Anyone else modify their sex toys? Once they start ripping or losing texture, I start getting creative with them.
This setup here looks pretty simple, but feels god damn amazing. It's heated, it vibrates, it has great suction, it grips my cock… it's just fucking great.
Daniel Hughes
i like the paint them brown so i can stick my dick in that ebony hole based
Christopher Bailey
that's the only safe way to fuck a brown pussy
Gavin Clark
brown boyholes are fair game tho tbh
Henry Parker
I mean… if you're a faggot yeah
Andrew Powell
nothing gay about a little boipucci so long as there's no kissing involved tbh
Robert Torres
confirmed russian bot
Juan Lee
I like to cut a little hole in my dildo big enough to fit my iPod in so i can listen to music while imagining i have a bf no homo
Jacob Walker
did you just arrive from reddit?
Asher Butler
Robert Richardson
What the fuck are the bumps around the entrance of that hole? I think your ona has an STD.
Jaxon Gray
when you press your dick into it, those little bumps caress the head and it feels fucking amazing.
Ryder Taylor
I didn't know there were practical applications for genital warts but you do you.
Connor Lee
I don't know if you understand the difference between real and fake
Ryan Martinez
Jackson Murphy
I do, I've seen plenty in porn.
Jaxson Gutierrez
You have a fetish for genital warts. We fucking get it.
Brayden Baker
Jose Wood
Chase Stewart
Oh, almost forgot the cherry on top.
Carson Richardson
desu sempeye xD
Jeremiah Butler
This is what a real "good" pussy looks like
Robert Barnes
I'll never forget the stank
Eli Diaz
not until we get this thread back on topic
Gabriel Garcia
Jesus christ learn basic hygiene.
Jace Barnes
he's right, you know
That is a horse, user.
Aaron Reyes
Levi Jenkins
The user with the photo isn't me, and I don't know who it is, I can only give you 2d chubbs.
Lincoln Nguyen
That is codespeak for "Anyone who posts an answers to this is an ugly no-sex loser faggot."
Nathaniel Gomez
tbh people with sex toys are almost certainly people who actually fuck. Those toys are for sharing and require a life to purchase, given that even anons wouldn't buy any used - Who would sell those?! - And they tend to be pretty expensive.
Jeremiah James
Then what do you call a camwhore with a dragon dildo?
Juan Johnson
And? That's no fucking excuse for basic cleanliness.
Adrian Reyes
So you're telling me you'd clean dung out of a horse's bunghole?
Bentley Ross
Somebody has to do it.
Logan Sanchez
No, nobody has to fucking do it. You can just use the right hole on the horse - It'll even like it better and end up closer to you for it, what the fuck. Am I talking to a scat fetishist? Is that it? Are you genuinely telling me that it'd be worthwhile to scoop a horse's shit out of their ass by the steaming, green, fibrous handful just so you can - What, fuck it? God forbid, put your mouth to it?
Nolan Cooper
A hole's a hole.
Aaron Lee
Is this bait
Jackson Brooks
Just use a baby wipe dude
Tyler Long
There's nothing wrong with being a submissive and fantasizing about a strong domineering sadistic man breaking you down so hard and so far that you wind up willingly giving a rimjob to a horse just to amuse him.
Blake Powell
Yes there fucking is, satantrips.
It's only okay if it's a strong domineering woman. There is no place for manliness in sexuality.
Nolan Cox
what did he mean by this
Jason Baker
Just here to add mindbreak is a top tier genre tbh
Daniel Jones
you fucking heard me. there is no place for manliness in sexuality on any side of anything but homosexuality. A strong man is a fucked up man that can't serve his woman or please anyone. Did I stutter?
Hunter Williams
your shitty weaboo pix indicate that I am correct to feel the opposite about pretty much anything you say.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Eli Jackson
That looks pretty tight op. Dont snap your dick off trying to penetrate it. I have a similar hole but it is not damaged enough to need adjustment yet.
I did modify my realtouch to look more real by cutting up my old soloflesh. I cut the front and slipped it over the front of the realtouch. the soloflesh was pretty tight alone but with the real touch squeezing down at the entrance and the belts going it is even better.
I mostly use my x10 cyclone now though since i can make scripts for videos or use it with some games.
Kayden Gutierrez
Dude those belts have to be fuckin awesome.
How is the x10? I'd be the kind of guy to write scripts for it too, but I have reservations about these motorized kinds. You like it?
Cameron Robinson
They are great as long as they are properly lubed. You just have to take care of that before you put on the outside cover or you are going to get sore fast. The built in heaters make it extremely hot after about 20 minutes so it is best to let it cool off for a few if you plan to use two or three times in a row. There is a lube reservoir meant to spray inside based on the scripts or manually via the application and it cools off the built up heat and feels nice but if you fill that it will leak and cause the motor inside to rust and you have a brick in no time. I am on my second one after learning about the rust issue the hard way. Nothing feels better to date. It is surprising how real it feels on some of the scripted videos. It is too bad they stopped selling them over some sort of copyright that exists for a device that never did.
The x10 is only second to the realtouch so far. It is a little too shallow but it still feels pretty good with the right script. The first couple of games and videos were ok but the last two one by Clockup and one by anim are amazing. Someone spent some time scripting those. They synch up the game great and got me at almost every scene I had to take a break. The last waffle game was a bit too rapey for me but the scripting on it fit really well too. They really wanted you to feel like you were destroying those poor captured anime girls. Everything they did previously game wise was ok but they seem to have spent a lot more time on the last one. There is also a sleeve with rotors you can buy much cheaper. The rotors attach to the sleeve or you can stuff them in a hole before you enter it and get a pretty good feeling off of those.
Jaxon Jackson
I always have that shallow problem with toys that use plastic cups. I love going balls deep especially into something that's vibrating, but nothing is ever quite long enough to be able to do that.
I'm definitely going to keep an eye on these interactive things. I script all kinds of (non-sex) stuff, and I could see myself getting obsessed with it. lol
Liam Myers
Yeah that is one of the main reasons the realtouch is so much better aside from a lick on the tip feeling real, like most other motions it can create with that belt. The x10 does come with some extenders and you can buy more but for that to work out i would need to purchase several of the extender sets and they do not sell them alone so it would get expensive quick.
Pic related let me down. I thought for sure this would work pretty well and it is nice and deep. The deepest I have ever seen for a cup like device. Maybe I am just not using it right but it really did nothing for me. Once it gets all the air sucked out the bottom of the sleeve inside just pops loose and it feels like nothing. It also has to be aimed downward for a tight seal which is difficult. I am thinking about modifying the sleeve from this to work with my x10 if i can not get it to perform. As deep as that sleeve is i think it would be a great improvement to the x10.
Also just to be clear when i say scripting i am not talking about programming or coding. The x10 has a plugin for win media player and you can open a video and there are various sliders and a sheet music like setup where you click to add movements for the x10. there are different movements and you can change the intensity of the movements. Combining several around the same time lets you build some great stuff too.
Colton Torres
Here is one of my favorite Onaholes called "Whisper of the Penis Ear Sex Onahole". The ear is kind of weird but the inside is great. It needs a thicker wall though it already has a small hole.
Angel Jackson
uuughhh this shouldn't give me a boner…..but
Austin Garcia
Why the fuck does this intrigue me? I would not want to see it but the thought of seeing it, somehow strangely intriguing… Not arousing though… Just such a weird sight, a woman's mouth on a horse's anus.
Jordan Gutierrez
thanks user, I laughed for about 5 minutes when I saw this thing
Benjamin Clark
It is a good hole. I want to try this but it is more than I want to spend.