Check this out. Definitive greenscreen manipulation or perhaps something even more sinister.
Hillary Clinton 9/15 NC Greenscreen: Smoking Gun Evidence
Other urls found in this thread:
Not all media broadcasts are through one and the same camera, ya dip
sage for severe mental retardation
Isn't this just a camera being a few feet to the right? Looking at a different angle? Like you can see the arm lengths are different in the top half due to the camera shooting from more to the side at a bigger angle. Like even the shadows line up.
We gotta stick to nonretarded topics to pin her on that are true.
Watch the video and check the number of stripes to the left of Hillary in both scenes and how the crowd is repositioned. A slightly different camera angle wouldn't cause that degree of shift in perspective.>>7562861
user, do the following:
1: Hold up a finger in front of your face.
2: Close one eye.
3: Using your free hand pick up a lump hammer.
4: Fucking kill yourself with it.
I'm not seeing shit. Just perspectives.
What a waste of dubs.
I'm not seeing anything.
Count the number of stripes at 1:34.
So do I.
Like starting a bait thread and trying to spread a dumb conspiracy theory on this board while there are good threads about the Clintons and David Brock?
I've seen this happen before. It's not as retarded as the Flat Earth spam but maybe Sinead has learned how to dial down her crazyness to make it more palatable.
Pic related is the spread of video cameras for slick Willy visiting some shitty college in March.
If you don't understand parallax then kindly fuck off and ask an adult to explain it you.
What about the people who were there and saw her on the stage? Did they saw a high tech super hologram?
Conspiracy theory. Sage!
Haha conspiratard has no proof. Sage!
Sage for tinfoilers tinfoiling!
Hillary shills and bluepilled retards need to fuck off back to reddit
Nobody accused anybody of being a "tin-foiler".
Too fucking stupid to understand basic optics, yes, but true tin-foilers tend to be mentally fucking ill rather than mentally retarded.
Do any of you shillaries touch yourselves while record correcting? Survey says: :^)
Cameras don't have X-Ray vision.
That's what (((they))) want you to think :^)
Anne Frankly, I have no idea. However, there are enough anomalies to warrant some investigation. Key compositing being the easiest explanation.
Good gif here for spreading
What about the – let's be generous – 400 people who were there at the rally? Were they all paid to pretend Hillary Clinton was there even though she wasn't? Or do you think they saw a super high-tech hologram on the stage?
Love is only strong when it is true. Hate is the second most powerful emotion of them all, but it far surpasses false love.
It's a meme, ya dip!
kek nice damage control
If it were a few feet to the right, why is ''Hillary" not rotating a few degrees also? Her images are identical
I didn't think the shills would latch onto 'green screen Hillary' so hard. Yes yes, reptiles and flat earth and all that. Go collect your check Sinead.
Wew. Since you're as obvious a shill I've ever seen here I'll just post your "proof" for the lurkers. Do these pics jive with what you see in the video? Also to answer the shills question: I don't know if they used footage from an old rally, how much of it is composited or if there were 400 people there or 100, just know there's definite skillduggery going on here.
Welcome to the thread were paid hillaries retards try to convince you that she's behind a green screen. Yet even 2PAC technology was still a huge monitor. Projection technology without glasses or projection upon a screen is impossible, for now.
There have been plenty of pictures and videos of this specific event where she is up on stage.
Why is this shit being pushed here? Partially because dumb fucks actually believe this nonsense but mostly because they're being paid to shill this shit. In the grand scheme of things this is done because they want to frame trump supporters, specifically the "alt-right" as insane.
She does point directly at the wall it seems.
Not that that is proof of anything, but I'll give you that user.
Shit like this tends to be disinfo/discredit stuff.
Hillary has more than enough shit shes hiding than to muddy the waters with speculative shit like this.
It's a meme you dip.
Post one. ONE taken from any of those dozens of phones. I'll wait.
The length of shirt on her arm is different between the top left and right.
this is as stupid as moon rocks with the moon landing Learn how to angle retards. I'm hoping your a shills just promoting stuff that is easily discredited.
The red and white stripes behind her are off-putting, but heres a side shot from a speech she gave from a semi-credible source where she was standing in front of the red and white stripes.
I almost feel sorry, if I didn't strongly believe you did it on purpose.
you dip
a good question
because it's a dumb conspiracy theory Sinead and I don't want to bump your thread
I'm not the OP and the page has more than 20 photos and I wasn't going to post them all just to point out the obvious flaw in the conspiracy theory.
Oh really?
These photos were taken at the Greensboro rally. Hillary Clinton was there. It's simple, no?
Mr. eb6681, if she was indeed at the Greensboro rally – and there are photos to prove it – then she's not "using key compositing to avoid public appearances" like you're insinuating. Is it really that hard to understand? Are you that autistic?
I don't know anything about cameras and live feeds for Television but a little logic would have prevented you from investing energy into this conspiracy theory that she wasn't physically at the Greensboro rally.
Yawn. Another nigger who says 'inb4' as if that somehow invalidates the complaint. And I'm not saying you're trying to discredit the "alt right" (whatever that is), I'm saying these stupid conspiracy theories are pushed to try to discredit this board. It's not that different than the Flat Earth crap Sinead was posting on Holla Forums a few months ago.
You need to dial down your autism but I don't think you can
learn how to SAGE
What is "sage"? Posters may reply to threads without bumping them to the top of the index by putting "sage" in the email field.
Hillary attended the North Carolina rally in Greensboro, NC on 9 September 15 - 2016. Where she wore a very vivid pinkish piece of clothing.
Hillary is known for creating MSM camera angles so that the crowds appear larger then they are. This is a fact and it shows crooked Hillary's desperation at trying to convince the public of her popularity.
In this specific Hillary rally they even closed off part of the backdrop to make the room smaller which was well documented on Holla Forums.
The full rally stream can be seen here:
(She has a micro seizure at 34:56 during applause. She has trouble during the entire 34 minute mark.)
PROOF That greenscreen / hologram is bullshit:
This stream distortion portrayed as if she's some 3D hologram is absolute dog shit and anyone who shills this shit on Holla Forums needs to die in a fucking fire! What's next? Ayyliens sent hillary from out of space.
There are even deplorable's who attended the rally u fucking shills
Wat? Ohhh because she's a flat earther and only a flat earther would think Hillary is in bad enough health to fake rallies? I get it. Thanks for correcting the record.
Do you peruse that site often? Wait let me guess: to see what the enemy is thinking, right fellow Holla Forumsack?
Naw, why would you post pics to back up what you were saying? Better just to link to (((
Yes, really
Very simple. In public appearances immediately before and after she had coughing fits and/or lapses in speech and/or collapsed but in these two cases she spoke perfectly for 20+ minutes and just pure coincidence was invisible to phones, used laugh tracks and temporarily disappeared along with her podium leaving the background intact. Very simple indeed user, again thanks for correcting the record.
Fuck off with this nonsense.
And notice how the only ones going on about holograms are shills like you. Still waiting for one of those phone pics btw.
Kill yourself.
I just linked you the phone pics u nigger, time to learn to read.
PROOF That greenscreen / hologram is bullshit:
HAHA now I see why you didn't want to post the pics yourself, probably didn't even look at them either.
Hmmm what a convenient blue background. However much they're paying you retards it's too much.
Angles. Learn about them.
Only a conspiratard would think the 300-400 people who were there at the really were all paid to pretend Hillary was there just for the TV cameras while they used greenscreen.
I did a search for photos of the Greensboro Hillary Clinton rally.
Do you know how to do an images search or do I have to show you?
You sound really butthurt.
Autism confirmed.
You saw the photos so why do you insist on being a conspiratard who believes she wasn't physically at the Greensboro rally? Because like a recluse autist you only see the world through a screen?
And her image doesn't change. Seriously, cross your eyes and overlap the images, it's identical except for the arm. The footage is either doctored by the person who put it on youtube or it's doctored in the first place, but this isn't just two cameras capturing an image stereoscopically
Why did you conveniently ignored the two other Twitter links the other user posted?
Who's the retard here? You deliberately ignored two links that show photos of the Greensboro rally with Hillary.
Turn off your computer. Your autism is out of control.
See the "proof" of 400 your fellow shill just posted, retard.
Hope I didn't get you fired for that one (((user))).
There's more than two.
Your austism is out of control. Go shitpost elsewhere. It's pathetic.
The blue background is a stage after her rally where she talks to the press. Which is explained in the fucking twitter link. Video here:
Are you gonna claim she was green screened in that location as well?
As much as i hate crooked hillary, these fucking shills and their false narrative's is what i hate the most.
Holy hell, i'm done with this shit. It's about time MODS start perma banning these niggers.
Enjoy your shekels shill.
Find the hidden Pepe.
>Everything is a greenscreen now
I fucking said you fucks would call that. Soon you'll say this website is greenscreen.
What did they even mean by this? Does that wording trigger the indoctrinated on the left somehow? I used to be a Democrat and I'm not even sure what they're trying to make me feel with that.
No mate, they aren't shills. Go learn about perspective a bit.
The guy who made the video is wrongly assuming that:
1. The cameras are in the same position.
2. The lens and angle are the same.
3. That everyone is as stupid as him.
Explain this then you dimwitted fucks
20:50 - 21:14
Explain how her, the teleprompter and the podium all disappear while the backdrop behind her stays the same. Go ahead and explain how I'm a shill for using my eyes and common sense, you $.75 posting shillary scumbag fucks.
That's what bothered me too.
oh wow…
Lame as fuck, CTR. Try again.
Classy dubs.
name one
The only good point I saw in that video was the camera screen of the same guy being blatantly different in 2 shots at the same time. The rest of it is a lack of understanding of 3D space, one camera was to the left so the prompter appeared more to the right, same with Hillary and the flag.
Honesly I don't know who's shilling who anymore and if some of this is obvious disinfo to cover stuff like this up.
Seems me and you are the only ones who don't don't have down syndrome…
that part is more sketchy, but this is still a shit thread for people who cant into perspective.
One 'idea' for how that(in your image) happens is the top 5% of the frame is repeated throughout. If there were anything but straight vertical lines, we'd know if that was the case.
That's what i thought. until i realized that hillary herself is at the same angle, even though the angle of the footage is obviously very different.
shes the same in both angles. you should be seeing more of her back in one of the angles while shes walking upstage, and you cant.
shes clearly pointing at the background in both images.
you think liberals wouldnt show up and act for free in a green screen conference if told hillary needs help? "shes sick and needs our help"
this is a stupid attempt to make us look dumb, its two camera angles, the media area is pretty wide so two shots from two sides would look very different
the fact that nobody looks right at her and SHE'S NOT ON ANY OF THE PHONES is spooky though
sage sage sage sage
dumb dumb dumb dumb
You almost had
off by 3
you should probably commit sudoku.
i thought that about the camera angles at first. but hillary appears to be in the same angle while everything else is at another angle. i dont see this as a big point to push though. even if it was entirely CG, what difference does it make to her voter base?
Right, and the last thread was downboated because the OP used the word "hologram". Problematic trigger words aside I'll point out again
Hilllary shills can derail and distract all they want, just don't let them convince there's nothing to see here.
I wasn't even talking about that.
OP's video doesn't even mention that which the interesting part about the stream.
OP sucks.
What you're posting is an important question.
There's no need to freak out and call people shills, you're asking the right question whereas OP was trying to make a case for something that had no credibility. Redirecting the focus onto something bullshit like OP just weakens the argument. It's literally sliding the argument.
Problem is shill or not the subject still remains, make a new better thread and it will just get sagebombed or deleted for being duplicate. Faggots screeching about muh pr too should realize that exposing a possible/probable hoax like this could potentially legitimize Holla Forumsacks as more than just edgelords on a ukrainian ice sculpture website.
OP here: A lot of people have already covered the pixelated glitches and the phones. I figured I'd tackle another anomaly. I just find it hard to understand how a different perspective camera angle could extend the American flag by 2 stripes extending left from her point of reference at 1:35.
You could make her appear even further to the left.
It's to do with this effect.
About half way through he gets to the most relevant bits.
Go back to 4chan nigger.
Not 300-400 people. And it would be impossible to only select the right kind of paid people when it's a public event with reporters and cameras and a live TV feed. Way too complicated.
And anyway, there are photos of the event from different angles, here and here and Hillary Clinton is there.
ZOG has entire fake towns set up with crisis actors and other scum to stage hoaxes like Sandy Hook not to mention all those operatives/agents in place during 9/11 who were creating the bullshit Islamic terrorists "did it" narrative with the help of the Jews media pretending they were just "random bystanders" so yeah…
You bet your ass people at this Clinton rally would lie their asses off too and claim she was there even if she wasn't.
For all the bullshitters ie naieve people and actual paid ZOG disinformation agents who say "OMG such a BIG secret couldn't be kept no way no how!!" those idiots/traitors can be countered with the fact the Manhattan Project/Philadelphia experiment/s didn't have any whistleblowers and ZOG has been able to keep the ET issue underwraps 60+ years after Roswell even despite the majority of the world feeling they are hiding something so yeah ZOG can do just about anything it wants these days and largely thanks to all the white Christian Jew slave retards that give these Jews their power since Jewish power all rests in white's worshipping a false Jewish god Jesus and believing the Jew's are the special chosen people of this false Jewish god.
The Jew Hollywood video technology is also so good these days just about anything in a video/film sense can be believably faked just like in that old Arnold Schwarzennegger movie The Running Man.
>ZOG has been able to keep the ET issue underwraps 60+ years after Roswell
I'm a complete conspiratard who even believes that a real extraterrestrial UFO crashed at Roswell
It's called Learned Helplessness. Look it up.
In that movie the audience was in the studio, they only saw the events through the cameras, they weren't there on the site.
ITT we have retards who never bothered to look for photos of the event to try to disprove the theory and who only focus on a single video despite the fact that they don't know how these cameras work or how a live TV broadcast works. There could be a good non-conspiratorial explanation for the glitches. But no, they jump to:
OP is a faggot and don't understand the basic aspects of angular perception.
I'm officially dismissing the "green screen flag", because why even bother?
someone in the crowd would snap a picture of it and we would have a field day.
the airport video?
at least we have templates and OC.
But why bother using a green screen instead of a flag?
it's America, it's a hell of a lot easier to get a giant flag than a green screen.
I'm guessing the reason she is pointing at the wall is because of her brain damage.
simple as that.
she thinks she is pointing to the crowd, but is coordination difficulties so she points to the wall instead.
I want CTR with their bullshit conspiracy shit to leave.
OP should be prove enough of people being retarded.
i think it kind of goes along with the notion that leftists physically dont think like we do.
>where as what they wrote is I love trumps hate
and then there is the other angle they are trying to go with
But that can never happen because what they call hate is merely what we love, and they dont love what we love… they hate what we love.
So where their slogan says "Love trumps hate"
Their real slogan is "Hate Trumps love"
Also as far as this video shit is concerned.
likely so
no, the people still voting for her are diehard morons.. this type of shit will be easily denounced by them as 'muh conspiracy theory'
Its good for memetics but I say keep the focus on better angles. Like her PAC's and CTR being implicated in a huge money laundering scheme. Like her having thugs pull a B&E on a Trump office, literally the first time the suffix gate has been relevant in the past 20 years.
Not trying to discourage discussion on this topic at all, just saying I think there are better memes to be made and conversations to be had. We ARE coming into the final countdown for the debate afterall.. we need to give Kek and Trump our best energy!
That love overpowers hate. I just chose to read it as "Love Trump's Hate," instead. As in, I love it when they hate him, because it just shows how much danger he poses to their bullshit.