Trump 9/11 Red Pill

You guys who dig up this old stuff are amazing. 9/11 is arguably one of the biggest gateway red pills second only to the Federal Reserve. I thought he would have had to wait until after the election to drop a bomb like this but he could start talking about it right now and come out unscathed based on how crazy things are already. What he did with trolling the media with that group of war heroes is just an example of how he could obliterate the media's current line of attack instantly.

The media is already on the defensive big time and everything they attack Trump on gets yuge instantly. However Trump decides to handle this issue it will be one of the greatest BTFOs of all time.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have been saying stuff like this for years but Trump knew on day one and we know he is pissed about it:

Other urls found in this thread:



When Trump gets in, wants to see all the 9/11 documents, and is told no by heads of certain agencies, can he replace those people at will? I know he'll have a chance to appoint people, but if he decides to keep any of these assholes and they block him, he can have them removed and replaced, right?

I wouldn't be surprised he's running just to find this information.

I am pretty sure most agencies can be replaced at will by the executive.


There will be federal judges that block what he tries to do. It's not going to be easy.

osama bin laden did 9/11 just saying lmfao

This. Blaming Israel is just a meme.

Trump can ignore the judges. He will have to.

I swear I've seen this exact post word for word even the "lmfao" that noone uses on imageboards to a previous 9/11 thread.


He can expand the Supreme Court just like FDR if he runs into problems.




i dont think judges have a say in the appointment of the administration

seperation of powers and all that

Trump will order people fired, and order the police to get them to clean our their desks, they will sue in federal court, he will order them to do nothing, they will sue, and ultimately he will win because he isn't a cuck

Corbett's video on the dancing Israelis is pretty good, but he confuses jewish chutzpah with intentionally making a scene.

Or you could over turn this,and strip the power of the supreme court that they gave them selves that allows the court to say that a law is constitutional/unconstitutional.

The founding fathers would have killed the SOBs for saying that gay marriage is law.

Doesn't really sound like it.
And coming from multiple people?

lol, probably shouldn't be posting evidence of Trump defending someone from the alt-right, calling him very committed, and a Trump guy, as he's yelling that Jews did 9/11.

Did you not see the images in my post?

God Mike Enoch is a such fucking MUH PATRIOTIC retard. I love the Daily Shoah and all but this guy REALLY pissed me off when he said 9/11 truthers are conspiritards on last week's show.


I have been saying exactly this. This is my little redpill pasta.
Gravity & Black Holes
Trump knew Truth on 911

lol, No one is going to take that guy seriously. He sounds like a raving nutcase, regardless.

Reminds me of this guy from a Rubio rally

Sounded like a South Park character.

Thought those documents already got destroyed?

Look at those fucking plants chimping out. (((They))) never stop trying to make their enemies look like lunatics, do they


The truly incriminating documents probably no longer exist, or ever existed in the first place.

Why would they document their own crimes? Why would they put it down on paper?

Trump knew, but does he really know what kind of shysters these evil Likud Zionists are?

I can only hope that there are real live White hats in the top of the military. How do you begin to break the jewish hold on the media? If Trump wins Judea will declare war on Trump.

That pompous prick. Engaging in the same baseless ad hominem attacks that he condemns liberals for.
Post this pic anytime someone shills for TRS here


there's more to this video too. i dont have it but after the dude calms down, trump talks to the crowd about how he's "on our side" and just a little too energetic or something

what a jackass