Skittles bowl

This image along with shitty statistics has started on Twitter downplaying the threat of islamic terrorism. It states that attack from terrorists are essentially a non issue.

We need to attack this. For you see, bombings are not the only threat.

Rape skyrocketing (sweden)
Human trafficking (Britain)
And refugee and other "moderate" muslims agreeing with the extremism ( european poll of muslims living in Europe)

They are cherry picking only acts of terror and not adding the other problems that come with letting in Islam.

So what do you say lads? Should we correct the record?

Other urls found in this thread:]]

I don't think we need to do much, Jr. has them playing defense. They're clearly losing.

I won't because I already did and I received no feedback

you guys can do it yourself now

Maybe something using these opinion polls of Muslims

Where you can see about a quarter of those 11B Muslims are "poisoned skittles".

Alternatively, break down the skittles by country and show the stats for each. Gays burned alive, women stoned to death in the past year, etc.


There isn't even that many people on the fucking planet.

There isn't even 10.9 billion humans on the planet.




But why 10.9 billion?

what the fuck is 10.9 billion supposed to represent?

To make it harder to conceptualize, and make the argument appear less serious

i dont understand, is there 10.9 billion syrian refugees waiting to get into the US?

The number of skittles manufactured in a month?

But their rebuttal only showcases the futility of caring for the shitskin countries.

They might have confused billion with million.

I think they are comparing the skittles to the odds of an attack happening, not to represent people. But they make it seem like the skittles represent people. Very disingenuous.

and they claim that they can conceptualize 20 trillion dollars of debt.
wew lad
Liberals confirmed for not understanding an analogy.

It is what they consider to be your risk of being killed by a refugee.

It's still a bowl filled with fucking poisoned skittles.

Jews aren't good at counting


step it up nigga


How is that number even relevant?

It's the number of Jews that will be killed by Trump.

For starters there aren't 10.6 billion people on he planet. Also I'm fucking loving lefties having to turn on their own analogy


Remind me what is the logic behind this analogue?

I can't find any logic in this shit.

He's using a feminist meme against the feminist media who loves nigger cock.

Are you a literal retard? I give you a bowl of skittles, so will kill you. Do you eat any? Now I give you a train load of migrants from Afghanistan who are adult males. One sets off bombs in new Jersey, if you could go back would you take the train load of Afghanistan migrants?

This (quite literally) arbitrary number of skittles is much bigger than the picture of the bowl that Don Jr. posted so HA

*some will kill you

10.9 billion syrian refugees???? last i checked the world population was around 7 billion.



Nah, that doesn't work either. I live in Louisiana, so the bombs in NY/NJ had absolutely zero chance of killing me.

Fixed it.

Forgot to add a line for
before the last line.

This is how stupid liberals actually are.

So you're saying that a bomb going off 2000 miles away from me could kill me? I'd love to see the math on that one.


oy vey never forget


The risk isn't that it'll kill you, the risk is that it'll kill an American period.

This just shows how narrow minded you are.
They were obviously not talking about 10.6 billion people but 10.6 billion cockroaches.

Using a source means I have to use their number. In this case 25% of Mud "americans" saying violence against the US is good.

You and I know that like jews the only good muslim is a dead one.


so theyre saying that I personally have a one in 3 billion chance in dying from a terrorist attack. I can fucking guarantee with 100% accuracy that a Syrian refugee will commit a large terrorist attack in the U.S that will kill someone.

Combine it with the stats about muslim opinion on shariah law thing.
Something like 6 billion skittles want to make leaving Islam punishable by death.

So, some nigger half a country away dies. Why should I care?

The chances of being killed in a terrorist attack are about 1 in 20 million. A person is as likely to be killed by his or her own furniture, and more likely to die in a car accident, drown in a bathtub, or in a building fire than from a terrorist attack.

You'll excuse me for not being worried. I don't cry and clutch at my pearls like a woman whenever a brown person enters the country.

Thank you for correcting the record.

David Brock sent me. Check's in the mail.

Those stats mean about as much as Holla Forums opinion on fascism. The US ain't gonna adopt shariah any more than it's going to become fascist.

You'll be helping thousands of poor non-American that we are going to funnel your tax dollars to and the chances of being a victim of an attack by one is so small that it probably won't happen to you so who cares? :^) :^) :^)

[pearl clutching intensifies]

Over exaggeration makes this Milhouse tier forced maymay laughable. If anything associating with feminazi cringe memes is counterproductive

Besides Trump Jr is holding up the fort all swell by himself

Enjoy trying to get someone to validate your ego, OP

So riddle me this then:
Why should the money and resources go to helping them instead of the homeless around our own country?

Hey, i was just asking the question. If the answer is to leave it be then im fine with that

Because people have been browbeaten in the last 20 years to believe that homeless people are homeless by choice and the lazy fucks should get a job.

You actually have to give a shit about the homeless before you're moved to do something about them.


top jej

Not an argument.


But that is the actual problem.
Terrorist attacks really are a symptom of a bigger problem that is their culture.
You can always find an excuse just like the on in your previous post
but what people need to realize is that there is something fundamentally wrong with virtually every immigrant and not just some outliers.

The only people for whom that applies are people on welfare who have their own housing (food, clothing, internet, utilities, phone, etc.)

Said the mentally defective pile of shit who said “HURRRRRRRR BOMB CAN’T HIT ME FROM HERE SO I NO CARE HURRRRRRRRRRR” in all seriousness.

Reported for not even trying.







Holy fuck, if there was ever a reason to arrest democratic voters at the polls and imprison them all for treason, here it is.

Cruise control for cool.


So (((who))) exactly gains from shifting the narrative to "import poor people" instead of "help our own" and if you catch my meaning, why would you be apathetic to such activity?

How does their visualization change anything? I still wouldn't eat possibly deadly skittles no matter how big you make the bowl.

Before this "crisis" ends there will be more "Syrians" in Europe than there ever would have been in Syria.

Can you try to use an original argument instead of just repeating the leftycuck playbook?

How about someone complies a an image with pictures of all the victims and names them. Not just the USA, but the victims in France and the UK as well. Looking at hundreds of faces of innocent civilian people that died at the hands of savage muslims in the name of their muslim god would shut up the 'terrorist incursion deniers'. You can't argue with dead children.

I'm not apathetic, but the bowl of skittles thing is complete horseshit. You are far more likely to die by some nigger wanting your wallet than you are some muzzie annoyed by fags.

If you want to fix the violence in America, the solution isn't to cry about the highly vetted 10,000 syrians the US has let in.

Debating endlessly about violence and terrorism is just a sidetrack, which opens up for acceptance of non-violent third-worlders invading our countries instead.

Just the same as saying how they act towards their women, opens up acceptance for current-year-sexual-revolution stuff.

Just as, saying immigrants shouldn't be here because they cost us money, opens up for immigration of low-skilled and low-paid workers coming here in droves taking all the jobs.

Just as the arabic culture is wrong, opens up for immigration of chinese and indian-people.

Just as muslism are wrong, opens up for christian negroes.

Stop skip around the subject, admit it and be very frank about we don't need immigration, we don't want it, because it wrecks our society and threatens our sovereignity and survival of our own people.



Serious question. How many fucking Syrian refugees do (((they))) claim are left? How many have been moved? Does the whole population need to leave Syria? Dont they only have like 20 million people? Shouldnt there be hardly any Syrians left? Its not like they're refugees from a natural disaster. Can nobody stay? At what percentage of the population remaining being refugees would it be acceptable to create the worlds first glass desert?

Now you're just fucking lying to our faces.

They're not actually vetted at all.
You don't even know what you're talking about.


Prove it wrong. Name one Syrian immigrant to the United States that has committed an act of terrorism.

How do you vet someone who claims to be from a country with no records?\

It's about the evolution of Americas racial demographic, nothing to do with violence in reality. Unfortunately, we've got to play a form of dimensional chess and attempt to join forces with muzzie fearing Americans.

(samefag). May as well start posting images of them here or not?

I see, so let's increase our chances of getting killed by mudslimes by importing more of them, am I right goys!

Is raping a little girl an act of terror? it is to the little girl

Bingo! I say we kick out 3 uneducated niggers for every 1 educated middle easterner we allow in.

But since I don't agree with the Trump narrative, I'm just a ctr shill.

No, how about YOU support your asinine claim that they're well-vetted?

We both know full well that's not the same argument, slippery kike.


Iraq is not Syria. Try again.

Where were you when liberals used a creationist argument to justify liberal policies and White genocide, again?
This is supposedly the shit liberals berate. Even fucking RationalWiki has a refutation to this non-argument.

So, hit them with this, it will bend liberal non-arguments a lot.

And we all know that scenario is never going to happen so it's irrelevant, CTR shill

I guess it also means that rape skittles thing was over the top too.

I thought you faggots had a thick skin.

Yes my fellow guyim, who cares that we're spending billions to important desert savages for absolutely no reason at all! Don't you trust the honorable President Obama to have thoroughly vetted them to ensure that we're only taking in the Middle East's rocket scientists and brain surgeons?

Your true enemy here are your fellow Americans. Check out my jewish statistics, they clearly show that your next-door neighbor is a greater risk to kill you than this radical muslim who has no tangible skills except beating women and fucking goats.

our birth rates are bottoming out and we keep killing ourselves with unhealthy food and outright suicide.
muslims have 5 kids with each of their 10 wives and then go and kill 30 natives by blowing themselves up, then their children repeat it until only muslims are left

I'm not crying about it, I'm just pointing out the obvious. I don't follow the Trump narrative, so I am a ctr shill. Just scroll up and see how many people have called me such because they are illiterate Trump cock-riders.

I ain't cryin' … I find it equally pathetic and hilarious.

Why must we accept sand niggers to get rid of our African ones? Let's just deport all of our niggers…and not take any more. Problem solved.

You wouldn't understand it if they gave you one, they'd just be stuck in a neverending cycle of correcting your lies/idiocy.

Whose fault is that? Go make a family, dumbass.

There we go

lol reported

why don't you just suck a syrians dick you sycophant?

Remember, the most likely person to kill you is yourself. Better deport yourself before you get killed and take in a vetted Syrian refugee family of certified geniuses instead.

wtf I love reports now

GTFO they are the same. They share a huge border and are nothing but a breeding ground for mudslime terrorists.

Don't ever use my wife's face for your shitposting again.

What are are there space aay lmaos trying to land here or what?


And so you're ready for the actual final red pill, brother

I am, are you?

Once again the skittles DO NOT REPRESENT THE NUMBER OF PHYSICAL REFUGEES! It only represents the odds on an attack. Either way it does not detract from the original argument. Even if the odds are slim for eating a poision skittle why would you even reach uour hand in if you knew that all it takes is one to kill you?

You just need to accept the fact that constant terror attacks the new norm.



It also treats human life cheaply.

Absolutely disgusting.



And we're the autistic ones.

You don't ever bring a man's waifu into ideological disputes. Absolutely no sense of honor or dignity, as expected of a leftist.

ur waifu a shit

This is all well and fun lads, but I think we are playing the wrong angle while trying to win over bleeding heart fags. Since, they can't into personal security, and have no concept of what a threat is, you simply can't dissuade them from importing poz loads.

Instead, show them the effect it has on the countries they come form. I found this video to be highly effective at just that. This is what we should be shoving down normies' throats.

Even the legal immigrants that wait years in the system to come here can't be called highly vetted.
Can anyone really believe these recordless, practically smuggled people who come here as quick as a whim are highly vetted?
Don't forget that the doctors responsible for leaking that that horde of "child" migrants were infested with diseases long thought extinct or wiped from the US were silenced, with some replaced, and all had extra security assigned to them specifically to keep word from getting out.




Syrian is just the nationality they chose to put on papers because it gives them priority over other asylum seekers. I don't understand why liberals still believe that since many of those refugees are obviously coming from destabilized African countries.

A better analogy would be that someone put m&ms in the skittle bowl and that arbitrary number doesn't meant shit because estimates imply that there is a limited supply of disorder and chaos. If there were actual bowls with poisoned skittles to eat liberals would eat out of them just to make a point.

I just realized that Trump Jr is 6'1".

Son of a god.

Country has very few Muslims (

How hard can it be to make poison skittles?

If you are explaining then you are losing

The problem isn't that we're taking a handful, its that our friends and us are being forced to eat every single one which guarantees someone gets poisoned and we're gambling that it won't be us.

gas yourself you furfag hilldog intern.

She's such a slut



Regardless of whether you follow the Trump narrative or not, you're still a filthy a race traitor who deserves to be hanged. Take this as your record corrected.

Why the fuck do they care what Trump Jr. said and why are they making it an attack on his dad?
That's like if I said "hey, Romano Mussolini made some pretty good music, give Benito a break!"

Draw a line on the bowl marking where that would be. Be sure to take into account you are dealing with a half-sphere and not a cylinder.

I'm gonna have to watch this movie again

…. What?

10.9 billion?


Trips confirmed, Miku's little whore.

Someone who's better at photoshop than I am, should take this Pew research infographic and put it on top of the bowl. Or something.

don't eat the brown ones and you should be just fine


That's shameless, even for them.

the beach-kid thing was the kickoff of a larger meme to try to normalize mass, uncontrolled migration, but it didn't work and actually ended up paving the way for people to talk about immigration in general and not just "refugees"



That's an incredibly retarded graphic tbh fam.

top kek

Fear is the goal. Be afraid enough to vote your rights away, doesnt matter which """"candidate""""wins.


Oh Jew.

Following some link within the article, the reference comes from
And from there, some trove of information and picture. Quite interesting

Pics related, poster for the movie "The eternal jew"


What you need to meme is not the fact that a tiny minority of muslim terrorist may sneak in with the refugees, what you need to hammer normies over the head with is the undeniable fact that the only minority among muslims are the ones who DO NOT want to kill you I think there should be at least one or two of them somewhere in the world

Trump Jr's original post is also wrong as most of the skittles in the bowls would kill you, not just a few among them

That's why it's more effective. The 7% is obvious liberal propaganda and even then it's 4-5 times more than the '3 are poisoned' from the original pic.
The 7% also applies to every muslim worldwide. Obviously the percentage from Syria would be much higher.

Funny thing is, the odds aren't too bad if you only eat one.

The genius of Trump Jr's tactic is that it forces SJW faggots to try and debunk the logic behind it - same logic they used for the poisoned M&M meme.

A fair point, but the wording needs work.

For someone in the know, that'll make sense - but to the average normie, it seems like you're supporting their case.

stop slut shaming, shitlord

Checked and Kekked

Die in a fire, slut. ;^)


Also need to hammer on taqiyya.

Taqiyya destroys this whole argument, as it basically leads us to the conclusion that nothing these people say can even be trusted, as their religion has a permissive doctrine which allows them to lie so long as they are doing it to gain access to the weakness of infidels.

When you take that into account, the whole prospect of using self-reported data goes out the window, and you can just point at the doctrine and how easily it can be - and is - interpreted as supportive of violence via jihad.

Don't burning-in-a-fire shame me, shitlord

Use gumballs, instead.

Do not mix truth with falsehood and do not deliberately hide the truth Qur'an 2:42


General crime and welfare/economic burden of Muslims is a far more serious concern than terrorism IMO. As well as the general trend of demographic replacement.

Too bad normies don't seem to care about these issues.

you're a fucking disgrace and the reason our civilization is in danger. get a job and find a wife.

Die in two fires, slut. ;^)


well fuck m8 that's as dumbed-down as I could go

What argument are they even trying to make?

Your propagandizing to normies.

You have to go dumber.


Don't tell me to not touch hot things! Tell hot things to stop being hot!


Apparently the guy who took the photo is a Greek refugee who emigrated to Britain. He wasn't paid for use of the photo, and doesn't like that the evil nationalists used it to argue against the Refugee "Crisis".

From MSN news:

Chris is best girl faggot.

It may be useful to mention that Israel shares a border with Syria yet they have accepted zero refugees.

No more refugees to the USA until Israel starts to take their fair share! :^)

Already have. :^)

She's a good girl even if she was raped by spics. Build the wall, do it for her.

I didn't know the image of the bowl mattered.
What a bunch of dumb fucking libcucks.

How about this?

spread it like AIDS

That's pretty fucking great.

Sides: gone

Noice work fam.

Excellent spread it.

fuck you Stan

what pathetic counter-propaganda

especially because… wait… 10.9 BILLION??? There are only 7 billion on the planet……. What the fuck is he trying to say?

Anyways… we're taking in like 200k muslims?? probably more? not 10.9 billion. So the percent remains ~10%.

Also, I still don't get it. If it's still ~10% then we're talking about 1.09 billion terrorists. Vox is retarded.

If this is posted anywhere on reddit post the url here some we can upboat it.

Please make sure you don't directly link to reddit though. leave off ""


Leftist can't into reason and logic. And math.

ALSO, do they think the ONLY radical islamists are members of ISIS? All 30k of them? Because that's not even true.

It's not so much the bombings and the wanton mass murders themselves that's the problem, the problem is that the rest of the bowl is cheering those motherfuckers on as they're at it.

Percentage of Muslims who consider a child raping warlord to be the greatest person in history: 100%

Nice. Share that on Twitter

Holy fuck that's perfect. Great work, user.

Got that picture of a news article that counted all the dead, and covered the entire front?

(((They))) might scoff at the percentages, but when Mudslimes blow their top, it's like a lottery winning in murders.

>If you want to fix the violence in America, the solution isn't to cry about the highly vetted 10,000 syrians the US has let in.

FALSE DILEMMA. And we're talking about terrorism here, not the daily black violence

Yeah, sure.

Excellent. Throw it at their faces on Twitter

Why syrians have to come to the US
pic related

That's a good one too. Add more photos. The Bataclan massacre for example.

Great and bump.

The deed is done. Spread it if you have the inclination lads. If not, then dont worry. As other anons have stated this issue of skittles is taking care of itself

Just another day on Holla Forums.


But what are the odds if you're a homosexual? Or don't those lives matter.

So instead of 10.9 billion which is completely deceiving, the number should be 3.3 million.

Then how many terrorist attacks have there been in the past 12 months. Then multiply that number by a decade or three, based on the age range of terrorist. If only one Muslim per a million is a terrorist in a given year and it is more than that in the past year, the real number would be something like 1 in 50,000 if we see an age range of 20 years among terrorists.


This is being passed around on normiebook. "Poisoned candy" originates from the nazis, of courshe!


These kikes are shameless.

We're in the final stage of indoctrination when normies will look at this shit and not bat an eye.

Just because they're called truffles doesn't mean they're candy.

wife should obey husband and death for adultery isnt that bad.

really makes you think.

This can be retorted by asking for a number of acceptable deaths caused by Islam.

also use archive you faggot

doesn't make a difference, these people just make up shit anyway.

Invoking Nazis doesn't have the same negative cachet as it used to. The people producing this shit just don't realize that yet.

It's getting a lot of love on twitter so far

Depends, what kinda bomb we talking about?

go luck up the market crash of 1929, then research food chain disruptions.

That's what would happen if you wiped out NY/NJ, you fucking idiot.

The idea is that if I gave you a bowl of skittles and told you that 5% of them were poisoned and may kill you, would you eat any? in reality half or more are poisoned

It's a comparison to show that even if only 5% of Muslims or refugees are terrorists, we still should not allow any.

thank you user

good show

How's this

Whoopi weighs in:

It's like the whites are more likely to be serial killers meme, an outright lie.
Weren't there even more native and asian mass shooters than white ones?
She goes on to name Dylan Roof but how many whites were murdered by blacks before Roof said "Enough!"?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Calm the Fuck Down

I think people are missing an important point.

Donald Junior said these bad things. He's a very naughty boy.

Soon Hillary may debate Donald Snr.
If she uses Donald Jr's bait to attack Donald Snr, what does this allow?

That's Right
Donald Snr may legitimately go after BILL

You guys missed the joke, but it's ok.

Real nice.

Can't wait for some libcuck to go

It was fairly clear as it was, just needed a little cleaning up.

According to?

Sargon of Cuck-aid is having a meltdown on twitter btw fam

That's just manipulative polling. 93% of muslims not supporting ISIS doesn't mean that only 7% of muslims condone violence/terror.


I'm reading it right now. holy shit. Gaymergoy cucks will still suck his mud dick, though.

They're right, refugees aren't Skittles.


He can go after Bill anyways.



we could seriously do a better job than all these media outfits

So, the analogy is flawed because of what exactly?

The "satire" version s still right. If there's 10.4 billion skittles and one is poisoned or makes my balls fall off, I'd still not eat a single one.

The very same dumbshits who counts only the successful attacks and ignoring all the others that get foiled by the national security.
Oh it's just an attack once in a while, just deal with it, right?

You'll find your family and friends hanging soon

Are brown skittles poisoned?

I did this in paint, photoshop would be better. I can upload the pictures, but someone else has to do it if the quality is to get any better.

can you crop that cancerous shit away next time, kthx

People add ifunny to their memes all the time, ill let you figure out why

And she's comparing CITIZENS to non-citizens.

I posted this pic on my Goybook and got kicked out of a group by a butthurt leftist. Feels good.

There aren't 10.9 billion people on the planet let alone 10.9 billion mislims.

Nor in the US, or any single country.

But then the muslim bowl sure is big.

someone didn't read the thread at all

7% is still a far larger portion than 3 skittles mate, even if the issue is much larger than that it's less confronting to the publics world view's