O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts w

there is literally nothing wrong with being Canadian

Other urls found in this thread:


meep meep canada is awful tbh no homo

You're too tolerant of the French and you're extremely liberal. You voted in an actual cuckold just because of who is daddy was. You have the queen of a foreign country on your currency. Instead of the bald eagle, you have a crazy duck. None of your comedians are funny, and Bret Hart is a miserable old man who never lived up to his hype and was eclipsed by Shawn Michaels.

better than America tho tbh

Can't fuck with ultimate warrior

Yes there is. We need paper dollar bills. I can't throw dollar coins at the strippers.

Your national anthem is available in Arabic. Another sign mudslimes are taking over Hang your heads in shame you sad fucks.

Yeah, I'd love to live in a country where I can be arrested for not using a tranny's preferred pronouns or for criticizing Islam. That sounds like a nice and totally not insane place to live.

I have done both of these things many times in two major cities. No one gives a shit. Stop watching kike news and stay off nu/pol/

Yeah, but there's nothing especially right about it, either.

The one redeeming thing about Canada is that there's a lot of wilderness to disappear into. I'll be doing that in a few years.

its like you enjoy being a cuck

also please change the thread subject to "In all of us command…" because you're being quite sexist and exclusionary with using that outdated, bigoted lyric, friend

Viva Quebec

Va donc chier toé, câlice!

The bill just prohibits discrimination, not misgendering.


I sure love the shitty climate, soulless asians who stare at their phones, the increase of scary criminal negroes, poojabis, and the general array of freaks we have here.

We need the legal weed to make it worth staying tbh.

not sure if legal so don't try it

yea, fuck canada.

we need the fentanyl to get rid of degenerate druggies like you tbh. only one step up from the shitskin hordes

Pffffttttt hahahHAHAHAHAHA joke's on you we're preaching "harm reduction" which basically means naxalone everywhere to make sure junkies never die and the realities of drugs are glossed over.


Pass all the laws you want you still have CANADA and its demographics to contend with!

Joke's on you my parents come directly from yurope you cant hurt my feefees about this place and its people.

and you obviously come directly from reddit faget
yeah its shitty about spending taxes from working class whites to keep these fucking addicts from suffocating on the street so they can exist and multiply at further cost to tax payers while also shitting up the cities by being importunate vandals and committing ridiculous amounts of crime so they can vote for more gibs and further isolate working-class citizens from their communities, all to better support zog
give up the weed nigger. we need escapism from this mockery of civilization but there are better ways to achieve it

Weed good fam if you're okay with someone guzzling beer it's not that far off in terms of hedonism. Weeds been legalized in the US in nice to be in states like colorado and california. Nice to be IN not necessarily nice people. To have all that nice land and not to be able to purchase the best recreational substance legally mustve been a real DRAG which is why people came to their senses.

The only side effect of weed is my chronic fam posting tbh.

Oh Canada! Our home on native land!*
Fixed that for ya.

canada is based
t. canadian


Why can't you throw coins at them? have you tried using a slingshot or something?

y'all lost the war, either do a reboot or shut up

There's nothing particularly right with it, either.

your healthcare is so great, right? get the fuck outta heaaaaaaaaaaa