im not sure what to think about them
How long are we going to have flags?
Until autism is cured we'll have flags here and there.
you should think theyre autistic
remove flags
Worried about something user?
until you decide it doesnt…
the day Holla Forums was visited? by the FBI
me again, anyone have a high res pic of the visit day. dysnomia is totally in the collage
How is life in Saudi Arabia like?
arent the flags bogus anyway? im using bare ip. but im sure tor will show a different flag or just go no flag tbh
TOR poster tbh
mother fucker, post the high-res
muh dude, sorry im perseverate on this, but would you possess i clear copy collage of the day Holla Forums was visited by the FBI that isnt a mother will die in her sleep gif? this pic is driving me bananas tbh
thats all i have. shit canned the original meme last year when i was 4chaining it mostly, but i remember seeing his shit on the collage haha
nope, i dont have bobe of that
also is dysnomia european? american here. 6/26/16. day month year will never look right, regardless of how much since it makes tbh
fug! thanks anyhow. ill find it.
hahaha thanks! bottom left hand corner. knew it
oh fuck!