let's discuss the datamining community and owner of Holla Forums in this thread
Jim/datamine thread
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There is no data to mine. No one cares about a bunch of neckbeards and their web habits. Your are all poor and live in your mom's basements.
If your mom browsed Holla Forums then there would some data to mine because she actually has some money
this is exactly what a dataminer would say tbh
listen nigger
purchasing power = might buys something online = lets find out what she likes = then lets advertise that shit all over every website she visits = she's tempted and finally gives in = shekels extracted
Its all about purchasing power and you have none.
Your mom does though
suspicious as fuck
perhaps one of the most (((suspicious))) posts i have read this year
Yes those websites that catered to Nippon had a lot of normies and women using them and there was money to be made by datamining them.
Holla Forums users = no money no future no one cares
sure, lad, whatever you say
based maga datamining is cool fuck net neutrality tbh
but dataming never happened. jim doesnt have enough computers for that!
jim is baseed
jim is based and fashy
jim is based
jim is based
datamining is based
Jim is a pig farmer.
8ch is a pig pen.
Dysnomia is his prize sow.
Jim proving how much he cares about the userbase.
no wonder thread quality and userbase quality just keeps going further downhill. Amazing that not giving a fuck has worked as a business policy for this long. Somebody must be paying Jim for something. I wonder what that something is?
posting from tor and not even in Syria
Coming back with a pic related for you, Jim. From Syria, with love. and I don't mean ladyboi love, you fat disgusting pretentious hipster oil-smoking faggot pig
Jim the dataminer is funny
Can I have a mod or vol post my last 15 posts here please, to disprove this faggot I have no data to mine.
how's that gonna prove anything, faggot
Well I guess they can link every post if they want.
It will show proof I have no data to mine, god your fucking retarded.
oh wow and im the retarded
False data mined is a win for me you fucking count bag. I don't give a fuck. You should sign up for facebook you would love it you paranoid fuck face ass blaster
Poor Jim!
Literally assblasted when his own shit comes back to haunt him.
i love it when our resident pajeet is upset
So tell me OP, how are they supposed to datamine me? My ip, cause it changes a lot faggot and it ends at a cell tower. So even if they linked all my data to my up sad thing is
I could care less if people find out I'm insane or some shit, gov all ready know this
I ain't mad bro, this thread is just dumb and all user gotta do is think or not think at all and just spit out everything possible when or after you post. This tread is getting old and rusty
I guess to break down your retardedness. Think about this faggot OP, I bet this post would trigger more people if you changed jim to google and post it on 4ch. Your thread will prolly get deleted and or ban. Now roll that around in you nigger brain for a bit. If you still insist on posting this crap then what your saying is not to go anywhere online and never to get a email and to never post anywhere online. That basically sum up what your trying to say faggot
Back to 4ch OP. You have posted this shit thread enough in the past now it's time to pack up and leave faggot.
Standard-issue limpdicked damage control. You might as well have put your name in the field, Langley.
not enough computers tbh
In this case it's true you moron. I can understand the FBI being interested in 2014 Holla Forums Holla Forums when gamergay was still fresh and doxing and swatting were associated with the site(cough…benji…cough).
Present Holla Forums is just plain vanilla neckbeard Holla Forums. Only two reasons to datamine - commerce or crime. There is neither here.
Hi guys its me again the guy who always says stuff in this old thread that leaves OP speechless and can't come up with stuff to say so he leaves thread for a few hours then comes back on to try to trigger more anons and ignores the facts I point out… Such as OP would rather you just stare at the wall than have fun at all. I mean 8ch let's a lot of shit go which in some aspects puts us prolly on the bottum. But please OP just tell these anons what they are supposed to do? Really you can't go anywhere online without being tracked if le top men are after you or even simple data mining like haven an email. Are anons supposed to just break pc and hide in cave? I mean really if you can't see that this is a shill you gotta be dumber than a fucking box or rock. Now ignoring data mining thread for good .
tl;dr (nice dubs tho)