Be thankful you were born a man because even the most pathetic straight man is still more dignified than the most famous whore. Women are literally made to be cum dumpsters. Don't feel scared around women, they are physically weaker than a young boy, and the only difference really is that they have tits. You're not scared of a boy with tits are you?
Be thankful you were born a man because even the most pathetic straight man is still more dignified than the most...
thx for giving me strength to rape!
Bitter beta detected.
nice ass
Sort of the right idea but you missed a lot of key elements like: they fucking suck at being human beings, they're dumber than the most average guy 99% and the 1% that isn't are fucking socially retarded, they make terrible single parents, they are fucking leeches especially once you're married to them and they inevitably divorce you, they're mentally unstable, they think they're men when they aren't even close to being little boys and they are the closest things on Earth to demons
Found the virgin
the thing that made me begin seeing the pussies for what they really are was periods - not actually the period itself though that is unfathomably gross, its tampons… i find it endlessly hilarious to think that, at any given moment, roughly 1/5 of all the fuck-age women you see have a wad of cotton stuffed up their vagoo and they're just walking around with that shit…
it is fuckn impossible for me to see them as anything except pathetic when i think of that…
don't know why you're screamin for me, but here i am!
Yet they can still rip out my heart and throw it away, leaving me in a miserable state.
I talked to a girl today, felt normal.
sack up and be a man already -
you have very little control over external reality
the only thing you do have any real control over is your own reaction to external reality…
bitches arent making you miserable, YOU are making you miserable…
To be honest, I don't care anymore. I've seen how fucking disgusting women can be, but I don't really give a fuck about it. I mean, what's the point? I'm not some 16-year-old teenager trying to get laid. I've got better things to worry about than how women behave and shit, which means that, in my opinion, women can go suck some nigger's dick. I've had enough with this shit.
Feels good having my first vacation for my salaried job and I don't have my time and money being sucked dry by a cunt. I have complete freedom.
Just leaving this here.
-the only virgin here
They are so disloyal it's crazy. Couple days ago I was hanging out with a friend and his girlfriend or whoever the fuck she was - point is he was definitely fucking her - came with us. We were having a grand ole time when out of nowhere this slut grabs my arm and asked me if I knew of any good spots to hang out after class (uni so no underage) while me and my friend were talking. So I continue to act like she practically doesn't exist and talk to my friend when she starts rubbing my dick while he was watching. Out of respect for him, I removed myself from the situation by pushing her off me and told him I had somewhere else to be. I left pretty pissed because it was obvious as fuck that she was trying to start some shit between me and my friend. Get these manipulative bitches off this planet
Good lad.
WOW! Such a revelatory essay!
There's certainly some truth in it, but I get the impression that the author doesn't get out much. Part of the reason why the battle of the sexes is raging today is because men (whether liberal or anti-feminist) are playing right into the most insufferable women's hands. I'm guilty of it, myself, but I've come to learn that the less time you spend worrying about gender roles and feminism, the less frustrated and bitter you become.
Much like feminists, if you spend your time thinking about the negative traits in a group of people, you begin seeing those traits everywhere you look. Most women don't really give a shit about feminism and are just trying to live relatively normal lives; and if you think otherwise, you need to remove yourself from whatever hipster or academic cesspool you inhabit. And if you need a submissive woman who just kowtows to you and never challenges your beliefs, then that says a lot more about you than it does women.
Fact is, this thread is undoubtedly full of bitter betas who've either been scorned or don't receive enough attention from women.
you're mom based