Is sexuality a spook? I remember personally questioning my sexuality about two years ago and being afraid that I was gay (I'm from a traditional family so it could get really shitty if they ever found out) but then I literally just shrugged the whole concept of sexuality off and just followed my sexual attractions. I'm starting to believe more and more that sexuality is really just religious bullshit and that everyone is probably just bi. What do y'all think? Discuss
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Well, sort of.
Being sexually attracted to someone is not a spook, and neither completely is being "gay" or "straight" a spook.
It can become a spook when your actions begin to be dictated on the basis of that axis when not really applicable, however. "I can't like this thing or behave that way because to do so is categorically gay, and I am straight" etc.
A good example would be traps. It is often debated over whether liking traps makes you gay or not. Liking traps is not the spook, but believing that one must be gay to like traps, or that it makes you "more gay" or some such thing, is the spook. In reality, homosexuality and heterosexuality are defined terms which refer specifically to liking one sex over the other, but people aren't so often cut and dry. Assigning any more meaning to it as an "identity" beyond that very basic definition is where the ideology gets all up in there.
Honestly, if you have to spend so much time thinking about whether something is a spook, instead of just doing what your heart (or in this case ego) says, then it probably is.
"Is X a spook"
Do you want it to be?
I'm skeptical about the claim that everyone is probably bi, because I think your upbringing in most cases will pretty much determine your preferences. I don't think there's anything "spooky" about that. Just more memetic abuse of Stirner's ideas.
I do think though that everyone should be bi, because it just makes the most sense. Especially when reproduction is starting to get phased out and eventually would be undesirable once we can just engineer people in test tubes. I think that when that happens, if it happens, and if we aren't still stuck in a spooked backwards culture that would prevent it because it's degenerate or against God or whatever, then universal bisexuality will follow.
what always bothered me with the upbringing theory is that I've always wondered if one can go against his determinisms
for example, you can actively change your taste in music and film once you're aware of what determined you to have them in the first place (peer influence, socialization from family, popularity in the media, etc.)
can the same be done with sexuality?
Sexuality is a spook, but so is bisexuality. Just fugg whoever you want and let everyone else fugg whatever they want, ignore labels besides for the purpose of convenience.
I've fapped to men before. I like women better, but I'm not entirely incapable of finding men attractive. I guess what I don't get is this whole rigamarole about being gay, you know, coming out of the closet, telling your family, adopting a lisp, changing lifestyles, getting a boyfriend. Like, what kind of insatiable desire would drive all of this. If I were straight up gay, I would be content with just fapping to gay porn on the internet for the rest of my life. Of course, I'm a permavirgin anyway, so maybe I've just learned to put up with the kind of rejection normies don't have to deal with.
Same tbh
Stop trying to normalize your homolust tbh comrade.
In all seriousness sexuality isn't that cut-and-dry into three categories, it's more like a spectrum or something. Wanting to fuck traps doesn't make you bisexual.
a spectrum is just as much of a spook as catagories, the point is not to allow any fixed ideas such as these dictate your behavior.
Is the set of all possible secual interactions a spook?
It is if you say you are somewhere on a spectrum. You are not on a spectrum. You are you, a unique, creative nothing.
I personally think it's totally possible to do that. But I don't think it'd be accurate to say that all humans are bisexual, so much that sexuality itself is just very malleable. I'm sure that if you sucked enough dicks you'd eventually learn to appreciate it kek
It's more that most people wouldn't do that. Most people will have the tendency to continue to reproduce their preferences and not decide to just go against them. And it'd likely be a pretty painful and uncomfortable process of overcoming your own sexual preferences in order to become more used to doing other things. Something which I probably wouldn't be doing anytime soon even though I admit that just being hetero or homo is kind of stupid. I don't care enough about sex/relationships to go through that.
Yeah. Then again, it's perfectly normal you were affraid of this, you'd experience a form of alienation from the family bond, which probably isn't in your particular best interest.
You measured the possible consequences of your "commning out" to them and judged them too big as opposed to what you had to gain.
My advice? keep it private if you feel more attracted to females than males. Poopdick doesn't seem to be worth the drama it'll bring onto your family unit.
Not necessarily, there is an inherent biological component to sexuality. Sexual preferences and social stances on such are a different issue.
Maybe, dunno. seems a bit of a wishful generalization… I don't think it can be said with certainty.
Knowing what's up: The post. my property/10
Should is a spook in and of itself. You are not "ME" to dictate what makes more sense in something entirely personal.
Here you are upholding the spook of a super-advanced secular super-science society that can do no wrong because it is so advanced it can objectively never fail to make the right choice for you. and that if you somehow fail to accept this you'll be wrong.
Maybe some people don't want to adopt a test-tube baby, mabe they want to do it the old way… There is no should, should is a spook; there is only I.
heh, I'd probably go along with anyone who didn't smell like shit if I could. Loneliness can overcome quite a bit.
(trips checked)
Technically, yes, your sexuality can change, but it won't be your personal decision.
k lad
Spooks were a mistake. You autists couldn't handle it. You only had to read the theory.
The catastrophic failure of the ex-gay movement should be proof enough that you're wrong.
Anyway, if you want to test it you could always just have sex with some men and see if you learn to find them attractive.
I'm a chick and I like girls that's all I know
wrong about what?
Dumbass, the point is not that sexuality is always fluid the point is that you should do whatever the fuck you want.
Then it doesn't sound like you're spooked.
I am skeptical about your claims.
I'm not quite sure, but I never really think about it. I just don't give a fuck who I fuck, unless I'm with someone in which case it's pretty much only them. Granted this has been almost exclusively women for me, but I'd say that's more of being attracted to the hourglass figure and butts than their genitals.
I think it's fair to say a male liking traps is homosexual, in that he is attracted to someone of his sex. That doesn't mean the guy can't also have heterosexual tendencies or is in the closet, it just means he has some homosexual desires.
you were doing so well
not exactly
traps are technically chicks with dicks
unless you think people are attracted to genitals and no the people attached to them, then thinking guys are gay for liking traps is kinda stupid
Attraction is based on gender, not on sex. It's not like people are attracted to how many X chromosomes someone has or what genitalia they have. People are attracted to physical features, and if a trap passes well enough for a straight male to be attracted to them, then it's really inconsequential from that point on.
Saying that liking traps is homosexual is just Enlightenment-tier thinking. muh truths
But see, that's my point. A male being attracted to a trap is technically a homosexual attraction, but that attraction is often derived out of heterosexual desires. It's because the dude looks like a lady, not in spite of it.
Liking another dude is homosexual, but it does not make one a homosexual (necessarily).
but aren't /cuteboys/ traps?
I'm saying it's technically homosexual because they are of the same biological sex. Not that only faggots want to fuck traps.
That was the point I was trying, and failed, to make. If I fucked a dude that would be a homosexual act, but that doesn't mean I am a homosexual. I think homosexual and heterosexual aren't very good identities and should be reserved for describing relationships or sex acts. Calling yourself a homosexual because you fucked a guy makes about as much sense as calling yourself a gingersexual because you fucked a redhead.
I never said everything was a spook, I said that that particular part of the post was spooky.
Now don't take this as a personal attack or something.
Acording to some psychological studies it depends on your sex when men idenityfing themselves as gay or straight were tested for their reaction to sexual Imagery had clear differences with straight men only responding to females and gay men only responding to men. However when females were tested both gay and straight females responded to both male and female imagery. take that as you will.
Spook or not, it's literally a non-issue
I'm attracted to both the person and the genitals. I find benis aesthetically unpleasant, even on a non sexual level.
I'm female. I don't really experience sexual attraction, but I've experienced the same thing described (and read summaries of the study/studies). I think it's because I can empathize with what the person is feeling, but I pretty much never feel that way about men. So I'd assume the straight women are attracted to the men and imagining what the woman feels like. This might be inherent to females, or a learn thing since we are taught to be empathetic, how to read body language and other social cues, and think about others more than males are. Or more likely, it's some sort of combination of the two.
And what I can say is that I just like the shape of women bodily more than men, and a lot of reasons. It's similar but I think it's the ability of another woman to know where you're coming from, or who you are, that's more than with men. If that makes sense, it's a bit beyond empathy, though empathy is a part of it.
you wanna trade sexualities with me?
Nice projection you filthy faggot.
The idea of engaging in same sex intercourse is utterly disgusting to me, so I'm sure as hell that I'm not bi.
Is it disgusting? Is it filthy?
Ayyy. I didn't see that post! Women are definitely my romantic preference if pressed to pick a partner. Girls really are just the best (and far more aesthetically pleasing). :') ♥
As you said, it's difficult to imagine what having a dick feels like, and what it feels like during sex, but I have a very clear understanding of the inverse. Aside from men just not being taught social skills as much as women, I don't really understand why straight men wouldn't be able to feel the same when watching two men having sex. Maybe there are some elements of homophobia, which is stronger in men than in women, and not wanting to identify with how another man is feeling sexually, especially with another man.
I'll take another wild guess and theorize maybe it has something to do with males having sex with males being a waste of sperm (and energy, if it's anal), but females having sex females uses up relatively little energy and wastes no eggs, and in fact may help with fertilization if they had sex with males recently as the contractions of an orgasm are meant to draw sperm up into the uterus?
Just trying to figure this little phenomenon out and hear some input from some guys who would know better than we would.
Remember that show Wife Swap or whatever? Let's do that with our orientations for a week. I'm sure you'll find mine very boring.
also yikes @ the poor grammar and sentence structure of my first post lmao. here's to hoping this one doesn't look as bad
Nothing but spooks
ITT: Degenerates/pedo enablers. You cucks wonder why nobody likes the left
tbh sometimes I feel in the mood for a male partner since I do feel they'd be better at empathizing with, but there are less males that I'm attracted to than females.
I'd doubt that theory about energy expenditure though, sex is generally so enjoyable that you don't care too much about that part unless you're doing a lot of it.
doesn't exist.
Where? Just because we encourage people to do as they, in their totality, please, we would always work against those that would hurt our own.
idk about the rest of it I just like girls. I don't put too much thought into it.
don't, it gets annoying if you do
If you asked me a few years ago if I'd get off to a feminine looking guy dressed as a girl I'd say no, if you ask today I'd say yes. I considered myself straight for most of my life, was never attracted to any guys previously. Someone said here wanting to fuck traps doesn't make you bi, but they're guys so it makes you at least a little bi right?… Honestly if I trap offered to suck my cock I'd say yes.
It does and homosexuality is just one part of it
If you tolerate homos and trannies, whats stopping you from enabling pedophiles? fucking idiot
Or you're fucking autistic.
If you tolerate homos and trannies, whats stopping you from enabling pedophiles? fucking idiot
I just said what, someone having sex with a child hurts that child and that child could be one of my own, so I am opposed to it, as are most rational people.
homosexuality, degeneracy are just ideas, they exist outside of yourself. Why are you giving them more power than your own self?
Dude, they just like cock, leave the poor dudes be.
Also look up 'slippery slope argument' retard.
fucking race micksers…
You don't go far enough you leftist sanders faggot! You can't just deny homosexuality, you've got to deny sexuality as a whole. All sex is degeneracy! If people enjoy sex, what's to stop them from experimenting with anything other than missionary position through a hole in a blanket while a good christian priest watches to make sure nobody has to much fun? Go back to tumblr and suck nigger dick you heathen cuck!
Children can still consent you fucking mongrel.
Having sex with another man hurts him by spreading AIDS and sin. Why do you tolerate that?
They're ideas that are eroding western values and civilization
They also like AIDS, muslims, pedophilia, and other leftist bullshit
:-( You ever try online dating or hook-up apps? I'm with you on seeing way fewer men I'd like to date than women, though.
You don't have to. I'm just throwing guesses out there. It's evidently been shot down by people who know better than I do, anyway. Yourself included.
Sex is for reproduction and the pleasure of the man. That is literally the biological purpose of sex
Nooo no. I wasn't insulting you or anything. I was just saying I can't explain why I'm attracted to girls. It might have to do with the emotional aspect of it, the intensity of someone else who syncs with how you feel better than a dude would. I like the shape of the body more with girls.
Idk I just don't know about the rest of it.
The clitoris has around two times as many nerve endings in the dick, and unlike the dick, the clitoris is the only organ in the human body that only exists to illicit pleasing sensations.
So, you have it backwards. If anybody is being pleased its women.
I don't care if women are pleased or not. The man is the one who works so his needs come first.
Dude why do you even have sex
You might as well just jerk off to animu grills or some shit.
Sex was a disgusting necessity of the past. In this modern age, we can reproduce humans in vats. Pleasure leads to complacency. If we want to secure a future for the white race, then pleasure must be heavily restricted to prevent social cuckoldism.
Well they do. You are denying the entirety of human history right now.
She can come as many times as she likes as long as I'm satisfied
As long as niggers are still around, artificial reproduction would just make it easier for them to spread. Only when whites are the last race standing can we truly advance. As for pleasure, I see it as a reward for the ==MAN== for his work
What! Yikes! I didn't mean for that to be so passive-aggressive oh my god. We're on friendly terms, don't worry about! I emote so much with my tone and it gets so lost in text.
Yes, 20 years of feminist indoctrination is equal to centuries of men being the ones who carried society. Face it, women are good for little more than producing babies
lol betacuck mad
I can't wait to have my tubes tied so I don't contribute to the white race :)
Work is a man's reward for his work. Is it not already pleasurable enough to become the true stoic aryan ubermensch? To be able to look past petty pleasure is to transcend the desires of the weak. Artificial reproduction can completely remove melanin and warrior genes from the entire gene pool.
What could a feminist like you contribute? Gender studies degrees don't actually mean anything, you know
My falopean tube's definitely have degrees that's why I mentioned them of course
Niggers have numbers though. If they ever get hold of the technology then we're basically over as a race. Whites must reach their natural peak and eliminate the subhumans before AR can be used
Do you have autism
Its better if a feminazi like you doesn't raise children
Ironic coming from the nu-male
Hey don't worry, you're never being a father either :)
Why would I want to be? There would be nobody home to take care of the children because of this women in the workplace bullshit and they'd be fed constant liberal propaganda
Yeah mostly.
You also wouldn't want to taint your precious shit spawn with your autism either. It's for the best
Weird, its usually leftist fags like you who have autism
How does it feel being the exception
How does it feel to be the stereotype
Please go back to reddit
How am I a stereotype. That I don't think we exist to be baby factories. You must have a low opinion of the opposite sex because none of us want that and all of us hate men who do.
It's up to you to get used to that, as a stereotype. If you can't hey, I'm sure someone doesn't respect themselves enough to be with a fucking autismal dick munch like you lol
You're a stereotype because it's usually leftists who fall for this feminist bullshit. Listen, almost anything a woman can do, a man can do better. In fact the only things women do better than men are exclusive to them: things that have to do with producing and raising children. So yeah, keep filling the leftie loonie stereotype by denying biology
Says the guy whose only had sex with a man. faggot
I said its up to you to get used to other people, not other people to get used to you. You're too entitled for most women.
Keep denying biology, cuck
I have a girlfriend, she treats me the best. Doesn't that like, make you the cuck? Especially since you denied someone who loved you on her race lol
You're """girlfriend""" is probably a trannie dude. And when did I say I was in love with a subhuman?
Numbers don't mean squat when you have AR, as the population can be both inflated and suppressed whenever it is deemed necessary. A strong willed leader supported by unflinching men who have unquestioning, undying loyalty, can keep the technology secure, whilst protecting the white race like the newborn infant the [email protected]/* */ cucks have reverted it into. But we must remember, while it was kikes who wanted to turn the aryans to their own purposes, with empty promises of so called "socialism", it was the gradual desire for more and more pleasure and freedom on our own side that enabled them.
The other thread when you were educating us on the importance of burgers.
It's gay, you're going to be sucking and taking dick in your ass. Not to the mention a trap is biologically a male.
Arguing with you lefties is like yelling at a brick wall. Jesus, you guys are dense
not me faggot
Considering the average white man these days, I don't have much hope
Oh you're just another square peg alt right autist.
God, why do you all have the same typing style
I fucked more girls when I was in high school than you'll ever fuck in your entire life. And I've certainly made more cum.
Enjoy your passionless sex with whatever white trash let's you slide ol 4 inch in.
I'm already there, how can I go back?
Neither do I, but that makes placing our hopes in primitive reproduction all the more faulty. Obviously, it's the best we can do as of now, but hopefully AR could be implemented once we get our feet on the ground. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-fun, but it must be regulated, as human nature directly contradicts what is best for human advancement, and decency.
I'm also not a fan of Trump, I don't think he's all that genuine, but at the very least, he's getting people to think of their nation, and not get hung up on filthy brown people's feefees. He's not the leader we need, but the right set of events could domino into a true white leader being born. At that point, we can seize the advantage.
By girls do you mean trannies, dykes, and subhumans? No need to lie on the internet
Don't insult the only people you have hope of fucking except for lesbians. We hate you don't bother.
Nice flag fag, go kill yourself if life has no meaning fam :^)
Yeah only thing that exists is Individualsexual, but to be honest fam. I like guys and 2d womyn while i think 3d women are absolute shit. Any person who is attracted to 3d women are fucking degenerates and should be shot tbh fam.
Nope. Lesbians don't fuck guys, you'd know this if you weren't a virgin autist.
Nope, I would never debase myself by fucking white trash like your family.
Thats because most women these days are materialistic sluts obsessed with feminism. I'd kill for a traditional wife who knew her place in society. But stay mad dyke
Why would I be mad I'm getting laid and you won't be for years
How would you know since you lefties ignore the fact that they're mentally ill
I should correct myself, you fuck "dykes''. Lesbians are just attention whores acting degenerate to please the modern nu-male
But fucking spics, niggers, and chinks are okay?
Let me guess, a landwhale?
No I'm dating a korean girl. she's the best. She's spending the summer with her parents in town and its a fucking nightmare trying to hook up for anything.
Hbu fam? You dating anyone?
All while she sucks your wallet dry. I don't date because the women out there are, as I said, materialistic sluts with no respect for tradition
Because I've never put my penis inside a tranny. I know you're a virgin but that should be obvious.
Lesbians are women who fuck women. A dyke is a butch(ie mannish) lesbian. Anyone whose been around women for more than 10 minutes should know this, it's clear why you don't.
Absolutely. Your blood is genetic refuse, the absolute worst of what Europe has to offer. Fucking a pasty cunt with no brain would be awful, especially if she could only produce failed organisms like you.
What wallet I'm fucking broke
No, it's because nobody wants to fuck you because your beliefs and personality aren't charming to anyone and you're more materialistic and shallow than them. You probably would be abusive and due to inexperience probably couldn't handle anyone's emotions well.
It's nobody's fault even if you tried.
Again, how would you know?
Lesbians are either teenagers going through their edgy phases or sluts looking for attention. Thats just a fact
As opposed to diluting your genes with those of 80 I.Q. niggers? stay mad, nu-male
Nah, if I may. A dyke isn't a stud or a butch, dyke is just slang for lesbo. Stud or a butch is it's own thing. Plenty of subs and femmes, or stud femmes. There's plenty of switches too. Whole variety.
Literally a walking stereotype
Holy shit, you are white knighting hard. Have you lived under a rock for the last decade? Women these days have no knowledge of traditional roles or manners and are perfectly okay with ruining their genes by fucking niggers. Go back to watching your gf get fucked by a Senegalese bull while you waggle your 2 inch cock
Just keep denying biology fam
Don't be ashamed you're also broke. We can get through this together.
No I just have experience with shitty men and you're a shit dude with a personality that's the equivalent of shitting with a hemorrhoid and nobody wants to date you, so you don't have to worry about purposefully not getting a date.
I mean, having a repulsive personality is probably your goal though so congrats I guess
Nah I actually have a job
Oh wait, youre the dyke? In any case, I'm just reacting to the attitude of the modern woman: slutty, entitled, disrespectful. Maybe if they start acting like ladies should, I'd treat them better
In any case, I'm just reacting to the attitude of the modern man: slutty, entitled, disrespectful.
You went lesbo because no man wanted to fuck a fat, bitchy feminist? The memes make themselves
Biological purpose doesn't exist, because existing technological conditions make certain biological functions unnecessary, while the material conditions of society dictate what jobs and purposes people will live toward. In a society where all reproduction can be done through cloning, then does a biological purpose for sex exist anymore? That's what I thought.
No I went lesbo because I like people who actually know how to eat me out. Also I'm not fat, why are you being so rude?
1. We aren't at the point where mass cloning is possible
2. The other point, for the pleasure of the man
Prepare to be proton blasted spook!
Your argument is basically because biology has made a person a certain way, they must act this way. So you're saying if a person is born with depression, they must be destined by nature to act this way? That's retarded. Your categorizing peoples' actions by what they are in a materialistic sense, as such you are spooked. Just because nature gives you a dick doesn't mean you have to use it for only reproduction, this is just what you believe, it's a construct you crate and subscribe to, a spook. Clearly you're never heard of an appeal to nature fallacy nor have you understood; in reality your ridiculous position of explaining purpose through circumstance has been an idea discredited since the 1700s (See David Hume's "Is-Ought" problem)
Also, doesn't this invalidate your shitty non-irrelevant shiting argument? If people have the natural position of being attracted to fucking other races, then by nature, your argument, we must be destined to irrelevant shit. Therefore it's not "degenerate."
Nature is what we make of it.
You must suck at your job then lmfaooo
You know I was just lurking but seeing a deluded dyke and a bitter polack fight is pretty goddamned amusing.
Start thread about sex
Wait for someone in the alt right to air out their mommy issues
Hey, some people hit their edgy phase later in life, I get it. It's just that I've never met a dyke who wasn't depressed, fat, or horribly ugly. Im assuming you're no different
I know right, let's just ignore biology! I wasn't born with the ability to fly, but if I BELIEVE i can still do it.
except they don't, you retard
The technological possibility will exist very soon, but even though we aren't their yet, my point still applies. Their no longer is a biological necessity for sex when technology has made sex for the purpose of production unnecessary.
The pleasure of man is not a biologically necessary, teleological purpose of human existence.
Nice ignoring the entire argument. Maybe you should stop being retarded and embrace transhumanism.
Are you legitimately autistic?
You barely know any women so you shouldn't actually think what you've seen is reflective. It is entirely within the realm of reason a perma virgin Not Socialist only knows obese women
If they're sluts, why haven't they fucked you yet?
Are you a person or a meme?
You technically don't need clothes to survive either, but we still wear them. Pleasure is a reward for a man's work so I see no reason to get rid of it
Reddit tier
Are you legitimately retarded?
I know plenty and you are literally proving what I said. You're probably a short-haired emo with daddy issues. Get with a guy, I promise it'll be better than your degenerate relationship
They only go after niggers and people with money. Things like intelligence or tradition mean nothing to them
That is highly ironic coming from a transhumanist
if you do, which I doubt, they probably wish they didn't know you. Hey, at least you haven't called any materialistic sluts yet I hope.
First of all, how did you know? Second my Dad is nice.
I already have, it wasn't that great of a time.
But I love my degenerate wifey
Never change Holla Forums, never change
Not like you would know from first hand experience.
Nice non-argument
Well I guess nature made you a retard so I suppose you're just living out your purpose.
Unless you've got anything better than an appeal to nature fallacy, I suggest you go back to >>>Holla Forums and stay there
Pick one
Well they have autism just like you so I wouldn't deny their company.Where do you post? The infowars forums?
Nah, I'm not autistic like you so I actually have friends.
He probably hates you, you know. Not only are you a terrible daughter, but he doesn't even get grandkids
Nu-male? Thats what you get for dating lefties
Is she the fatass in the relationship? She's probably dating you for attention from guys you know
At least I have sex, you betacuck. You just let your wife get fucked by Big Syrian Cock
You're almost as delusional as your belief in muh FALC
Fair play, you spooked me there
What happened to your "but muh nature" bullshit? Nature didn't create us to wear clothes. You're basically admitting that you claim anything you don't like as degenerate yet you want to keep the things outside nature because you personally like them. Your degeneracy is a bullshit spook and your philosophy is a fucking haunted house.
As I said again, your is-ought dichotomy has been disproven since David Hume's time.
Never change Holla Forums, please don't ever change.
I fap to girly looking men and traps.
Am I fag comr8s?
Clothes and pleasure aid in human survival by giving warmth and relieving stress. Homosexuality gives no benefit to society, most of the time hurting it as well
But homosexuality is natural in the wild?
I thought you were "muh nature". So the thing is, you support unnatural things as long as they aid our survival but natural things that conflict with your spookhouse are "duh genewacy"
Because I have eyes and a good idea of where my dick has been. Do I really need to explain how sex works to you?
Your feels aren't facts faggot.
Absolutely. With a nigger, chink, or spic I have a really good chance of my offspring not being retarded or mentally ill. With your family it would be guaranteed my kids would be autistic at best. Why would anyone want to debase themselves by fooling with the polluted swamp that is your inbred genes.
If by mad, you mean getting plenty of good sex from my gf then I will. Have fun being alone and pining for a fantasy grill you will never have stormcuck.
But nature didn't intend for us to wear clothes. So why is wearing clothes ok which is outside of nature but fucking another race a bad one when it is in nature?
Homosex relieves stress and aids in the survival of the homosexuals of society
b8's a little obvious, cook it some more
he's gonna go "muh std's and aids" and then ignore how the governments in the United States let those diseases prosper in order to kill the fags. It's a dumb info graph
How is homosexuality natural? It provides no benefit whatsoever
Ah yes, you're soft 2 inch dick. No need to lie on the internet dude
tell that to the dykes
Are you serious? With the exception of chinks, having a mixed raced child ensures that they will have an I.Q. of at least below 100. And if you produce a half-chink, chances are he'll be an autistic faggot like you
I hope you know that she's probably only fucking you for your money pal. She's most likely fucking a nigger on the side too. But go ahead, keep believing you're hot shit, betafag
Wearing clothing is beneficial, irrelevant shiting is not
fags aren't natural
The spread of AIDs, degeneracy, and SJW bullshit
Is your point that 'homosexuality is bad because it's not natural' or because 'it doesn't provide a benefit'? make up your fucking mind
Also your graph is shit. Don't you know what "Correlation does not imply causation" means?
Wew, lad! Better check those Ideology levels! They are becoming critical!
These Stirner memes are getting cringey tbh
1. Animals don't feel love
2. We're talking about humans, not animals
Both, you retard
100 I.Q. White + 80 I.Q. Black = 90 I.Q Mutt. Simplified, but you get the point
Just because you like those things doesn't mean they're good
Let's just ignore the data, shall we?
Not everyone's as small as you bucko. No need to project.
Yes. I would much rather have kids with anyone other than the swamp of your gene pool because the thought of my kid being an unfuckable autist like yourself isn't pleasant.
She makes more than me and isn't a slut like… well I'd say girls willing to fuck you but I don't think the trashiest cumdumpster has that little self-respect. Now go back to your fantasies of that traditional wife who would bother with you, because she sure as shit doesn't exist in reality.
Please come back when you understand how the scientific method works.
What does love have to do with it? We were talking about sex. Are you going to tell me next that you can't love people outside your own race?
You dumbass. Choosing one or the other invalidates your point. You're basically saying you get to pick and choose things you like because it's "natural" but it's OK to make a blatant special pleading fallacy as long as something you don't think is natural is fit for survival. You're a fucking inconsistent retard and your duhgenewacy is bullshit.
That's not a citation retard. Don't give me your opinion, give me FACTS. EVIDENCE. SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHED PEER-REVIEWED PAPERS.
Who gets to decide what's good? YOU? The same person who makes exceptions to things that aren't natural just because he personally lkes them? You remind me of Hitler giving his own personal jewish buddies free passes from the gas chamber because he liked them, and even called them 'honorary aryans'
Your 'data' a shit. Also
Take a fucking science class; that's not even addressing that your paper was flawed to begin with.
Project what? I'd have to be a betacuck fag like you to do that
Have fun with your kids when they turn into violent apes they were born to be
I could fuck any chick I want, I just don't want to deal with the bullshit that comes with it. And between you and me, your """girl'''"friend only makes more than you because diversity quotas.
Not unless you're mentally ill
Tradition and human history
Keep ignoring statistics if they hurt your fee-fees
Kill yourself.
Speaking about that, for posterity:
good argument pal
So, when are you gonna pull out Flynn? I already found an error in his paper "30 years of blah niggers are stupid" and I'm not a biologist.
Well, I'm done arguing with you leftie retards tonight. Have fun being a bunch of degenerate cucks. God knows its the only thing youre good at.
There is no argument to be had with retards who say
Have fun jacking off to that girl on Facebook, while she gets fucked by a nigger, fascist slime.
Enjoy dreaming about getting raped by mudshits and niggers while, you repressed faggot.
Are you the commie lesbian on halfchan /lgbt/?
This one I mean
Nice non-scientific opinion
Nice shifting the argument from homosexuality to homosexual marriage. Kill yourself.
Don't you Holla Forumstards do ANY of your own research? Not even a fucking google search on everything you read? Any reviews? Any peer-reviews? People can't just submit shit they write and call it "scientific consensus." What is wrong with you people?
Spooks. Besides human history has a lot of homosexuality you must not be aware of. For instance,
Get the fuck outta here
Oh my god, this fucking retard stormnigger took me seriously. I was literally "just pretending to be retarded" and he slapped his chest along with me.
Never change, Holla Forums i luv u bb.
That your cock is too small for a woman to feel.
That's only happening if I fuck your sister m8. Assuming inbreeding hasn't made you filth infertile.
No you couldn't. The trashiest slut who takes on 5 guys a day wouldn't touch you, a qt would give you a look of disgust at best.
No, different occupations make different amounts of money in the capitalist US economy. Are you jobless as well as sexless? Because it seems your only knowledge of how the world works comes from feels>reals blogs.
Holy shit, Holla Forums can get salty. Are you guys this angry that nobody wants to fuck you?
At least mine is based on real world observation instead of shitty tumblr posts
Both wrong, just had that image on hand
Did you even read the article? Did you even at least see the graph? But of course, wikipedia is a much better source
Notice how every society that accepted faggotry collapsed as well. Really makes you think
2/10 I replied.
Reminder Hitler was a progressive
Didn't you just get through telling me you never want to get laid and want to stay a virgin forever because you hate the entirety of the opposite sex
Or are you another autistic person who can't get laid and told us about it like the other chap who said they denied a black girl that loved them on basis "I can't marry her it would be impure"
No I'm not. There's more than one communist dyke out there.
such as?
I didn't make any tumblr posts but nice strawman
You're shifting the argument.
Articles/graphs don't mean shit unless they're correct. It's already been reviewed and the scientific consensus is that it's psuedoscience. Maybe when you can cite an actual study that has followed through with the scientific methods you'll have a paper on hand that hasn't been debunked. Unless maybe you think Dr. Wakefield was right about vaccines causing autism; who cares if he lied and was disproven, he published a paper, so why bother looking into it amirite?
You must be living in Antarctica then. America is still here. So is Britain. So is Canada.
Liar. You're all just edgy teenagers who want to deny me the pleasure of man's work.
meant to quote
I have the biggest cock out of all the people I know dude. Get over yourself
Nah, my genes are pretty clean. You see, typically white people don't act like literal monkeys without a banana whenever they don't get exactly what they want
Yes, I could. I'm sorry that betafags like you can only scrape the bottom of the barrel
Diversity quotas are a thing pal. Im sure there are hundreds of men who could do her job better than her, except they were unlucky enough to be born with a cock
I've had sex before, but I've given up on it when I entered the real world and saw what feminism has done to society
Rome, Greece, Japan, ancient Persia
What? What does that have to do with what I just said. Are you fucking illiterate?
I'm not in the mood could you please be more polite?
This is too much
Good we don't want you lol
oh stop. It's a catch all term for "stuff I don't like"
fell due to bloated beaurocracy and overextension
felled by division among the various small states
never fell, just bloomed late
Invasion by the Arabs
At what time period, exactly?
Notice how every society that accepted fascism collapsed as well. Really makes you think
What the fuck?, everyone unleashed their inner tumblr or what.
Embarrassing desu.
Then why do you keep defending irrelevant shiting? If you knew anything about society, you'd know people naturally stay away from foreigners and cling to groups. Why would a white person want to fuck a nigger if he wasn't mentally ill?
Thats you m8
I'm so sorry, only YOUR sources are correct. Why, ummm because you said so? The burden of proof is on you, idiot
They've only accepted homosexuality within the last 20 years or so. If anything, the recent trend towards degeneracy is a sign of upcoming collapse. Remember, Rome didn't collapse in an instant
my fucking sides
Would irrelevant shit with middle gal tbh
Because a person can fuck whoever they want as long as they consent.
In your opinion
Maybe because he's attractive? Ever think of THAT?
No no no, see, we were talking about homosexuality as a biological drive, and then you brought up homosexual marriage.
Read the articles idiot, it shows why it's wrong. You're just butthurt because your "studies" are psuedoscience.
They said 2012 was the collapse as well. I'll believe it when it happens, faggot. Until then, fuck off with your assumptions.
Are you so far up your own ass that you can't fathom that there are other ways of life and thought outside your own.
How about you refute my points then?
I know right, you'd rather be fucking niggers than have any responsibility in life
oh stop. It's a catch all term for "stuff I don't like". All those countries were weakened by an eroded society, partly caused by corrupted morals. This is exactly what is happening to the west right now
The period where they accepted faggotry, before they learned decent western values
nice meme. I highly doubt Nazi Germany would have collapsed if it weren't for the war
t. Holla Forumslack
So you know the penis size of every guy you know? I think that explains the disinterest in women.
They produced an unfuckable autistic like yourself so there's some major defects in them.
No you couldn't. Be honest fam, you ain't sick of degenerate whores, you're just butthurt they won't fuck you. Or you're a faggot.
Let me guess, a degenerate whore took your job and you're still assblasted about it.
Also, this whole eroded society and corrupted morals crap can be bent to mean anything. Once again, it wraps around to: baaawwww peopel are different to me ;__;
Ad hoc fallacy. Hey they also drink water in those societies, maybe drinking water causes societal collpase!
Maybe nazi germany wouldn't have collapsed if not for all the reckless homosexuality going on :^)
No I told you. I am dating someone. Do you know what dating means? You see, when two people like each other, they date.
Have you ever been on a date? Have you ever dated someone? Let's try to relax, deep breathe for a moment. So we can remember what we were talking about. ok?
That being said in any other circumstance I'd fuck the shit out of a black girl of course who the hell wouldn't
Once but I think I was doing it wrong. Maybe I'll try again soon.
Ancient civilization suffered military defeat.
Fascists regimes suffered military defeat
I know I am
Jesus, you cucks are salty over your 2 inch dicks. No wonder your gfs want a BBC instead
Just because they can doesn't mean they should. 2 guys fucking is disgusting, consent or no consent
In history's opinion*
I literally didn't
Articles written by lefties for lefties to support leftie causes aren't biased, amirite?
If we live until 2050, then we'll see. I wouldnt be so smug if i were you
Sexual identities serve little purpose. I think it makes more sense to just say what individual persons you like or personality types, body types and body parts you're into. I don't think everyone is bi though.
Articles written by righties for righties to support rightie causes aren't biased, amirite?
Why should I tolerate ways of life that are a detriment to society? Should I just accept pedophilia?
Do you have friends? Besides, all the girls I've fucked tell their friends about my size. Word spreads, you know?
At least I'm not a violent baboon like you want your child to be
Sorry lad, I have slightly higher standards than you. I don't want AIDs every time I fuck a girl
No, but I know that I'm vulnerable if the boss thinks the workforce could use some cultural enrichment
Do you wash the shit off or just leave it there?
gif related
Why are you spending your entire afternoon embarrassing yourself in front of other people.
"Should" is a spook. You are talking from your own experience that you wouldn't want to do that but you cannot speak for everyone else, you are not them.
Appeal to emotion; surgery is also disgusting, so surgery is degenerate, let's get rid of it.
Pathetic fallacy; history is not a person who has opinions, you just speak for yourself trying to speak on behalf of everyone else.
Go read a few posts up, you were the first one to post that homosexual marriage thing
So because your articles have been disproven, it must've been because of those dang dirty lefties and not because of personal bias in fucking with scientific reports to gain an advantage? You're delusional.
I bet you believe in muh roep day too
Because they're not a detriment, mixing of race is not causign great degrees of law breaking and violence, you're just being very silly
Also, I plan to raise a glorious mixed race family of my own one day.
This is literally all of Holla Forums's arguments.
This is the worst thread on Holla Forums right now.
is strawmanning all you've got? Also, the same tired old slippery slope. Remember to use water based grease for environmental viability.
polyamory is degenerate you fucking traitor; whatever happened to marriage before sex, 1 lifetime, 1 partner? YOU are what's wrong with western morality you D E G E N E R A T E
So Holla Forums admit gas chambers existed? That's new!
No, I'm dating a Korean babe and she rules my life. We've gone over this. You said she was swindling me, I said I'm broke, you said both of us are fucking black people. You denied you suffer from autism. Among other things.
there are other means for a civilisation to be eroded from within.
could it possibly be because of their suicide tier politics.
Does "informed consent" mean anything to you?
Can you comrades atleast sage?
No I asked, again,
Why are you spending your entire afternoon embarrassing yourself in front of other people?
hmm, there's a bi girl I know who's dating a korean girl. but she's probably too much of a liberal to post here. you wouldn't happen to be involved in a college organization about getting people to drink tap water, would you?
No I'm not. Sorry bud.
this stupid argument of yours requires that gays or whoever the fuck is mentally ill. They are not.
Get this: they are a normal person who is attracted to their own gender. Yes, many are rather gaudy about it but on it's own, it's not a hard concept to grasp.
Do you know what a spook is? It's an idea that has no objective material basis. You can hammer on all you want about "culture" or "tradition" but they literally, are spooks.
Yes. Measuring our cocks and comparing sizes isn't something we do, but we aren't trying to fuck each other.
A baboon would be a step up from your filth.
Don't lie bucko, you couldn't get a woman to fuck you if you paid her. You're alone because you're a hideous imitation of a human. Accept it.
I'm sure no woman could match your skill as a burger flipper.
then you have no idea what a spook is
and let's claim conspiracy when you're proven wrong while we're at it. And there's few studies on race and intelligence because they aren't fucking needed.
Don't you know that culture is genetic? At least, that's what Holla Forums likes to claim.
If you read the Ego and It's Own you'd know what a spook is.
Then you admit you were just being a sophist?
Because that'd be useless information.
Except it is in this case. Read some Stirner.
Bullshit. If homosexuality caused collapsed we would all be dead already. Please find another scapegoat.
here. notice how there was no talk of homo marriage before your post.
You're delusional
Maybe it's because they've all been thoroughly disproven?
Except unlike muh roep day nobody outside a few far-right webshites want another holocaust
My mom & dad don't care I'm a lesbian. They want me to hook up with whoever I feel like. In the end, as long as I'm happy, they're happy. Because they're good parents.
You seem to be raised by shitty parents lol
are you shitting me. Are you going to appeal to the "every member of X group is a hivemind" argument. Whites are not perfect, nobody is.
you made the positive claim, the burden of claim is on you.
You seem to be the cuckold here after everything you've told us
I was referring to incompetent leadership, resource difficulties and bloated beaurocracy. The fact that gays exist has no bearing on it.
ten outta fuckin' ten, consider me disproven.
Look up the Out of Africa Theory, all humans are descended from Africa; white skin is actually a genetic mutation. You can get white from black but you can't get black from white.. While we're on the subject (spook) of race, see pic related as well.
While we're on this topic; can you explain to me why Holla Forumstards think "muh One Drop rule" automatically defaults to black people? For example, if a person who looks white is 99% white and 1% black, he is considered "not white"; but if a person who looks black is 99% black and 1% white he is not considered "not black"? Thats pretty arbitrary dont you think?
Does "informed consent" mean anything to you?
Thats not what informed consent is retard, they are not fully informed so their consent is not actually consent
of your Ad Hoc
You can stop anytime
why are people still replying to this obvious bait?
Get the fuck outta here
Holy shit you guys are salty. See you tomorrow, try not to be too triggered
Ok, see you tomorrow
4u :3
How about you explain it yourself instead of beating around the bush
Do you even understand my argument?
Homosexuality acceptence is a recent phenomenon in the west. Just wait 20 years
Can't disprove what doesn't even exist
Nobody wants a revolution either, despite what you bernietards may think
Is your girlfriend the whale? Or is she a college slut looking for attention? Either way, enjoy stopping your bloodline because you never made it out of your edgy phase
We both weigh less than you probably.
No that's me.
Dude we're just fucking dating we're not married. Chill lol
will it ever break through that this board isn't liberal? that we are considerably more radical than Sanders?
just replying after seeing this image
i gotta say, saving shit like that is retarded as fuck
c'mon, be better then that
if someone says he's fed up with anothers opinion or way of arguing, then just accept it like a fucking man instead of posting such petty childish bullshit
didn't even read you guys discussion with whomever but just by this image i'm going to side with whomever you replied this to
No, we usually go out drinking. Not as glamorous as comparing our erect cocks or bitching about getting dumped for niggers like your lot, but it's fun.
And they said no every time and fucked a nigger instead. That would explain your obsession with girls cheating with black guys at least.
Yes, your skills at toilet cleaning and creeping out young girls can not be matched.
same thing with "salty" and "u mad?"
it's just a way for retards to excuse themself for being antisocial assholes and just utterly retarded leading to justified frustration for everyone else involved
Abstract entities that people hold as real when they are merely constructs of the mind which limit us.
You claim at one point to hold a position but then violate that position because it suits your purpose. Please be consistent.
For someone who clamors on about muh history you don't seem to understand it was accepted in earlier times as well. Think before religious persecution.
And in 20 years, it'll be the next 20 years, right? :^)
Your "studies" were proven wrong and your persecution complex and confirmation bias doesn't let you see past that. I tripped over a rock yesterday as well, I bet it was those evil leftists who put that rock there! Fuck evidence, it was OBVIOUSLY them!
So IQ differences between biological races doesn't exist, and it's not tied to race? Good to see you're finally agreeing with us.
You people don't even know what you're talking about.
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Could change the boards name to /fishpol/ cause the bait addiction is for real here.
did you know there are non-retarded ways to post reaction faces?
i'm pretty sure we're not on Holla Forums, now are we?
Is this a banner? If not it should be.
Pic related.
sexuality isnt a spook if you mean "the means of reproduction"
sexuality is a spook if you mean that it is your identity and you need a special snowflake politics to cater to you
no that makes no sense
how do you reproduce? is life a spook?
the definition of spook is coherent, saying reproduction and sexuality is a spook is incoherent
This is what I love about Holla Forums, their "redpilling" mentality. They are so convinced that everything they say is infallible that they cannot even imagine that someone espousing their views is actually mocking them. They truly believe that being aware of what they believe will make people Nazis
I requested it here
Where have you been, Milo?