Has Holla Forums changed you?

Has Holla Forums changed you?

Did browsing this board change how you function as a person? I've started lifting again and cleaned up my diet.

Quit porn too, although still struggling with that one a bit.

Other urls found in this thread:

portlandpua.com/stylelife/Files/Preparing/The Red Queen by Matt Ridley.pdf

I've decided to get somewhat /fit/, get a gun, all of the standard stuff. And, in fact, today is the first time I've been called a "privileged white male".

I became more autistic, lonely, and my family disowned me.

Thanks Holla Forums

Muay Thai for my 4th now.

Completely different person.

I've been the same ever since I first discovered imageboards back in '06

It was a stepping stone, not really a destination. A mead hall at the base of a mountain where climbers gather. What has changed me more was something most of you think isn't real.


Started lifting more frequently, been trying to quit porn and fapping, reading more and hanging out with degenerates less.

Congratulations! Welcome to the verified shitlord club.

Your family disowned you? Why?

Holla Forums is your family now, user

nah not really, but it is nice to see similar-minded folks.


I won't laugh as long as you're not talking about the Holocaust

babbys first gun, let me guess, a glock 9mm.

Yes, it has.

I became more hateful, angry and autistic.

I've changed my mindset and is now fully set on living as i learn and i'll look for a woman to make my wife and family.

I wasn't into that before, even though i was somewhat redpilled on jews and immigration even before /pol

don't leave us hanging user

did you find jesus?

I was thinking of an SKS, because I'm in a slav country, and that's the cheapest thing I can get that isn't .22, and ammo is cheap.
I would buy a glock only if I was attempting to take out the whole neighborhood in a fiery explosion. You're still a giant faggot.

It has refined my anger. Then I went ahead and gained control over it.

Nigger what? Don't leave us hanging.

It made me eternally disappointed in my family and friends

4 months ago I didn't have any guns (Eurofag here). Now I have three, with my fourth and probably final on the way.

I have a part time trade job/ apprenticeship. I've reconnected with my heritage, I overcome subconscious holohoax guilt I was carrying (aryan, but not german).

I'm having a blast re-watching nazi movies and seeing the nazis as the good guys.

I'm red-pilling friends and family.

I think finding Holla Forums was just another step in a long process that just keeps going.

I'm mostly the same, with some added knowledge etc. I guess I've always been pretty fucked up by normie/societal standards, but I fit right in here though.

was at work today thinking about that dutch reporter that got raped by a tribe of sandniggers and all i felt was RAGE i had to put my saw down and take a break
pols Always Right
and OP this NOT politickkkz


Have fun getting v& :^^))

I have this raw desire to recreate the greatness of the German people and now have a girl who shares those same sentiments.

Besides everyone on Holla Forums, I really need to thank the Jews and Muslims because without their impotence and neurotic tendencies I think I'd be playing video games. I think a lot of things are changing here, we are all slowly hearing video related.

And of course now I pay homage to the Froschkönig now.


I hope you die a horrible death you degenerate

I started working out.

And I have been making life harder in any legal way I can for shitskins.

Im actually being a racist now.
Turns out noone in my circle cares/ they where racist but hiding.

It feels good being able to speak my mind.

Exactly this. Also, I started working out again.

I love you too user.

You're a real man now, user.

I quit porn, but not hentai.
Got a job, trying to get another.
Quit smoking weed.
Still a faggot degenerate, though. I'm sorry, Holla Forums.
If it's any sort of redemption, I never plan on telling kids to be gay, or adopting, or anything like that.

I've witnessed the horrors behind ideologies and mob mentality. The hypocrisy and ignorance in the human psychology that tries to undermine principles and values in favour of the most twisted ego-centrism.

I feel that I became more cynic so I don't go crazy or indulge in degeneracy to ease my intemperance. I realized that in order to live closer to truth one must be discipline and obedient to universal laws, I have the blueprint to success in my mind but I still have much work to do.

Yes. Holla Forums tempered my seething anger at the genocidal intent of Jews.


did you jack off to progressively fucked up porn and end up watching faggotry? If so, try stopping all porn and fapping for a while. If not, maybe try conditioning yourself by jacking off to DFC women. I'm convinced that homosex is just a fetish thst can be deconditioned.

I think it stems from a hatred of women more than any kind of fetish.
I've never had a boyfriend, but I've had plenty of bad experiences with women.

I'm a full blown redpill distribution center. Hosting a party for the debates. Even the most left leaning people I know are starting to come around from the sheer logic /pol has blessed me with. Someone today tried to tell me that math dehumanized everyone. We all laughed at him. The tide is turning fam. Keep up the good work. In a war of ideas, let the best ideas win.


Cured my depression, transformed it into anger. Anger is a healthier emotion. Changed my eating habits too. I drink more though now that I'm aware truly how bad shit is.

Holla Forums doesn't change you. It restores you.

It just affirmed that I was right all along and that I do not carry the noble dead alone.

Old man Hans and all those who fell against the bolshevik horde, I think we'll all do you proud in the coming years.

I changed Holla Forums

Thanks fagsfriends

>tfw no gf but at least due to Holla Forums after 2 years i got a body of steel by doing 5 pushups , curls , pulls ups , biceps or triceps every shitpost or shillpost

this tbh. well said user

I basically switched from shitposting all day long to studying almost all day long with occasional breaks for entertainment (including lurking).

I should have mentioned that, especially with the anger bit. The anger became directed at myself. I just wound up getting tired of myself and my poor behavior.

Months later, and I'm seeing myself develop muscles. The old, tired worn out me of the past appears to be long gone.


I was a cuck who posted on halfchan before Holla Forums.

Now I'm a Jerk, & everyone loves me.


What career are you leaning towards?

I legitimately hate women now for being useless sacks of shit for everything in life except having a womb and want to violently kill and torture people who don't have right leaning views.

Also quit weed+alcohol.


You probably hate women because you expect too much of them. Maybe there's a rare snowflake, but they don't have any sense of morality or duty beyond that which society demands they have. Our society being the pozzed shithole that it is, doesn't enforce any standards at all.

portlandpua.com/stylelife/Files/Preparing/The Red Queen by Matt Ridley.pdf

Pretty good book for understanding how and why women act, they're actually highly logical, atleast from an evolutionary biology standpoint.

May have to start this myself. The shills will only make us stronger literally.

Anger literally saved my life. I focused it all into schadenfreude & now I rip off hipsters for a living.

I should amend this, they do to their offspring.

I've changed a lot thanks to this place.

This place has fundamentally changed me, there is no going back.

Maybe a set of ten pushups for every (you) that you get.

…pls no reply

For the better



Time to work out user

Drop dead and give me 20.


Still a degenerate for the moment, but at least I kinda hate myself for it now.

I might repent and detransition or maybe anhero; Holla Forums wins either way.

Hope you're not recovering from chest day.


Teach me your ways, user

It's given me hope for the future. I've been in this shit since around 05 and for awhile there I thought the rest of you were fucking lost.

Can't complain rly.

You could always infiltrate the ranks of the Marxist SJWs, user. From there on out, I'll let your imagination do the rest.

Yes, it did.
I can't imagine myself becoming successful or rich as that will most likely imply I get a small share of a huge pie that goes to a jew.
I can't talk anything with people except small talk, as delving into politics is impossible.

Thanks Holla Forums, you really had to tell me the holocaust didn't happen and that jews control the world and that all politics/economics comes down to a racial opppression and extermination of whites by jews.
Worse, that 80% of whites are on board with that and
would rather shill for a fucking muslim who's been in the country for merely 2 months rather than a white right-winged european who's lived in the country his whole life REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
see 2nd pic

Let me see:

I think that's about it.

Do you have a pump yet?

Teach me sensei

No, but i've changed Holla Forums

I will hang you from your own entrails you fucking degenerate.

Step 1: Learn the very basics of every hobby that exists that you can apply to resale
Step 2: Go to every place that selling things used & buy said hipster items for pennies on the dollar
Step 3: Ship all items to amazon & let them sell them for you
Step 4: Wake up to money going straight into your checking account
Step 5: Praise Kek

Note: Things to learn about
Vinyl Records
VHS Tapes
Vegan Cookbooks, etc

There's a wealth of hipster bullshit people pay good money for. Reach for the stars user. I "work" like 12 hours a week.

I'm uncuckung myself by lifting and being more confident around women, and I am not a fucking doormat nor a god damn pussy-pedestaler anymore

One of the things I easily quit. Haven't looked back. When you realize it gets in the way, you'll be able to leave it behind.

That's very kind of you.

To get rid of one you have to dump the other, so just stop fapping and suddenly you'll have no need of watching porn.

To expand a little further, I should add that I cannot sleep as well as I used to. A lot angrier as well.

I've already a full schedule dealing with depression read: half-heatedly playing vidya

Any tips to make it a bit easier if not it's ok i will still try anyway

Godspeed user. 3D is PD and in pureness only 2D we can trust.

Life could only be better if i stopped stuttering, acquired a gun and had a gf to hold hands.

Do not touch your dick, do not harbor any sexual toughts, don't stay up late and night and don't state at women's tits/ass/etc.

Just don't touch your dick. And see this thread

Find a hobby

Nah, you need to realize one is an impediment while the other can become an impediment when overindulging.

Don't deny yourself sexuality outright unless you really want to for some reason, instead master it so it doesn't control you. Rid yourself of porn, use your mind, listen to appropriate music (I use classical). There is purity in lovemaking but there is none in fucking.

I left my gorgeous spic gf.

Probably for the best, I would've certainly polluted my genes by marrying her and having mud-blood kids………..

top kek

Does shooting count ?

Yes. That's an excellent, constructive hobby that builds a practical skill.


I'm going to have to try this. Have a rare Pepe.

Shut the fuck up you degenerate waifufag, perma-virgins like you are in no position to give advice.

Like if you ever had a choice.


Nice shitpost faggot.


Well thanks lads. I guess it's better to give an oath though. To Holla Forums. You lads are me comrades and i will not rest at least every single kike and shitskin have left the place on the planet. I also will not fap. Praise Kek.

dammit dammit dammit dammit cans.wav

Once again waifufags prove their inability to come up with anything of quality.

An oath isn't something you take so lightly. Think before you swear it.


Platonic love drives higher man to realms of sheer divinity and inspiration. All of the greatest cultures who could make pristine beauty were a reflection of our love for the ethereal.


Your path is a long one. Each day you should learn SOMETHING new.

Tip of the Day: Horror Movies & Wrestling Videos on VHS are generally worth money due to not being re-released on DVD or Bluray

Here's my rarest pepe as a gift.

I'm a bit more lonely but that's because I excised shitty people out of my life. I realized my family was abusing me so I kicked them to the curb as well. I've gotten back in shape and I get more respect from the friends I did keep around and some ladies. I feel like I feel more of the whole flow of experience rather than stewing in the ambivalent 'feelgood' cuck shed that was my stint with leftism.

One thing I'd like to say: I hate the use of the word autism/autist. It seems like any amount of passion someone shows for something is met with 'lol autism' as if anyone trying to get out of the apathy cuck shed needs to be crab mentality'd back into the bucket.

I wish they'd put pepe on a flag to the right near one of those.

"Waifu" is a very specific term to the imageboard culture. Carl Jung called it Anima. The hermetic sages called it the White Stone, Silver Diana, White Rose and many other metaphoric names. They all mean the same thing, they all are the milestone of the same thing - a man's embrace of his feminine principle and his soul's transformation into something complete, from where this purified soul that has been dissolved through great trials and suffering now learns to solve itself together.

This is the muse, the driving force that gives a man the desire to strive for greatness. This is the ideal within for which one picks himself together again, and which eventually will manifest in many different things, goals, achievements and real women as well. None of them will be entirely what the man seeks for, and in this bitter truth is hidden the greatest gift of this White Stone, Diana etc. It is suffering, meaningful suffering on the road to a goal that makes it all worth it. It is this process of transmutation that lies at the heart of the Royal Art, and this is our time when we become the masters of it to find the gold within.

You think you have gone a long way and improved yourself in leaps and bounds compared to who you were just a couple years back? It is nothing compared to whom you will become once you cut off the wings of the dragon in mid flight and attain the true gold within.

As a hapa with no cultural connections to either race, thank you.

i've been lifting for a month and I have a question

My fucking right wrist and forearm is in pain from working out. How do I fix this?

What kind of pain? Muscular? Ligament? Skeletal? What kind of exercises were you doing? Were you doing the motions badly?

Stretch and make sure you're lifting properly, or just take a break for a tad bit.

I drink Green tea for my joint pains.

See your doctor before you do some kind of permanent ligament damage.

You might have tendinitis.
Give more info, and also, ask a medical professional, not a bunch of retarded anime fans.

you have to be with your own people, she has to be with hers.

Rest with the solace that your kids will have an easier time growing up and they have a father that wont be a guilt ridden goy.

I like butthurt, thank you.

Stop working out with it until it's healed. Ice can help manage it. Don't forget to stretch before your workout and make sure you're doing it properly. I'd consider a trip to the doctor to make sure you didn't do too much damage.

Kek, I hope this was a ruse.

I realised I don't fit in anywhere.

Thread Theme


Showed more respect for my family.

I Read more.

I also got exposed to Randy Prozac, Nobody™ (and as a result: Bill Cooper and Manly P hall), Red Ice Radio, Common Filth, so thats another plus

Stopped watching TV and deleted my Fagfuck account (I trusted him, the dumbfuck)

However Million Dollar Extreme I found through a channel of Gmod Griefers that hosted the Tedx video on their channel for a short while oddly enough

That's your inner self talking. Fuck that guy.

Absolutely. Before I found Holla Forums, I was hopelessly depressed, and wanted to date Asian women. Also couldn't hold a job I felt to be 'beneath me'. Now I love myself, and I work in a factory. Also, I found myself a Russian woman. I am not going to let the jews exterminate the Aryan people.

Appatently, the mene is that Holla Forums is full of fat autists, but… I think this is thebmost learned place on the internet. Now I just pretend that every user is a 10/10 Aryan god.

Yes, I hate everyone and everything so much more.

Also since this became a cleansing thread. I want to confess my degeneracy. I like bondage , aka women tied up helpless with a gag on their mouth
Please oh kek forgive me and purge me.

Beautifully put.

yes, I now Cry while watching Hitler videos

Hey pal, at least you are the dominant.

I have kinda theorized that it's the overexaggeration of the nature of woman being submissive to a man that makes this whole thing tingling my dingling.

Nothing wrong with that as long as you're in a monogamous relationship. Pretty much all women love that shit.

When you get the urge, imagine the merchant rubbing its hands and laughing that phlegmy Jew laugh because it know it's pacified yet more goyim, ensnared another weak mind. Touch your dick and it wins.

I need an enemy to motivate me.

Hopefully i get into such a relationship please kek i give you whatever you want

There is so much that still needs to be done. Thanks Holla Forums

just progressively escalate things until your desired level of dominance. I've never known a woman who didn't like at least being choked a bit and manhandled.

I don't mean that dammit. I mean getting into a relationship in the first place.

I got closer to my family after Holla Forums. It made me realize the value of relatives.

i used to be a civcuck anarchist. now i want to genocide all nonwhites and become a member of a right wing death squad secret police faction of a national socialist government.

I want her with red hair , nice body ,juicy jugs , but most importantly a softening voice and warm hands to relax me after a big hard day of ovening jews , hanging niggers and bogging faggots.

Holla Forums made me care about politics and become a much more cynical and aggressive person, I despise even more members of my race all the more now.
I became more nationalistic than ever, found out truths about women, made me delve deeper into to the art of memes to the point of believing in a frog god and maybe even more that i dont even know yet.

Also how do you quit porn? Im already a hopeless shut in so is that really necessary for me?
Im 18 but i only started jerking it about 4 months ago


I have this thing where sometimes I rape my girl in the middle of the night. I don't even realize I'm doing it when I start. She has a great ass so sometimes when I'm in REM my hand will just gravitate towards her ass and squeeze it and then without realizing it I'm already pulling her pants down and forcing myself inside her. I've woken up a few times where I'm mounted on her. She loves it.

You should just stop while you're not too far down the rabbit hole.

Beating it without porn should be enough for you if you just got into fapping recently.

Before Holla Forums

After Holla Forums, Today
For some really odd reason I often give myself the Roman Salute in the mirror.
Yes I still play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Holla Forums has made me more culturally and racially aware of what is going on and all of its root causes.

Ultimately, I'm still a determinist, and will hold free agency sacrosanct.

I actually dominated such a girl once, before I became a Holla Forumsack. Was into a lot of crazy shit, not only bondage. Hell she even tried mummification in saran wrap and duct tape. Was a degenerate slut though, certainly no wife material.

I was not going to have kids. Now I want three and I'm looking for a house.

It feels like Holla Forums has freed something that has always been inside of me. I always secretly believed in many things that are often spouted on Holla Forums, but schooling, television, and movies kept hammering my mind into submission. I eventually became a libertarian because it was a left friendly way of being a real conservative. After seeing I was not alone, I eventually let my mind free.

I'm checking those repetitive digits!

Be careful where you say that. Holla Forums is not a liberty friendly place.

what have you got against glock 9s?

I just browse it for the dank pepe memes.

Dammit, anons, I'm trying to nofap.

I meant it was a step to becoming a traditionalist.
I'm a tad drunk

I know right. This whole board feels certainly like soldiers shitposting before a battle.

Been on Holla Forums a year and a half now. I started coming just before trump announced his candidacy. When the board started shilling for trump, i was a newfag and kinda rolled my eyes until I realized exactly what he was saying and how it caught on.

I don't have the image saved, but someone posted a "phases of Holla Forums" thing once where it goes from like disbelief to anger to acceptance. I'm summarizing because I haven't seen it inawhile.

I digested everything I could from here. Some of it I bought into, some of it I think you're fucking nuts. Here's what I know: Everything good to come from humanity has come from whites. There's a war for control of society. The jews were winning until recently. I don't like faggots (never have) or niggers. With the rest of the races, the bad ones outweigh the good ones. Their average is lower than our average so they have to go back.

I ostracized a lot of former friends by posting racist shit or supporting trump on FB. I deleted the kikebook. I'm comfortable with my world views, i have a job where my bosses agree with me on everything except the jews so I have literally nothing to fear speaking my mind ever.

The only part that sucks is that my mom in her old age is as libcucked as they come and it literally hurts her feelings to talk politics with me.

I work out now. I stopped eating garbage food. I hold myself to a higher standard as often as I can and I take my work seriously.

There is no going back. I will never not avoid the groid, i will never embrace tranny faggots as normal well adjusted people, and I will never not look down on any race who can't put a man on the moon. My experience in life has affirmed everything we hold to be true. There's no stumping us, no moments of self questioning or doubt.

Last thing: 2016 is the year everything went right. I came to Holla Forums when i recognized the faggotry of reddit during the ellen pao bullshit and ensueing censorship. I watched as we memed a madman into the whitehouse. I watched as nationalism took back reddit from the tech jews and we smashed their safe space and narrative. I grew to love confrontation. We are not going to be outjewed ever again boys

Not that guy, but I like Glocks. Better than I like Berettas, anyway. Berettas are like the iPhone of guns. You're paying for a label, not quality.

Well, be careful with that, too, or you get called degenerate.

Before I found Holla Forums

After Holla Forums

> Few friends, extremely content with what I have mostly you guys
> Spent tonight cuddling and chatting to a beautiful blue eyed semi-redpilled redhead I met earlier, didn't fuck because we moral now and I genuinely can't wait to get to know her better we kissed

You saved my fucking life pol and I love you, seriously. I'm a Brit so naturally started from a much more cucked position than you Yanks. My father didn't teach me to be a man. Over the last few years your constant hurtboxing and redpilling has made me into the calmest, most masculine motherfucker I could have ever imagined. I feel like a cucks worst nightmare. I'm alive and free. I feel fucking dangerous.

We really are doing God's work lads. Many betas on here that still need sharpening up, keep doing what you do best my friends

The Kek business solidified my nascent belief in the supernatural, which is giving me a good push on the road to self-transformation. I believe in a Creator and an afterlife, I'm A LOT happier than I've been in the last decade or so.

My life after Holla Forums has become an absolute depressive shitmess that sees little room to improve. It was a lot like that before it, but during my redpilling scale things started becoming a lot better. All of this was a lie, and now I am descending into a pit of shit. I am trying to figure out ways of getting out of this phase, but literally nobody seems to help. I am not used to being alone, although I have been alone for most of my life. Community and friends make me do things I'd never do alone, one of these things being self-improvement. I just feel like the possibility of getting friends is just around the corner, but it never happens and I think it might be time to trash this false optimism.

How the hell can I become self-reliant at fucking last? It's the only thing hindering me from becoming what I can achieve, since joining into communities isn't a thing for me. Even my very nationalist friends have abandoned me, most probably because I'm more of a sperg than them.

Other than that, my knowledge and argumentation levels have reached a way better level since some years ago. This is the only thing I still receive praises about when talking with people (who are not friends, just acquaintances).

Pls halp Holla Forums, it wasn't supposed to be like this.

S-sorry for blogpost. Will reward with dank OCone day

I bet you are that faggot that posts the vegan nigger.

I'm pissed off all of the time and actually became pretty aware to all the cuck/anti-white shit that's everywhere, and I'm disgusted by it and I'm not even full white.

You're doing everything right except not eating meat.

Fear not, for you can become Ostruppen. The hidden blade. The one the (((enemy))) does not expect.

I'm 20 now but I guess I haven't changed much, I just stopped caring about almost everything

I meant to say I was snorting crack of a black gay boy's ass crack while reciting the communist manifesto.


That gentle hand which caresses me with the sterling ring upon her finger – a ring I offered years ago in a dream to a faceless, nameless girl at the time. Her silvery hair now shimmering in the light of a setting sun while confident eyes beam my way and with an inviting smile that beckons me to stay close. She has ignited the flame and illuminates the gold in the furnace. I would "cut the wings off of the dragon" – as you put it – for her sake. Not a single people nor the world itself is enough reason, only her. Miguel Serrano called this type of girl the Valkyrie or the Eternal Beloved.

I'm not calling you degenerate, my man. We all have our vices. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", right?

I'm vegetarian except I eat loads of fish every day, so Pescetarian i gjess technically. I stopped eating pork chicken and beef for the sole reasons that they are expensive and in my eventual set up I will only grow food, not going to bother keeping animals so I wanted to get used to that. I do plan to learn to fish before then and live near a river/lake to catch my own.

I grow loads when I lift so it must work fine.

I know. Just bringing some banter.

I tell ya though , ya need to grab some ribs and steaks from time to time. Gets some hair on yee chest lad.

That's better. I was just saying, if you want your table to stand without wobbling all the legs need to be the same length, if ya get me.

I used to be an obese liberal anarchist wannabe.

After Holla Forums, I dropped over 70 pounds, became /fit/ and adopted fascist ideology.


I mean if you go uber paleo farm raised, sure. No user can say that Sam's Club chicken tenderloins is cheap when its under 2 bucks a pound where I'm at in Florida. I plan all my meals ahead and save a shitload of cash doing this.

I'm gonna ramble a bit and politely sage because I'm gonna be way off topic.

Waifufaggotry is a great thing, if it's not the stereotypical flavour-of-the-month shit. To the outside observer, it can be an incredibly useful tool, since you've now internalized a form of motivation. To the one working with it, you can find meaning in even simple things and can be contented with nothing, all the while continually striving for something greater to "appease" the perceived quality of the other in this context, for however valuable the host faggot of the waifu sees his waifu.

Seeing as how you can have them as near on a battlefield as they are in your own hovel, it could be an incredibly useful tool for morale in soldiers or fighting men, and beyond that a source of inspiration and greater will.

Though, I'm trying to rationalize and modernize an entirely spiritual concept, and in so doing I'm abusing it; I cannot explain it properly and you can only really experience it, but it does have its uses and the autistic-fat no improvement permavirgins don't exist here. The people here are closer to battlemonks or priestly warriors, if this helps anyone's understanding of the insane bullshit that's only appeared in the last decade or so.

Holla Forums also gave me the drive to become an electrician. I'm an apprentice, now, but in 4 years I'll be a Journeyman. And, if Trump wins, hopefully we can drive our the liberal infections in our trade unions and make them true centers where men can learn skills that last a lifetime.

It wasn't just Holla Forums that assisted in changing myself to aim for the betterment of myself, community and race. I took 100ug of lysergic acid diethlydemide and several 30mg+ doses of 5-meo DMT and it 'cracked' my mind so to speak. I realized how my diet was destroying my body, how my excessive media consumption was ruining my mind. I would visit Holla Forums every few months because all I would browse is /out/ and occasionally I would browse infinitychan for a meme or two but I couldn't remember what exactly hooked me, I think it was some of the self betterment threads or one of the symbolism threads, of which I don't think I've seen in ages. If they were so obsessed with self betterment, why are they so against the Jews, why focus your time on hate? That went against everything my anarchist mind could think. I then realized that I was an anarchist/satanist due to the people I was hanging around, they were the only people that accepted me and I was such a shitty person due to my "I can do whatever, I am my own God" mentality. With those beliefs I had the mentality of 'fuck you, I can do whatever I want and so can anyone else as long as they aren't hurting anyone.' It then dawned on me that that is as selfish (Jewish) idea as any. If everyone was a drug addict like I was, sure they'd only be hurting themselves as far as they are concerned but they are actually hurting society as a whole. If everyone aimed to be the greatest they could be and help their fellow man be as great as they could be, soon we could do things beyond imagination. Cancer, broken economy, famine, all are issues that could be solved quickly.
This post has been kind of all over the place so I'll just greentext
inb4 'marijuana isn't addictive" yeah fuck off, I am still struggling with the addiction after spending weeks trying to quit.
Stuff that needs to be done still
More could be added but no need to flood this place up telling about what Iv'e done. To finish the post, I'd like to thank all of you anons out there that contribute to the self betterment threads and contribute as much as you can to this site. We are more than just meme addicts, we are the saviors of humanity. Remember not to just contribute to this site, contribute to the people in your every day life, they need it as much as we do.

I'm not sure if I should just keep faking it in public or go full 14/88

No need to keep faking it. I did. I mean if you don't fake it at least you get some good keks out of it.

Wish I wouldn't forget the pic

blame it on faggots. homos have ruined social interaction between men because now everybody sees talking to other men as gay unless they are coworkers.

My chest is a forest mate. Seriously, I eat spinach and Kale every day for iron and beans nuts and tuna every day for protein. If my body wasn't healthy doing this, I'd go back to eating meat pretty fast. But it's working so far, if anything I'm bigger and hairier than ever she nicknamed me her yeti

Good chicken is expensive here, cheap chicken is full of hormones

Your bitterness will pass eventually, user. Try and have fun with the jew world. Don't take normalfags seriously whatsoever. Remember, like Sam Hyde said that being in front of normies is like jacking off in front of your hampster - they're not a big deal. I'd also recommend to listen to people like Jonathan Bownden and Rockwell. They're very inspiring. Holla Forums can be hilarious sometimes, but it's lots of black pills at times too.

I think there's a chapter on this subject in the book, How to think and grow rich.


Need to fix the AFL-CIO, though tbh. Strip it down and rebuild it from the ground up. Get the politics out and all the bullshit.

Good night i am gonna hit the sack. May your memes be in my dreams and my dreams come true , and so do yours you glorious bastards

This with the first and second part of this more or less.

What pol did mostly was " unleashing " my brain, long history short, my entire life I was put really down for being way brighter then the rest of people, I learned too fast, I did shit too early, and on and on. After a while and some heavy thinking allied with some peculiar events on my personal life I found myself developing a specific autistic way of investing. Now I am pursuing this path.

I could go on, but I am already got the wrong attention on me here for the very few posts I did.

You're or two years in, right? Don't worry, there'll be a realization soon and you'll enjoy the shitfest. You'll find friends, you just need to seek them out, similarly they'll also be your allies. Don't be afraid of being that monster in public, and wherever you can improve, try to. If you can run in a park, start couch to 5k, then 5k to 10k. Start doing pushups, circuit training, stuff like that. You only lose if you stop everything.

It'll suck at first, but for now just content your mind with trying to improve your situation wherever you can. Trust me, it'll start getting better shortly. Fight on, brother.

May you dreamwalk with the Earth Mother tbh lad

Post some before and after images.

That's not the case, and merely blaming it on anybody won't help. Moreover where I live we can't see a faggot in a 10 mile radius. At least I got that going for me.

Wew lad. How did you know?

What's it going to be about? I am quite getting to where you're going, but what is it going to contain?

I lift every other day, it would be cool to add some running. Marathon would hinder muh gainz though, innit?

Lifting is a cure for autism

Hal Higdon's running training plans are a thousand times better.

"Lifting is the most powerful force in the universe."

t. /fit/

I would like to ask some quick questions for you guys that I have been struggling with.
I've been a hunter and trapper for around 8 years now. I utilize as much as I can from the animals I harvest and I try to ensure my traps kill quickly and humanely and the traps that are not designed to kill I make sure will allow the animal the least amount of pain/discomfort possible. When I say I utilize as much as I can I mean I sell the fur, I eat the beaver I trap(beaver tastes like a mix of venison and beef) or I use it for bait. I utilize the beaver tails to make lure or I sell them to wallet makers. I want to start bleaching the skulls and donate them to science departments to aid in education of wildlife sciences.
Is the wearing of fur degenerate? I see it as better than wearing oil based products for protection from the cold due to the fact that it is biodegradable, natural and renewable but am open to your guys' thoughts.
I do not want to go rave with people on shrooms and fuck my mind up. I just am curious if going for a walk in nature while on shrooms to see what I have to say about certain things and questions I have about the universe or my life, write them down and when I am sober I look back and expand on the ideas or if once or twice a year I do some DMT, yet again for religious purposes and write down my thoughts.
Thank you in advance.

anyone ever dream of memes? I don't think I've ever dreamed of a meme, which is weird because I think of them all the time.

I can rationalize that statement, but browsing /fit/ for a full year some time ago I'd tell otherwise.

What does that involve?

He's a running guy who makes a shit load of great running training guides.


Just look at all his training guides from the drop down at the top.

Yes. Prior to Holla Forums I was a nihilistic lolberg who lacked drive and ambition who was constantly self-medicating with substances and frivolous distractions in order to suppress a deep seeded feeling of unease at the way the world was.

Holla Forums not only gave me the answers as to why I felt that unease, but showed me a path of will to power and seeking truths before all else.

It has been a rough ride and I am certain there are many more hardships ahead but I now feel a purpose and hope that I had never felt before Holla Forums.

I know because that's the same shit I went through 3 years ago until I just said "fuck it" and learned to adjust to my environment, and now I've met some pretty cool people, two texans I knew drove over a thousand miles to meet me, and we sieg-heiled and shitposted in meatspace. Best time I've had I think in my entire life.

You hate yourself now, yeah? You hate how everyone else can't or won't see the light, but at some point you'll realize that if nothing else this was a gift, and you've a god-given or otherwise duty to carry the torch and inspire your fellow man, who sit in the caves looking for salvation, just as you did only two years ago.

Nah, running never kills gains. You just need to eat more protein, and you'll be set.

I'll get you some starter graphs, it's what I used and now I can hit 11 clicks.

autistic faggot



The shit fest is about realising you're right and the smirking liberal assholes are about to be BTFO. Pol is fucking right and the victory will be glorious. You've escaped the system, user. You're not going to be running around crying when SHTF and nationalism comes back, you're going to be mercilessly laughing at the weak libcucks. You made it through the redpill, you are STRONG. And you have brothers who will stand by you laughing with you.

One day, if you continue to be noble and self improve mentally and physically, you will be out somewhere and your wife will look at you for the first time. You'll notice the slight widening of her eyes as she takes in your chiselled body and noble bearing. You will exude masculinity and feel invincible. Then you will take her and create a fulfilling life and children. This is the dream, imagine it and imagine it and imagine it. It will get you through my friend.

Look to the sky, lift your spirit, set it free. Friends come with time. You have to know your own mind first. To get through inner turmoil, meditate. Running is a good time to meditate, as is the shower and walking in nature.

Here's the only meme dream I can remember of:
>I get the idea to ask him "Are you redpilled on the Jews?" (sic), trying to get this information to Holla Forums immediately afterward
>I then look out of the window of the building I was in, seeing a view that very much resembles the port of my city for a few seconds (it wasn't though, we were in America lol) and see a fucking nuclear missile hitting a place half a mile's distance from us

Thanks man, will look into it.

I guess it's believable. I've had that stage in my life concerning 2 entirely different topics.

So what changed? Did you overcome fears you had?

Another thing you got right. Man, I think I should look around more for patterns like that to get inspired from others, it's a very strange coincidence how many synchronous things happen in one timeframe.

Good stuff here. I've no doubt things will become better. I just have to find a way to be a part of this betterment.

Unfortunately, meditation is not working for me. Whenever I tried meditation, my mind was a complete void, even if I let myself meditate for hours on end. After it, I just felt a bit worse because I wasted some hours for absolutely nothing in return. So I stopped meditating.
What did I do wrong?

I used to be mostly uninterested in politics, before Holla Forums. I wouldn't quite say I was depressed, but I certainly fell into nihilism.

Now every second of every day I'm seething with pure rage. Each day it is harder to hide my power level than the last. How do the rest of you cope with hating so much about the modern world?

Thanks for this Holla Forums



He probably couldn't handle the redpill quietly and went full
seems to happen to some of us from time to time. It's a big shock to find out that the world isn't anything like what you've been told it is all your life.

Pulled out of depression, stopped smoking weed and trying to be a degenerate to fit in. Quitting porn and cutting back on my drinking, trying to get fit but I keep getting really sick at inopportune times and dragging my feet about getting back into it. Learning a trade that won't be replaced by robots anytime soon, and planning on learning others after I get my career started just for the sake of becoming the kind of man I want to be. Need to stop playing video games and spending too much time on Holla Forums soon, and to find a wife in the next couple of years. Need a gun too, but there's no money for that right now.

I find neither of those things degenerate in the slightest, user.

before Holla Forums
after Holla Forums
>globalist jews must die, one country for every white ethnicity and the new world and and south asia for the mixed ethnicity pure whites (only 50% of MURIKANS are actually white t. murika)

I think I made a change for the better.

Though I actually found out that the government has me on a terrosist watchlist because they think I'm a dangerous neo-nazi threat. Fuck this jewish hellhole

Changed? No.

I've remained the same, but my knowledge about the world and it's kikery has grown tremendously.

I'm just along for the never ending ride, awaiting the day of the rope.

One day we will have a beautiful world worthy of them.

I stopped isolating myself, and stopped taking shit from people. I cut my losses, told all my shit friends to fuck off, and started anew. I was alone for quite a while, but I treated myself like I was a god on the earth, yet still humble enough to make changes and improvements where needed. At some point I went on here, asked around for help, joined a Holla Forums community which turned out to be, surprise surprise, filled with Holla Forumsacks who I made friends with and have helped me to this day.

Really, though, that'll all happen in your own way. But what you need to do is realize that the stark, and I mean stark majority of people that you speak to will never care nor understand what you're saying, and that's fine. You're part of the occult now. You've got forbidden knowledge. You're on a board of 10,000 egyptian frog god worshippers who sacrifice effigies of hillary clinton in a pentagram of piss bottles, for christ's sake. Lock down on your beliefs and find like minded people, however you can. Like, I have a black sun pendant that I wear and its helped me meet one person so far, but that's still one greater ally in a sea of shit. Small, but steady gains, my friend.

That's an excellent idea. Read up on how hitler got to where he did in mein kampf, if you haven't already. A lot of the shit there is relatable, like how he couldn't see jews everywhere until he was "redpilled" or however he put it at the time and saw it in every name in the national press, as compared to the higher-quality local papers. Read Rockwell's works, read the diaries of Goebbels. It's all great and it'll give you a light in the dark. Might even help you figure out how to find like-minded people.

I want to know more please.


That explains you being a Torfag huh?

I had to deal with the bolis and when they heard my full name they completely changed their entire attittude and treated me like a rabid nigger on cocaine.

I later found out that they have a list of "dangerous right wing potential-terrorists" in some places they get from the government.

Thank you, your input is valued more than you can know.

What country?

get a pump shotgun for around $200, its a lot better than nothing

Not a burger, right?

not that they would ever put me on such a list

It's like putting on the glasses in They Live.

I'm certainly less compromising than I used to be. I used to besmirch the trades and physical labor, now I'm a mechanic though I'm still roped into a traditional 4 year degree program, thankfully it's in a field science
I used to be a stereotypical nice guy turbo-beta virgin with the expected results. Now I'm a much more curt person and I've received more interest from women. still a virgin, but hedonistic sex is degenerate, so I'll wait
Before Holla Forums, I didn't understand economics and had no desire to learn it. Now I can lecture about the topic.

My aspirations have changed as well. Instead of wanting to be some academian cloistered in a false reality of research and study, all I desire now is a peaceful life in the countryside with a wife and children.

I still struggle with maintaining a regular fitness schedule and pornography, though I'm doing my best to replace porn with the gym.

Outside of never being able to take off the They Live glasses, Holla Forums has been a very positive force in my life.


Feels pretty good, dosen't it?

United States of Israel

Now that I think about it my mistake may have been shaving my head and preaching about jews at a local university.

Really makes you think.

Is waifuism necessarily a bad thing? I think it lets you hold onto an ideal, though that ideal may be a bit too unrealistic.

I'm looking

What (((State))) is this in?

This sounds terrifying. Labeled a terrorist for outing the Merchant?

There has to be more to this story, christfags do this all the time.

evry feel you expressed, I know them well.

I admire your balls of steel.

Seems pretty straightforward to me. Guess setting my sperg self aside will do me wonders in life. But I'm fucking weak psychologically. I need to start from somewhere, but I will need a temporary shortcut to help me make my first moves. What should it be?

I was thinking of a bit of alcohol since it always makes my confidence better, but I'm trying to not connect confidence to alcohol because that's almost always been the case and it's been having a kind of bad impact. By no means an alcoholic myself though.

Is this idea even feasible or good? Give me some input on this.

Put your hand against the wall slightly under your shoulder level, fully extended and you being side to, not facing the wall, hold for 30 seconds, if that hurts, if even pulling your wrist back hurt see a physician.

look at these digits, how could so many go unchecked?

You have been blessed by kek for checking those digits, may you be blessed my fellow user.

Returning the favor, friend.


How is that even unrealistic? Flying is unrealistic. Maybe having every day to be rosy is unrealistic, having a dice roll equating 12 500 times in a row may be unrealistic, having it roll 12 a couple of times in a row is not, it's perfectly within reachable probabilities.

can't let those trips go unchecked, that's for sure.

That is incredibly inspirational, user. Thank you so much.

I'm only a year out of the system, but I'm the fittest and happiest I've been my entire life.

Thanks to all you faggots.

I just started using my fatherly instinct and imagining what must be going through their father's heads. That and imagining some filthy jew rubbing his hands and cackling. Couldn't keep watching that filth with those thoughts in my head.

I can't tell you what to use, because I also used a shortcut but you're not going to be able to use it especially if you think it's autistic as fuck, considering it was waifufaggotry, at least for a time.

You shouldn't use alcohol as the shortcut, though. What I would recommend is developing enough confidence in your body that when you look at the mirror occasionally, you become shocked at how suddenly attractive you are, or something. Then, when you're confident in the body, you can work on the mind, and the spirit will eventually fall into place. You need one to get the other though, so pick up a hobby. Besides waifufaggotry, I also developed skills, like speaking Russian, lockpicking, a few other languages like German, Japanese, and Norwegian. DJT threads on /a/ are good for the nip, Deutschland threads here are good for German, stuff like that. Becoming strong psychologically is much like training your body and your mind, so study mein kampf, study various things of your hobby, then get in arguments with people and fight. Even if you don't win the argument, you can measure how much you've improved and be proud of that.

Any thing else you need to know? I'm rooting for you here, brother.

Thank fuck this got anchored

wasted dubs, kill yourself


Letting your mind "go blank" is a bad meme. Meditation means deep thought and introspection. The ultimate goal is to understand and be comfortable with ones own nature. Here's how I do it, now I am utterly calm, confident around women and forgiving of my own flaws. Inner peace as the opposite of turmoil.

Think about your flaws, your strengths, your mistakes and your successes. Try to find the true reason for them. Think about how you can be/do better tomorrow than today.

Tell yourself "I love you and I will always be there for you"

Make realisations. For example, realising you're nothing but a background character in everyone else's life, as they are to you, will help you just be yourself.

Realisations are useful to strengthen your mind. Realise things like you are the product of a billion years of evolution, to boost confidence. Realisations are your mental "reps". Do them often. Once you've got a little way into thinking yourself better, you'll find it impossible to stop.

The mods anchored cause they cant handle these digits

I never believed in digits but this is surely strange.

damn you were denied Hitler trips

I looked up what Miyazaki meant by "anime was a mistake". I think he said that anime creates the otaku by showing an unrealistic depiction of women. Could the waifu be bringing ones expectations too high is the question.

How come mods anchor these type of threads? They're great for a morale boost every now and then and quite rare lately.

I hope I break them plateaus for that to happen.

I have developed hobbies in my sparse time, which are not related to sitting though. I hate sitting, any 'activity' involving sitting fills me with disgust if I haven't done anything physically demanding during the day. Gotta put the priorities in line. Nothing wrong with reading and arguing on the internet otherwise.

How can one stop being a sperglord king around women? Not as far as to put benis in bagina but just to be chill.

That sounds much better. Will definitely try. Thanks for this.

They jelly of those dubs.

IIRC it was more that otakus were separating themselves from humanity entirely and their lack of contact with people led their character creation to lack the human element.

Oh god, I love when my husband fucks me awake lol. I'm usually the one who wakes up riding him lol. But I'm a nympho lol.

I'm a little worried now that I'm not on the pill I'm gonna wake up too late and get pregnant lol.

Which movies?

Not being a sperg comes with thinking of women just like any other normalfag, though they can tend to be worse since they seem to usually acquiesce to the strongest male in their life. It's not entirely about not giving a shit, but it's letting their stupidity or opinions of you slide off like you're covered in Teflon.

This should come at around the same time you stop giving "normalfags" the time of day, though it might develop a little later if you still consider women apart from that demographic. A good cheat is to just think of them as feminists until proven otherwise, and you'll react with disgust or pity or something on reflex instead of being unnecessarily nervous.

Hope you got something out of this whole dialogue, bud.

I'am glad you exist, user.

traps can't get pregnant.

Take not the pill young lass. Ride forth and fight declining birth rates.

And now comes the part where I got to apply those things in real life, see how well that goes…

I also hope I got something out of this, I'll keep your words in mind but I'll have to do the rest of the job myself. Wish me luck.

H-here's to me not being a depressive shit in a few months. Maybe Papa Adolf will bring me a Christmas present.

Bant that melt steel beams.

Holla Forums has made me more nationalist in the 3 months I've been lurking. I don't post much because I'm worried I wont really fit in My main board is /k/. Started out as a Lolbertarian, I might actually renounce that though since I'm voting Trump. I've started lifting 3 weeks ago because as I was lurking about the board, I see people posting images similar to OP's pic and awesome Art Deco style portraits, and it made me realize I've never had my body look like a prime power machine. So I'm 258 lbs of fat right now but before I started working out I was 264. Now my only goal is to achieve a body worthy of the title "Ubermensch".

My quality of life has improved significantly for a guy who works IT all day. I seriously hit a low point after I started losing interest in studying. I read text books more than I do fiction books, because I have a love of learning about new technologies. After my love for that was gone, I knew I was hitting rock bottom with my health. So thanks Holla Forums, you brought my self awareness back. It's quite amazing how fitness can improve your ability to learn.

that's not how the pill works

Many before us have walked our same path, and many more will do so after. It's just gonna take time.

Good luck and godspeed.

I was a ron paul idolizing lolberg for years before I found Holla Forums.

dubs confirm.

I used to be a liberal cuck, lazy with no job, voted for President Osama, hippie drug addict. Now I’m employed , not cucked, voting trump, don't touch drugs except nicotine and alcohol on occasion. I'm working on lifting and my all around health.

Thank you Holla Forums, Thank you. I really could have ended up with these cucks in in the video

Sorry I meant SAVAGES

what are they chimping out about? RAYCIS was intelligible, but that's about it.

Heil and amen.

Anti Trump rally outside a campaign fund raiser

Holla Forums has changed me significantly, especially when I moved from a rural town to a city, you really notice the degeneracy and lies that are prevalent.

You pick up on how people have been ideologically subverted and pacified just by any casual conversation with them regarding politics. I thought the term "the NPC generation" was just some meme but it is true. You can accurately predict how people react to certain stimuli, even if you have only known them for a small amount of time.

You see a glimpse of the news or other mass media and it is just so clear to you - the lies, the tricks, the decay of decency, but invisible to everyone else. "If only they knew" I would say.

If only they knew.

Fresh thread archive for those who might put it to use.

I have a good place to read the news and hone my opinions.

Wtf with these agitators.

The urge to purge intensifies

Made me realise that I had wasted an entire year of my life and that shit had to change. I seriously did nothing of note in 2015, just existing, not actually living my life. I don't know how you could be a self-flagellating liberal worm, or even just a middle-of-the-road-there's-a-compromise-for-everything normie (basically what I was) and find any purpose in doing anything productive in our day and age. Where the fuck do they draw their inspiration from? Because I sure as hell couldn't find any when I was in that mindset.

You better have at least 3-4 chilluns. It's very healthy for their psyche and we need more whites.

You're still deprogramming, eventually your brain will conform to the reality of the world and you will become an ubermensch. The depression phase lasts anywhere from months to a few years depending on how steeped you were into the Jewish degeneracy and propaganda.

Coming to Holla Forums solidified my drift from neoreaction to National Socialism.

Now I'm an incredibly zealous National Socialist. I'm wrestling with a move to politics right now but I think it's important to get myself to a much better financial position to weather the inevitable storm entering public life would bring as a National Socialist.