What would be the straw that broke the camels back and starts a race war in the USA?
I think it will be when a mob attacks and victimizes whites in their homes and then the jewish media tries to brush it under the rug.
What would be the straw that broke the camels back and starts a race war in the USA?
I think it will be when a mob attacks and victimizes whites in their homes and then the jewish media tries to brush it under the rug.
Nothing. Whites have already surrendered. Nothing wounds the conservative more than when the ugliest, most worthless nigger doesn't recognize how much unconditional love the conservative has for the nigger.
So long as you join ZOG's military, lie through your teeth with pointless platitudes about the constitution, or play a sport, the conservative will deliver you unlimited White pussy and pay you handsomely while he does it.
The only way you could have a race war in the USA is with resource wars. The day the water doesn't run and the trucks stop, we'll all break into tribes I hope whites won't continue bogus multiculturism at that point and fight for the resources. Since right now and with a good 8 years of a Trump presidency the white birth rate will normalize and we'd be able to win it.
If we got a Clinton 8 years, we could still win it, but when things get spicy she could invite the UN to mop up, "those evil white racists", maybe even get the EU to fight the civil war in this country, just like we in the USA did to the Third Reich.
If the Hebrews are baiting a racewar that implies they want us to loose it, because they always want us to loose. And just to die off entirely so they can have the world to themselves.
Something like this. The Lefties and immigrants and black racists and what-not are gonna take control of the American government in a bloody revolution, either before the next election or because of it. Even bloodier will be the revolution that follows that one. Who will win, I don't know.
That scenario happens all the time. Is there some categorical difference between mass attacks at a Milwaukee state fair and bombarding someone's home? Is it a categorical difference if it's just a small group of niggers barricading you into your home?
It's not going to happen. Whites don't want to fight.
EBT down
why false flags, of course. the kikes do it every day with their tool, the us govt.
more Dyan Roofs, force them to ban guns which will shock the hell out of whites
i hear the jew talking. why are you not in the oven?
pretty much this tbh
that's why this is the last best hope
I don't know what to tell you if you're just going to deny the video-recorded reality in front of you.
This. The welfare/social security system collapses, or the economy undergoes inflation/deflation of any kind making those systems worthless to maintain the minimal quality of life you can currently.
42 million people going hungry can do amazing things.
hanging a nigger on a highway overpass
You realize what you posted happens on a weekly basis right?
Donald Trump referring to Obama as a cocoa shunter.
Every single time you see this image in the OP,
assume that it is going to be a slide thread with a vaguely worded and low-IQ hypothetical.
3 meals away from anarchy. Always has been always will be. it is why over 50% of the federal budget is dedicated to various HHS & Retirement services
So lets get truckers to strike and watch the fireworks.
whether or not it's a shill, blackpilling is the shill's only tactic left that is still effective against Holla Forums users so any and all instances of blackpilling should be treated as if they are coming from shills.
I'm ok with this idea.
What about the brown pill, matey?
fuck off moshe
Hillary getting the office. That's the green light
I know that I'll be called a shill but I genuinely don't see it happening outside of divine intervention (which I don't even remotely think will happen).
I thought "What did he mean by this?" was this week's shill-post identifier.
Societal collapse. The welfare money would have to stop flowing and the distribution of resources into city centers would have to dry up because the police cannot maintain order in the resulting chimp out and the military is too busy fighting to take over civil security.