Clinton Foundation AIDS Program Distributed ‘Watered-Down’ Drugs To Third World Countries

Well Holla Forums, this is it. The one thing that can finally take down The Clinton Foundation for good. Hillary is not only a liar and a fraud, but also responsible for selling shitty AIDS drugs to 3rd world countries and reaping the profits from them.

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I wouldn't even have a problem with this if they didn't obviously use it as a convenient excuse for more gibs. killing off African natives is the legitimately moral thing to do.

Learn to archive

Nigger this story needs clickbait. This is fucking huge

That's not the only reason to archive you miserable faggot nigger. You archive to make sure it doesn't get deleted or the site shoahed among other reasons.

wtf i love hillary now

I wonder what mental gymnastics sjws will pull with this shit. I wonder what normalfags will say.


Letting the HIV infected die instead of prolonging their existance so they can spread poz around is the humane thing to do. I'm now #MentallyHill

But then of course she favors open borders and supports people who favor bringing said people into European countries almost unchecked.



Can anyone explain to me why people with aids are not killed so we can eliminate this disease?

Back in the day Europeans fucked up and came up with the idea of human rights.

You triple nigger, we pay for those drugs. Just like we pay for their food and water and then we import the disease ridden people into first world countries to rape women and children.


because the people who made the disease are the same ones in charge of the guns.

Then do something about it.


And when it comes to anything Trump does

The usual double standards born of doublethink.

Guess this is one of those yin/yang things, right?

Thank you for Correcting The Record!


Mods pls sticky

I like how you think.


underrated post

Are you kidding? That's easy


that's when you tell the retards that there's not enough to go around because suppliers are often robbed free of the drugs

We aren't in control right now but their lies make them weak. Our movement is built upon the supremacy of our race and the destiny of our people, once we gain back control the whole universe will waver upon our ability to unlock its secrets.

Lol are you trying to make us like Clinton? If she ran on this platform she might've had some support hahahaha

What's wrong with making shitskins die? Even if those are just measures to save money. A broken clock is right twice a day and so on.

the severity of the deaths
raking in profit means she intents to keep them somewhat alive, the dead don't pay for medicine.

Hillary must be stopped at all cost. We don't care if she ripped off some third-worlders, we only care about using it as a hammer to nail her inside a coffin.

Nobody I know would react like that. Maybe they'd say, well, somebody duped them. So irrefutable proof of knowledge and willingness is needed.
Still, the more sincere minded will think over it.

Our problem here is we know about the guidestones and other churches and funds who acted like they are the cast of Utopia.

Target antivaxxer with this, if they are still left.

kabscha: wxmFed, end the FED!

Perfect, simply perfect.

Hillary confirmed for Holla Forums

Guess I'm a #Shill4Hill now

This is it, rope.


OMG like wow are you seriously… like even.. there's literally nothing wrong with having AIDS you bigot!

I hope Shkreli does a video about this, he will probably roast them pretty hard.

Yeah, my examples were responses typical of the pure SJW types on social media.

The only response men will give to this Hutt in public or private is to flee in terror.

The hardier types may elect to man the harpoons.

As much as I like seeing hillary implicate herself, I also like seeing 3rd world trash suffer and die.

It's a win-win!

Speaking of which, I recently talked to a muslim-american, in the beginning it was friendly, and he told me he would vote for gary johnson.

While pushing on different subjects, it wasnt hard to reveal the "moderate" muslim for what he really was, and he ended up saying all nationalistic voters are old and will die of, and all young are liberal and gay, and how muslims would conquer us.

Wow, great turn around, needless to say I explained how muslims play checkers, and whites play chess. So never forget who these insects are, there are no exeptions, no "good" or moderate muslims, they are all the enemy, even their children.

Just keep that in mind brothers.

They were probably vomiting on her

As much as I would love to see this used against Hillary with the normies, I really don't think this story is going to go anywhere.

It's not going to go anywhere for the simple fact that nobody, not even the bull-dykiest carpet munching sjw, really care about black people deep down inside. And ESPECIALLY not about the orks you find in Africa. It's too mentally remote from their lives to be an issue.

But still, if it manages to take some melanin-enriched votes away from Hillary, fine by me.

lol at watered down drugs in Africa and giving AIDS a chance

Every day a new scandal. Every day she gets away.

death by a thousand cuts

wtf I love hillary now

Like, wow. Hillary doesn't sound so bad now. Guess #ImWithHer! Sorry, Trump. But as a proud National Socialist I have a preference for candidates who kill minorities now and not later. Sure, Hillary will collapse the U.S.A., but that just means Hitler will return that much faster!

Welp, thats another thing to add to the list

this tbh, also

I was posting about this back in the Clinton Foundation digging threads, glad to see you catching up.

The two men strolled into the hall to order tea from white-uniformed waiters. As they returned, Kumar said, “We are in big trouble,” and motioned for Thakur to be quiet. Back in his office, Kumar handed him a letter from the World Health Organization. It summarized the results of an inspection that WHO had done at Vimta Laboratories, an Indian company that Ranbaxy hired to administer clinical tests of its AIDS medicine. The inspection had focused on antiretroviral (ARV) drugs that Ranbaxy was selling to the South African government to save the lives of its AIDS-ravaged population.

Notice that the CF kept dealing with this company for close to 8 years after Thakur reported his findings.

No man is looking to tap your ugly octopus ass, Ursula.



If Hillary came out tomorrow and said she would ethnically cleanse all Africans off the planet and she wasn't just lying, would you vote for her?


I'd still vote Trump, because she's a corrupt and immoral piece of shit, but she'd win a very small piece of my sympathy.
At this point if she went and said that the meme magic would make her win extra points

genetic africans? Well I certainly would consider

life's full of choices.. probably not, nigs aren't really the issue, (((liberals))) and traitor whites are, nigs are basically just apes, and I don't hate Haramble

You know what they say about dealing with the devil

coughing break!


fucking kike

oh now it's on

Anybody got that image that show's every successful Trump business and unsuccessful one?
It has around 5 on the left side and 500 on the right.

this one?


incoming inspirational presidential dynasty.
keep the pressure on.

here are his successes minus the failures.

Kill yourself.

Thanks fam.

Do you thing after breeding like rabbits they're going to stay in their countries?

is that john goodman in drag?

"I don't want to be killed" != "I don't want anyone to be killed." Besides, Africa would be objectively a better place if all the niggers weren't there.

Found a couple fags for the fire.

Logic on par with just deporting jews instead of lampshading them.


Actually, this is one reason why I think the whole White Genocide meme is flawed. By using the term genocide **coined by (((Raphael Lemkin))) for anything other than outright slaughter, you set up a double standard, which for better or worse, whites are not good at dealing with, and causes internal dissension.

As much as you want to say, "Fuck them, our race is better" it's not how we are. I'm not sure if it's a case that we are wired that way, or exposure to so much universal thought.

Absolutely, but it would have been a non-issue if European powers had set to legitimately colonizing Africa like they did with North America and Australia, and had given them free contraceptives, birth control, abortions, and sterilization. Instead, Christcucks defeated any efforts on those fronts, and everyone from conservatives to liberals thought they had to "uplift" the locals and help them reach a Western lifestyle.

Africans living a traditional lifestyle in their own tribes, like tribes in the Amazon rainforest, would have been fine.

Now it's a much bigger problem.

You are naive if you think this will convince progressives and democrats. Whoever is still voting Clinton is fucking hopeless.

Looks like we have a nigger lover here.

Because if we did that AIDS patients would never come forward and would keep spending the disease.

Jesus, every day I open Holla Forums there's a new sticky about how people related to the Clinton foundation have done something horrible. I hope you guys are keeping archives of all these threads and sources.

The funny thing is she calls us racist all the time, yet she has Killed more niggers than us, and they would have more jobs under the Emperor.

Naziism is better for blacks than liberalism. Who would have guessed?

Nah, but I'm Tweeting them out on my shill account.

Gotta run a real ground game if we want to win.


She's doing a 'live' speech now.

"Rule #1: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

forgot to embed it

worth watching for the comments, think there is a delay after the previous speakers, hillary must be busy doing something, should be up soon. Crowd looks to be about 200 tops.

Kek is with this post.

and yours, I'm excited.


This is real magic.


Trump live link here as well, high energy intro by someone, may as well watch it while hillary decides if she's going to bother to turn up.

Kek. Enjoy your aids goys!

nah, she'd die before she could do it, anyway.

And once again another story not found on the kike news network.

Breaking news: jews involved in shvindl!

This fucking thread has AIDS


I would have banned your ass for saying "Hillary Clinton" in a kids' game too

Okay, why is this bad?

I mean it might be propaganda fodder, but I actually respect them more now.

And who really cares? Probably only Berniebots. Best thing for these is to post them on reddit to blackpill Berniebots.

This won't move the needle on anything but liberal turnout, so the labour that needs to be invested in these types of stories is minimal.

Hilary is more cancerous than my shitty Youtube content
But for real america is dead

Speak for yourself faggot.

I legitimately believe all non-whites should be scourged from the planet without exceptions.


Most damning parts of the article:

"The congressional study also highlighted the unseemly ties between Bill and two controversial Indian-Americans who have been investigated and sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The most troubling revelations concern the Clinton Foundation’s vigorous promotion of Ranbaxy despite mounting evidence the Indian firm had persistently poor quality control and attempted to cover it up through either faulty or fraudulent reporting to the FDA.

Although Ranbaxy’s generic drugs are now barred from being sold in the U.S., CHAI and the former president continue to praise Ranbaxy and distribute the company’s HIV/AID drugs to patients abroad.

Bill heaped praise on Ranbaxy in 2013 during a speech in Mumbai, saying, the drugs saved millions of lives.

Neither CHAI nor the Clinton Foundation have announced they severed ties with Ranbaxy.

The whistleblower tried to meet with CHAI and Clinton Foundation officials, but was only met with silence. “I have tried to reach out to them,” he told TheDCNF. “But I haven’t had a great amount of success with the Clinton Foundation.”

CHAI was a part of the Clinton Foundation until 2010, when it spun off into a separate entity. The groups still have some overlapping board members and staff, and they continue to operate in close coordination. Bill Clinton, for example, is deeply involved with both organizations."

The Clinton Foundation will probably try to say, "we had no idea!!" but it's very clear they did.

Testing something

Okay, fucking weird.
Starting getting 403 in another thread when I tried to post.

Anyone else had this happen?


Did 4chan or CTR raid this thread or what?

You should all try to spread this news with your family, on Twitter, on Facebook. Taking down Hillary is what matters.

Go shitpost elsewhere useless LARPer. This thread is about the Clinton Foundation AIDS program and if you don't understand why this information should be spread everywhere then you should just kill yourself cause you're even more useless than I thought.

You stupid fuck, they don't care about whites, they don't care about blacks, they don't care about people who don't have AIDS, they don't care about people who have AIDS, they only care about the money.

Fuck off CTR.


Is something wrong with your brain?


But user, we all come from Africa originally. All of humanity has a claim to Africa!

I will not be lectured to by a lying thumb.

Dead means no profits so they keep them on the life support.



The truth is that you’d have to work incredibly hard to find a politician who has the kind of history of corruption, double-dealing, and fraud that Donald Trump has. The number of stories which could potentially deserve hundreds and hundreds of articles is absolutely staggering. Here’s a partial list:

- Trump’s casino bankruptcies, which left investors holding the bag while he skedaddled with their money

- Trump’s habit of refusing to pay contractors who had done work for him, many of whom are struggling small businesses

- Trump University, which includes not only the people who got scammed and the Florida investigation, but also a similar story from Texas where the investigation into Trump U was quashed.

- The Trump Institute, another get-rich-quick scheme in which Trump allowed a couple of grifters to use his name to bilk people out of their money

- The Trump Network, a multi-level marketing venture (a.k.a. pyramid scheme) that involved customers mailing in a urine sample which would be analyzed to produce for them a specially formulated package of multivitamins

- Trump Model Management, which reportedly had foreign models lie to customs officials and work in the U.S. illegally, and kept them in squalid conditions while they earned almost nothing for the work they did

- Trump’s employment of foreign guest workers at his resorts, which involves a claim that he can’t find Americans to do the work

- Trump’s use of hundreds of undocumented workers from Poland in the 1980s, who were paid a pittance for their illegal work

- Trump’s connections to mafia figures involved in New York construction

- The time Trump paid the Federal Trade Commission $750,000 over charges that he violated anti-trust laws when trying to take over a rival casino company

Thank you for correcting the record

If that's true, that's terrible, but still not as bad as Hillary, and that's good enough for me.

Now put together a bullet point of how many people El Trumpo has been involving in murdering♥

Anyone who is cured no doubt gets it again anyway eventually there
Still Hillary a shit

Yeah, it'd be quite hard to find one with a list that short. Nice sources, too. Especially considering multiple things on your list aren't even corruption of any kind.

The holy mission of HRM Rodham-Clinton and destroying the image of noble businessmen never ceases.