Well can't argue with that logic
Well can't argue with that logic
I don't want no 2d communism.
Will the revolution remove a dimension?
Revolution won't make anime real,
It will make reality an anime.
Man we really hit all the wrong demographics with our message, don't we?
Will revolution turn us into gurren lagann
Spiral power=Dialectics.
I was about to say the same thing.
When the real is viewed through anime, anime becomes the real.
What the fuck is this thread.
Why live.
Ayy lmao
What's going on with those colours?
Post on /leftyweebpol/
Will communism give me the means of gf acquisition?
I like how you think.
It's like you guys enjoy sucking porky's cock.
spoiler pls
Trans-humanists. Isolationists. Non-breeders. NEET-ism.
Who said socialists have to be social? Or productive.
One strategy gravitates towards subsistence existence, equatable to a plant-type-behaviour, where any convenience minimizes contribution to a system they objectively deny participation in under current established systems.
Bullying Neets: A pleasure or a duty?
If only I wasn't all theory and no action.. Feels bad man…
Why? Are you aroused by this? I see nothing wrong here. You aren't supposed to not want to see this. YOU PEDO!
I only have one question.
How do you eat after you go NEET?
I'm middle class so communism is pretty much a no-no for me.
Are you a petit bourgie?
Then you're not.
Define that "middle class" please.
Does it have to be a binary? Some were or were not bullied, so either way on average some crave it.
Someone or some entity has to still provide you money, it helps to be very selective in what you purchase to eat. Enjoy eating the same exact thing to scrimp a few pennies.
Not every NEET even abides by widely available safety nets.
There's no one way of doing anything.
This post is a masterpiece of failure
I guess I'll keep working during the summer and doing nothing in winter.
I'm an ANTEET. Bdm tssss
… damn .. the didn't took the bait… I know she's 18. … I've watched all of Lucky Star … Am not proud of it…
foodstamps, autism bucks, local charities
Not really, that just makes you a Freeter.
Unless it's some skilled labour.
When the bourgies make up all these terms to keep the proletariat split…
Not every NEET chooses this or has this opportunity. Most do however.
Job castes, are job castes. "Career."
Wage Slavery is still an aspect of the subsistence lifestyle.
Then again, Mao always said- An intellectual wears glasses. He was not fond of people with glasses.
Stalin, his hobby was murdering the murderers of murderers that murdered, as they were most likely to murder when he asked them to.
All people are split on multiple things, it's natural to be disagreeable or complacent.
All labour, is however labour.
Added to "Reasons am not a Maotist".
do you have neet autismbux how to infographs?
Ooooh! So if am no mautist, am no commie, ain't I right?
Noone after Lenin did it right. Maybe Fidel.
That's all highly dependent on were you are.
To mimic autism you just have to just find yourself a place on the spectrum.
This is super easy for E.U. and Canadians.
U.S. have to depend on churches, food banks, food stamps.
I have a paranoid contempt of bureaucracy.
You can also just get an ADHD diagnoses and enjoy amphetamines.
However. Bhutan's Thunder Dragon Emperor did nothing wrong. Do not deny the last mandate of heaven.
However, obligatory truth.
Enjoy not having a gun when the revolution comes, comrade.
During such an event registered owners would likely have their weapons seized.
Their expense is prohibitive to a subsistence lifestyle, unless one has already acquired the capital to homestead, or can live remotely in the woods like some sort of hobbit.
There's no one way towards hermitage.
Haven't you heard the news about Austerity?
… So, they are taking my grandfather's double barrel huning shotgun, from me?
Point taken.
They'd have to work through all those handgun & A.R. owners first.
Used to work well for the Netherlands, while they still remain E.U. members.
No, this is logic.
Check and mate, scholiasts.
Heavens no, I'm a Keynesian! Har har har
You are.
EU was. Once.
It's not any more.
The joke is Keynesians have been left so far behind by public policy that one might mishear "Austerity" as "Austrian."
you need to vibrate higher so you can capture the opening of the portal that connects this communism of 3D to one communism of 4D or 5D