Redox OS

I haven't tried it yet. From what I read it sounds pretty good. What do you have to say about Redox OS and Rust Language?

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look an OS for special snow flakes. They'll spend the next 20 years in fighting about a retarded Code of Conduct chasing away anyone with actual skill that dares to have a wrongthink opinion. This OS is DOA. Has that butt ugly tanny came along to pozz it up yet?

I really don't know yet. There are various things I read about it that sound from good to logical and sane. This kinda excludes those types of people, I think.

However, I just found this:
So someone is already shilling to make it Gnome3 like cancer.

I did quick search on their github ( ), it seems like Redox OS does not have CoC.


Well, why not redpill them on non GPL3 Licences and Tivoization? They still think it's about fragmentation...

and here directly talking about licence

so they explicitly declare that they are willing to be cucked. how nice.

Third picture is the Numix GTK theme and the Moka icon theme. Did they already port GTK/Gnome3 to the OS? or is that just a lookallike? seems impossible

Why isn't their logo a red ox? I'm deeply disappointed.

well, they for some reason think getting cucked is a good thing.

Too bad they don't understand they're literally wasting their time developing something with that Licence right now.

good point. It's probably to make a fork more funny.


Into the trash it goes, they could have done the smart thing and just use seL4 but instead they had to make their own kernel from scratch because meme language. Instead of having a formally proven kernel which everyone can trust they have a pile of shit written in a language which you need to run the latest version of the compiler with because the fucking language changes on a regular basis.

Fucking rustfags.

Who the fuck cares what the license is as long as it's a FOSS operating system.

well unless you're twelve and just learned how to write ">cuck", there quite a few examples in the past 30 years about what happens when you use the wrong licence, you should know about.

How nice of you to provide examples.

Oh wait you didn't, because you have literally nothing that will work as an argument.

no, I also won't provide examples. There are reasons why GPL3 exists, look them up yourself. my reasons for not gently and conviningly blowing a wad of infos up your ass is simply because I'm lazy and not gay.


Wait a minute, that card... way....

t. cuck pro

What Mk and how much RAM?

Pictures are from redox screenshots page.

it is very SJW, as anything rust is. they're all "communists" or whatever.

but despite that they're actually extremely skilled programmers.


No thanks.

This. Why would anyone want to learn and prove their hacking skills by creating it's own microkernel and operating system using a new language? Why would anyone want to experiment which performance/security improvements such an OS would have?

Clearly, staying away from the SJW boogeyman and posting both "le cuck XDDDDD" and "POO IN LOO XDXDXDXD" is more important.

The stuff is a valid concern, you see it repeated so often because at the end of the day it's true. Rust and projects associated with it have a bad reputation for catering to the type of rules that have caused Holla Forums to stagnate. Outsourcing to the lowest bidder is a problem that took a lot of the talent out of the industry and the people that stuck around just due to pure passion are now begin driven out with retarded Code of Conduct rules and constant witch hunts. Worst yet the most talented have watched as a mass of know nothings have moved in and started doing subar work for less pay or no real work for more pay.

Also, I no longer have to individually go through code with a fine toothed comb myself to guess its merit. Whenever this new OS proves to do something interesting I'll give it a look. Until then it's no better than all the other failed microkernels I've seen. In fact it's even worse because it's written in a meme language. If the type of people I spoke of aren't already embedded deep within this project they're going to be coming around soon I assure you.

I couldn't care less if good software was written by SJW or yeti but because of that shitty licence it's course is already destined to fail. It's like the the founder says: "I wasn't serious about it anyway, fuck you for wanting things! HAHAHAHAHA".

If you seriously believe otherwise, you're retarded.

Redox really is only there to "advertise" Rust language. Maybe someone can convince him that not caring is just another failing a project. I'd actually start learning fucking meme Rust if he'd change Redox Licence to GPL3. Unless he does it I won't touch it, as I don't want to get into the same basket as SJW mentals.

how are you so fucking new as to need this level of spoonfeeding?

k, Imma gonna open a bugreport on licence Issue. You can give Ideas and Examples on how to do a convincing job, otherwise I'll just post something about how retarded the current licence is or a stallman speech in about an hour or two.

God I wish I knew where I can get LinuxBIOS/Coreboot for mine.

I gathered. Might aswell send them a email, because if this OS runs well on older Toughbooks I might buy some more CF-18s to resell.

Just build it yourself, it's honestly no harder than compiling anything else from source. Sspecially if you can do it from the laptop's internal programmer. If it bricks you can always save it with an external programmer. If you download a firmware image made by someone else you can't be sure they didn't bug it. You wouldn't want to flash GNU+CIAnigger would you?
Here you go, it's posted. At least I tried.






psst, your retardation shows.

It's going to be garbage. Everything Unix-like is garbage.

You could at least have asked FSF for some quality pasta.
A poor choice of videos which aren't even a licensing debate.
Also you give them like you YouTube, and you don't even provide a warning notice about the non-free-software it contains, very sloppy.

Stallman have addressed the issue of GPL vs. MIT slightly in his key note speech at LibrePlanet last year. (about 00:34)

But asking them to watch Stallman is a bad idea anyway, this type of people loathe him, or at least find him ludicrous.

The points you should've been exploiting
- commercial adoption with harm for community
- non-universality and possibility of changes in copyright laws (MIT license may have no meaning in non-US jurisdiction at all).
- patent trolls
- possibility of double licensing

They are SJWs mostly. So you need use their language and appeal to their feelings.
The main theme of persuasion should be 'injustice' and 'protecting the community' from 'capitalist corporations' ran by 'evil white men'. The double GPL/MIT license is good 'for diversity'.
Also as they are Mozilla plants they could consider MPL2 which is slightly better than MIT.

GPL3 exists because of autism. If Linus Torvalds says it's shit, then I'm inclined to believe him.

He was paid to say so (see Platinum members of the Linux Foundation), the possibility of tivoization made Linux-hardware the way it is now.

yeah, I suck. still, I tried. Maybe you can join the conversation and provide better examples?

Here I opened a better issue, nigger.


How the fuck do I even build something? I have zero experience with programming and Linux related stuff like that.

even though my daily driver phone is a N900


When's the last time the rust compiler got an audit?

I don't care under what license this blue-pilled faggots publish their code.
Also I'm convinced this call is not up to them. The license is always a managerial decision.

Rust itself is nothing but a marketing hype.
Their webdev-tier project is boring and useless. Remember JX, Singularity, NodeOS?
Everyone with enough knowledge and time can write an OS nowadays, all you need is to carefully type ~10k lines of code.
Especially when your design ideas as fresh as UNIX.

Stallman managed to alienate a lot of people during last 10 years.
He could push for a further development for Hurd, raise some money to hire developers, invest more of his time into what is going.
Instead he's been going around the world and giving the very same talk everywhere and selling his merch again and again.
FSF receives about $1m of funding every year, and wastes it on some utterly stupid crap.
RMS is not keeping track of the current issues, like those morons added a fucking webkit browser into GNU Emacs lately, and nobody had stopped them, when clang starts compiling Linux, gcc is done, but no action is taken. It seems almost like RMS wants to outlive his own achievements.
I don't feel like shilling for him anymore.

Let's see, he wrote an compiler and started a free OS. He created the GPL and defined the very expression of Free Software. He goes arround and tries to get people to no longer use properitary software and embrace freedom.

Honestly, he did enough. No matter who he alienates or even if he goes mad and takes a crap in the middle of a mall, it doesn't change one thing about what he already did. With all the kikes arround it even amazing Stallman achieved this much. We should forever repect that and honor him for this.

The GNU Project could do better? That's true. I basically see two Problems. First, SJW invading everything, taking over and fuck things up. Second, Developers not giving a fuck. This also can come in combination.

Hurd is not an FSF priority project now that Linux-Libre is mature, Stallman is not going push for the improvement of Hurd based on this fact. He will push for free software replacements of commonly used proprietary software such as computer aided drafting, a free phone OS, and Internet voice and chat applications.

Stallman is happy for people to push for webkit into Emacs - his philosophy is that if you really find it objectionable, you're expected to fork it into a different direction.

nice cubes the thinkpad a shit though.


You were doing a pretty poor job at making your case, to be honest... I honestly don't know either way, would anyone else be willing to explain to me a decent case for GPL over MIT?

Good license
Cuck license

Is that supposed to be an argument.

ti's ugly and basically just looks like another ubuntu. they could be crative and make something different. what are the advantages, and what runs on it?


which action should be taken here?

This guy is a literal communist kike working on Redox OS:

lol these jews gets more and more obvious.

oy vey

they have transfaggots and niggers working on it too

careful. ticki is an edge boiiii


what a fucking cuck
what channel?


kill yourself ticki

t. cuck

This is what happens when kids in inner city ghettos don't receive proper parenting and you give them a computer with internet access. Holla Forums is the XBox Live for this year's 12 year olds.

That ticki guys twitter DMs are open lol

what an autistic loser

Oh boy, I remember you!

Nov 10 15:07:53 * Now talking on #rust-politicsNov 10 15:07:54 * Topic for #rust-politics is: WHELP | Rust political discussion | Please follow the Code of Conduct: MAGA|xqwpx: fuck off fascist that behavior is not ok no matter who does it imo like no idea how that situation started, but you can't just beat someone up because they voted for a certain candidate futile: no, fascists can go fuck themself. futile: Fascists deserves NO empathy. This weak 'peaceful liberal' mindset is complete and utter bullcrap. Fascists deserves no respect. Never. They have destroyed enough. It's time for them to fuck off. Muslims, jews, LGBT ppl, black people, and other minorities can no longer walk down the streets safely. Thanks to moronic fascists. I hope they burn in hell. Savage It has nothing to do with 'disrespecting other people's opinions'. It has to do with common morals and empathy. I know it sounds edgy, but there is so much at stake, especially for minorities. Fascists (Trump supporters, nazis, etc.) will be held responsible. No tolerance for the intolerent. aren't actual fascists minorities, too? technically speaking who's a fascist? I'll be anything you want bby MAGA|xqwpx: minority or not, they have the power now, thanks to phony people like you. is trump a fascist? yes. no question. why how No. Fascists were a political party in Italy. Because he supports authoritarian policies, such as increased control in black neigbourhood, torture and war crimes, 'going after' the children of the enemies, increased control with the 'lying media'. Then there's all his racist views, which is classical for fascism. It's fair to call him authoritarian, though. Murarth: Except that they never were. Fascism is the name of a movement that combines authoritarianism, racism, nationalism. The only official definition of Fascism comes from Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, in which he outlines three principles of a fascist philosophy. 1."Everything in the state". The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator. 2."Nothing outside the state". The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government. 3."Nothing against the state". Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens. MAGA|xqwpx: Why get into the semantics of it? I'm sick of people being fearful of all the shit he's said he wants to do. Fear is not the proper response to someone saying they want to grab power in the American government. The proper response is that he will not be allowed to do those things because our government is of the people and by the people and the people shall not abide. Dictionary arguments are the worst. ticki, i'm just asking MAGA|xqwpx: I gave you an answer. That's how fascism is defined in political studies. without proper definitions anything can mean anything Murarth: Just because he might not be able to do the damage, he can still be fascist. Well, Trump is probably going to be rather pro-corporate (as most Republicans and Democrats are), so it's fair to say he won't be Fascist by that definition. truth is calling things by their proper name MAGA|xqwpx: Fascist is the proper name. The definition I gave is the one that is widely accepted in political philosophy and political sciences. MAGA|xqwpx: Despite, it is unimportant. The outline is that he is an authoritarian racist. ticki: It doesn't matter what promises he made during the campaign or what he wants to do. What matters is what we'll let him do. why is trump racist He can be a fascist all day and night, but he exists within a democratic republic and he is not a dictator. His power through executive orders will be limited and Congress's power to support him is limited and kept in check by the people. People need to stop acting like this is the end of the world. This is another president and every president responds, to some degree, to the demands of the American people. MAGA|xqwpx: oh, boy. That list contains plenty of reasons why

if you havent seen this yet: Also, this thing: MAGA|xqwpx: He is a racist. The fact that anybody doubt it is extremely idiotic. FACT: Trump is a birther FACT: Trump marked People of Color with "C" to refuse to rent them homes in the 90s FACT: Trump retweets white supremacist accounts weekly. FACT: Trump ran a full-page ad to give capital punishment to four black teens he thought were rapists. Despite DNA evidence later appear, that it was false, he continued to think they were guilty. FACT: He attacked judge Curiel for being mexican. FACT: He tweeted Hillary Clinton with a David star. FACT: Every single racist in America supports Trump. FACT: Trump refused to disavow David Duke, even after he learned that he was a member of the KKK. FACT: Trump tweeted out a massively racist fake statistic about black-on-white crime. ticki, bit late with those facts, matey FACT: Trump's sons are in contact/involved in white supremacist communities. trump already got elected MAGA|xqwpx: They're true. maybe the US should not have imported all the nazis from germany MAGA|xqwpx: Stop moving the goalpost. You asked why he was racist, and I gave you answers Yet you're not happy You're racist trash anyway (inb4 massive butthurt) These days it's almost worse to call people racist than actually being racist. i asked because i was curious MAGA|xqwpx: And I answered. These days it's almost worse to call people racist than actually being racist. then why are you calling me racist MAGA|xqwpx: Stop intentionally misinterpretting. What I mean is that there is massive outrage when the media or a person calls Trump and his supporters racists. but it's not bad if you call someone racist? MAGA|xqwpx: > bit late with those facts, matey or do you mean generally MAGA|xqwpx: US is post-fact, so doesn't matter MAGA|xqwpx: Since it is provable, no it doesn't matter. MAGA|xqwpx: also, stop JAQing off. i just wanna know why i'm a racist now you know. Happy? i do not if you all a racist a racist, you name them. nothing bad about that you declared me racist trash without explanation MAGA|xqwpx: Yesterday you directly called BLM 'thugs' and spoke about "black-on-white crime" as if the race of crime matters. >Yesterday you directly called BLM 'thugs' did i do that? what about the other "colors" ? >"black-on-white crime" as if the race of crime matters. MAGA|xqwpx: oh, and also, your nickname. Trump supporters are racist per-se Someone said "racially motivated crime will skyrocket", i asked if they factored in black-on-white crime as lots of blacks are supposedly very angry about the whole thing MAGA|xqwpx: no, that wasn't what you said. You said that black people were "the real danger" i never said that Let me ask you a think: Do you think racism is a major problem in today's society? *thing which society US. In particular, do you think discrimination against black people exists? in police violence, employment, and justice system. yea it does why wouldn't it i'm not sure about the US because i'm not from the US MAGA|xqwpx: Most Trump supporters thinks it does not exist. but in every racically diverse society there are lots of problems with racism MAGA|xqwpx: Well, why is you supporting Trump then? Are you trolling? MAGA|xqwpx: Most Trump supporters thinks it does not exist. source? MAGA|xqwpx: Let me find it. It is from a WaPo article... Nah, I'm not going to find it. This discussion leads nowhere, and I shouldn't be feeding the trolls. sorry well i assume it would be impossible to support him while being aware if it sebk, why not really ? that's obvious if you are aware of racism, your choice is clearly Clinton, the only candidate who 1. recognizes the problem, 2. has plans to solve it.

so.. what do you think would happen if any politican said the these things towards the jewish people? Trump do neither. end of carreer and possibly prison There is, like, a reason all black people support Clinton (yes: all, nearly 100%) and all racists support Trump. It's not really that fucking complex. Trump did win tho so there's that Doesn't matter. that's all that matters His victory does not change reality well.. looks like a bigger part of the US is racist You keep circling around that, but it's an argumentum ad populum The masses aren't decided what's true and not sebk, you think everyone who voted for trump is racist? but "racist" may be to specific here what about black and hispanic trump voters MAGA|xqwpx: that's not what I said one could vote for him "for fun" wasn't my intend to imply that you implied that not being aware of the conesquences you think hispanic and black trump voters did it for fun and/or weren't aware of the consequences? in germany there is one nazi-party and it gets some 10% of the votes not because 10% of the people would count themselfes as nazi, but because they are frustrated it never crossed 5% nationally but the consequences are the same maybe 5% on average idk MAGA|xqwpx: > what about black and hispanic trump voters Those nearly don't exist Trump got more Hispanic voters than Mitt Romney did. He has historically low support in either of those. >In the 2005 federal elections, the NPD received 1.6 percent of the vote nationally. Get out of your imaginary world and look at the real numbers. Murarth: Hispanics is a large group. Yes, and some of them voted for Trump. Murarth: But you're right with hispanics I was thinking of Mexicans I'm sure some of them voted for Trump, too. It was more than just Florida Cubans. would you call a black or hispanic trump supporter racist because they support trump? People are not as homogeneous as you think. Hispanics (including Mexicans) are disproportionately Catholic. But black people casted less than 1% votes for Trump. They're normally 10-20% republicans. in sachsen 2004: 9,2 % MAGA|xqwpx: black Trump supporters are boogeymen. They're put in the front-row, because it makes them seem diverse, but fact of the matter is that there are virtually none of them. Obama got around 80something% of the black vote. Hillary, I believe, got around 60 or 70% of the black vote. Respectfully, ticki, stop talking out of your ass. Look up numbers before you state them. ticki, are they racist tho Murarth: I'm not talking out of my ass. You're right they are slightly higher than I expected: But it's still low, even for GOP 1998 DVU in sachsen 12,9% ticki, are they racist Trump won more of the black vote than Mitt Romney did. Or McCain. 2001 in hamburg 19% Murarth: source? MAGA|xqwpx: they are also split up ticki, you say every trump supporter is a racist do you still stand to that and the new "AFD" tried could be seen in that area too My source is the election night coverage I watched and a fivethirtyeight podcast I listened to yesterday. -tried MAGA|xqwpx: sure ticki, does this apply to black and hispanic trump supporters Murarth: I listened to their podcastas well, and no they didn't mention any of that. Maybe it was Vox's podcast, The Weeds. I listened to both yesterday and they kind of blend together. ticki, are you doging my question? MAGA|xqwpx: No, I answered. I stand by my claim ticki, that there are no black and hispanic trump supporters there are, tho Now, stop JAQing off. I'm way easy to bait into answering your shitty questions MAGA|xqwpx: There are some, but it's a neglible amount ticki, "some of them are racist", or "all of them are racist but the whole group is small" MAGA|xqwpx: all of them is racist I'm leaving this channel. It's trash.* ticki ([email protected]/* */-id4.r8h.139.37.IP) has left ("WeeChat 0.4.2")

holy shit. this cuck is so triggered by trump and muh fascists

Should've probably moved that into a pastebin, nvm.

☭☭ I have mapped a key specifically when i need glorious communism☭

Likely #rust-offtopic. #rust-politics only existed during the election.

Why the fuck does a fucking programming language need a politics irc?

Go fuck yourself whoever said this.

...and this is the reason politics is not allowed in the IRC chat. This type of flamewars don't provide anything good to the community and only create animosity between members.


hi ticki

what a cunt

Isreal needs more diversity!

doesn't RMS have RSI(Repetitive Strain Injury) or something similiar?

Oh, I'm sure...
That is only if you distribute binaries. Making changes to software on your own computer does not force you to send that source code to anyone. You are only required to do so to the people you send binaries to.
Wrong! If your software links against the GPL, it has to be GPL-compatible, not necessarily under the GPL. And if the program is licensed under the LGPL, it's allowed to be proprietary.
But you are okay with enteties taking your software, and making it non-free?
The Linux kernel has done quite well it's the most used kernel in the world and the GNU C library is constantly developed.
You mean like TiVoization, restricted boot, spyware, jailed devices, and so on?
No, the GPL doesn't enforce a particular development method, only that you don't take away the rights of user, especially the right to one day become developers of the software they depend upon.
The GPL allows you to package software in all realms provided you releas the source code
All versions of the GPL arel considered open source licenses by the Open Source Initiative. [1]
The GPL does not "limit usage of the software".
This scenario is more likely:
1. Developers license library libcuck under a pushover license.
2. Evil corporation carrot finds this library useful and includes it in their jailed phone jBad without releasing the source code for libcuck.
3. The libcuck developers gain nothing for having done free work for carrot and free software developers have done it for free.
Corporations like Apple, Google and Microsoft no longer make money selling operating systems, they make money either selling hardware or extracting information from their users. This analogy is false and clouds the issue.
How does this make it rational releasing software under a pushover license instead of under a copyleft license?
The GPL does not force you to send patches upstream.
The GPL does not mandate a centralized structure of the project. This is just slinging shit at the GPL and seeing what sticks. Now I really hate the RedoxOS cucks.


I think their name refers a redox reaction of iron to rust.

Days later, since they probably wont visit this thread anymore after they found out about it, I posted what you said. However, I doubts it's gonna get approved and unlocked by the mods (see pic).

What was your thought-crime? Saying they sould consider switching to GPLv3? Accidentally triggering a pan-gendered dragon kin by saying "he or she"? Criticising Rust?

according to project cuck leader
being Anonymous is childish and being on an imageboard equals being a troll.

It's nothing new, I mean questioning the narrative or thinking "unessesary" have always been deemed bad by libcucks.

>Source of trolls:

I wonder if the faggot will blame us when his shit goes nowhere.

nah, after putting in quite an amout of work in the project, it probably will have some success, more or less. when a company will gladly take it for free, without giving anything back. it will be celebrated.

just like BSD fags did when apple made osx, or when microsoft took the tcp/ip stack for windows from BSD.

Thinking about how they reacted when they realized that MS and apple used their code.

Anyway sad to see that the developer has a very bad understanding of the GPlv3 and worse he doesn't want to listen or learn about it.
Aka brainwashed by some corporate thug.

missed opportunity. while basically having only one language for developing would be the fix for entry level developers (in opposition having to learn 3 different languages just to compile a text editor), nobody other than cucks want to get exploited.
They'll probably think the "I've got this in my resume, have expirence and code to show, I'm willing to slave for nothing" and the eternal trainee are enough "chance" for new developers to willingly join.
The missed orppotunity is simply not seeing all those people sick of having no privacy on their own PCs and sick of being fucked by corporations and three letter agencies and getting told to pay and pay and pay for nothing.
They think GPL3 people are a minority. God, they have no idea. If we'd actually had an OS we could getting started with and point other people to.....
well, no use crying over spilled beans. It's the same song playing and repeating for years now.

The project leader seems to be a normal straight white guy, not a pozzed lefty.
Being guided by gut feeling he managed to avoid the CoC so far.
He doesn't go against SJWs just because he doesn't want to be called racist or for some reason like that.
So it could be possible to red-pill him, show him some bell curves, point at the Jew in every key position.
He considers us trolls, that's a good sign.
When I first read that Hitler was a good guy, I thought it was a trolling too.


Your entire life is a joke, faggot

Maybe I should have been clearer that I don't accuse the RedoxOS leaders of being pozzed SJWs, only that their arguments against the GPL and for the MIT license are shit. So bad in fact that it's cringe inducing.

that "ticki" is for sure, though. He the second contributor to redoxos and might have some influence. He probably already goes like "I'm wont do the filesystem if don't respect my feelings" or it will simply stab the project leader to death for "being a fash" or something.




it's true there are many SJW and communists in favor of free software and are involved.

however rejecting valid facts, problems and their solution just because you don't like the political view of some involved is plain stupid and no different to the SJW cancer calling everyone not of their opinion a racist or denying speech in the first place.

GPL3 is good, no doubt about that.

The license itself as it is a legal document should be as apolitical as possible. So while I normally don't care about triggering agenderd people with "he or she", we want that kind of politics out of software licenses. The GPLv3 does not ban you from using "hate speech" in your software.
But somehow, he's right 99.9% of the time. Go figure.
Yes! And writing "they/them" instead of "he or she" is a tiny consession, but also clearer from a legal perspective (although an agendered person would still be considered part of "he or she")

This! And the GPL can be a great commercial as it can be used with dual-licensing: You release the source code under the GPL and allows people to use free software, but can extract a payment from companies for using the software in their products. If that company license it under the MIT, they would have lost that opportunity.

Who defines what a fascist is? Someone who hails Hitler? Someone who sports a MAGA hat? Someone who is critical of mass immigration. I will not use an OS by these people ever, I don't trust them at all.

Stallman is Bobby Fischer type of Jew. The other kikes loathe him. See his political notes his views on Israel are pretty clear.

Which is a perfect legal and grammatical definition.

Name at least one project rms was involved with which had a CoC

Pure cohencidence.

Sorry I've messed up the screencap.

Forgive my faggotry.

and he's clearly in favor of MIT (see pic) and is answering to his claims

If you're the copyright holder of a GPL'd project, isn't it possible for you to relicense the project to a private organization? Meaning if Orange computer wanted to use it, they could pay the copyright holder a fee to use it under the terms of a more agreeable license, while the GPL'd project is simultaneously extant.

To answer myself, maybe not.
I was just wondering if you could still find a way to cuck the project contributors.

that was also the main problem with ubuntu mir display server. while it was under GPL and those having a problem with redhat would have loved to go with this instead of vaporware wayland, cononical required contributor licence agreement and it became useless because of that. like I said, nobody (other than cucks) like to be exploited.

well, in this case it's probably better to not include (and later) when using GPLv3 in case they really do include something problematic in versions after that.

He is almost allways right about digital and technological matters and decades ahead of his peers, but disagree with many of his social policies. Like his comment that using Bitcoin for tax evasion is a bad thing. Considering all the government waste that's going on, they deserve all the tax avoidance/evasion we can put up. And while Stallman is usually clear about what he says, he mentions "legal tax evasion". Tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion is illegal. So I don't uncritically accept everything he says, but he has been proven right to many times to ignore. See webm related, full video here[1].

Despite Stallman's occasionally pozzed political stances, I have no reason to think he would do anything so foolish as to, like, shove the Contributor Covenant into the GPLv4. And in the case they do something incredibly stupid, people will simply refuse to upgrade, something the FSF is not interested in. That's why they accepted many compromises in their draft for the GPLv3
If the GPLv4 flops, it would be a great embarrasement for the FSF, so if you think Stallman has much incentive to do something extremely lulzy, i would say you are wrong. To quote the GPLv3:
So if you really are scared of what might be in GPLv4, you have a middle option between "or any later version" and "only". And I believe that this is the path that Torvalds should have chosen for Linux: If later TiVozation turned out to be a colossal problem for Linux, they could upgrade to GPLv3.


Yes. If you own the copyright to all the code (and many companies and organisations require you to sign over your copyright), you can do with it whatever you want.
You can choose to stop distributing your code under GPL and go full proprietary.

Note: copyleft-next combats this. Essentially (as far as I understand it), if you distributed something under copyleft-next, then close it down & slap a fee on it, all previously distributed code becomes public domain.

Actually, I am. Simply because the FSF could turn evil like any organization can. Good people aren't immortals and can be replaced by bad people. It happend many times and there is no reason to think the FSF would be magically shielded from that doesn't make sense.

I thought about that too. However I think it's better to deal with those unknown Problems when they pop up. So, if a Licence change is required in the future, it up each code author/owner to decide whenever they want to change it. yes, this isn't the most effective solution and in some parts impossible (f.a. someone died or is otherwise not avaible).

Still it's doable. Just don't allow bad designed software like systemd that touches all areas. Unless it really can't be avoided keep things cleanly seperated do in case you really need an licence change you remove those pieces (that cant be upgraded) from the project with limited damage.




sage isn't a downvote nigglet.


it is, you dumb nigger

Is there a threshold as to what contributes a third party contribution? If I put a project on faghub, do I have to be concerned about trivial documentation change pull requests? I would reject pronoun patches naturally, but when do I have to request that contributors consent to me raping them in the future?

Stallman is always in favor of free speech regardless of his other political views.
He is against "hate speech" laws for example.
In this case threats of violence were being used to intimidate and silence, of course he speaks against that.

there still exist laws outside of copy-right. I'm pretty sure if you require for example murder in a licence for your code it most likely will be invalid (copy-right) and put you in jail (criminal law).

can I use obviosly badly/invalid licenced code? no, the author is still copy-right owner and a invalid licence is like there isn't any. using the code anyway is a copy-right violation.

while some things are too trivial to get copy-right protection (usually spelling errors, small changes in variables and formating), usually anything you pull is owned by the author of the pull request....better check what licence it comes with.

finaly... yes, giving a 3rd party the right to make copy-right related changes like in the licence can lead to bad things happening. not exactly rape but it can be requestes for example that code ships with printed documentation. this would disable pretty much anyone from distribution as printing can be pretty expensive.

Nigger go read a book


proof or GTFO
extends the license and avoids possible future loophole if the administration authorize bullshit other than he/she in the sex of your birth certificate.


What a load of bullshit
I was going to make a post but this user gets it.
Very good post fellow user .

Github has once banned someone because of non-authorized forking of an AGPLv3 project.
So thought-crime about talking about the GPL is possible.

RMS always had the stance of letting free speech resolve conflict.
--Louis Brandeis

I don't want to lie but
I lie

Even GPL is still a pretty cucked license. Look at how Google is using Linux to their advantage in taking over cell phones, sure they might be distributing the source code, but they still benefit from the labors of others.

That would be because having the source code doesn't guarantee you can trust or understand it. Turns out free software is not a panacea. But good luck getting freetards to admit that.

Also hardware lockin is still an issue, even with GPLv3.

typical know-nothing LARPer

kys proprietary fag

Another thread to reaffirm my belief that GPL zealots write more posts than they do programs. Way to shit up a potentially interesting thread about actual software with your useless legal chaff, you insufferable troglodytes.

If you want to make good arguments in favour of choosing permissive licenses over copyleft licenses, we are all ears, but in this thread, the RedoxOS admins' arguments for choosing the MIT license has been thoroughly debunked.


Still not giving proof

It's a technical matter and will always be. read the license and try to understand what is copyright.
The GPL is long because it has to block a lot of copyright retardness.
While permissive like MIT or BSD inherits shit tons of monstrosity from the copyright system.


And on what proof do you base yourself ?


I don't even see how this could even be disputed. You can take one look at him and see the ashkenazi genetics.


perfect metaphor for vaporware

so it's garbage then, neat

Slowdox OS :DDD

the personal is political :DDDDD

They wanted to use batched syscalls to improve driver performance but they ran into a patent issue. Red Hat is sitting on this patent and they're not allowed to implement it under MIT (due to licence incompatibility):

cuck license fags cucked again

only in murica

I'm completely opposed to Rust, but this sounds nice

Sadly, the rest of the rust community isn't like this, and frankly are fucking unbearable. I wouldn't touch this with a 10-foot pole until the main rust project drops its coc.

he didn't get his coc, but he already managed to infiltrate perfectly fine and can sabotage anything he wants. redoxos, even ignoring the cuck licence, with this jew they're already as good as dead.


should rename this board to /legal/

gee I wonder

it's a solution without a problem, happy?

He made the OS

So will I have to run a VM to do anything useful with this?

Can I run a container on it?

I think its an excellent way to prove/disprove Rust's additional safety over raw C

Much like /r/technology its just politics because anyone with any technical ability left a long time ago.

Does anyone actually know a decent forum for talking about technical topics? I really haven't found a good one in years.

If you thought reddit was good at any point in time, you should improve Holla Forums's quality by killing yourself.

Is the browser also made on Rust?


no surprises here

ok, so it answered a question only asked by itself. I wouldn't really call that progress.

If it had a custom browser, CIAniggers would already be ruining it

Redox OS has no games

what's wrong?
based Linus is also from Finland.

Helsinki is basically Sweden lite.

Is it a lie, then?


one of the issues that would be greatly reduced due to choice of language

What the fuck am I reading?

Their arguments for the MIT was so cringey it had to be ridiculed. See:
And when your reasoning so catastrophically bad as pointed out here:
and here:
we're justified in doubting your abilities in making good and stable software we can rely on for the next decades. We expect a good (or at least decent) programmer to think logically, but the Redox leaders have demontrated time after time, as shown in this thread that they are almost incabaple of good thinking. They had to rely on strawmanning the GPL in order to justify the MIT license. That's how I look at it. Not:

tl;dr: RedoxOS leaders are poor thinkers and so we don't trust their code yet.

Sometimes I wonder, how is it biologically possible…

Is this what Holla Forums is triggered by nowadays?

The FSF care for GPL to work on GNU software as the highest priority with everybody else at a lower priority. It doesn't matter too much for the FSF if very few projects decide that GPLv4 was worth their time.


I can never trust this developers code because they have different opinions than me! Clearly this will make a difference in their implementation of quicksort. Therefore I, as your glorious white loving Holla Forums user must show them the wrongthink that they are spewing about our GodKing Trump!

Holla Forums whines about people being jewish or leftist the same way the lefties whine about people not liking blacks.

Holla Forums

I wouldn't be surprised if the retarded snowflakes somehow managed to make it run in O(n²) average time.


Shit. rules

< Head developer is guilty of Holla Forums wrongthink

Isn't PreScheme dependent upon GC?

It doesn't have GC? At least not as how it was described, but that's where a compile-time garbage collector for C would fit perfectly. Or maybe that compile-time garbage collector could be inside the Pre-Sceme to C transpiler. That would be interesting,


the redox person supports antifa. they're a bad person on the inside.

It continues to amaze me how far out of their way people will go to ignore Ada.

Do they have a slogan yet?
Redox OS: Want A Native Kernel Exploit in Rust!