5 Things You Learn Being Attacked By The Alt-Right

(((Alt-Right))) aside, there are many references to Holla Forums and Holla Forums in here


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wtf I hate the 1st Amendment now

Kek. I doubt they get many views, and they don't even post the best memes.

don't waste your time


You know i kinda like how misleaded they are!
Chasing edgy alt-right teenager boogieman will give the real players time to cripple these leftist faggots.


I fucking hate when they call us the alt-right. They want to group us with that degenerate Milo, edgy Reddit fags, and fat FBI agen- I mean "Neo Nazis".

Isn't she a pedo/pedo enabler as well as a prostitute?

Way to Memory-hole the part where she was a fucking Hooker on the side working at a Videogame Publisher aimed at a kid's demographic

No yah it was totally the fact that she had mean things said about her on twitter, not that she was a whore for money, and a cheap one at that.


don't forget she also had a rating of like 2/5

Just so you know, the day of the rope mentality is a deliberate construct meant to induce procrastination and inaction. If there is a particular political opponent – media, authority, personal, or otherwise – that you feel would be better off dead, take the matters into your own hands.

Don't wait for some kind of nebulous nationalist bat-signal to give you your cue. Just be aware – doing so puts your own life and personal freedom in mortal danger that it is unlikely to escape from. If you aren't willing to die, don't do it.


Except you don't see how that doesn't compute to a normies brain. They already know anything Pro-White = Nazi. Nazi's hate everyone but white gentiles. When you then go on to associate the "Alt Right" with everything bigotry related and then prop up these mixed race people, race traitors, gays, and jews it doesn't make any sense. No normal person would believe any propaganda attempts being made that these people are "Alt Right". The only ones that would buy that are those who already associate along that ideology to begin with.

You know you've failed as a prostitute when your rate is dirt cheap and people still feel cheated after fucking you

I would be pissed off if people actually read Cracked, lmao

you know you've failed as a human when you can't do the easiest job on the face of the earth


Cracked is so sad, its like you took and somehow made it an even worse site than it already is.

How can you work in a place like that and not question your whole existence as a person.

Calm down. Chances are you'd match all the policy and ideologically values that bulk of the Alt-right believes anyway.

And it wasn't to my surprisingly a (((intellectual))) that coined the term alt-right,Stefan made a video on this.You ought to watch it.

Don't forget, the whore Rapp was also a pedo-supporter:

They act like we're hiding what we think behind memes. It's all in the open. It's just opaque to retards.

Good point.


The butthurt in that article is off the fucking charts.

I just love the way they don't understand their own readers are disgusted by how cucked their articles have become and that they're actively helping us by posting articles like this, which only help drive more of the silent majority to us.

Man, if i could see the cuck's face when shit like this back fire…

Do they not really understand their readership? (What's remaining of it)? Who hasn't abandoned them yet other than those who jerk off to this kind of politicized unhumor? What I'm amazed by is how many of those kinds of people exist.





Its either Holla Forums or nothing. They are afraid to send normies here. And normies are bored as fuck once they name 4chan or 8ch. If they ever want to tag us, let them do it properly.

Holla Forumsacks

Holla ForumsACKS

The system is afraid of fucking online forums like ours. They are afraid of you Holla Forums, not an "alt-right" easy hijack-able movement!


The "alt-right" is our ebaumsworld.

Meh, in #2 they admit it's a shifting mass that attacks from all sides. The chans serve their purpose as does twitter/reddit/youtube/breitbart etc. What all these facets lack in idealogical purity they make up for in sheer numbers and points of attack. They ban one "troll" and ten more anime girl/cartoon frog sporting accounts fill it's place.

At this point in time, I feel the alt-right meme will break and fade away just as fast as it sprang up but the fight against cultural marxism and forced diversity is not going anywhere. I feel it will break because times are getting desperate and people see the writing on the wall. All this despite what MSN/Cracked say, more people are against globalism and all it's degeneracy. They want jobs, they want healthy families, they don't want brown people with a different language and culture taking over their towns and causing harm to their community members. The lines are set, no matter how much the media tries to muddle them, and people have chosen sides. You going to call the millions of grandparents who represses her racial knowledge and who are voting Trump in Nov. the alt-right? No. The idea of racial purity and preserving it has been around since time immemorial, from Imperial Japan, to India to the Egyptian empire. It's not going anywhere soon, while the alt-right will be lucky to receive a footnote in history.


You seem upset.

They hate the "alt-right" precisely because they cannot effectively attack it. How can you call a coal-burning, homosexual Jew like Milo a racist, homophobic anti-semite and expect to be taken seriously?

You can't.

This is the true value of the "alt-right" and letting Milo take its helm.

When they find a way to effectively attack Milo, the invisible hand of Holla Forums simply throws forward another right-leaning mouthpiece that is invulnerable to the new attack, and makes up a new name to go along with it, further shifting the Overton window. Whilst using the downfall of Milo as an excuse to further the point, by espousing similar right-leaning ideologies, but this time with the added advantage that we can attack our previous "alt-right leader", a homosexual coal-burning Jew.

Everything is progressing exactly as planned.

That article already has 218,781 views.

Yes, there is and it's full of faggots, so who cares?

Yes. Because only faggots care about PR. Nobody gave a shit when we blamed retardation on Ebaums World, Something Awful, ytmnd, 9gag, or whoever the fuck. That's the point. Let them kvetch. They have no power.

You are a tryhard and a newfag. Get the fuck out kid.

fuckiing what

Remember: If you get mad, it proves them right.

I guess he got tired of people with 2d avatars calling him a faggot jew.

What did you achieve by posting that? Other than to make us think very little of you, I mean.

No explanation, no caption, no file name, no context. Just gore, showing a mutilated woman and child.

The image is sad. So are you.

These are the cucks that gave Chelsea her big article to expose le ebul goobergabbers.

And what plan is that? Shitposting incessantly? No one could have guessed the rise of the alt-right meme and Pepe's title as the le symbol of ebil white supremacy in mainstream media. You can't just plan that. No, we have past the point of no return and now we're just seeing where this all leads to.

My guess, the fall of the alt-right along with the economy and the rise of an ethno-centric renaissance in the western world. But there will be struggle between those two ends.

She wasn't. She was charging about a grand a night.

You feel it too, don't you?

You can charge anything you like but that doesn't mean you'll get it.
Didn't kiwifarms dig up that she got stiffed while getting stiffed?

I find it absolutely amazing that pic related is the image they chose to demonstrate the existence of a credible threat.

Look at this picture, Holla Forums. Is it scary?

I feel it but moved past. Painful looking at normalfags who did the same shit I did and know I used to be that stupid and ignorant.

Quaking in my little bootsies, yikes.

Let's not forget that she was, by her own admission, a dog-fucker and a pedophile-apologist.

Well, he shouldn't have insulted our waifus. It only radicalizes us further.

Gore posters think they're "scaring away normies". They're the "le edgy teens" of Holla Forums.

and when they say we know the demographic like comon your more racist then you know cucked.

didn't fucking originate from twitter itself?



Be sure to go add to the comments section with fun things like "Holla Forums sent me here" or "Holla Forums is the religion of peace".

Cucked loves its comment section.


The thing that actually got her was a breach of contract but I forget the details. Nintendo treehouse was willing to worl with a pedophile hooker but when shekels got involved she was done.

This. American entertainment companies hate you having side jobs.

We're worshiping an Egyptain god of Chaos, and you planned this?

Hold on, bullshit's call me for once.

Does one plan the tide, or for a mob to come through central station after a train arrives?
Pendulums and predictive occasions. We're practicing holistic psychohistory.

Why are we being lumped together with the "alt-right"? We are a peaceful and friendly community discussing politics and society, while those alt-right people, they are monsters. Monsters i tell ya!

All they talk about is skinning jewish babies alive and burning them in the ovens, how they plan to assassinate Obama, mass murder blacks and other horrible things.

We need to sue Cracked for libel.


I thought that was the jews that skinned jewish babies?

So you managed to make Robert Evans call Hitler Sexy.

Yeah and they stretch listicles over multiple pages for maximum clicks.

Had an interesting chat about that during Gamergate with one of their former advertisers.

don't forget she was working for nintendo while selling photos of herself naked posing with nintendo merchandise, I think that's what did it

Make up your mind, Cracked

What happened? I'm curious.

Would kill for waifu/10, p scary tbh fam

wow, did that kike actually make a serious point about anime watchers being shit?

he already looked and sounded like a snake oil salesman, and I was never really a fan of the guy. But here's yet another fucking heeb who thinks he can waltz into a politically shifting opinion movement and try to take things over by agreeing with half of what we say while walking all over the other half and shouting "no, right here is what you should do, listen to me because I'm important!"

I enjoy how animu hurts his asshole more than any extra large dildo every will.

"Active" is a strange way to describe a user who was banned with less than 10 posts.

Ha! Good to see Rick Wilson is still assblasted.

Then Gamergate happened.


Hahahahahaha what? We specifically post pictures to trigger the public and keep them out, and tell "muh PR" fags to go die.

Robert Evans clearly didn't do his own research. He probably paid some pajeets to come here and write a vague summary for him.


This niggerfaggot has mixed up full/pol/ with the alt-right meme and it's hurting his brain.


I think you'll find most anime watchers still accept that it's shit. It's like watching porn… not exactly something to be proud of.

He was too good for their keyboard crusaders.

Has anyone played this game before? Is this card even good?

Kill yourself, my man, muhprgate had nothing to do with it.

what happened user?
you can tell us. we were all blue pilled at some point.


I think that was just an excuse. got it right.

Oh yes it did.

Nobody outside these sites hardly beleived in mass media conspiracy out to suppress information.

Then gg happened. And just wow.

added to the list

I can't even…

are you a dirty hippy quebecois in the okanagan

kek - fuck off Rick, Conservatism Inc. has failed. Nobody wants the candidates you shill for.

Hard to pin it down to a single event but I live in a pretty shitty area that has a large amount of blacks and pakis. This progressive lie of immigration that was drilled into me wasn't equal with the reality that I was uncomfortable by the crime and "culture" of these "people"

I used to be like this too. I used to watch the amazing atheist and PMRants, until I moved to a shittier part of the state, which made me drop all that atheist tripe. Had it not been for gamergate, I would've been blackpilled and rotting on KYM. Now, that i've finally gone to Holla Forums, All I seek is to quench the "I told you so" feeling.

Can you show some proof that Breivik was a member of Stormfront, as I kind of doubt it.

The reason he went undetected, was that he never posted anything extreme online, and he only pretended to have been in contact with a bunch of honeypots in the manifest.

They are afraid of the memes.

I didn't say anime itself wasn't shit, most of the series made each season cater to the lowest common denominator and you're lucky if you have a single fucking show on any given season that does anything relatively interesting. The majority of anime is like bags of potato chips, it's alright here and there, but it's not nutritious and eventually you want a fine steak.

Porn however is like eating shit. Comparing porn to anime is disingenuous. Most anime is benign (note that I'm not talking about hentai, which is the same as porn), while actual pornography is destructive. My point was that Milo wants to waltz in and chuck his opinion around like it fucking means anything and expects us all to go "OH WELL Milo doesn't like anime, wtf i hate anime now, we should purge it." Fuck that fag in the metaphorical sense only.

Dub dubs haz a point

According to Don Black (in response to the SPLC Article):

The "I was only pretending to be a shabbos goy" argument is extremely weak, he expressed the same philosemeitc ideas in private e-mails he had no reason to think would ever be released (and weren't until years after the shooting).

I am so fucking tired of being called alt right.

I think Holla Forums is alt right, but it's like these people have never taken a glance here

Yeah no.

i think when it became a relatively new coined term we got raided hard by shills and kikes attempting to co-opt us, as their first step is always the same: label your enemy, give them a description, target their leaders, infiltrate and bring them down.

A few months back I kept telling faggots that this was a co-opt attempt and not to fall for it. I kept telling them not to be faggots and that we didn't need a label, and every time that happened half the thread agreed and the other half screamed SHILL constantly. Luckily that seems to have died down now, it looks like most people agree that calling ourselves (((alt-right))) is fucking stupid and we shouldn't do it, but you still get a handful of retards in every thread that say "what you don't like calling yourself that? fuck you faggot, we're the alt-right, deal with it shill. amirite fellow gentiles?"

The biggest thing is, dont ever tell anyone.
Even if its for anhero.

Tell noone.

Just do it.

And ffs, burn your hardrives. and dont blame Holla Forums
We do not need that kind of attention if you die.

Pretty based tbh

A quick reminder that they write this crap to appeal to a very specific demographic. Being truthful or honest isn't part of their job.

They want a stupid gullible audience for a very good reason; they don't block ads. Hell they don't even know how to, they probably think it's 'hacking' or illegal if they even know it's feasible. These people browse the web every day with countless video ads that autoplay, tracking scripts that record everywhere they go and they might even click on an ad every once in awhile.

If you were running Cracked and cared about remaining profitable you'd have gone in this direction too. This clickbait blog for morons(little of substance spread across several pages and large pictures) that's constantly a week behind major trends is better left ignored.

I honestly think it's a non-issue. As Trump put it: "I have no idea what the alt-right is." That's the attitude you need to have. Let them define it and attack it. If it's an ethereal concept that no one understands or relates to, it will be useless.

The internet has made it so that Alinsky's rules work both ways. Just have your infographics ready, your facts straight, and be prepared to debate.

This is also why I think persuasion and Scott Adams in particular are retarded. The truth is that soft techniques only work when they're backed by cold, hard censorship and control of the levers of power. If the media weren't leftists, do you think that liberals would've stood a chance for so many years?

Can someone explain this strain of logic?
We have no control of mainstream media, they will do whatever they want. Raging about what they choose to call us is so petulant and useless I can't understand the mentality at all.


GG was the internet's first world war.
Now i'm not saying it was the FIRST internet war that encompassed the world, but it is like world war 1 in that hardline GGers were stabbed in the back by the leftists and the alt-kikes who are now the e-celebrities that represent the public relations side of the internet. The people who say GG was pointless knew it would end up this way, and have been pointing this out all along.

You have a lot of ex-GG freikorps shitposters with nothing to do and no irl to speak of. The degenerates will keep on degenerating, while the "centrist" types who "used to be liberal" have now been disillusioned. I'm sure that there are many people who are now considering Fascism and National Socialism as legitimate.

GG proves that you can't win a PR battle with media you don't control. you have to beat them into submission with smug anime girls saluting the hakenkreuz.

ED calls Ian Cheong, the guy who dropped the logs proving GG right to save his own ass was an asian guy who loved National Socialism.

Now, if anyone tries to do a GG again theres not going to be a "Muh PR" campaign because

1. Nobody will give a fuck about "looking good" for the media.

2. People have already burnt out on that.

Thats all. GG was a failure like WW1, but it moved the overton window 4U.


The media conspiracy exposed itself. Like fools.

OTR but they were fully aware of ShekelShoah and already changed practices.

Even a decent chunk of 8/v/ is pretty cucked these days when political discussion comes up, Holla Forums started shilling there hardcore when they had their big surge in users during the early summer.

Love hoe the PRfags who ruined it after the first few months always try to down play it.

Acting just like they are shills.


As a bit of a correction, Ian Miles wasn't the one dropping the log, AFAIK.

But all other points are good though. I'm one of those centrist who realized that GG was going nowhere, tried my best to save it the best way i know how and it wasn't enough. Ended up deserted the whole thing and what do you know, every single things i warned people about turned true.

So here I am, hanging out in 8ch.


Basically, yes. And it's working. Keep at it.
So we're both in agreement that the "alt-right" is destined to fall. It's just a stepping stone on the way to something greater.

let me guess you are one of those faggots that believe in the "movement"

This meme has gotta stop

Man. The left is really butthurt right now. They're slowly coming to the realisation that they've lost the U.S. election. It's slowly seeping in.


Yeah, that's fine. That's our enemies doing something, if they want to set up a wooden dummy to swing a sword at even if it's a foam one let them.
My point is that WE shouldn't call ourselves that. If liberals want to say to normalfags "these guys are the alt-right," whatever. If they tell us directly "you're the alt-right" or retards start shouting "we're the alt-right" then we say "no we're not" and move on. If they prod further and spaz out with WELL WHAT ARE YOU THEN the answer is simply "not the fucking alt-right, faggot, now shut the fuck up."

What are you talking about?
My point is that you faggots sperg out over stuff you have no control over. There is nothing you can do about what the media calls you. Fucking deal with it instead of wasting all this energy doing nothing for our race.

And there is nothing you can do about what we decide to call us , we are not the fucking alt-right, faggot, now shut the fuck up.

I can kind of understand this line of logic. I just don't see the benefit, it's like denying being "racist" while supporting a white ethnostate. It's not going to make liberals think you aren't a terrible person (although no one here should care about that) and the fact of the matter is, to leftists "alt-right" is synonymous with white nationalism, not Milo or whoever the fuck.

You faggots come into every thread even tangentially related to the alt-right and sperg out. Most importantly, right after the Hillary speech, we could have achieved a media coup, instead faggots like you sat here and flipped shit and the only thing to come out of that was the media covering Dickie Spencer's conference/orgy.

Fuck off faggot , this is an anonymouse imageboard are you autistic enough that you think you can force an anonymous person in the internet to accept your shitty label.

We dont care about your movement faggot , we are not alt-right , we are not your friend go fucking die

You need to calm down, friend. We all want the same thing.

I agree, calling Holla Forums alt-right is stupid. Holla Forums is Holla Forums.

I have no idea what Alt-right even means. I don't hang around Holla Forums often but it just seems like something libshits just started going on about.

Everybody knows. You think telling them we're not is gonna change anything? Our names for the SJW's, the Jews and the Lugenpresse is infinitely more potent over their limp wristed namecalling.

No faggot . Holla Forums is Holla Forums deal with it or fuck off

That's nice.

There is a difference between accepting a label and being labelled faggot, doing the first one mply accepting the enemy has power over you.

imply that the enemy has power over you*

it's just a label (((someone))) invented because trying to freak out at the normalfags with "HOLY SHIT GUIZE there are these egyptian frog god worshipping cyber wizard neo nazis shitposting and memespamming so hard it's going to ruin our country" doesn't exactly resonate with the average idiot.

Duh, Holla Forums is Holla Forums. You literally don't get it. You are obsessing over a label we have no control over.

Then don't freak out over the faggot label. Our actions will be the judge of the label. If the label doesn't fit it will fall off. Memetics 101. Lurk moar fucking faggot.

No fucking faggot , we are not alt-right and will never be . Doesnt matter what they call us or how many times you sperg about us "obsessing over a label we have no control over"

Oh, right. I figured it out! They don't want to undo their years of crafting a narrative of what most people know republicans by changing the story so they come up with new label for a new enemy that's coming at them from the internet.

I honestly believe the majority of people arguing fanatically against any association with the "alt-right" are doing so in bad faith, I'm just not sure why. Some kind of misplaced elitism? Literal shills?

Look at this shit, he isn't trying to determine the best way to move forward, he's trying to insult and D&C us.

Listen faggot , there is no movement and you cant force any in a fucking anonymous imageboard to fucking accept your shitty label . You have no control over it so go ahead signal all you want ,


I will, thank you for your permission.
We're going to drag you, kicking and screaming, to victory, frankly you don't deserve it.


He literally just incorporated "sperg" into his terminology in his latest post.

I see them all the time and I am similarly suspecting as you are that he is a D&C shill. At least others who read our posts will know how to pick up this obvious shit since there's no reason in his posts.

Since we're in agreement that Alt-right doesn't label us, why don't you go back to your social media outlets and tell them they're faggots for wrongly calling us Alt-right.

Sure i would belive it all of you werent just a bunch of delusional idiots.

At this point, I'm pretty sure that aliens from another galaxy would be able to provide a more accurate examination of us than these twats, even with completely-different language, biology and etc. I still find myself wondering just how shit you have to be at basic logic, observation and deduction to misinterpret and form nonsensical connections between everything to such a degree, and that's accounting for intentional forgery/cherry-picking to make us look worse.


This is the exact same shit as the MSM confusing us for 4chan. We go mostly-unnoticed due to lack of knowledge and confusion regarding names, as an assortment better-known fall guys stand there obliviously and wait to get mowed down in our stead, while we laugh and continue memeing it up. Everyone knows reddit, 4chan and the like, and is eager to attack them because they're easy and soft targets which will relent quickly, but we're both unknown and hard as fuck to do any damage to.

We do all the work and reap all the chaos from it, they take the blame and get knifed in the back by jews despite being jew-controlled themselves, everyone who matters wins.

No one's asking you to fap to it, but goddamn how have you not been desensitized to to shock images yet? You just get an internet connection for the first time?

Beautifully said.

The last thread was hilarious. Everyone got to sport their new avatar and I actually signed up for the Holla Forums VIP plan


You are just a bunch of faggots . KYS

He isn't seeking to legit figure us out or describe us, he's attempting to demonize us. He doesn't want to know the truth about us or care, he hates us and wants other people to hate us too, so he picks how he wants to make us look and runs with it. It was never about having "a clue about us."

hey guize how u liek my doges avatar!! xD
im waiting to unlok hitlar but i need to get my post rank up to SS officer first

kill yourself

You too, cuck.

This guy did an afternoon's worth or research to write this article when it would take at least 3 months of concentrated shit posting for him to start to get the idea of what's going on.

These normies man, they really don't have a clue, do they?


brother, fucking what? explain to me in as calm and rationally thought out as possible how any of my post constitutes as muh PR. Go ahead, I'll wait, but I think you have some serious reading comprehension problems.

Yes, every one of us. Including Holla Forums.

forgot my avatar

Johns obviously don't want their whores to be radical feminists. Going to get your dick sucked and then being lectured on toxic masculinity isn't their thing.



well I read your post again.

I took it as an implication that you were concerned about how others view us. I now see that you were pointing out that the cucked article was never about having "a clue about us" rather a weak pr stunt. Forgive me brother. Don't kill yourself. I was riled up by the dumbfuck "muh alt-right" pr cucks.

The weak fear the strong.

Patently untrue. The alt-right wants to suck off black guys and stand with bahar.

To be fair Cracked used to be entertaining.

This. They need to learn not to trigger us with their offensive hate speech.

This is what the Cracked staff looks like.

The amount of nu-male pouring out of it hurts.

I hate that we get lumped in with those racist chanterculture thugs from!

Really heats my oven!

How is it that an Asian guy is the most normal looking of the bunch?

Trump also went on to talk about how he thinks the 'alt-right' is a pure media invention in a later speech.

We are
and if we are to take Trump's advice we will label ourselves as such.

I lost 50% of my T just looking at that.

Get those nu-males a gym pass stat

Huh, I know her. Weird.

Polite sage.

The guy who wrote the piece in the OP is second down in the far-left column

Thanks OP. Made the proper adjustments in my schedule for the upcoming day of the rope.
Ass Cracked moved up a few notches on my MSM list.

Do you consider the AltReich, Frog Twitter and the other right wing factions on twitter to be AltRight or not?

I'm not sure AltRight is even a thing and it's just a label made by libshits to try box certain people into a shitty internet culture with already established (((leaders)))

I swear they had a better layout than the one on the left. It was even more uncucked circa 2006-8 when I would read practically every article.

The same reason GamerGate got called misogynistic rapist KKK Nazis.

I'd agree with that.

He wrote the last column as well IIRC

I can almost smell the xeno-estrogen

Actually, I do know a couple pro-white anti-kike nigs on Twitter, they hate niggers more than I do. It's funny when they get called white supremacists.

The last anime I really watched was Samurai Champloo when it first came to the States, but I use smug anime girls all the time because they cause so much buttfrustration.

Can we market one of these cucks as being the leader of the Alt-Right?

… Fake Twitter account with same name and then retweets of outrageous Alt-Right material referring to him as the Leader of the Alt-Right?

… or does this make us targetable?

Nah, it was more like the Crimean War.

I'm not even Holla Forums but I understand that censoring opposing views, regardless of validity, only makes those that identify with the opposition more powerful. When you say no, this is wrong or taboo, it only makes people male people more intrigued.
Had the media treated Holla Forums like a bully and starved you of attention, they could have won months ago. But no, they thought they could "expose" the racism that the internet was ripe with.
Holla Forums is made up of edgy faggots that poke overly sensitive faggots in such a way that results in happenings from nothings. I commend you all, you triggered those that thought they were all powerful.

A second article? I think we have them hooked. They keep it up and they are going to get themselves redpilled.

We're not really edgy though, the media keeps painting us as being basically Holla Forums but we really are genuinely angry about how our countries are going down the toilet. I'm not sure why the left assumed they'd be able to steamroll into batshit-insane land without ever getting any pushback, but here it is.


I can forgive everything else, yes even the Young T*rks thing, but what the fuck

I mean I may not have thought about it much but if you asked even 10 year old me I probably would've thought it is pretty fucking stupid to import niggers and illiterate pajeets into first world countries, I mean what the fucking fuck man?

That's because they're used to fighting conservatives who at every insult from the left bow and scrape and beg for forgiveness and attack their own to prove they're not whatever buzzword they're called. They have no idea how to fight us, they're stuck with demonization and hoping we'll beg for forgiveness.

It will be glorious when the tables are turned

Orwell is a fucking prophet.

eeww his grandbaby is an fsu fan

The great thing is that even though the plebs might believe them, THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE! When your whole life and country are falling apart some rich spoiled asshole whining about internet harassment is the last thing you give a shit about.

Don't take that too seriously. Demand Media pays for traffic. Shit, I'VE written garbage piece of shit articles that topped 2 million views, and the place I write can't afford to buy traffic on that scale.

Tl;dr - ~200,000 ain't shit for a major platform. Cracked pays maybe $100 an article, plus a traffic bonus, which this writer isn't going to earn.

What a come-down from 2009, when Cracked features pulled millions of views.

Too white.

That's where you're wrong. We were going to win no matter what….their hubris re: thinking they could "expose" and "shame" us simply expedited the process.


He was probably the only democratic socialist I could stand.

Isn't it interesting how that works out? The biggest virtue signalling racecucks prefer to stay away from browns and blacks when it applies to their own lives.

The retards don't even realize that they have been starving us of attention since I have been born. There is no way to deal with us without a confrontation. They know this.

God that woman is ugly.

Educated, even smart people, still think immigrants from the bronze age are going to pay their pensions, as if there is going to be pensions where we are going. Propaganda is a hell of a thing.

In some other thread yesterday, OP archived shots of the Democratic Underground and each users' reactions to Trump winning. One said he'd go on a "tour" through, Canada, Ireland, and Uruguay. Hmmmm, no mention of any diverse countries.

She's a feminist, what did you expect?

I remember enjoying Seanbaby and Daniel O'Brien, their little goddamn lists and photoshop contests were quite funny.

They also hired a guy called John Cheese, his articles about fighting your way out of poverty were awesome.

Sad to see Cracked go out this way, not with a bang but with a whimper.

They've got it all figured out..

How many times can these faggots write the same article?
Same ol song and dance

Orwell was told of the global socialist agenda probably while he was in hospital in Spain recovering from shrapnel wounds. Much of 1984 is his reading of their secret manifesto, much of which happened in the real world since then.

You could say a prophet but in reality he was a whistle blower. remember he knew he was dying as he wrote 1984, and had nothing to lose.

One need look no further than the average liberal Hymiewood celeb who lives in a 99.5% white neighborhood (if you count Jews as white)

Or even a slimy kike like Tim Wise who bashes whites at every opportunity yet who does he decide to live around? You know the answer.

Which secret manifesto? The Protocols?

White is Might?

All they can do is whimper to the indifferent victor, the last action of the vanquished.
coup de grace
rhymes with
coup d'etat

According to Alexa, their traffic is dropping off big time.

Yeah those articles were good. Hate to break it to you but he's a full blow propaganda cuck like the rest of them now.

But that's not possible when they are openly being called worthless faggots in the medium they thought they controlled.

Given some of the content that can still be found on youtube and things like this I have yet to figure out if google is based or not

Try being half-nigger. It's hilarious. Normies have an existential crisis whenever I openly state my views.

What a silly cunt. The anti-PC movement is largely being driven by fed-up millennials, not the "get off my lawn" old person stereotype.

Remember then Cracked was a comedy site?

There were pozzed back then too, it was just more subtle.

Sometime around 2011/2012, it took a sharp left turn into Pozville and hasn't looked back

He basically called PC liberal milennials a bunch of pussies in a speech recently. So obviously the media had to collude to shit on him, and that pic is cracked doing its part.


Those were the days. I graduated college in 2009 and cracked was a big part of my lost hours of trying to study.

Yep around 2011, it went to shit.

I wasn't talking about Clint. I'm talking about John Cheese lying about the anti-PC movement being driven by the older generations

The decline begin very subtly. A mention of "white privilege" there, a pro-fag comment here. I first detected something was amiss when Seanbaby went on a long unironic rant about how Red Dead Redemption is super misogynist, guise! Proto-Anita drivel. Totally lost all respect for him after that.

Cracked was never a comedy site.
They always pushed some shit, atleast Swain used to be funny.

It's a label for people that are considering themselves right wing, but not of the entirely cucked variety that mainstream Republicans have been promoting in recent years.

It's a label for a fairly wide ranging group largely because issues such as being anti-immigration and pro-national identities are things that most political parties have tried to ignore.

The label came about since people wanted a term to help describe this newly identified demographic.

The leftist media has been trying to do their usual thing of trying to use the label as a method of attacking anyone that has any political beliefs that could be vaguely attached to it, similar to what they'd usually do with every Christian or right wing group for the past few decades.

We are nit (((alt-right))) tho…

They've realized that outright bigotry looks bad, so they put on a semi-legitimate public face
MUH PR, fucking lol, these people are like dinosaurs.

Oh gotcha. Well the point is Cheese is pozzed. Damn shame, he was one of the few good humor there.

Yeah I noticed that too. I stopped when they put out some article guest-written by a tranny freak whining about muh oppresshun. Even when I was a bluepill trannys disgusted me.

And on seanbaby his old humor was make-me-a-sandwich-bitch tier humor. Funny seeing him do a 180.


I'll bet any money he started dating a feminist who promptly de-balled him. I've seen it happen too many times.


But thats false, if we were a collective/hive mind we would never argue about anything.
End this meme.

Oh okay never mind that makes sense now.

This dude seriously is clueless. Holy shit.

this shit is embarrassing

can't believe barely any anons ever call you out for this, but you are being a fucking snowflake redditor by doing this. nobody gives a shit about you. this place talks about jews and race realism, so it's spooky evil racist anti-semitic aka alt-right. you can live with it or be a crybaby whiny faggot and bring it up every time the word is used.

posters like you are common here and it's the main reason this place has been dying since mid 2015.

Seanbaby is literally the only reason cracked even became a thing.

it's funny because in Evans' previously article about us he explicitly stated that we aren't alt-right, we are literal nazis and that's what we want to be called

Still a relatively clueless observation of us, but was closer to the truth than just straight up calling us alt-right like in this article


1488 IS the Alt-Right, you fucking kike motherfucker.

Just read the "article"
what an absolute shit cluster fuck
absolutey degeneracy

Controlled opposition like always. It's the same reason the klan hasn't been worth a damn since liking birth of a nation went out of style.

If you knew about the jews you have every reason to be extremely paranoid in all contexts.

Leftists are duplicitous individuals who always lie to form a false narrative. Since they can't do the bare minimum of telling truth, I will do everything it takes for them to lose all their livelihood and status in the world.

So he was that drug using crackhead? I won't make the effort to ruin his life then. He's already lost and deceased inside.

Did you expect accuracy from a self-proclaimed drug user?

See how that works?

They flood your country with a hundred million foreigners in 30 years. They add around a trillion in debt a year. They actively force the most violent people on earth into are peaceful communities. They saddle our schools, municipal systems and hospitals with crippling amounts of needy people who contribute a fraction of what we do in tax dollars…

And we are racists for opposing it.

I'll tell you right now, you have the legal right to throw them in jail at almost every turn. But, although the foot soldiers of America are with the right side, the people they answer to have been compromised.

Its not rocket science.

The people in charge are fucking up constantly. Is it really that edgy to say that ability and knowledge should come out on top instead of corruption, tit for tat and nepotism?

I didn't plan it. It's not my plan; it's Kek's. he makes it up as he goes, that's part of the plan

The only acceptable answer is something I'm not going to be assed to type up. It consists of realizing why you're being ridiculed and examining those opinions, the reasons you actually hold such ideals, and attempting to study them in depth statistically.

In other words read shit and don't be a cuck anymore faggot

Based Natt has already told you queer-lovers exactly how and why you are going to crash and burn.

When the lugenpresse groups "White supremacists" with Jewish faggots, even the blue-pilledest of normies will realise they're reading propaganda, not the truth. And may go looking for it.

Didn't Cheong become anti-SJW in the end, too? Or was that the other fat Asian? I lost track.
One can swing (if cholesterol doesn't get him first), the other one can go back.

Well, so continues the downward spiral of cracked. I really think our success has come due to the lefty comics ceasing to be funny or interesting in any way. They lost their edge, and we found ours. Serious propaganda definitely has its place here, but keep up with the weaponized shitposting. It's amazing what we can accomplish if we keep our tongues firmly planted in our cheeks.

more like le butthurt jews

Every single post talking about how Breivik was pro jew needs to read the letter he wrote about how he knew exactly what the media reaction to his actions would be and hence made sure to associate himself with the cucked portion of the "anti-jihad" movement so as to strangle the jew-led co-opting attempt in the crib.

Natt's fucking useless

Maybe they did lean one way or another but they pretty much never got political and they had tons of funny articles that didn't get political ever. Now it's like 3/4 progressive bullshit, shitting on Trump and all that.

I used to visit Cracked every day, years ago. But it fell to the SJWs.

We are NOT alt-right whether you like it or not. The alt-right sprung up around the ideas and memes we pioneered. But we are not a part of them.


I can smell the liberal fear from where I'm sitting.


Breivik did what he did, because he found out on the daytrader forum he was a member, that the nationalist organization he planned on making, would be classified as Nazism by the government, and thus infiltrated and destroyed before it got any influence. .

The only way you escape detection, is not to say anything extreme and never contact known honeypots.

If Breivik had contacted the honeypots, rather than just say he did it in the manifest, warning bells would have gone off when if ordered some of the ingredients.

While I don't agree with your position, you do make an interesting point even if tangentially.

Holla Forums cannot be co-opted by any other means than astroturfing or otherwise through means which appear to be popular shifts in opinion. That is expensive and it's not reliable. Leaders always provide a point of failure in that it becomes a bully-pulpit to take over.

Where I think we diverge is I think we should all wear not only Holla Forums, but Alt Right, NatSoc, etc capes. Put them all on as false flags. Try to look as cartoonishly stupid as the "League of Doom" or someshit. This is an infowar, and it's about shock-and-awe at this point. Poe's law cannot be taken too far in this context; it must be done.

Most importantly, Holla Forums needs to remain leaderless. So long as it does not start looking toward one single (living) organization, figurehead, etc, there won't be that bully-pulpit to co-opt cheaply. #GamerGate was effective initially because everybody was "the Leader of #GamerGate."

See for important information. Centralize only in goal and idea, but keep your identity )))diverse((( and your ears wide open!

Kikes use chaos at strategic points to weaken organizations and influence, and create volatility which can be exploited later. The phrase Ordo ab Chao, or Order from Chaos, has been the effective trademark of the current culture warriors for a long time.

If the diffusion can be done right, it could look like we are everywhere. Hiding behind every potential new meme or symbol. Behind every memed children's cartoon character. We would be the rifle behind every blade of grass.

In a house of mirrors, they would never know which is the image and which is the incoming fist!

not a goddamn shred of dignity in these queers.


I can't be the only one who laughed at that part.

Nothing says cuck more than this guy's face.


No we don't.

Bill Kristol just isn't any Jew, either.

Take it all in normalfags. This is life, we are breaking you down to build you back up.

Stare into the abyss.

Was this part of your plan?

Sorry kikes. But they are just the useful idiots. We're levels above them.

We're /new/smen and Holla Forumsacks. We're the keepers of the hard truths and the men of substance and valor. We're the brains behind the change in the western world. We've been vilified and demonized FOR YEARS and yet kept pushing. Kept screaming out the truth.

We will continue well after all the redditors and 4cucks go back to whining and circlejerking about irrelevant bullshit.

We're the keepers of the torch. We're the front and last line against the kikes.

Never fucking forget that.

Nigger, stop it. Alt-right is just a term for the right that the controlled opposition mainstream right rejects.

If you believe in HBD, are a WN, a fascist, NatSoc, Nrx, a monarchist, an antifemist, opposed to racemixing, sodomy, diversity, equality, and/or Jewish influence, you are alt-right. That's what the term is used to signify - rightwingers who hold positions the cuckservatives reject as being insufficiently liberal.

The aversion a vocal minority of anons have to the term "alt-right" smacks of a purity spiral, which is the last thing we need.

Just wat. So Nintendo are wrong for not employing a pedophile apologist at a childrens company? I can't wait to throw these people into the camps. Maybe their labor can help redeem some of the evil they've done.

So you want to be aligned with faggots and kikes. Therefor turning into the cucks we despise and are defeating?

I don't get your logic. You think the kikes at breitbart want anything to do with us?

This is a bssic jew tactic. Lump everyone together and call them evil so you can disrupt the wave. You'd really let your enemy name you? You sound like a faggot.


Fuck off fashy lolberg , we are not (((alt-right))) and will never be go fuck yourself to your own shitty forum

I know that feel, and it's a bad one. I come from a liberal family (single mom since dad died young), but coming here has made me feel more free than I've ever been. This just feels…. I don't know, natural? Right? Like how things SHOULD be. I'd always hated SJWs and political correctness, didn't get why being white was a thing to be ashamed of, and certainly didn't believe the story about 9/11, which made me mistrust the government. With a bit of coaxing from a friend, I've taken the red pill and I am never looking back.

holy shit this is worse than the rest of the whole article

If you TRS guys want to go all GG and get co-opted by the swarm go right ahead but don't drag this place down with you.

This I haven't seen before. They refer the DS as a news site.

Pretty hawt, chief.

Come a long way from exploding yellow vans it seems

And that's after fake reviews from her husband!

Bitch prolly nerds the fuck out in an aggravating fashion and then isn't even an entertaining lay. Just cold fish. still up there, too!

Shill harder, you loser faggot

Classic projecting my (((alt-righter)) friendo

Nah, it's not, Stormfaggot

Get a life, Stormfaggot

Listen fashy lolberg we are not alt-right we are just right and there is nothing you can do about it ,

0 self awareness

opinion discarded

lol whiter than a clan rally

Hmm…maybe we can use the alt-right label as some sort of decoy? Have the normiefags target milo et al. for their alt-right boogieman while we work in the shadows to accomplish our goals?

Alt-right will be the ebaumsworld





Yeah, but Spencer is the only one work on ethno-state for us.

Look at it this way. Cracked used to be a magazine one found on racks.
Now it is nothing more than the typical hypsteresque SJW outlet of faggy commy political and social opinion disguised as fact and (((Humor))).
They failed as an actual publication.
Nothing but kveltching kikes at this point.

Lol this is even worse than their gamergate Zoey Quinn articles, we should meme crackfeed, because there is no difference between them and cuckfeed

Not the original but have a high-res version

He is just a very famous normie e-celeb.

Not complete without it.

God damn I talk like an autist.

if you look at the y-axis, you'll see that it is actually increasing

I find it really weird that they see other people's POV and refuse to acknowledge there might be some legitimacy there. the sheer dogma of the mainstream media and the pure circlejerk and lack of any differing opinions really makes me sad. All they want is a safe feel good hivemind and its exactly what they are getting.


More of that leftist projection on display

no it isn't

What's this mean?

the term "alt-right" was (allegedly) coined by greg johnson of counter-currents - in his own terms "the alt right is white nationalism or it's nothing at all". now they're fighting to reclaim the brand, i'm not sure for what purpose.

Yeah, she was fired not because of "harassment" but because Nintendo found out that she was a hooker on the side. She also forced her husband into an open relationship and then forced him into being a gay prostitute. She's an incredibly fucked up and mentally disturbed psychopath.

This junkie pissdrunk post here too, he defend drugs in Dutert lines with (((RATionalWikia))) links.

Funny that one of the default profile image(s?) there is of Ted Kaczynski, when those stupid shitbags are the exact people he was deriding in his manifesto to the maximum extent possible by the English language.

I've never been left leaning in my entire life. I wasn't religious, but Christianity kept me on the right, I also hated how disrespectful the left was with traditional order.

When I first learned about feminism from a wikipedia article, I though "Awesome! I'm a feminist!" That was the only time in my life I considered myself a feminist and it lasted for about 10 minutes, the time it took me to scrolled to 'controversies' and with more research, realize that feminism is nothing more than a misandrist ideology.

At that point, I was a basic cuckservative. A bit progressive even, I didn't hate gays up until the whole gay marriage shit. Then after spending time on half Chan I saw niggers for what they were, and saw the true state of our society.

Never was a libertarian, its a stupid ideology. Trump's victory will be the deciding factor whether or not I continue to support democracy or bow out for fascism.

I swear you idiots don't even know what the alt-right is, Milo can go die. The alt-right is TRS, The Daily Stormer etc.. It's white nationalism.

Damn, how "racist" or "edgy" do I have to be to get my post on a site to be studied by fools who will never understand what we are doing?

The only time I was left leaning was while I was in high school, and considered myself to be a "socialist" that believed in border control and a strong military, and a nation that provides for the people instead of the people providing exclusively for the state.
Little did I realize that was dangerously close to being anuddah shoah for my teachers, and hopped on the gravy train the moment I found out about what National Socialism really was.

Could someone repost what that guy who used to work for cracked posted. On how they cater to sjws because of their disposable income and that you can get them to buy pretty much anything.

You have it, fourth wave or SWPL/daddy issues feminism.


Holla Forums is diverse and it is obvious that they never meet the white nationalist, Christian nationalist, racialist, national anarchist, fascist, tribalists, chink nationalists, African nationalists, race-mixed restorists ( race-mixed people are trying to fix the white races and subraces by preserving the sperms/eggs and procreate them with IVF), Brazilian Integralist, falangists, Slavic nationalists (I don't remember what the correct word was so it may be inaccurate), Christian fascist, Monarchist, Planetery nationalists, islamofacsist, Third Positionist, Racial separatist, Technocrats and the list go on.

Please forgive my grammar errors because I am on the mobile.

mosquitoes easily the worst pic I've seen and I belong to documentingreality

Looking at em it should be called Cucked not Cracked

Good, it makes him more immediately recognizable. We won't have to waste much time rooting him out before we string him up.