Is this compass accurate?
Also what is an almost moderately accurate political compass site?
Is this compass accurate?
Also what is an almost moderately accurate political compass site?
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fuck off
But no, there are no accurate political tests, they're all extremely biased. I do kind of like the five dementional one though.
I'm a state socialist and I'm in the green zone on the green zone, what the fuck now?
enough is enough
No, it lumps people largely into the left, making it useless since it puts less left-leaning leftists into the extreme and people from the left into the "moderate" left
political compass is a spook
actual quote
no political compass is accurate, but i do enjoy the event horizon reference in the bottom right.
the fact that you call them experiments just shows their lack of success at overthrowing capitalism kek
10/10 papa Marx would be proud.
go to site, take test
[radial speedblur of Porky]
[pic of a scarecrow]
Delicts is a breddy obscure term, is this translated from something?
Why do I sense that whatever I put in it's going to either tell me that it's from Windows and I have a wirus or that I love Pootin just like 126% of other visitors
Is that like the Crimson Permanent Asurance?
yeah nah fuck this
Remember Dexter's Lab?
Ok. X country trying to do socialism is Dexter and the US is his sister.
Now, tell me why they don't succeed again.
I think they mean it like Greece. Whether or not broke Nation States should pay denbts through austerity and stuff or simply flip creditors off like Germany did in 1953
come on now, think of it like graffiti and drunk driving and littering.
The rest is just you playing dumb.
Political test is still the best one around since it goes past bigguvXsmallguv and idpol trash.
Ah, thanks.
You misunderstand, I'm saying the 'we should significantly reduce our lifestyles' is a leading question, designed to make eco-stuff seem unpopular.
The impression I got from skimming wiki was it that it referred to crimes of negligence, like not trimming your tree until it snaps a power line or maintaining your vehicle so badly that it becomes a significant hazard to more responsible drivers.
No, that's me making jokes about the Engrish on the site and you being a humorless git.
A good test tells you an answer based on a broad variety of factors and differentiates different issues. A good kitten is cute.
The Authouritarian/Libertarian Left/Right test that everybody always posts everywhere falls short of that. It's equivalent to one half a kitten, it has some components of kitten, but not enough to make it cute. It's a mess, frankly.
This test is 3/4s of a kitten. It comes closer to being a kitten, but still fails, and is still a damn mess.
i totally agree
Political compass isn't accurate.
It's useful to an extent. Teaching people that there is a difference between big gubmint and economics is important. A lot of people don't see to understand why Democrats and Republicans are in the same area, showing how much wider the political spectrum is than their narrow view of it.
Has its issues of course.
jesus lad I'd just about managed to forget.
Wasted meme potential tbh smh
I think what would be more accurate is something that gives percentage of agreeance with different political positions instead of trying to average it out to a single point on a grid or scale. Also have it divided up between political subject type like social and economic and so on. Im not sure if there is a good test like that though. A shame since I am unsure what I am closest to.
:^) yup
This is the most entertaining/accurate one so far tbh
I love this