Leftist literally are the bourgeoisie
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice anecdote, user.
user, can you explain me why all of those people are advocating for socialism and marxism? Are they looking for equality and honesty>?
I could explain it, but would you understand?
The tl/dr is that the prols right wing bigots
stupid board doesn't let you upload pdf
comrades, we need to seize the means of file production!
So this is all mainly about psychology? Generation Z really fucked up
it's nice to pretend (:
i'm interested in leftist ideas. read a lot about anarchism. i ask myself should capitalism be replaced with a social system organised to the benefit of workers? i say yes
i look at some leftists around that have come to my attention. when i profile them i notice they are academics or private school educated or university educated, bourgeoius or basically cash poor aristocracy.
i'm would say i am part of that large majority class that deludes itself into thinking it's middle class but is really working class. i'm in none of the above categories
radical left and working class and organised is not something that has stood out to me at all
I know the truth hurt little buddy but if you can't handle it go back to you safe space and cry some more….p.s We gave out over 3,000 turkey's yesterday to the needy…what did you do?
asking logical questions and espousing a balanced world view hasn't been acceptable on Holla Forums since the Holla Forumstard infiltration happened in 2012.
what you see now is the teenaged afterbirth, e.g. this delusional young man:
So in other words you did nothing to help the poor yesterday…..go back back to playing with your dragon dildo the adults are talking.
Take the liberal pill: youtube.com
Give this a legitimate chance, you may find yourself agreeing with him.
it's the unabomber's manifesto (well a part of it). he had an odd definition of what a leftist was and was himself an anarchist
that's basically what he says, yeah. but also read what he says about "the power process". it basically entails having moderate/difficult goals to achieve that you can gain self-worth from, but modern techno society has deprived many people from this, which probably aggrevates the low self-esteem problem
actually that reminds me: just today I saw a Holla Forums thread on the front page that was basically title "does anyone else just play video games just for the feeling of accomplishment?"
anyway, i found a board that will take the file: 8ch.net
how about you move the fuck out of my country you traitor piece of shit. i can't stand little shitbirds like you. our grandfather and great grandfathers fought and risked everything to fight nazism. i can understand and tolerate the rise of white nationalism in our country, but make no mistake, you little ingrate, you don't belong in this country. so get the fuck out.
If you think that's why WW2 was fought then you are clearly ignorant i suggest you educate yourself.
oh right. it was fought cuz of the cryptojooz right?
how could i forget
Ignorance is not a virtue friend.
1913 is when the Federal Reserve was created, so the jews were already in control of USA for at least a few decades before WW2 (and of course they controled the UK long beforehand)
Hitler kicked them out of power germany, and created his own labor-backed currency - something they could never forgive him for, even though those same jews were responsible for the horrible Weimar republic with its hyperinflation and soul-crushing debt
but that's really old history, just old nazi tales. surely nothing like that could ever happen again…
OP here, To anyone reading i'd like to add that this time of year there is a lot of work to be done and you can do a lot of good for people by volunteering even a few hours a week makes a positive impact. P.S it's a good way to meet chicks.
you're dumber than the niggers you claim to hate if you learn history from Holla Forums and youtube.
nice counter point containing no evidence!
Not an argument
degenerates out!
are you fucking serious? his main claim is that german aggression had nothing to do with the US entering the war. pro tip: you can't fucking read
i said this exact same thing in a thread last night to another teenager going through a hitler phase:
it's not meant to be and argument. arguing with you, someone who is at best academically biased to the extreme (although i'd hasten to bet you ever read more than a few paragraphs of a proper history book), and at worst a genocidal maniac, would be a complete fucking waste of everyone's time.
i just come here once in a while when i'm pooping to remind you dumb kids that you don't actually know what you're talking about. HENCE you're forced into your circle jerk threads of hate on Holla Forums and Holla Forums where no one will challenge your rather pitiful world view.
It's self evident - "learning" from obviously biased sources isn't really learning.
Anyone see Hex today?
Not an argument
You are the one that made the claim that i learned history for an internet image board ….i didn't confirm you assumption because it is false…hence …not an argument.
In fact this pic nor it's content is an argument.
I am not that poster as evidenced by our differing flags, and also, you're a retard.
Hitler and his Nazi party were not socialists. They were a populous party. They were socialists in name only, much like Democratic people's republic of North Korea. The Nazi party called themselves socialists in order to appeal to more voters.
However socialism and populism share many viewpoints populism works and functions very differently then socialism. The biggest difference is that populism actually functions in favor of the common man while socialism really only works for the political elites.
Just learned this a few weeks ago myself. So don't feel bad about not knowing until now.
Not an argument
Arguing on behalf of the posters point….hence why i addressed you dummy.
muh leftypol memes…..sad
not an argument
oh look, another deranged pedo on Holla Forums pretending to be an upstanding person.
wow what an earth shattering revelation that must have been for you.
we just had this entire, retarded, history for mentally incapacitated townie teens 101 conversation last night:
What? I didn't post anything about pedo?
Notice how leftist try to derail the tread to draw away attention for the observable truth of the original post?
How's your BO's throat btw poledditor?
implying the person posting this isn't a Holla Forums faggot trying to make it seem like the opposition doesn't use the same retarded tactic of shitposting infographics.
let me share something that will blow your massively undeveloped little minds. gather round, my little padawans: old fags are not nazis. Holla Forums ruined everything that was magical and good about Holla Forums
i realize that most of you are teenagers or kids in their early 20s who have been grossly mislead by a really fascinating blend of russian propaganda and unbalanced, hateful, unsourced rhetoric. this is a phenomenon truly worthy of its own in depth sociological study. just check yourselves *:
you are such a fucking moron
Oh boy another "oldfag" here to lecture us about the history of Holla Forums.
protip: Holla Forums was never good
That single phrase is the only truth you need to know.
imageboards as a whole were a lot better before stormfaggotry. the internet in general was back in those times too so correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation but i suspect stormfaggotry had a lot to with degradation of imageboards too
>>>Holla Forums
Nigger stormfaggotry was a whole lot less prevalent even two years ago, don't even try to pretend it wasn't progressives that actively ruined and destroyed online communities one by one.
At least they're trying. You've gotta give them points for that.
No I don't, and I won't.
I come here to laugh, not cringe.
Pic related.
you are my muse
immigrants are helping, i'll give that. but if you don't understand just how significant the russian information warfare campaign is in fanning the flames in an attempt to stop the EU (i.e. a united germany and france) from becoming a super power, then i'm afraid you might just be the intellectual peasant i just assume you are.
doesn't look like they're doing a good job
The audacity of these bloated eurocrats is amazing.
reminder time
I won't say anything else for now. I wouldn't want to get "humored," after all.
Sure, sure. The EU is all about uniting Germany and France, goyim.
yes, the complexities of regional economics and international relations all boil down to the jooz
nigger you are so simple.
im not turning off my ad blocker to read that but i agree, the EU is doing a terrible job, much to russia's delight.
Yes, the complexities of mass migration and economic destruction all boil down to muh Russia.
Nigger you are so simple.
and the myopic dingbats that inhabit Holla Forums, consciously or not, are helping the future of russian regional dominance.
no, i'm not saying that at all. i'm saying that you and the other shitbirds on Holla Forums are being taken for a fucking ride and if you actually give a fuck about western supremacy you better start rethinking some things, namely EU dissolution.
Ooh, a zinger. What are you going to call me next? A poopyhead?
BAD GOY! You're supposed to be helping ISRAEL! The Russians are bad, bad peopl! Trust us! When have we ever tricked you, goyim?
Yes, by the unelected bureaucrats that run the EU.
Given that under the current EU leadership, there won't be a West in fifty years, I think I'll take my chances
Not only would dissolving the EU not destroy the West; it's pretty much the only option to preserve the West.
it's obvious the EU has serious problems which it needs to get under control, namely immigration i agree. but from a security POV dissolving the EU (and NATO for that matter) wholesale will be akin to handing the next 50 years to the russian government who multiple times more corrupt and untrustworthy than anyone in brussels. individual european states might as well be throwing bb's at russian tanks when they inevitably cross into the baltics and elsewhere
from an economic POV, EU dissolution will be sealing the deal on global chinese economic hegemony for the next 50 to 100 years easily.
She was probably a liberal social democrat. Communists don't dress like that in general.
the kid is just making up stories. he has made a couple other threads today pretending to be different people.
and now comes the most funny thing:
the commie faggots actually believe they represent the proletarians and their worries. Then the commies come to power and the faggots go to the walls first. Happens every time.
do you guys really walk around in everyday life and say to yourselves "hmm based on the way that person dresses he/she must be a communist"? "oh that person says something i don't agree with ipso facto he's a commie."
it's astonishing. the world outside of this retched shit stained taint of an image board is literally 99.999% generally liberal generally centrist or generally right wing
the people around you are simply not delusional extremists like yourselves.
you Holla Forums tards just can't resist posting a silly hitler picture every 2 minutes, huh?
If it weren't for ''delusional extremists", there would've been no liberal revolutions and we would still be living under feudal monarchies. How does that sound to you.
lol, you're a pathetic bootlicker.
said the acne-faced teenager typing furiously on the computer his parents bought for him
except that's not a quote from hitler, moron
did you guys know there is a realm of knowledge that is not infographic and youtube related?
Not an argument.
literally louise mensch-tier
you're on an imageboard, you fucking dolt. pictures are used to supplement posts - and both of those are not "infographics"
yes except it used to be funny pictures, or interesting pictures, or unique pictures, or creative pictures. not ideological gobbledygook taken out of context and posing as legitimate proof of anything other than the fact that you're a retard for posting it.
i fucking know, you dipshit
these fucking guys
except that's not what happened
this is case in point: misled teenager posting tired old pictures that aren't funny and are only mildly ideologically provocative to retarded misled teenagers who role play the other side of the political spectrum.
this is the autistic, cancerous after birth of Holla Forums that has been slowly festering since the stormfag invasion circa 2012.
implying you're old enough to understand where you sit politically
When is the next get together?
At least the Russians aren't trying to genocide Europeans.
Better than actively encouraging the invaders when the Moors come flooding in, Camp of the Saints style
What exactly is "economic hegemony" going to do for me when my people are all gone and replaced by shitskins? Why the fuck should I care about "economic hegemony" when the cost of "economic hegemony" is having my entire race wiped out and our culture destroyed?
You're a fucking jew rat. No concern whatsoever for the preservation of people. No, we're all just numbers to be manipulated so that you and your IMF friends can put out reports on how much bigger the numbers are this year compared to last year, and how that means that we've maintained "economic hegemony", whatever the fuck that means.
You've never seen antifa, have you?
Does it trigger you?
Better than living under the boot of foreign invaders while our "liberal democracy" governments arrest us for pointing out that these "new Europeans" are raping, murdering thugs.
Much freedom. Such wow.
Did you know that there's a realm of knowledge that isn't based on regurgitating the lies your sociology professor taught you?
what you have is a class of politicians who are trying to make amends for the centuries of actual genocide, rape, pilfering, and abuse of black and brown countries (oh the horror!). european tax dollars funded libya, iraq, syria. now they're reaping what they have sewn. now you're butthurt because black and brown people are getting a chance to thrive. and you blame it on the jews because they're a convenient and time tested scapegoat.
sorry but you have no hard evidence of a grand conspiracy on the part of belgium to arabize the EU. what you have is a legitimate crisis sparked by war and economic terrorism imposed on the middle east and africa, plus a liberal democratic order that refuses to send refugees back to either drown, starve, or if they're lucky spend the rest of their lives in poverty (oh the horror!)
some interesting points worth considering. but if you think that china isn't a superpower to be reckoned, and that they won't be for the next 50 to 100 years then you're simply off the mark.
my original point was that the EU as an institution is the only chance that individual, especially weak, european chances have in determining their own economic fate WHILE not eventually falling into petty regional wars and nationalistic conflicts the way they have done over and over for the past five centuries up to WWII.
>You're a fucking jew rat
yada yada yada
at this point i'm questioning the validity of your almost convincing points about china
resorting to sensationalism
resorting to butthurt sterotypes
solid C-, which is actually fantastic for a Holla Forums tard townie like yourself.
Your level of ignorance is amazing.
your level of not having anything substantial to contribute is amazing.
facts that vindicate your worldview
what's silly is that i actually agree with you that the writer of that tweet is retarded.
probably not as hateful and generally depraved as you, but a retard nonetheless.
you may be unaware of this but just in case you weren't: that user already knew that about you before posting it
I'm neither hateful or depraved.
I'm a mind reader?
But you are retarded, aren´t you user?
Oh absolutely! don't tard shame me bro
We all retarded here. You´re in good company
i don't think so. i think the implication was that he thinks i must be the self righteous SJW type of person who wrote it because i don't share his extremist, fascistic view of the world.
wow, aren't you easy and breezy. i like you bro you seem like a mellow dude and i appreciate that.
if you weren't able to tell based off of his posts that he obviously would've thought that person in your pic is retarded - then i am afraid you might be the retard, user.
Why? Why should my people have to "make amends" for doing exactly what every other group of people in history has done?
So systematically wiping out the culture and peoples of an entire continent isn't genocide then?
I guess it's only genocide when it happens to brown people.
So… because the political elites decided to invade countries, now the European people must suffer for it as the elites who launched the invasions live comfortably in guarded estates?
Sounds like logic.
Being allowed to rape and murder my people is "getting a chance to thrive?"
Of course, it couldn't be that the jews were the ones who supported invasions and cultural degradation in the past. No, the fact that the jews have been kicked out of countries over a hundred different times is entirely because they were blamed by evil whitey.
Jews are good boys. Dey didn' do nuffin'.
So the fact that every Western European country will be majority Muslim by 2100 isn't evidence?
And why is it our job to take care of these people?
I wonder (((why))).
Better than them spending the rest of their lives in Europe.
Again, what does that fucking matter? In a few decades, there won't even be a Europe if the EU continues to exist. And you're telling me that that's perfectly okay, because at least for the next few decades Europe will still have bigger numbers than other parts of the world.
In Munich, thousands of women were raped by invaders as part of a systematic "rape game" where the invaders take turns raping women and attacking anyone who tries to stop them. In Rotherham, thousands of British girls were raped by invaders while the police did nothing, and even arrested fathers who tried to help their daughters, because they were afraid of being called "islamophobic." In Sweden, there are entire sections of the country where the Swedes cannot live because the invaders have turned them into states-within-a-state. Even the police and emergency services can't enter. The same is happening in France. Across Europe, there have been dozens of terror attacks which your limp-wristed bureaucrats have been unable to prevent, which never would have happened if the invaders that perpetrated the attacks hadn't been invited in.
How is this not evidence of muslims in Europe being a privileged class that forces the rest of the continent to live under their collective boot heel?
I'm genuinely curious,Do you really not understand humor?
All excellent points i concede the argument
oh boy here we go, this is the last one before i fuck off for the night.
implying anyone other that white europeans (and to a much lesser extent arabs) engaged in centuries of systematic oppression and colonialism.
logical miscue. you're implying that white genocide is an actual thing, i'm refuting that point. we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
nope. plenty of others. nothing i've said here would contradict my belief in that fact.
again, the whole premise of your statement assumes that white genocide (as your mind perceives it anyway) is a fact. again, i think it's a silly sensationalistic claim only believed by a fringe element of loony toons on /pol and a few other places. what you see as an white genocide, i see as a very real refugee crisis which has ADMITTEDLY done the following: increased instances domestic terrorism, increased incidents of rape of european women by foreigners, probably increased the likelihood of white people intermarrying and interbreeding with non whites, and hurt the EU middle and lower classes – it is a real crisis that I'M NOT DENYING YOU CONTEMPTIBLE roodypoo
it is NOT a genocide, however, by any reasonable definition of the word.
Jews are good boys. Dey didn' do nuffin'.
you're overlooking the diverse set of stakeholders and complex interplay of issues because you're a biased, hateful person. you can't conceive of any reality beyond the it's the jooz religion you've fallen for hook line and sinker.
like i said before, because the notion of sending back hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of people to drown, starve to death, or live in abject poverty is an abhorrent option if you're a person of any moral worth (i.e. not you).
that bullshit. read above, i agree with you up to a point. what you and other Holla Forums tards are doing is not helping, however, it's merely stoking the fire and hastening the collapse of european society which you claim to be representing.
get over it faggot. i understand it's out of control, but you're just a hateful romantic at the end of the day. what you're suggesting, presumably is repeating history by falling into a pattern of toxic nationalism, state-sponsored racism, and a general lack of compassion for other human beings.
Funny how bolshevik jew commies killed the tsar and installed a rothschild central bank huh? Why would commies need a rothchild capitalist bank? "Pure Coincidence" :^)
All Wars Are Bankers Wars:
All you Holla Forums faggots will scream that its capitalism, welp I hate to break it to you, nope its the kikes. King Kike is a Rothchild. But the original commies were 80-90% jews so I would expect the same numbers who frequent a tranny hell hole like Holla Forums.
we were a bit overdue for some rothschild infographicss!! XD
how are you dimitry?
I'm late but I smoked some more weed and drew this in ms paint.
The flag has a heart on it
Allow me to disagree user
That's a valid argument.
Как вы, рабби? Был ли литровый лимон в правильной температуре?
The left dont like fact, because facts go against the narrative they are trying to build
Facts have a nagging habit of exposing "coincidences"
fucking saved tbh
lel, dat name fagging
Also fun fact: 95% of "syrian" "refugees" come from North and Central Africa.
yeah, as usual you're misrepresenting and/or completely misunderstanding the content of my post. but that's fine.
i explicitly said it's not okay and that the refugee crisis is out of control. unlike you, i'm NOT condoning state sponsored hatred and a slide back into conditions that caused two world wars. i know this must be extremely difficult stuff to wrap your head around.
here come the Holla Forums shills to dominate the narrative and disrupt any semblance of intelligent discourse!!!
actually now that i look at these infographics i see that they actually back up my core point that it's white american and european dudes that have sewn the current refugee crisis and that average eruopeans are paying the price.
thanks, user!
I'll have you know that i identify as Polsexual and your bigoted comment has been reported to the ADL for hate speech.
(((White))) America
try to stay on topic, dimitry,
>(((white)))) american and european dudes
>dominate the (((narrative)))
what? use your words, honey.
I'm back one more again
Webm #2…saved
Yes, the movement of political correctness since the 70s and feminism since sanger and the other rich intellectuals started making it about fabianism. And other such moves by social marxists ruined alot of the grass roots basic left wing movements. That was the point
Young working men kept out of university that was the point.
Kept on tv and internet,that was the point,entertained,doped to death.
The problem with socialism in general is it assumes anyone will help a cause if enough fuss is made even if that point is not really valid.
What starts as basic badly needed unions to try to enforce basic rights as a last ditch effort denigrates into strikes over bonus pay on holidays for train networks.
It doesnt matter how hard you cry you must try to do what you want to see yourself because no one else will do it or you can be crushed,ignored or maligned.
If something is given on the basis that can be abused some will abuse it. For every tax front scheme there are 8-9 legit businesses that need tax relief.
Another fun fact: Standard Oil tycoon J.P. Morgan was a Rothschild stooge. Where upon his death much of the world's "richest" man's assets were found to be controlled by the rothschild cartel.
give up already dude. you're not convincing anyone who doesn't already believe what you believe. jesus fucking christ.
just keep on stacking up the body's then fam
I'm back one more again one more again
Dang that looks like it would hurt, try getting a blowjob from a real girl next time. btw traps are gay.
How about the Muslims committing acts of genocide and forced religious conversion against the the native populations of the Caucasus, North Africa, and most of modern-day Iran, Pakistan, and northwest India?
How about China ethnically cleansing the Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Mongolians out of their ancestral territories that happen to be in the modern Chinese nation?
What about the Zulu? They wiped out virtually every other African tribe in modern-day Zimbabwe.
Or how about the various native American tribes, who despite professing to have no knowledge of "ownership of land" routinely massacred other tribes and drove them off their land? The Sioux virtually wiped out the Pawnee, and the Iroquois and Susquehanna tribes massacred each other for hundreds of years.
And what of the Aztecs, who dominated every other tribe in central America, forced them to pay tribute and follow Aztec customs? How about when they forced other tribes to send their people to be slaughtered in Aztec religious rituals? Was that not oppression? There's a reason Cortes was able to wipe out the Aztecs with only a few hundred men – many of the local tribes aided him, because they hated the Aztecs so much.
The Incas did much the same thing to the tribes of modern-day Peru.
Then there's the Mongols, who built the largest contiguous empire in history and forced everyone from the Russians to the Arabs to the Chinese to the Turkic tribes in Central Asia to pay tribute on pain of genocide. If they didn't get their money, they'd literally massacre every living thing in a village.
And what about the various West African tribes that conquered and enslaved each other? I know your sociology professor likes to pretend that slavery was a concept developed by the evil white devil, but the reality is that west African tribes were enslaving each other far before Europeans even discovered their lands – first among themselves, and later by selling them to the Arabs.
Then there's the Barbary slave trade, where hundreds of thousands of Europeans were enslaved for hundreds of years.
And there's the Ottomans, who conquered the Balkans and forced Balkan Christians to give up their children to be re-educated as Muslims and potentially be castrated so they could serve as court eunuchs.
Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but the concept of oppressing others isn't something developed by the evil white devil. Your precious PoCs have been oppressing each other for millennia.
Oh. So I guess the fact that thousands of young women were raped over the course of two decades, while the police did nothing to stop them and actively prevented their parents from stopping their daughters from being raped isn't a big deal. Anyone that points out that the rapists were literally allowed to get away with rape because they were muslim is just being "sensationalist" then. Silly me.
I don't care what flowery language you dress it up in. Every time some article attacking whites is published, it's almost always a kike author. Every time you see a NGO funneling shitskins into Europe, it's always a kike-ran organization. Every time activists in America oppose border control, half of them are kikes.
And this from a population that is about 1% of the total. Pure (((coincidence))), right?
Oh, so I should just ignore what I can plainly see with my two fucking eyes, that jews are massively over represented among the people destroying white societies?
They never belonged here in the first place.
So it's much less abhorrent to let them murder, rape, and destroy our societies? It's much less abhorrent to have the working class see their wages drop and their taxes rise?
Give me a fucking break jew. They're not my people. They're not part of my culture. They don't share any history with me. They're not part of my in group. As a result, I have no reason whatsoever to give a shit about their future, or care if they die.
I care for my ingroup. I do not care for outsiders. You, on the other hand, are perfectly fine selling out whites so that shitskins can benefit, because you're a spineless cuckold.
Oh, so the thousands of rapes were all "bullshit?" The women reporting that they were surrounded by groups of migrants and groped or raped are all "bullshit?"
I swear to fucking god, I'd give anything to know where you lived so I could come to your house and burn it down. With you inside.
Oh, so I should just "get over" people being murdered and raped? I suppose that would make it easy for you, wouldn't it Schlomo?
Better than toxic globalism.
I do have compassion. Compassion for my own people. YOU are the one with no compassion, as you seem to have no problem allowing millions of people to have their lives destroyed just to further some hare-brained globalist project.
Buzzwords are not arguments, Holla Forums.
Ah. So that's the compassionate leftist response to thousands of women being gang raped and millions of the working class being forced to live in a dystopian, low trust society.
"I said it's not okay!"
Not taking millions of shitskins into our countries caused two world wars?
just more more of the same. good night dude.
I can smell the gefilte fish from here, yid.
Quitters never win user …..shame shame shame
As a totally neutral observer i think it's fair to say that you won this debate. Congratulations
talking with you people just makes me sad. it's like talking to an automaton who just spouts the same rhetoric over and over and over and over. any human connection is totally lost. my points are completely misconstrued in typical strawman fashion and any points where we could feasibly agree and come to some kind of balanced conclusion are ignored outright. this is exactly the type of thing i'm talking about in the other thread about how Holla Forums has become a totalitarian outpost of Holla Forums.
You mean like making the same claim that whites should be murdered and raped because that's the "compassionate" thing to do over and over and over again?
You mean like making the false claim that whites were the only people to ever oppress anyone over and over again, even after being proved wrong?
You mean like claiming that mass rapes never happened, over and over again?
Translation:I have failed to convince anyone of my arguments as they are not based on factual evidence so i now shall present my butthurt for all to see and claim a faux victory.
We are working on two different levels. You see a Us vs Them situation with Capitalism vs Communism. I see who is pulling the strings of both, the master in the shadows if you will. This Carl Sagan analogy is that you are 2d and I am 3d, C'mon son there is a shitload of evidence to what we are talking about, until you acknowledge that it is possible that the people that own the money supply might not have everyone's best interest at heart, even to acknowledge that you are litteral cattle to these people you cannot win an argument against it. Try and be 4d.
and the strawmanning continues.
well you don't speak for everyone do you? and what factual evidence has the other side provided of a vast jewish conspiracy aimed at committing white genocide of europeans via immigration ITT. no need to pretend that you've thought critically about any of this.
i wish i had the constant backing of like-minded shills and hype men to prod up every comment i make. with that in mind, see how long your "facts" proving white genocide and a massive jewish conspiracy would last in a balanced academic setting – or even reddit for that matter where people are sometimes held accountable for the statements they make and the outright lies they tell.
And the lack of evidence continues.
ok, i realize you're a troll at this point, but for the sake of the impressionable young souls reading this thread, THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON THE PERSON MAKING AN OUTRAGEOUS CLAIM (e.g. a secret cabal of cryptojooz has managed to stealthily subvert the entire globe, eluding the chinese authorities, eluding the NSA, eluding the russians, the entrenched interests of the energy industry, the agribusiness industry, MI6, the french parliament, the multi math geniuses and technocrats running modern finance, the PhDs in economics and history etc etc etc WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY conspiring to carry out a white genocide using EU immigration policies).
YES! touché, user! my constant lack of evidence must be so TIRESOME for you.
>butthurt delusional leftists who don't realize communism is merely a tool used by powerful people to use ignorant leftists to overthrow regimes.
This is the way it has always happened throughout history with communists 100% of the time. From Russia to China to South America. It is always the same with communism and the stupid people who subscribe to it. Communism might as well be natures way of culling the heard of stupid people.
god you are a truly tremendous and inexhaustible faggot. resorting to the "it's the communists" line.
That's a valid point.
You mean like claiming that hundreds of thousands of murders and rapes are not occurring?
You mean like the claim that mass migration of the entire third world to Europe and America is not an inherently bad thing?
You mean like the claim that whites are the only people in history to oppress others?
You mean like the claim that whites have some obligation to take in millions of foreign invaders?
Yeah, the burden of proof is on you on those claims. I'm still waiting for some evidence to support your side.
I already went to the trouble of refuting every thing you said. You seem to be ignoring that fact. How convenient.
Any unmoderated forum where these arguments are allowed to be freely made completely obliterate the (((narrative))). That is why you have to have a thought police (admins, and mods) maintaining the (((narrative))) and removing any bay goys so the others don't get infected.
sorry, old sport but anyone with a 7th grade reading comprehension can see you're AGAIN strawmanning everything i've written ITT.
for the readers' reference: this is what i actually wrote
this is what the obvious Holla Forums tard is saying i wrote: >>7560560
*bad goys
The "Readers" WTF is that suppose to mean you racist!!
This is observably true.
Here's the claim that whites are the only people to oppress others:
"implying anyone other than white europeans engaged in centuries of systematic oppression"
Here's the claim that whites being reduced to a minority in their own homelands is not genocide:
"it is NOT a genocide, however, by any reasonable definition of the word"
Here's your claim that thousands of rapes never happened:
">in Munich, thousands of women were…
That bullshit."
Here's your claim that anyone who opposes mass replacement by foreign invaders is a "hateful romantic"
"get over it faggot. I understand it's out of control, but you're just a hateful romantic"
Here's your claim that whites have a moral duty to take in millions of invaders
"the notion of sending back hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of people to drown…"
Here's your claim that the conquest of Europe by muslims isn't happening:
"you have no hard evidence of a grand conspiracy on the part of beldium to arabize the EU"
I want evidence to support those claims, you filthy, lying jew rat.
oy vey bro.
Well i will blow out that first one then:
literally a thread on this topic right now:
Israel to shut migrant centre and deport Africans
Watch this, even a pre schooler could understand it:
THE DEATH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
THE JEWS ARE GUILTY of the ruination of America. What can we do to stop them even now before the final slicing of their knives into the effecting of the circumcision of our nation?
Fucking hell another one of these posters, let me guess you have never been on Holla Forums for more than 2 seconds to see how horribly antisemetic their memes are even before the election when they had threads after threads after threads of redpills and investigations and argumentations and just think its just a bunch of teenagers circlejerking because its the only valide explanation in your world view right?
Give me one source on this site, no in the whole of the fucking internet that is not biased. No? That's because there are none, there will always be an argument, preposition and stance taken by any kind of logical statement and no matter if its a book, a scientific paper of a fucking post by some random Holla Forumsack its always going to be biased somehow. The whole point of learning is to find patterns and relations between the points given to us and construct our own opinions yet you just hide under the shield of some autist's opinion being biased so that you can strawman that opinion as having no relation or pattern discernable with your own opinions. Literraly just calling someone out as having a view that is different than yours and thus you can not learn anything at all from them. Do you self-censor like this everywhere you go? Whenever you read a book you close it if the author's views is too biased and hurt your feefies so you can pull up the strawman card and act as though there is nothing you can learn at all from that book even though the author went through so much time and effort to make it? Here is a tip dumbass learning is a constant process and you can learn valuable life lessons from anywhere as long as you can make basic realtions between that and your own experiences. Seeing these dumbasses that act like a fuckton of people having a specific type of belief and opinion just got it out of nowhere and for no reason other than muh circlejerk is really annoying. Maybe you should learn to tolerate others shit and look deeper than your very limited and biased pool of valid knowledge.
lol i have 100ish more on just the first question, want me to keep going?
China is Nationalist Socialist TBH
read Bordiga
I have he's shit.
What are your thoughts about the EVILEST NAZI?
painfully obvious samefag
Wrong again
And the lack of evidence continues.
Fact check: True
oh its its detective shlomo shekelstein huh?
Holy shit, who gave you that idea shlomo? I love the originality to that image.
that's not a trap you fucking nigger
But that just sounds like a general psa tbh
bumping storytime
please explain more in depth i'd really like to know
this thread looks based
now that's what i called a based meme
oh boy more shitpills
oh boy more triggered sa geniggers