so, i'm having a discussion with a Holla Forumstard who insists that a husband can't fuck his own wife if she isn't past the age of consent
for example, if a 28 year old man has the girl's parental consent and marries a 15 year old girl.
can he legally fuck her without being thrown in prison
I'd fugg that loli tbh
your mom's a retard
wtf rude
that's what i thought about the user claiming you can't fuck your own wife, but i thought surely the pedo community would know the answer
They are just moralfag normies at this point. Post pic related and see how they react. They will lose their shit.
they are literally just basic bitch conservatives now lol
meep meep pedos keep your meadow magic in its plastic tbh no homo
even lebbit have little girl subreddits. They are comfortable being blacked and cucked and convincing users to turn gay tbh. If they want cute lolis on chans, they can go out of their way and find them because all there is on nu/pol/ are niggers, cucks and bait threads.
yeah, but i'm trying NOT to come across like a pedo i'm a hebe tbh
it's in the "jew bader grinsburg" sticky tbh
kpim is already within hebe age already
i'm not looking forward to pim to get tits tbh
imo i rate it like this
0-7 = diaper/ toddler fag
8-11 = loli (most midget posters fall in here)
11-14 = hebe
15-16 = ephe
17+ = I dont care too old
឴឴ ឴឴ ឴឴
i can't wait. they will be amazing!
your opinion isn't reality tbh
who cares?
fuck off pedo
They are both femshit-derived terms. Stop accommodating them.
No, they're not. They describe people's ages, and are derived from that to fit sexual preference. Being an exclusive ephebophile is still relatively normal, being an exclusive hebephile isn't but it's generally not seen as harmful inherently (except by feminists), on the other hand being an exclusive pedophile is looked down upon by practically everyone except pedophiles. Still not inherently harmful, if they don't molest kids, but it doesn't take a feminist to hate pedos.
pedos and hebes are bros though so you're wrong already
They may be "bros" with each other, but that doesn't mean anyone else likes them…
Yes, they are. Provide me a single example of these terms in use prior to the women's movements. Humanity has literally been around for 10's of thousands of years, and written history for over 7,000. Surely you can come up with at least one example m'lady. And TOGTFO btw.
So, everything that has been invented after "the women's movements" is "femshit"? Top fucking kek. TIL astrophysics is femshit too.
I'm a man…
you won't find any, because prior to the (((modern era))), puberty defined adulthood. if a girl had her period, she was a woman. the definition of pedophile hasn't changed. the definition of "child" is what changed. prior to that, no word was needed to describe someone who was attracted to 12 year olds, because this has been normal and healthy for the whole of human evolution tbh. when they changed the definition of child with their bullshit age of consent, then a new term was coined to distinguish between someone who wanted to fuck a child and someone who wanted to fuck a grown woman but was legally unable to do so
Also this.
You're a pedophile fam.
thanks for the upboat fam
A minor getting married has the same effect as emancipation. They are allowed to consent to sex just like any other contract. The only things they can't do are purchase alcohol, tobacco, and firearms or vote.
that's what i thought too. it doesn't matter now tho, since they b& me for shitposting. so this is now just a /hebe/ thread tbh.
i should have posted pim anyway
Ephebophiles on this Holla Forums like the hebe and pedobros but they all share a hate for infantophiles which is rightfully named as the diaperfags. Talk about diaperfags at all and they'll show up just to show everyone why they're hated. So your initial statement of 'an exclusive pedophile is looked down upon by practically everyone except pedophiles' is too broad and thus for this sitution invalid. The hebes, ephebos and pedos (who are not into toddlers and infants) have been trying disassociate themselves with the diaperfags and its evident by the way they look down at them.
My female teachers always told me girls mature faster. Was she telling me girls are ready at 12 and I should fug lolis? Pretty based if true tbh
checking these dubs tbh. i think Kek confirmed you should fug lolis tbh
Daddy says it's all OK.
If it's OK with daddy, it's OK with me.
My opinion might be an unpopular one among both this board's populace and the mainstream, but I'll post it anyway.
It is in my view perfectly acceptable for a man to marry a girl young enough to be his granddaughter, provided that she has not been married before and that she wants to marry him. There also has to be a guarantee that if he dies before her, she can marry another man already chosen by her: this means there would have to be a man willing to be "cucked" until the death of her first husband. If no such second husband is to be found within the first year of marriage through natural means (socialization), he should take an active part in finding her next husband. This is to ensure her future and safety, but also to ensure that their children will have a father. If no children are born of the marriage, then this is not nearly as important.
If they have not had a single child before his seventieth birthday, she should be able to divorce him without his consent. In this case he would not have to pay any compensation to her, nor should she have any legal right to demand it. If, however, they have had children together and she wants a divorce and gains custody of the children, he should pay her until one of their children gets married. If no child is married before his/her twentieth birthday, he would no longer have to pay, nor would any of his property be given to her if he died before any of the children are married. On the other hand, if they had a child together and that child got married before the divorced husband's death, when he died his property would be divided between the married child, his ex-wife and his other family members.
stopped reading right there, user. you're right, but fuck your wall of autism tbh
Having a young wife would keep you busy.
i would be busy with her trying to make babies tbh
That's the best part.
absolutely tbh
sorry. i can't speak "snow nigger"
15 should be legal tbh
checked tbh
see how happy she is
dream come true!
i wish she was my dream come true
How do you know I'm right, if you agree with me, if you didn't read my post? It's not just "it's ok to fuck teens"…
sounds great, when do you declare sovereignty?
Gibberish, but nice.
i did read the entire thing, tbh, user. but i thought when you went into details about regulations and specifics, i thought you went off the rails. keep it simple. is it ok, yes or no? i think yes.
I'm mostly over this feel tbh, and I wouldn't want to marry someone of a different age (well maybe down to 5 years younger or 5 years older but not more than that) but it's still a bad feel
This has happened to both Holla Forums and Holla Forums. They both started recruiting from reddit in an attempt to win their fucking stupid internet slap fight, and predictably ended up suffering from eternal september. Holla Forums is now unconditionally supportive of feminism and Holla Forums is now unconditionally supportive of Trump and the Republican party.
You stimulate me, user
u can fuck whatevers legally able to consent