ITT post best chairs
Chair Thread
Drop that shit and get a real chair user. Something like a recliner or ottoman set. Office chairs are horribly uncomfortable and fuck your back up, not to mention exploding metal rod in your asshole.
Here OP, have a boner throne.
My anus clenched. Story behind this picture, pl0x?
too embarrassed to call 911 the person sitting on it died of blood loss
Imagine pic 2 rocketing upwards in the direction of your unprotected rosebud propelled by compression forces strong enough for it to tear through a metal plate like tissue paper.
chaiselong sofas for anything not a pc.
My all time favourite chair for PCing was a recliner. I had a large desk, a laptop, monitor, keyboard on lap, mouse on armrest and headphones. Comfy as fuck. I never found office chairs as comfy after that.
there was a capped thread about his on /v. anyone has it?
That chair looks like shit. How are you supposed to use a computer on that thing?
I need help identifying this chair. Thank you in advance.
bump because i too would like to know the model of that chair
Sit on this
I'm glad this style of recliner is popular. Shit's cash yo.
I don't know about that chair but I wouldn't sit in it after a potatonigger touched it.
Good taste. I wanted to get one of those for my computer chair but it was far too big to fit in my car or through my door.
bumping good thread
chairs are based
I sit on a folding chair.
I forgot to mention there's a 12" dildo duct taped to the part where i place my ass.
That's a great idea. If your asshole is firmly planted on a dildo, you won't be able to slide or fall off a chair! Why haven't people started doing this?!
lil bitch, you can't sit with me if you wanted to
Post pics of your chair and then yourself sitting on your chair
chair exploded and metal penor went inside boipussi