how can we stop the "alt right" ?
How can we stop the "alt right" ?
Why should we?
Weren't most of them left libertarian?
comrade please.
Initially, although I doubt that is the case for anyone still involved in it.
More like ancaps
Yeah, but this image was made by a butthurt tumblrite so they need to include their boogeymen.
lel, even Holla Forums hates the alt-right, but go ahead waste your time fighting against them
In the same image with
The most frightening thing about this is how utterly clueless reddit is about the right they think they're fighting against. Anybody who has been on Holla Forums for less than five minutes knows everybody who says the bottom two hates everybody associated with the top two.
Fuck you
Originally. It was a pretty anti-capitalist movement to start with, especially the gaming industry's meta-capitalist framework that has been basically ruining everything.
But don't forget a lot were classcucked Holla Forumsirgins who were just mad a guy who writes about video games had sex
Hi fascist enabler.
I just call them cucks for accepting porkies taking their money
Go on Holla Forums right now. Make a thread about anything related to the "alt-right," like "Why the alt-right is winning the culture war" or anything like that.
Then proceed to watch it get spammed to death with
Then make another thread praising anybody associated with the alt-right like Milo, for example "based Milo does it again." Watch it immediately get destroyed with
Don't take my word for it, try for yourself.
Have you tried calling them racist?
how is this any different from the Holla Forums images? Since when do people care about accuracy when mocking a group of people?
Let's just roll over and let them trample on us one by one since leftypol has already agreed this is the best course of action.
For the same reason this poster stated. It's a bunch of incoherent tumblr boogeymen all mashed together which makes them seem like the irrational uninformed side, which plays right into Holla Forums propaganda.
Please, let Holla Forums keep coming here with stuff like "commie obama," it weakens their position significantly when they spill their spaghetti like this and has more or less killed the term "commie" now being thought of as a real insult among normies. It's good for us when Holla Forums is retarded like that. We certainly shouldn't be doing the same, especially not under the banner of leftism. This is why tumblr reactionaries are so dangerous and should be called out and shamed at every opportunity, before they do any more damage to the idea of leftist politics.
What are the actual political differences between the two sects
Fascism and Not Socialism believe that they are movements of the authoritarian center. It is opposed to communism and capitalism both.
Holla Forums is mostly fascist and Nazi - thus they also dislike the right.
t. Holla Forums
By Trump losing presidency.
how out of touch with the working class do you have to be to want to deliberately ruin them because it MIGHT make them turn to the left?
We kill them all
So Holla Forums doesn't like the alt-right? Why?
Is Holla Forums falling victim to sectarianism as well?
Probably they're turning to actual fascist positions instead of dank memes?
That would explain it, most hard line fascists in my country really fucking hate alt-right stuff, even more than the left.
Every time I hear the word sectarianism, I hear it like the sound of vid related.
The political compass will put almost anyone sane into the lower left sector. You need to be some kind of superstitious sociopath to land elsewhere.
Used to be the case but as time went on people who were not alt-right left the gaymergays and at this point of time anyone who remains a gaymergay is for sure either a retard or an alt-right fuckhead. Most of the time it is actually a combination of both.
No need, they don't reproduce
Oh god, I haven't seen this in years. I imagine revleft has only gotten worse with the rise of idpol.
Political compass isn't the only piece of evidence for that classification. It's also supported by Brad Glasgow's surveys and KiA polls of its own membership.
The social justice crowd doesn't want to accept that a plurality of opposition to them is coming from civil libertarians who vote for center-left parties, so they pretend all their enemies are alt-right Holla Forumstards.
Don't buy into it until they can show actual evidence beyond "this one prominent person holds alt-right views".
Even if you are Trumpite, jackboot neo-fascist shill for the American empire,or a neo-traditionalist fedora, being identified with Neo-Nazies is too odious even for them. Nobody will ever ally with them due to the obvious racial homicidal insanity involved and the historical consequences of Nazism.
Well, KiA now is definitely a rightard circlejerk. Not alt-right tier, but they certainly seem sympathetic to them on the sole basis that they aren't Tumblr.
According to Holla Forums the "alt-right" is an attempt by da jooz to subvert their movement with flashy attention-whoring e-celebs like Milo. It's not helped by the fact that imageboards are for obvious reason low-trust places which leads to beliefs that "anyone who disagrees with me is a kike shill"
It's absolutely amazing how this hasn't led to their decline. They use the joos as an excuse for FUCKING EVERYTHING, yet it never gets old.
If their precious nationalist movement actually happened they would call it a Jewish false flag.
They can see that Jews have played a significant role in what has happened to Western societies, but don't have a coherent ideology to back that understanding. Which eventually devolves into
The alt right is the closest thing to us at this point.
Classical right wing is currently in bed with the left wing, and they're all robbing us blind.
We have to get rid of the alt right eventually….
but right now they're allies against the establishment.
AltRight nationalist here
You could honestly divide us by religion or economic stance.
Many of us are anti capitalist while others are pro capitalist
Many of us are Christian and others are pagans/atheists
Because they're right-wing Jim Jones.
Interesting grouping there.
To be fair, while there are those on Holla Forums who maintain the three positions you stated, they still are overwhelmingly pro-brexit, pro-Trump, and not, so overwhelmingly, but it seems at least slight majority pro-Christian. They usually label people with the positions you have stated as jewish shills trying to capitalize on their distaste for jews to create fracture points on things that they feel are generally good for whatever long term goals they are trying to achieve. Especially on Brexit and Trump, it's nearly impossible to go there with an anti-Brexit anti-Trump strategy claiming it's what the jews wanted and not getting your thread spammed to oblivion.
They're not rocket scientists, but let's at least understand them, they're not as simple as you made it out to be and it does us no good to not understand the enemy.
lel no
A good example is Russia and Ukraine, which had users flinging shit at each other by claiming that Putin or/and Azov Battalion are funded by Jews. Shit like that is why onlooking lurkers claim that "Holla Forums is satire".
The rise of far right nationalists is a real problem.
Holla Forums is nothing.
We don't need to anymore.
The change in rhetoric from "let's talk about the Jews" to "we just want to have a conversation, stop censoring us! :-(" is both telling and wonderful.
If they really thought they had a point about the Jews or whatever, they'd labor to make it regardless of people noticing it is insane and fascistic and rightfully calling them out for it. They gave up. Now they're resigned to whining about how they can't say what they want to say, and probably won't ever get around to actually saying it, because they know no one would fucking listen any more, because the world has gotten better in this regard (albeit worse in many others).
Lots of folks like to line up "free speech advocates" with the literal racists, fascists and whatnot and say "hey, look: [flavor of reactionary group or category] are using free speech arguments to garner support from normal people!" - but perhaps the opposite is true. Perhaps "free speech activism", or whatever, has absorbed racism, and helped to scrub it clean of its more reactionary elements. If there's a place I like having racists, it's sitting in their rooms whining on their computers and gleefully saying nothing of value. Sure, they're obnoxious because they want your attention. But that's not a bad thing. That's victory. We won. These people used to be beating down doors and slitting throats. Now they say racist shit and spout fascist rhetoric and all they manage to do is get a rise out of people or, on the rare occasions that they hit the streets, get utterly demolished by even the most apolitical people. That's an "SJeW" victory right there, I'd wager.
good one
We don't have to do anything. The alt-right movement doesn't matter. After Trump loses to $hillary and Britain gets spanked for leaving the EU, everything will return back to normal.
Focus on the neoliberals. Alt-right/Fascists are irrelevant.