Need any more empirical evidence that White Nationalism is a terminal cancer for White people?
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Need any more empirical evidence that White Nationalism is a terminal cancer for White people?
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Whites are doomed for extinction. They are committing suicide.
But how can we know that all those mean posts weren't made by you?
Whites are doomed for extinction. They are committing suicide.
All different IP's. And no White Nationalist was critical of these threats on 25 separate threads. There silence was agreement by default.
You are welcome to post your white meetups based white man. Holla Forums likes this kind of stuff. Btw are there going to be lots of white qts over there? This black man would like to know
So its official, whites are going extinct, because some user says so, and his buthurt is proof. Nice thread.
And you know Whites are not going extinct? By making White cartoon babies in your mom's basement?
Nazi faggotry is AIDS, Cancer and Ebola combined. The OP demonstrates that (((White Nationalism))) has been, is and always will be anti White.
WN's have been making War against Whites for decades. It's time to respond in kind. They can never be reasoned with.
You know the guy's probably joking right?
Ever heard of shitposting?
i shitposted ur mom out of my butt
WN is shitposting ad nauseam on a site run by Jews. While the Jews run the world in real life.
As a Russian, I don't identify as white tbh
As an American I don't give a shit.
Jee! I wonder who's behind this post!
Holla Forumsyps are pure cancer. They have nothing better to do than threaten and bully people.
You mean like Jews?
Flagposting best posting
unironically this
Is that they guy that runs Holla Forums?
nah, or else e wouldnt be shitosting here. Is most likely an retard from Holla Forums
woww cumskins r done 4 hahahahahahaha