post a rare image in this thread
Rare images
looks real wtf
it is real. it was a dinner for the elites
big if true
not rare
it is art
Vegetarianism ftw. Growing humans is huge waste of resources.
accelerationism is the only option
not rare
Hanging face-down by the hands and feet for an extended length of time would put a tremendous strain on the elbows and hips, resulting in permanent joint damage under the absurd four months time given here. We can also assume that '038' has already been suspended for four months already with her previous "child". Add in the weight of the victim across an 8-month period, and undoubtedly the curvature of the spine would be permanently bent over backwards- and don't forget the lack of movement for the better part of a year would cause severe muscle atrophy, rendering her to little more than skin and bones. The tightness of the restraints around her wrists and ankles used to suspend her would also cause irrepairable damage to the nerves, tendons, and blood vessels leading to them. Within a month her hands and feet would surely have rotted off, assuming she didn't suffer a heart attack from deep vein thrombosis.
shut the fuck up
On the other hand if she has a tongue long enough to reach well past her crotch, is huge, and has a massive belly with a life support system one could suppose her joints have been reinforced.
That's actually her tail in the panel where she's pushing the victim into her bagina.
tbh this is pretty smart
This always got posted along with it. Related or no?