get the fuck in here faggots
Get the fuck in here faggots
datamining thread
fuck off. i want to vote for tay tay
self check. also, it looks like tay tay is in the lead!
But how do we vote?
Here's my data FBI, voted for Trump and Tay
scroll down the page. it's an embedded flash(?) thing
same, but i also voted for putin. what sucks ass is that tay tay is tied for the lead with that gay "metoo" hashtag
And who's that latina that also has 7%? Never heard of her
it's the mayor of san juan who was caught hoarding her FEMA hurricane supplies so she could make an anti-trump publicity stunt out of it
Oh I heard that story, so fucked up
Bashar al-Assad shoud be in there, since he fucking defeated ISIS
true, but kikes gonna kike tbh
And how the fuck is fucking Taylor Swift on the lead? What has she done, that can be worth of her winning this thing?
same thing she's always done: been the aryan stereotype and role model (wish she wasn't a feminist tbh)
What the fuck? Did you blieve that nonsense?
God emperor Trump is winning!!!
delete this
tay tay is pure! tay tay is love! tay tay is life!
Who picked these options? Half of them are complete garbage.
Damn you i'm on day 4 of no faP!
Putin has already been Time's Person of the Year at least once. It's not as big a deal as you seem to think it is.
checking these trips tbh
I voted for the Supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un
if you faggots vote its better be taytay
faggots are based
nobody checked my hitler dubs tbh