What's the difference between binaural beats and white noise? WTF, this shit has 6 gorillion clicks on youtube yet I have no idea what it's for. Is it something from 9gag?
What's the difference between binaural beats and white noise? WTF...
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there's also pink and grey noise…and the brown note tbh
White noise = a fan blowing, ocean waves, wind blowing etc.
Binaural beats = sound meant to help the mind develop over time through the use of noises that are supposed to stimulate neural development
does it work?
Probably. It's supposed to help ease the mind and promote thoughts of a certain nature and i don't quite understand it all but it doesn't seem too far from the truth. Be careful though, some shit that is supposed to make you more inspired might end up making you want to chop your penis off and change your name, theoretically anyways.
No. It's autistic pseudoscience. If you fall for it you're probably a liberal newage cuck zionist. Go watch Spirit Science.
While i agree new-age shit is faggotry and spirit science is shit, it's not cool to write everything off as psedu-science you know tbh fam. A long time ago you would have thought using the wheel to move a cart was pseudo-science and defended dragging everything across the ground using slave labor tbh fam.
Listening to this and I haven't shat myself so far and there's nothing weird going on either.
White noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, binaural beats is a name for a product without a specific definition, but is about "tricking" your mind about position of voices… console garbage still cant surpass eax and eax was garbage.
no. the videos/audio they put out today are the same quality of videos/audio they put out 20 fucking years ago when they started this binaural beat shit. if you want to relax, just listen to a whisper asmr qt video instead
wasted trip dubs tbh fam
Sorry for samegoyim, if you wanna hear real time effects with realistic changes get an old x-fi (elite pro if you can, not emulated asus xonar) with daniel kawakami drivers and install the first f.e.a.r.
I am not sure about the definition of "binawathever beats" but you can induce metal problems or relax people with sounds, its a well knowed fact, just check what acoustic pollution on big cities do to people.
No, check this:
meep meep binaural beats will make you wet your sheets tbh no homo
Theorically its possible.
binaural beats is shit. it's always been shit, and it always will be.
here, check this one out
if you claim it gave you a hands free orgasm, you're a fucking troll
remove the time stamp or reset the video, since i forgot to in the link
Woah dude i literally just had a hands-free orgasm as soon as i gave this a listen tbh no homo
really? no way! i thought it was psuedo-science bullshit
I have hands free orgasms spontaeously
Check flag and check posts, i never said that.
binaural beats is a name for a product without a specific definition, but is about "tricking" your mind about position of voices
You can induce heart problems with sound
Anything can be a binaural shit, i dont know what it is and you dont know, nobody knows, a fag add a new thing a is still a binaureal bit.
Btw, no falacies please, sounds can do things on human beings, nobody claimed extremes.
no, the video makers say that. it's literally what the audio track in the video is designed to do
Sound does affect the brain. However, it is probably interpreted differently by the brain of different people. Hands-free orgasm sounds impractical, but something that is meant to make you happier through noise that positively affects the brain sounds entirely reasonable. Besides, even if hands-free orgasm can be induced by binaural beats, it probably requires you to take a pill or maintain an erection the entire time.
TL;DR: don't write shit off because something you cherrypicked didn't work for you
Got an example?
You can tape a fart, put a beat headphone in the video and you can call it binaureal, my point, can you induce/produce things with sound, yes, its proved, did some fag created a waifu-in-heat-wave? i doubt it, but you cant deny its effects, what cause? idk, but both "all" and "nothing" are false, falacies.
Already posted…
A powerfull bass can beat your body while some stressful sounds can induce tachycardia.
fucking kek. i've listened to more than 100 of those shitty things, whether it's for orgasm, sleep, self-improvement, whatever. the point is, THEY DO NOT WORK. the science behind them might even be real. i'll grant them that. but the effect is so minute that sheer willpower has more of an effect than listening to that shit
nice strawman yourself there, molyjew
Loud beats in music can actually change your heart rate. Start by looking that shit up, you aren't worth my effort looking for links and sources do that shit yourself tbh.
t. Not the guy you were replying to
Said the falacies poster…
It has been proved a lot of times, the real question is that you are an elaborated troll or you are just trying to win an argument in the internet so you can be happy.
Now to the topic with trolls ignored, did that shit work? yes, but nobody knows in what degree and what it does.
well, it was developed for the CIA and various armed forces denominations, so in a way.
Applications are…extensive.
Brains work on frequencies, hence vibrations. By playing two (carefully calibrated) tunes contemporarily, your brain will automatically synch to it and meld it into one - which can have a gillion different effects.
It does work, in fact it works remarkably fast, although you should probably look into the Monroe institute's manuals before if you want to make the most of it.
Also use headphones.
Start with lower frequencies and scale up as you get accustomed; if your head starts hurting (and it will), stop.
you're not doing it right
if you're listening to it with headphones, then you're doing it right, user. it was bullshit then, and it's still bullshit now
thanks user
meep meep I have tried binaural beats and they do not work for me but ASMR is the shit tbh no homo
meep meep listen to this and tell me that it doesn't have a profound effect tbh no homo
Cheapest bt phones conected to the motherboard?
i don't buy cheap headphones
this user knows what he's talking about
What is ASMR?
Women whispering into microphone to either arouse or calm the listener.
sorry but asmr is for weirdos
Exactly and they are "sounds" taped in stereo and you have a better experience using headphones, maybe your brain is used to that and stereo is an illusion, i dont know what "binaureal" is, but both work with the same systems, try asmr in mono with just one speaker.
ppl still make asmr videos with a mono microphone, user. the 3d microphones just enhance the effect. binaural beats require the stereo
Exactly, the mouth is "mono" "3d effects" needs 2 speakers (i am talking about headphones) for the position and some tricks.
you're claiming asmr and binaural beats are the same. i'm refuting that claim. binaural beats require stereo. asmr does not
I have hands free orgasms
Because the mouth is "mono", you said:
And that "effect" is mostly position, thats the "magic" of stereo, there is a reason why the "voice" speaker is used in the center/front (for me is money, every speaker must be the same).
I am not claiming that, i dont know what "binaural beats" are, thats my claim if you check my posts.
Watery brown noise works for me
holy shit that pepe looks weirdly based in an odd way
Sounds like placebo