The alt right's No.1 daily read has released a new chapter.
The Adventures of Christ Chan is an ongoing Holla Forums based comic series started in mid 2015.
Read the whole comic series here:

Support the artist's patreon and help him spread our cause!



something something this is bad don't read it something

Advertising cancer, get gassed



Nigger lover cancer. Go kill yourself


is jesus whipping jews again?

Stop ruining Christ-chan, you massive faggot.


Wow, you're reaching for new heights. Spamming pre-school tier comics and shilling the artist, kill yourself painfully as possible

he's just a trump 0.1 charity…


i heard nigger loving liberals kill themselves like lemmings, nigger lover



Keep posting your cringy shit, autiste. Pretty sure someone is delusional enough to give you patreon jewgolds.

This OC is objectively pure undiluted cringy shit that and the faggot (you) use Patreon to BEG for shekels.

Buy an ad.

This now a Lulu Simmons thread



He's an e-begging shitskin who makes shit art, expecting him to pay for something is ridiculous.


You're a leftist.





how much rich white old men cock she sucked?





Sage and report.
Or just report. The mods do delete these shitty threads.

I did. I swear to god we get a subversive Tumblr tier e begging who throw a shitfit when their "art" is critisized.

"Hay guyse here is Holla Forums maymay, I am one of you give me shekels!"