I've given up with my life and want to end it but I also want to end it as well for a fuck ton of over people what do?
Beta Uprising
just kys everyone dies tbh
But then i wont be remembered.
Go shoot The Young Turks live on the air
That sounds fun.
you won't be remembered if you do it either tbh
Dubs command it.
Then why are people like Reb and Vodika Elliot Rodger Cho Stephen Padock and Adam Lanza remembered forever??.
meep meep just go join ISIS and destroy infidels tbh no homo
they aren't
Yes they are.
in 50 years; they will be completely obsolete.
People still talk about Ted Bundy Charles Manson Al Capone Hitler and others.
ik you
be the first one to kill yourself without taking anyone with you tbh
nice missed trips, so are you a moleman? who are these over people?
Just do it efficently, don't just go to your school and shoot it up or some shit, Actualy plan like the vagas shooter, It aint bloody hard.
Find a place with lots of people, and a good vantage point where cops won't be able to reach you fast.
these guys were cool though, not edgy teens on the internet
get in politics
become public spokesman of pedophile activists
you will be remembered
no need to kill yourself because someone will kill you
Before you go treat some high profile Jews. Preferably Soros. Bonus points for his son at the same time. On camera.
God speed user.
There are so many prime opportunities to take hundreds of people down, just most are pussies. Eric and dylan, Adam Lanza, dylann roof. They did what they wanted
Bonus You'll get thousands of teenage girls wet to your memory
Holla Forums is a board of peace. Go away mean man
Seconded. If you are going to peace out can you at least leave the world better than you found it?