Pedos gone
only thing the pedos bring to the board is a drowning out of the Holla Forumstards' voice. we just need some new fags to do that
i highly doubt that
flags are gone yay
Anymore and they will turn the place into halfchan and it is already looking like it.
go away butthurt pedo-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256go away butthurt pedo-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSUmQACgkQXOerAq1edW/bUwP+MgJcjSNY9irRtTOPWxV3W9LLZlHPqB8Y/WVJdmOa7sEx2zi8X6puceHsYFg1mm4bhZEcv5sPstMkY1CRe3YjAiRkKEI/tJpKNwlF3TdXxkPSja43Mz/ueDBOSQbGCoo9IMDjv14qeWteyGDdzo3QIDAbtAXWfmzmAMDgN5TPBWU==6X6u-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
t. pedo
fuck no
Saying pedo will surely get them to post cp in this thread. Is that your intention?
did you forget when the board was literally at 8pph like a month ago when dys turned this place into /srz/?
Is it really worth it to pretend we have more activity than we really do if the thing boosting that activity is just repetitious content we've been seeing for the last 10 years?
I think not.
Wasnt that because hex got the place nuked for spamming it a week straight?
hex is the spammer tbh
can you fill me in on what happened because i usually leave when she gets sour. not op but i suspect op is a pedo wanting to rub it in.
hex being the spammer is a meme and a quite unfunny one if I might add.
Hex even admitted it
I talked to him on Grinder before i sucked his dick 5 minutes ago. He's definitely the spammer.
i think remember actually. was it when fug and miku showed up and started jerking each others dicks because i remember that. i remember the css in august being especially annoying with the gay black and neon green shit happening.
Pedo posting had to end sooner or later tbh
/hebe/ material was getting posted in every other thread long after /hebe/ was banned, it was never going to last. The CP staying up for hours on end wasn't helping either.
Why do i still have chink lettering all over the board?
How do i get rid of this filth?
i'd legit fuck that loli if i had the chance
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDK WHAT U GUYS OR OP ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHATS HAPPENING???!?!???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
She knows!
she looks fucking fat in the left picture
yeah in like 2015-16 but im sure she lost that status at this point in time.
who claimed her status?
Zhe Zhe
probably the most shilled girl in imageboards currently
checked. and ahahahahahahah *breathes* hahahahahahahh i tooooooold you all she was gonna get fat
PGP doesn't work on 8ch, does it?
Zhe = frog in russian tbh
1. this isn't true
2. if the cancer that kills you gets removed you don't get immediately better, it will take some time for you to recover.
It's obvious that pedos keep a lot users away, simply because they don't like the attitude of pedophiles. Not everyone is interested in discussing the AoC all day long, not everyone wants to see little girls in dresses everywhere and so on. There are good reasons why removing the pedos would generally be a good idea.
How was getting ridding of the pedos in any way shape or form been good for the site? Did you not witness and live through the GG exodus and the other smaller exoduses? What the fuck are you even saying?
satan speaks the truth tbh
zhenya will never be the 'most beautiful girl in the world' because even granny pim will be hotter than her. yes she's fucking tight af but no she's nowhere near pim status. shill her til your heart's content but she'll never pim status fuckable.
I'm still here you shill
t. pedo
Too much cheese
i wonder if she realizes how many people want to fuck her. like it must be in the millions just saying
shes been in America for too long tbh
not if i kidnap her first. I live in the same state as her ;)
we are interested in discussing it every day until AOC is removed completely tbh
you are confirmed a faggot and your opinion is thus discarded
*facepalm* not again
hello dysnomia. how are you tonight?
Even Abo loli's can be cute.
Loli beauty cannot be contained
if this was a white girl it would be deleted but its fine because nobody finds a nigger loli attractive so the Dost doesn't apply to her
Not even Lais Ribeiro?
wow user, this really got my noggin joggin'
This tbh.
This is the penalty for removing good pedos.
All the good pedos are gone and all whats left are the persistent abo nigger face zhena lovers.
Some of the pedos are still here but they are all degenerates now. The next thing that happens will be an increase of woman. Woman like nigger faces and when they notice this place is full of snow niggers, it will trigger their subconscious comfy feelings.
Woman will then multiply on Holla Forums and ruin this place with rulecuckery, normalfaggotry, moralfaggotry, unbearable faggotry, nigger lover spam and SJW cuckery.
only if you censor 50% of the face
no they wont what the fuck are you saying
checked but
Daily reminder that only monsters don't like toddlers tbh.
What are common characteristics of a good pedo?
just for fun tbh
yes, see 4/b/ and Holla Forums, full of blacked and gay threads, faints upon seeing little girls on the internet
wtf i love pedos now
im glad we can agree Holla Forumsro
And yet Holla Forums remains most civil when pedos are banished
by civil do you mean dead?
no thank you Ox
blame ox on legit everything because there's no one else to use as the scapegoat. seems good to me tbqh
That's true if the percentage of woman stays lower than 5% or at maximum 10%.
Woman always ruin everything when they become more than 5% of the social compound - I have analyzed this pattern through out my life.
This is mostly why jews push for woman equality in white countries only. They know it will end in a disaster and actually many woman themselves know it too.
You know it when you see it. All i can remember are boards from over 2 years ago with actually productive content.
Where is HEX when you need him
i think he was crying about sonya tbh
This tells more about you than us tbh.
who has a worse userbase sonya or mara?
that's more like it
good question. no fucking clue because i'm an outlander
A blatant lie, holy fuck. This is you being objectively wrong.
sonya because its all epin hoarders threatening to dox
they all of a sudden appear out of nowhere when they are mentioned tbh. At least my lolis doesn't have cancer whiteknight "fans"
it looks like somebody smeared a log of shit across her neck tbh
t. scatfag
Her parents ought to be told tbh.
all you had to do was ask
ox if you're here now's the best time to start dick measuring. yes this is my subtle request. fuck you report me
her dads probably the biggest hoarder
fucking ruskies
Told what user?
her address is public send him a postcard
Ox stop blue balling us.
legit reported
Mom must be proud
just get on with it
i have the ops.mp4 off from libre, i dont want to trigger the shit out of ox tbh, almost FF tier triggering when he sees niggers.
90% of her grade was after school extra credit ;)
anyone here posting images and then globally reporting them?
Get on with what?
i just delete them like
post some lewd shit ox you fucking faggot
diaperfags out
heiled tbh
Rude tbh.
fuck off ox
stop larping
Reeeing your lust doenst help
why not?
just messing around tbh i know he has a soft spot for her so i'm trying to anger him
It works anywhere there's data normie.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7560634It works anywhere there's data normie.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSe04ACgkQPdIPtelkR60cdAP/d5Tjey611L1Zg0zJY8JjnmO/1eNKSORYX/l+v3CVA3fXGGWqumiiWqdqDb/P0ME2gR8KCQqdaZ81nWGnFZnnh0lIwQ8Ne7uZrU39MygbZMjP94OGa0r52fNSOiou24hiF103GjmtNr3k5Kf/4Xb8GLqYqmjAZq6DYctJK2lil7w==YNYR-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
i was actually. people larping as me is cute af.
samefagging is fun tbh
That her mom? Now I see tbh.
k bye
signing your posts prevents this-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7560907>larping as mesigning your posts prevents this-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSe84ACgkQPdIPtelkR61sPgP9FTxwab8knu7kznLJf88+JQqWG277yFuZ8Wi9BiN4E+3Be0F/5BetCIF0DlF3ViTIDT6sOVikZYHidaJsC4mtKkrggdHU8FxvLXjYTSqSTjWpuiKZ2FKO23avGFuf14MNC64Bc7E6JyCpciK3mkEVsTZrh6UPYGKQGbyGoV9Nu1g==Eqcx-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
careful he identifies as a 14 year old Stacey
I honestly dont know who is actually ox he sometimes trips, then anons larp as ox, a cp dumper, moralfag etc.
so does a trip buts its redundant when he doesn't use it for his actual posts
everyone in this thread is ox tbh
everyone except for me
i'm neegan tbh going to watch the new walking dead ep tbh
All me tbh
literally fukkin lol
bitch do you even understand the math?-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7560923>thinks "trips" are remotely secureliterally fukkin lolbitch do you even understand the math?-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSfPMACgkQPdIPtelkR635AQP8DL1vrHOubIK6ZFIhMPG5GiASLlmkmbMwjVFuN4JRMDcNRWPovtvUk/AerTWJdYagtqZ1fiYtnLVHytEpyDGFutnwTQC2rtw1UQwJr6CODIEr1qdOnRdbBzZNqq92yRIGDjXfWDjtAfZFhxqq/yltUQWED6WPVh/VTtj62BH2iE4==Hef5-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
the dubs are mine tbh
Thanks for the flowers user
you have a week to crack this tripcode
good luck
capping this tbh
Night anons
Good night Ox
crack my tripcode
ik itll be legitimately easy
no sarcasm intended.
I'm 85% sure this violates dost.
saved tbh
it doesn't
Poor abused child tbh.
I for one, and I am sure every true channer, only wants to post on a Holla Forums where the canary in the coalmine hasn't been killed.
Hitler confirmed diaper fagget
I'm here but I'm not a mod
Wait how old is that girl?
18 of course
Looks 18 to me tbh
If you say so, you guys posted it after all you would know better than me.
kys age of consent faggot
Post more of this 18 year old so I can cum already holy fuck.
fuck off to fap roulette thread fag. we are real men that have great taste in girls.
*slap slap*
Not cringey at all tbh.
k, im gone
bye-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7560960k, im gonebye-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSgdwACgkQPdIPtelkR60piwQAl96Qgz6GbSp39sg5Cijgv+nCnmbo87sCPHCSN/vIJHTeJJKUerN8yat0ipxBiAzzlzbHWfZ1oA36Gh0tb2Vmd7VYj83yd0b1Qxs0XD8vgbkKA8Bcp7kIAnSR++5EFo26KBp+HgpVU+UEuoIHH5aUCgu0pYaOpMpLGu/O/W+qmWM==gGNR-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----jA0ECQMCY1K5wCiJ7rxg0jgBIZy8woW7S6CM/1anZtmktnLXVhgWtRudnA6C+oPo6NPpC3smZA3DknM5gGrxQRaVvU4w28X/hg===gDxO-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
crack the trips first
This ox's trip is an easy crack
Still waiting…
Yeah, because I want to associated with pedo posters.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA256>>7560983Yeah, because I want to associated with pedo posters.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----Version: GnuPG v2iJwEAQEIAAYFAloSg3EACgkQPdIPtelkR63R4wQAh2KNSKF5fV1C8PVbMSq4XNiLSeBeYZpUEuTwA7KRqHZu+N1Aj7zj0WWoc6XDL5d1TlL0ckIkESi6TxFKaNGlIeggBlH7Id+B5JUfgEhEySxTFiNVsYq9YYLcFuomS9pNOdybEcpN4thGpGWfcz0vSVYQ1N4uP6Fk0gQarfE2JH4==s0Eo-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
t. pedo
Bad example