ kick the guy out
That sounds a lot like Conway's law.
Not really. Tried out the thing years ago and found it obtrusive. And forgot it since it looked pointless and boring. I didn't need to complete a big project to see how the tools are not intended for me. In general, ignoring the fact that I didn't like the philosophy it follows (completely contrary to "trust the programmer", though being fair that's also something plain C dark council aims to lose since previous statement) the syntactic sugar felt pointless, and made things simply look subjectively ugly to me. You can like it, if you truly want. But plain c is already boring to write in, I don't know why I would punish myself with rust honestly.
can you specify?
Gee, I don't know, the fact that whole "raw pointers are evil" and "memory safety is the biggest concern" seems like a terrible programming philosophy to me, given that ANY solution you find to fix the problem will need to weed out certain ways to work and organize your memory. The same happens with modern c++ proponents, just because "something isn't the way the dark council intended" doesn't mean it will not work, however, to modern c++ credit, you can still code in ways the dark council deems incorrect even if these people actually know very little about real life programming and are all enamored with their own theory and masturbatory new ways in which they can disguise more templates into features. In rust you can't. Well, you can, as long as you write unsafe all over the place and admit to them how wrong you're and how right they're.
How about screw you?
At work I'm writing a low latency 3d renders for specialized visuals. It's not the biggest problem but memory safety isn't a concern, at least by far, not my primary concern. Try focusing in your data instead of how to make your code look fancier, and suddenly complex problems are easy, and it's really strange to make mistakes.
Any advantage you get from rust, you might get it from the fact that you're abandoning traditional oop-inheritance paradigms.
You're right.
When I got the understanding of how unuseful Rust seemed to me I didn't even knew sjws were a thing. I didn't knew that rust had a terrible community and a terrible coc.
However, those two seem like a good enough reason not to support it considering the current political climate. Sjws are anti-meritocracy, which simply, on the long run, tends to produce shit results. (You want the best people working on your project)
lmao the Poes law event horizon
maybe you don't. but a lot of programmers working on widely used libraries do. in c/c++ the whole codebase can potentially contain unsafe code. you have to audit fucking everything. in rust memory unsafe code is only possible in unsafe blocks. the point of unsafe blocks isn't to shame the programmer for using them but to clearly mark the code where memory safety is possible.
look at ripgrep for example (
not an argument
Not exactly what I said. You're too accustomed to hear the detractors of your language as a certain thing.
People would be happier to support your language if they actually didn't think you close your ears against the complaints, and that you're in a crusade. (which you are, something you don't seem to realize)
The domain of problems the tools that rust grants simply doesn't cover everything, just as c doesn't either. The problem is that your lot seems awfully convinced it does, when, again, it doesn't. They're convinced of a glorious future where everything is rust, and they feel obnoxiously superior about it. "rewrite it in rust! Rust Vult!" is the thing that will kill your language.
This is just for starters. Fine, you don't care about sjws infesting your butthole, even if, as we speak, people with "sensibilities" are defining how you will use your language just as is pointing out. But you also you don't care about the community attitude either "People should feel bad about not coding like US".
You might get to tell me that you don't care about this. But you don't get to tell me that I shouldn't care. I mean, you can do it, and I can keep treating you like a Jehova witness.
Or you can, you know, say "yeah, we have a community problem", swallow, and go back to your community and try to fix it.
great arguments
btw is me. sjws are cancer but i wont ignore rust just because i literally cant even.
yes. Precisely.
Rust doesn't fix everything, so, when I say it doesn't solve my particular problem I simply have no reason to use it. If my focus is speed, everything else is secondary, meaning that I'll not use it just because you think it's trendy or because you think YOUR problem is the most important one.
So, yeah, great argument.
I want to solve the problems I want to solve. extra pointer types seem completely contrary to that when I'm already fighting the modern c++ shit of a community. Rust seems more of that, except it's even more more and more opinionated. I want to fight my data, not fight the perceptions of the rust community about how code should be. I can imagine trying to have a discussion already, and some idiot trying to discuss semantics because I refuse to comply.
I'm center-right aligned. basically, letting rust in my company would actually augment the chance of pixie aired assholes being hired. that would mean, that if they knew about my views I would be the one being putt through hell and reducation seminars. I thought I was immune to sjws once. I always thought "I'll just work hard, study a lot, become valuable" and "none of my coworkers around me would be that weak willed to let themselves be pushed around, are they?"
You might be surprised how much they can fuck your life if you give them one inch. No.
sooo true! who cares about memory safety? i mean the worst thing that could happen is arbitrary code execution but that's secondary.
kill yourself.
maybe you should consider rewriting it in rust leaving your jewed country?
I love how can you prove me right post after post. It's two post since I claimed my problem is speed not memory safety and you keep acting as if what I'm really saying is that memory safety isn't a real life problem. As if what I'm truly saying is that your problem isn't a real problem. Only this should be enough to think it's not a good idea to put my problems into your hands, because you would turn them into your own problem and disregard completely mine.
If you can't imagine an scenario where YOUR own problem isn't the most important one, perhaps you're not fit to have this discussion. You're just trying to push for your meme language, and at the same time, being part of the reason rust might never be more than that.
Assuming you truly mean that, don't you think it looks a little bit silly the idea of moving countries just because you want to code in a particular language? I think you give rust too much credit, specially since I would be moving to another country just to start writing in a language that would require me to interact with the people I don't want to interact with online.
nigga rust is just as fast and memory safe. but sure, continue writing programs in languages that dont care a single bit about security.
you should leave because you could be fucked over by sjw because of your opinions
Just as templates weren't harder to debug and as bad a plain macros, just as smart pointers were as fast* as raw pointers. Just as auto's don't affect compilation times. Adding complications to get safety, adding ideology to get safety, and helping sjws conquer more bytes of this world, when... as I have repeteadly told you, I don't have a particular concern for security, seems like a bad idea. The truth is that you care shit about my problem. You simply don't care about my speed. You care about people writing making your favourite, yet irrelevant language a thing. So any complain I have, is diminished or ignored.
Just look at how you react to the fact your bullshit doesn't work for me. Why would I even need to keep acting as you're a reasonable person and not part of that terrible community. You're like them. Thanks, I don't even need to keep presuming you're better than them.
giving rust any kind of power would eventually give them that, no matter what country I'm in. Again, you keep thinking other people problems aren't problems.
Can I have a legit comparison of D vs. Rust?
Yes, lets solve problem by introducing more complexity. Oh wait, where did all those program logic bugs came from?
Good luck protecting against
GCC already has quite a few options regarding security issues. There is also protection on OS layer e.g. PaX and ASLR.
Thinking that rust will replace C/C++ any time soon is being very ambitious when there are countless tools and standards developed for C/C++ landscape. Is there MISRA C equivalent for automotive and aerospace firmware development in Rust which is also approved by ISO? I wouldn't want to fly with plane or drive a car running software written in Rust.
no not really. if you give jews power, they will destroy your country.
d is not memory safe. also it doesnt help you with thread safety at all afaik.
rust is very limited in metaprogramming and has no oop.
oh btw you said multiple times that i want you to use rust. can you please remind me where i said that?
Yes. in MY particular problem it isn't. I have repeatedly said my case is not all cases, but this doesn't seem enough for you. in your mind, those "negligible" cases where the extra work I would need to do to make my code nice for the rust kids doesn't matter. I would prefer to stop asking production for low poly, optimal models than to start gargling the mayonaisse coming from the rust cock.
The quantity of assumptions you make about why I'm not using your piece of shit software to this point is ridiculous. Specially when all you have to do to know the answer is look into the mirror.
but i have never said that you should use rust. just that you should stop using memory unsafe languages like c/c++.
if a response to "security is not everything" is a defensive "how do you even dare to say security is not important" everyone will assume that.
if you imply that sjws are not a problem. you imply that rust is so good that bearing with sjws is justified.
but hey, this might be just a misunderstanding. Just state it clearly. Say it. Say "Yeah, rust might not be fit to everyone problems and situations". It's not hard. State it clearly, no passive aggressive sentences. Just say that and we can be done.
i never said that rust is perfect. only that it is memory safe and that you should kys for using memory unsafe languages because muh speed or muh complexity.
It is memory safe.
It appears to have some features for thread safety.
Rust has Go-style class-less OOP.
it is opt in not opt out like in rust. how much d code is marked as safe?
but it isnt. that is why ada is used.
no i will go to bed now and come back tomorrow to tell you to kys.
Would you stop being retarded and read the link I gave you?
The most of std libraries are safe, C-bindings and some I/O stuff are not.
It is true that it's used a a lot but so is C/C++.
go ahead I might just do what you suggest
f35 is a mess. a big fat mistake.
Exactly. Thanks!
Where is your fighter jet software Rust advocates? Oh wait you're busy developing yet another browser engine. Servo is currently largest software project (correct me if I'm wrong) written in Rust, with whopping ~125k lines of code and currently has 2159 opened issues. That'll show them F-35 engineers, only having 8M lines of embedded code. Those noobs better watch out, Rust code artisans are coming.
wtf im a #cmissile now!
It's like you don't have any other argument on why should you choose Rust over C.
it is like you are building a strawman here. there exist a lot of other memory safe languages
Yes, but this is Rust thread and Rust is competing with C/C++ in systems programming. Many developers claim that it will replace those languages, that C/C++ is obsolete and that all security and safety of software is only an issue because those languages are "broken by design". They often post blogs like "Death to C" and feel superior to everyone else. Arrogance and SJW mentality is the main reason why I won't consider using Rust any time soon. As you say: there are a lot of alternatives available.
nice guilt by association
nobody does system programming anymore, it is all about webdev and apps which are all coded in high level languages with garbage collections
rust is dead on arrival, and c++ will be minimized to a small core audience
Any of you Rust shills is going to answer that?
Boy, you'll get your ass handed soon. JS was only used because of an artificial effort to keep the focus on the web by the webconsorcium. Once they have removed this limit, people will start reimplementing everything that is shit about js in other, real, usable and sane languages.
Wasm will have direct control over the dom, so really there's no need for js developers anymore.
That's now how this works, idiot.
I hate to tell you this user, but wasm will be used to enable even shittier languages than JS to be used for webdev.
ECMAshit was the bane of the free web and it paved the way for wasm, for all intents and purposes returning us to the dark ages of the 80s where you had to run proprietary software to connect to BBSs. My radical solution is to abolish JavaShit at wasm, with the normie apporved reasoning that they open up security holes. Yes, it does sound weird, but once wasm (s)hits the web, us ECMAphobes are going to miss JavaScript. HTML5 should have made JavScript obsolete, but it would be naive if Microsoft/Apple/Google/NSA would give up their opportunities to run native unaudited code on the sheeple's PCs/smartphones/etc..
Let's make a list of what we need JavaScript/wasm for:
No, you can either have a direct link or embed it in your HTML5 source[1].
It does make it smoother, but you can press F5.
I can't think of any more but add yours to the list if you want to.
HTML5 *would* have made javascript obsolete, but they screwed up by not including any way to seamlessly update an arbitrary part of the document. Until that changes, that means javascript comment systems will always be superior to HTML-only comment systems.
How does this answer the question? You are fucking retarded.
You faggot shill in every fucking thread and can't even reply in a proper manner.
yes to all of those
it has macros but no ctfe
Something that I have noticed when looking at large Rust projects is that they are mostly documentation. An example of this behavior is Remacs, which is intended to be a rewrite of the C code in Emacs into Rust. Looking over this project, which received a lot of press and currently has just short of 1,200 stars, it has so little Rust code that it is not visible in the language details bar. I will concede that this is not a great metric, though it has been quite some time since this project was hyped yet very little code has been translated to Rust. In my opinion, the biggest issue Rust has at the moment is that they have too few users that truly understand how the language works in comparison to another systems language. In many talks, panels, blogs, and user-generated reviews of Rust there appears to be a stark lack of knowledge of other languages (such as C/C++ for instance) which creates a lack of understanding in doing exactly what the Rust evangelists suggest to others: Rewrite it in Rust. Although this is anecdotal evidence at best, I am under the impression that this is the consequence of attempting to convince users of dynamic languages that they too can write safe systems-level applications (or whatever meme buzzwords they want to use).
As an aside, in 2012 when Go and Rust were gaining a lot of publicity I considered Go a toy since Mozilla was working on Servo in-tandem with Rust. Ideally if they were building a real-world application to improve their rather ancient code base in Firefox this would provide a greater push for funding as well as a psychological imperative to actually finish it. Here we are in 2017 and only small bits of Rust have been replacing C++ in Firefox. In contrast, Go has partially been a catalyst in the rise of Docker/Rkt which was not supported as an internal project of Google. I think that Rust could be more competitive in general, but they appear to lack level of intelligence that Go has available and was based on. This is not to shit on Rust and praise Go, which has it's own flaws, but Go at least removed the need for Makefiles where Rust relies on Cargo via Yaml to manage dependencies in a fashion that feels like maintaining a package.json in NodeJS. I understand what Rust developers are trying to accomplish, but they really need to tone town the evangelism and focus on writing more code.
The only thing that can make javascript "obsolete" besides your fantasy world is something that does more and better. You can never ever go back to scriptless web now that javascript has given websites the amount of capabilities that it has.
i cloc'ed remacs:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Language files blank comment code-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisp 1621 144729 207840 1077275C 271 56136 70050 269756C/C++ Header 197 8870 13241 39286TeX 27 3983 6424 17832Objective C 9 3450 2379 15376m4 105 1323 799 14286Rust 28 589 678 4326HTML 14 175 34 2601Pascal 2 191 241 2205MATLAB 1 194 13 2163Bourne Shell 14 462 472 2070make 12 682 506 1984yacc 3 193 128 1566XML 7 74 49 1107PHP 3 132 59 1053Forth 2 312 15 979Prolog 1 301 0 936C++ 13 247 192 898Verilog-SystemVerilog 1 283 0 861C# 1 267 0 770Python 3 153 139 759Ada 4 280 304 725awk 9 113 185 641Perl 7 139 75 619Markdown 5 165 0 504Ruby 2 110 29 396Bourne Again Shell 2 157 71 277JavaScript 5 54 39 206Lua 2 63 50 205Patran Command Language 1 35 0 188Erlang 1 26 92 153Fortran 77 1 95 393 93Sass 1 15 3 76CSS 1 9 3 60DOS Batch 4 10 40 44Go 2 11 0 34YAML 2 6 4 32Windows Resource File 1 5 0 32Java 1 21 19 27Dockerfile 1 3 0 16Racket 1 1 1 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUM: 2388 224064 304567 1462424-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok kid
404 point not found
Even if that was true, you still have "muh apps" since the average kid growing up today only have a phone or tablet and not a computer
So why would one prefer Rust over D, except for a CoC?
because rust achieves memory safety without gc and has a better type system
Memory safety in D has nothing to do with GC either.
The next step would be a script-free browser.
HTML5 can do almost everything that HTML4+JS could do that was useful for normies, so I fail to see the need for JS. It's only there for NSA/CIA/Jewgle/faceberg et al.
You'll have to endure this kind of confrontational rejection until you stop posting rust, or they remove the coc from the main language.
(and even then, it might not be enough given how ideologically charged everything about rust is.)
If they want to be accepted, they can at least do the following things instead of shilling it all over the place:
1. Drop the politics garbage: Remove the CoC from Rust and any affiliated projects and fire the moderation team. (The moderation team is not there for spam removal.)
2. Drop LLVM dependency: Have the Rust compiler transpile Rust code into compiler-independent C, that GCC as well as Clang can compile.
Unless they do both, I am not going to contribute to any project using Rust.
CONFIRMED: Chelsea Manning part of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
This is you.
lol Rust really is a paradigm shift
I was thinking of learning Rust over summer as my second programming language but this CoC shit is dumb, what should someone who only knows C and random scripting languages like Lua/JS learn next? I much prefer procedural programming to OOP so I'm biased against C++. Bonus points for having good audio libraries.
how about you kill yourself?
Thank you based Anons.
I guess learning Rust will be at the bottom of the bucket list until they stop being post-modernist cucks.
Let alone supporting any of Mozilla's products.
Rust doesn't have the undefined behavior of C so you can't compile it to C.
How many pages of muh opinions is that? The amount of time wasted discussing CoC could be used to work on the language instead. Also isn't over engineering a bad practice. Thinking that you will need something when in reality you don't actually need it? CoC is a great example of that. Have there been any issues which CoC actually helped to resolve? Also vid related, people are too sensitive nowdays.
I meant
That way you don't have to worry about memory leaks, but get all the advantages of C. Should I really kill myself for wanting that?
I want to eat 4000 calories of garbage each day but I don't because I know its bad for me. I want to rob and steal or traffic drugs for easy cash and could probably find a way to get away with it but I don't because I understand it's bad for the community I am a part of.
Developing in rust is no different. If you do it you ARE a bad person and DESERVE to have your fingers removed. There is an ideological war and you support the enemy because you want to be lazy then you are the enemy. Those fuckers fired there ceo because he spent personal funds supporting political speech they did not like. These are not people you can deal with, they MUST fail.
Rust is still hipster meme status, it needs to die, adoption is its life blood, choke it off. or the programming community will become a dystopian landscape of perpetual virtue signaling where bots scour the public feeds for any sign of wrong think or inadequate levels of poz; evicting from there midst anyone not meeting there ever exacting control over your thought processes. The open source community cannot thrive in such an environment and the multinationals with there perpetual copyrights will win forever removing your freedoms to work outside there shackles. This is serious business, choose your side wisely, the future of the human race is in your hands.
exactly zero. but i get it. you are retarded. rust isnt compiled diectly to llvm ir but first into mir.
kys grandpa LARPer
Go fuck yourself. I hate these CoC's and Coraline Ada types because they're authoritarian assholes who want to force people into their ideology. And you want people's fingers removed for liking a fucking programming language. And you want me to choose between these two options? Go suck on a bag of angry badgers. I choose my own side, thank you. You're all a bunch of fucking maniacs.
Are you braindead? You must be when you say there are 0 advantages to using C. Those reasons listed means there are more than 0. And your reading comprehension is that of a mentally handicapped 7 year old. If you stuck a USAS-12 shotgun into your mouth and kept pumping rounds of 12 guage rounds into your "brains" scull, you just might get an IQ upgrade to above your shoe size.
pic related, apply it to yourself
Big difference between and CoCsuckers is he says some people would deserve to have something bad happen to them but he doesn't make it happen because he isn't that insane. Meanwhile CoCsuckers would have you and me killed if they could, and until they can they get us fired.
lolundefinedbehavior lolnofeatures
is this LARP speak for native binaries?
not unique to C
not unique to C
flexible in ways to cause bugs and security holes, sure
quantity means nothing, cmissile
Ocaml is better
Haskell is better
Your digits say everything about you that needs to be said.
rust is the fastest. as always. discuss
Since Firefox, from version 54 and onwards, needs rust as a dependency, Debian Jessia and Stretch won't recieve any FF updates since Rust isn't in the Stable Debian repositories.
Fuck you, Rust.
Since Firefox, from version 52 and onwards, needs pulseaudio as a dependency.
Fuck you, Mozilla and Poettering.
Lies, damned lies, and micro-benchmarks.
Rolling distros wins once more.
I'm not going to say either way untill I have properly understood the test, but it is possible to game such benchmark. Intel was caught doing it a copule of years ago.
Piece of trash follows other pieces of trash.
On a second note his face his pretty well made up, fortunately male cheekbones don't lie.
The torture Manning was subjected to by the American "justice" system really screwed him up. I doubt he would have transitioned if he hadn't been caught. That's why you teach your children opsec, so they don't get caught. This should be on the school curriculum, but webm related explains why it isn't.
wtf i am a #cmissile now
because c sucks tremendous amounts of cock
Boy, you really have run out of arguments. At this point you're just screeching
Go back to twitter with your hashtags, maybe the trannies over there will appreciate you more.
But I have just a small thing to say.
I have jumped in the user bandwagon some time ago and I know that CoCs and similar are just trash pushed by trash/naive people.
Honestly a few years back I didn't know what to make of all this CoC shit.
I was thinking:
"meh it's just harmless rules"
Like a brainless moron.
Until the CEO of mozilla was shunned.
Until a lot of other events.
I began to suspect all this incoherency.
That's when I realized that the work that I made originally to help people (and myself) would directly be used to help a political and unjust group that I didin't supported.
So I stopped, I made made up a false reason because I was too afraid of saying anything that went against their own ideology.
So here's my point.
People can't stop contributing if they don't know about the bad community.
About how X group in that community can use the influence of X work into a political tool.
And then use that political power that you helped build to be "beautiful tyrants" towards anyone who don't agree with them.
So don't blame people from have a conversation about it because some just want to know where they are going to step.
The amount of bullshit in the ledit thread is worrying tho
Honestly I do background checks now before contributing.
This saddens me because it's a fucking wasting my time on something that wasn't relevant.
Yes it helped to remove nazies :^)
It actually created more problems (and waist of time).
Torvalds knows the good decisions to make for his community. too bad he won't migrate to GPLv3
He's pretty based for that.
But I think/suppose he misses something about respect of people.
I completely agree that respect is to be earned.
But I consider that there's a human respect.
And by human respect I mean simple politeness hello, thank you, goodbye etc....
It more than sensitive.
I see the younger generation never having any kind or little conflict with people.
In which we could be perceived has something good.
But the effects of that is simply having weak minded people.
Yes I say weak minded.
Because people don't defend their ideas individually.
And when people don't defend/argue their shit themselves other manipulative people insert themselves between you and them.
This is what brought SJWs to life.
Weak minded people would couln't defend/argue their ideas and they add to have a mob to STFU the other side instead of arguing/debating.
Manning was an autistic degenerate, unsafe to handle anything classified. That he went more degenerate is not surprising at all. Moussaoui is the one that was clearly destroyed by 'enhanced' interrogation.
You're do-nothing hipsters. Do the opposite of what Holla Forums says. Make things.
Stop shilling your memelangs