How can one man be so redpilled?

How can one man be so redpilled?
Why didn't you listen?

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His son is such a fucking faggot, though.

Too bad he didn't take the final red pill, you know, not being a fucking lolberg.

I wasn't on Holla Forums during his campaign, but I remember thinking how suspicious it was that CNN wouldn't give him any airtime.

Trump realized this. That's why he did everything he could to get attention during the primaries. He forced the media to cover him…otherwise, they would've ignored him like they did with Ron.

The media let him down. That's why I think that the press should call it's viewers racists and bigots, because it plants a seed of doubt where people can realize what truly (((rules))) over them,

Ron Paul is out of touch. That or he was always controlled opposition put in place to keep us occupied. The day he said he "couldn't" vote for Trump is the day I lost all respect for the senile bastard.


I'm confident RP in his prime would recognize Trumps righteousness, he's too old to be assumably rational now

lolbergtardianism is a form of autism, he can't help himself.


Its that final hump that libertarians tend to not be able to get over. Our present situation doesn't allow us to wait until people want to adopt liberty or whatever.

Also the meme of Paul was about warning the people of the eminent destruction (aka Doom Paul) but never about the action we must take to stop it. That is why it was so powerful for its time (2009 to ~2013 was its prime) but fell out of favor when there was renewed vigor in the favor of pushing back instead of just accepting defeat. This is why the meme of Trump is so strong and so needed in these times.



but user, we did listen.

why do you think Holla Forums is still around, and more successful than ever.

the 2012 elections were a shitshow though, half/pol/ was nearly unusablenot that I know what it's like these days.

To be fair trump is kind of an idiot and he has guareenteed the destruction of the republican party



Today I will remind them.

Have you ever heard trump talk? Hes very inarticulate and has been vague on all policy issues. I refuse to believe anyone even the people who constantly such his dick on the chans believe the man is a genius


If he wasn't a genius then how did his company land The Old Post Office job for the Trump DC hotel from the Obama administration and GSA?


What is talking in a simple and straight forward manner so every single american understands him?

"unintended consequences"

I thought we got rid of you. Go back to cuckchan nigger lovers.

Good video, but it's from 2012. Someone make a new one.


Have you read about his newsletters?

Some pretty funny quotes in there. People say it was actually ghostwritten by Lew Rockwell, but they had Ron's name on them, so he got the blame during the 2008 campaign.

Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism" (Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism")
"Libertarian is the enemy of all racism, because racism is a collectivist idea. Its that, you put people in category, you say "Well blacks belong here, and whites here, and women here", but we don't see people in forms, or, uh, or gays, you don't have rights because you're gays or women or minority, you have rights because you're an individual. So we see people strictly as individuals, and we get these individuals in a natural way, so its exactly opposite of all collectivism, and its absolutely anti-racism, because we don't see it in those terms."

Ron Paul: Immigration not solved by barbed wire, guns

Ron Paul is Anti-Racist

Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally.
Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy.
Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.
> Therefore, for me to advance anti-Semitism in any way would be a betrayal of my own intellectual heritage.

- Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 10

What a weird argument.

And few were willing to care or beleive. Then gamergate happened with all the subtlety of an assraping.

…..Holla Forums was the heart and soul of hilarity and fun on 4chan.

Moot killed that.

What a time to be alive.

Strawman argument. Holla Forums advocates good government, not big government. Libertarianism is stupid because it tries to explain everything away through the market and has no theory of social capital.

If only I could ask him to guess the next lottery numbers. It seems that the guy is immune to being wrong

Alright then

Yeah. Its funny, because most people had accepted our doom and were fine with just the lauhgs.

They just kept taking more and more away from us. Everywhere.

It only gets more hardcore and concentrated. Moots a fool, he should have loosened up what speech rules he could all over the website, and allow relevant topics to be discussed on the boards.

Doing this would have meant a possible purifying campaign of Holla Forums. And open a /hist/ board. Had he done that, then thae same thing that happened to Holla Forums would have occured. The anons would have dispersed amongst their various primary interests, socialized, and Holla Forums itself would have died a slow death.

Fucking amatuer. Oh well


And yet they are wrong.

Libertarians, even if they are not aware of it, argue in favor of segregation.

Here's why :

Given the liberty to do so, people will segregate. Even minuscule preferences can lead to segregation, as shown in this interactive demonstration (I guess the author never thought people could actually argue FOR segregation. I recommend to use 65% - because of the lack of free spaces, the simulation never converges if people really don't like diversity.)

This means that if you respect property rights, if you allow a man to choose in which neighborhood he wants to bring his family, you will end up with segregation.

They might claim that libertarians only look at the individuals, but the results are the same.

The situation with women is similar :

If you don't mess up the market by introducing laws to protect those oh poor women, you will quickly get owners *openly* looking for men. Men are sick less often, less likely to create drama, more dedicated, don't disappear for a year after giving birth, don't disappear for a year BEFORE giving birth because muh toxic air…

Progressives have infiltrated the libertarian ranks, but it doesn't change the consequences of libertarian principles. Just like wishfully ignoring the blacks violence doesn't change anything to the consequences, libertarians can't change the consequences just by hoping that everyone is the same.

Libertarians might come short in the creation of commons, but they are mainly correct on everything else (even if they don't realize it and would be horrified by the results).

Well yeah, Jews are often wrong and make stupid moves. Turns out that they helped craft an ideology that is much more traditionalist than they could ever imagine.

This is true. We've gone from being based around negativity and crashing the system to finally having a glimmer of hope towards a a future with the Trumpfuhrer not saying he's the savior of the white race, but he's a start

Man, we need to remake that 4th pic. It is way to hard to read.

Most people spend more time planning their vacations than researching who they want to lead their country.
And now you know.

But what if I don't believe niggers should live in the US at all? Does forcefully shipping them back to Africa break the NAP?

Niggers spawn at a much quicker rate than whites. Sure there might be natural segregation at the beginning, but what happens when blacks and browns become 30, 40, 50, 60, 70% of the nation?

Am I just supposed to sit there and watch subhumans take over my country and cities built by my ancestors?

You're "libertarian actually forces traditionalism naturally" shtick is bullshit.

What if I reject the fundamental concept of libertarianism that all people should be equal under the law? What if I believe niggers don't constitute a part of my nation? What then?

Libertarianism doesn't solve any of these issues. You've just made some post-hoc mental gymnastics in order to cling to a broken ideology that anyone with a brain can see is clearly incapable of facing the issues we, as in white people, face in the 21st century, most importantly that Jews are orchestrating a genocide against whites by mass immigration or "replacement migration" as the UN calls it

Libertarians fuck off. We left you people in the dust 3 years ago. Either move on or go back to Breitbart comment section, you're not wanted on Holla Forums

Published on Jun 6, 2013

That's it. I'm voting for Hillary.

I'm glad Trump managed to outjew the Republican establishment but the whole fucking world would be so much better if they hadn't got to Ron

They called this dude racist. This is when being racist no longer meant anything. Now, it is a mark of honor.

Haha, Well spoken my fellow altrighter! I do indeed enjoy a good ronning from my fellow pauls too.

But I really want to know something, Donald Trump always looks really sweaty. Do you think that if you cupped up his sweat and drank it, It'd taste good? I mean it'd be kinda oily and look a little yellow.. but I mean maybe It'd taste good!

I don't know what I'd do if I got some dandruff or hairs in there though..

Just voicing my fellow thoughts, fellow pollacks!
