Amazing comic ook ads

remember that time the heavyweight champion of the world was killed in a "death" match in the same competition of the world's best kung fu AND gung fu practitioners? all by the hands of Count Dante?

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There's actually a book and blog that covers all the weird stuff that was advertised old comics.

It's really fascinating to finally see all of the cheap crap they were trying to sell to kids.

Forgot the blog link:


Dante was quite a character. Claimed to be descended from Spanish nobility, to be a Kumite champion, to have fought as a mercenary, actually he was a hairdresser for the Playboy bunnies.
He was arrested for trying to blow up a rival school with dynamite, then again when he pretended to be a policeman and led a raid on another rival school that got his best friend killed with a spear. He really wanted to teach the Mafia kung fu, he got into a staredown with a hitman over it, and the guy and his partner were waiting for him in a carpark with a sawn-off shotgun… He finally died of bleeding stomach ulcers, but his lawyer said in his autobiography that he was poisoned.
For years the heirs apparent to the BDFS, William Aguiar Jr and William Aguiar III, have been suing anyone who even mentions the Count, including a documentary maker and a kid in Europe you uploaded himself doing a Kata Dante on Google Video.
But when they finally had to back their shit up in court, it turned out they had no actual legal claim to the name.

The book is fantastic, though, Kata Dante teaches you to kill someone about seven times over before they hit the ground and then turn them into a nice set of matched luggage with your bare hands using a form of combat origami.

What a deal!

Hey, I got a question.
What in the everloving fuck is a "ventriloquist's device"? I used to see ads for a "throw your voice" prank in comics all the time when I was a kid, but the illustration was always a black blur of ink.
I thought ventriloquists just talked without moving their lips, is there some kind of thing you can put in your mouth to help that? It it a microphone and transmitter? Is it the buzzer that Punch And Judy shows use? Googling gives me NOTHING.

didnt the simpsons parody this?

BART! Don't use the touch of death on your sister!

Yes, lol. Personally, I think that the Touch Of Death was about half people in old China not understanding things like internal bleeding and brain haemorrhages, and half the Aleister Crowley school of magic, where you wait for something horrible to happen to someone you hate, and then take credit for it.

Binge your hearts out on 40s-70s:

Ah, just like that time when Holla Forums destroyed Kotaku and put Trump into the office.

Nice find

Are you denying they didn't have a strong role in those events? We can disagree on the percentages, but your smugness is unwarranted nigger.

You are also right, It's used in Punch and Judy sketches, it would have sounded as in this video


Well shit, one of those in your mouth would make it harder to throw your voice.
I mean, it's not like Punch and Judy shows have to use dummy ventriloquism, it's just puppetry, the audience can't see you.


80's cartoons were SO BAD before Transformers and Robotech.

I just tried to watch some Pandamonium, I just had to give up. It was a Marvel property, but it's like they got Stan Lee coked up until he was bouncing off the walls and tried transcribing his screams into a pitch for a show.

Eh, Id argue some were good.


Saturday morning cartoons were fine but if you were one of those kids still plastered to the television at any time past 11am then you were probably the fat kid with curly hair who had no friends.

Flash Facts: The Fonzie cartoon was supposed to be a crossover with Dr. Who that got cancelled, so they created their own time traveller.

After a great deal of research, the Internet Movie Firearm Data Base ascertained that the "M-16" that John Wayne smashes against a tree in The Green Berets was in fact a Mattel M-16 Marauder toy. DEEP LORE.

I heard the submarine was infamous for basically being a flat cardboard cut-out.

There was a Power Lords comic book, video game, board game, colouring book and jigsaw puzzle, and a 2013 relaunch. And I STILL don't remember the bastards, which is funny because I fucking remember McDonaldland, Blackstar, the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, and all kinds of bullshit.

Megaforce! Yeah, Brad from the Rocky Horror Picture Show has his turn as an action hero, co-starring with Bald Indian Chick from Star Trek The Motion Picture.

Jesus Christ, man.
What kind of opera do those kids watch.

It arrived as flat cardboard, you had to assemble it. Once assembled, it did everything the ad promised: a rubberband fired your cheap cardboard rockets, the periscope with two reflective inserts worked like a cheap cardboard periscopes with cheap reflective inserts would, and IIRC there was an single red LED on the cardboard instrument panel (batteries not included.) This is something you'd play with in the yard and the elements would have destroyed it within a week – a few hours if it rained.

Damn Id kill to have some of those toys back in my younger years.

Well of course, dude. You gotta be a tough bastard to take it up the ass from Frank N. Furter and live. I mean, look how buff Rocky got.

"The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang" is a surprisingly good cartoon for late Hanna-Babera.

Though a Dr. Who/Happy Days cross over sounds amazing.

How long did it last?

It looks real enough to be used as movie prop? I miss old almost realistic looking toy guns…

So they ordered somthing with shit price and they get shit submarine. Whatta surprise.

Two seasons. 24 episodes.

They never make it back to 1957 Milwaukee.

Time travel would explain why they seemed to skip straight to the 70's with characters like Chachi, without ever having the 60's.

Spoiler that shit, its disgusting