I used to jump on the bandwagon when it came to hating pedophiles. I never really thought about it. It was as basic as breathing or believing in God. Like most ppl, I eventually matured and re-examined some of the beliefs I had taken on from my parents and community to find that they did not have sound reasoning behind them. Hating a person for enjoying the sexual nature of children is beyond asinine; it is terrorism.
Have a lovely Sunday!
Camden Brooks
Samuel Rogers
I used to be pedo like you but then I took arrow in the heart. Now I am anti-pedo-pedo tbh.
Jackson Cooper
Self-loathing pedo? How original. Learn some self-respect tbh
Jose Jones
Did you brush your teeth yet anons?
Brandon Howard
It's okay to be an anti-pedo-pedo too tbh.
Wyatt Lopez
I used to be an anti-pedo-pedo like you but then I took arrow in the heart. Now I am anti-anti-pedo-pedo tbh.
Austin Phillips
Gabriel Flores
Little girls are so cute and precious, they must be cherished and caressed.
Ayden Miller
Gavin Jones
bigots >>>/4chan/ !
Benjamin Mitchell
Caleb Reed
When will she show up on the tv series?
Jace Hall
It was believable until the last line.
Matthew Moore
Grayson Moore
Jaxson Howard
Possible trap.
Nathaniel Butler
this is hebephilia not pedophilia, regardless of what society thinks
Jaxon Clark
use a trip so I can filter you too tbh
Lincoln Sullivan
t. closet pedo
Jeremiah Peterson
No, the first one is pedophilia as the girl looks 8.
Jason Flores
OP girl is obviously 12+. She already has breast development
Benjamin Parker
redirection squad is out I see
Brayden Martinez
that was me tbh. don't be fooled by the flag
Christopher Lopez
Ryder Perry
nice dubs, pedoanon
Jason Stewart
And the first one in your post isn't OPs girl. OPs girl is second one in that post.
Caleb Foster
Dearly from Holla Forums.
Jason Brown
Isaiah Cox
are you fucking retarded?
Joshua Evans
how new are you?
Logan Lopez
i love how it's Holla Forums tard wannabe nazis who are posting this filth, then they go into other threads and cry about globalist degeneracy.