cutting thread
Cutting thread
cutting is based and fashy
cutting is harmful
cutting is based and fashy
post qt cutters tbh
less questioning, more pics/fapping
if people ate a fruit or a vegetable every time they felt bad instead of cutting themselves, they could have the brain vitamins to think better and feel less shitty. not a total fix, but better than cutting themselves.
no, cutting is based and bolshy
Blood's even makes red Marx, comrade.
sounds based
No, no, no. marxists are the reason people cut themselves.
OP is retarded. Cutting ones self is retarded. If you wanna do what all the cool kids do just go around bashing in peoples windshields with your face and post that shit if you wanna be cool. Any pussy bitch can cut lines an their arms with razerblades, that shit don't even hurt pussy.
actually it does hurt really really bad.
ribbit ribbit cutting is bad
citation needed
ribbit ribbit it's a fucking fact that cutting yourself is bad. if you need to be told or need proof of this you are 200% certified hue hue
stating it's a fact without providing an explanation is uninformative, therefore your post has been discarded
ask a doctor you fucking RETARD!
so what about either of these are considered bad? how do you define bad?
most cutters are clean & careful tbh. risk of infection is negligible
That doesnt make sense anrent they supposed to be nihlistic why would they care?
does 'nihilistic' all of a sudden mean not being hygienic or something?
afaik, most of them are the opposite. they cut to make themselves feel, to remind themselves that they are alive & human, to induce euphoria, and often as a self-punishment. none of these are nihilistic
Former cutter here. I only did it because my sister did it. I always used isopropyl alcohol to clean the cutting site and razor. I have some deep ones through the dermis but most were superficial. I haven't done any self harm in 5 years once I found out how retarded it was.
I see no difference between cutting and tattooing. I always wanted to get some scar art done.
ded bored tbh
cutting is cool make sure to rub the razor on asphalt and dumpster metal before cutting yourself with it
degenerate attention whores never learn
awful degeneracy
post cutting pics or gtfo
cut my life into pieces
G-gotta leave humanity behind, amirite.
about as retarded as is this faggot for pretending he really beats his dick to images of girls.
am i right or what you fucking homo
user, these are all me:
i legit can fap to qt girls cutting
especially when it's her