Massachusetts, yes!
Other urls found in this thread:
Rome did nothing wrong catacombing all the christcucks
Same shit, different guy. Satanism and Christianity are both philosemitism.
Rome converted to Christ, who saved their dying empire for his purposes.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Shills. Every single time
Gas yourself, degenerate
Romans were right to put that fag jesus on the cross
Back into the pit, heathen.
Nice scripture, nerd. Got any more jewish wisdom?
The Romans tried to save Jesus, it was your people the Jews who crucified him.
John 18:38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.
Revelation 19
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
Except the majority of the people pushing shit that destroys the idea of traditional families and relationships and healthy sexual roles are all humanistic/secular/atheist/anti-theistic faggots.
Or fuck, even Pagans.
I never understood this "le kike on a stick may may" at all.
The Pagans who want to bog fags and the Christians who want a good family can surely agree on the goals needed to bring our civilization from the brink, right?
Shame sluts, stop being promiscuous, raise a healthy family, get some land, and protect what is yours.
More, /christian/-sama!
Statue of our Lord and Saviour KEK, when?
puritans were crypto-kikes anyways
Make your own idol out of bronze or wood.
Sorry that you project your lack of moral agency on others. Not everyone needs to be told that being a faggot or a whore is a bad thing. You christcucks don't know how to listen to your own moral compass, instead outsourcing that self reflection to bronze age kikes whose lies permeate your sacred text.
Sore losers.
Faggots and whores took over the second Christianity became "irrelevant" to the people.
Daily Reminder Satan Works for the Volcano Demon.
This is JIDF vs. /Christian/. If Holla Forums is somewhere in here, it is due to overlap.
It's almost as if a foreign ideology won't last long within a local host. Fucking retarded ameriburger christniggers can't see anything past the brick wall of their faith.
Go jump in an oven
Faggotry and whoring is an allergic reaction?
Only some two millenia.
America has existed for a few hundred years. Most "pagans" are American.
Name your country.
Satan is a European invention that had nothing to do with Jews. It's the European gods turned into one big boogie man
And now Christfags come on here claiming it rules the world to hide the Jewish Communist Cabal.
Oremor nhoj em llik tsum uoy emag eht niw ot
Nonsense, Jesus Himself speaks of Satan. Jews worship satan and are his children proven by their acts.
Only Saturn at best.
You killed the fucking Empire you delusional wack job. How fucking old are you that you worship Jewish fairy tales and still believe Jews saved Rome from white people?
Why the fuck do you even come here?
1453 was an inside job - no jews involved?
If you want a good, healthy civilization, then yes, yes you do, because to the average idiot, cummies=love and pozloads=good feels.
You seem to think most people have some more of internal morality, when, with the situation we're in now, is clearly not the case.
You call christcucks naive, yet in the same breath, honestly imply that people can be good without being told.
They're capable, yes. but are they doing it?
No, because to the average cumdumpster, the fact that Morality is subjective gives them free reign to act like total degenerates.
cuz "lol, I can do what I want lol"
To speak against the Synagogue of satan, maybe.
I'm surprised they're still doing this. It's mainly a fedora front and not the usual Jewish fare that knowingly attacks the west - have they not realized the threat to them has changed and is now Islam? They should be talking about Iblis and Jinns rather than Satan.
Do you actually think a planet is what, where the devil lives?
Satan = satan
satan = advesary (lots of characters in your Jew fairy tales were called this.
The synangog of satan = adversary church to Jesus as they were all Jews
Jesus never met satan in the desert, he starved himself like an idiot and said "a devil" came to me. Fucking idiot
So you push Jewish lies to cover up for Communsim
No. Ancients did.
6th planet. 6th day. 6 sides.
Imperial Russia > USSR. Forever and ever, in all aspects. I'm for monarchy, I'm for the destruction of democracy, judaism, jewry. I'm pro pogroms, pro-Inquisition. You are the one saying that Russian Christianity pushed communism.
Watch this video (already in another thread)
We don't need Jews or their slaves to tell us what to do you fucking asshole race traitor.
smh the fam
But we need random anons calling us out for being race traitors for having the beliefs of our forefathers?
Have you ever considered arguing against the statements themselves? You seem to deflect a lot.
You're just masking shit up. 666 = Nero's name in Aramaic-Hebrew number based alphabet.
The ancients could see fucking Satan you jackass. What are you like 14yrs old? You believe in stupid childish shit.
Russia was enslaved by Christianity and created the concept of serf/slave/slav, it's not that surprising that it would embrace Communism more than any other Nation.
Long time no see, shill-kun.
Not really. It had to have the emperor in it. Gematria doesn't work the way you want it to. Plenty of things can be made fit it since it is just math.
Says the one who believes that Jesus Christ was a communist (a typical communist lie that doesn't hold water at all).
Name me one Christian communist nation. One.
You're a fucking race traitor because you worship a Semitic godman. And because no one believe in this bullshit religion, it was always for slaves and our forefathers were BTFO by Jews because of filthy fucking traitorous delusional filth like you who want to walk around in a fucking fairytale reality the rest of their worthless lives and spread this mental virus to their children so our Nations can be weak minded and easily fooled.
Only Christian Nations were totally taken over by the Jews.
And you worship somebody who faps to Asian animated porn. Fucking race traitor.
Why live?
6 candles, 6 seals, 6 trumpets, all revealing the moment the so called "anti-Christ" (cesar) enters the fucking story. It's not a planet you God damn moron. And 666 spells Nero.
The beast that was, that is, and that will be = the three Cesars who destroy the Holy Temple and drove the Jews out of Palestine (Father, son, younger brother).
Revelations was written by some guy named John stuck in a prison by Rome planning a revolution for the Jews and he had to hide his writings as a spy/propagandist. Like all fucking Jews
I'm literally having to teach you you're own fucking religion because you get your knowledge from youtube and shit. You're an athiest larping.
Is this a LARP thread?
It's funny how Christians are the least intelligent, least funny, shittiest memes, and most dishonest people on Holla Forums. You're the lowest of the low when it comes to shills and race traitors.
Daily reminder: Satan is "satan" advesary and not a bible character by a European invention based on the gods like Pan.
The name of the emperor had to be typo'd and had to include EMPEROR in it for the gematria to make sense.
You just repeat the common lies against Christianity. The purpose of yours is to uproot the youth of a nation from their traditions and values. It's worked well so far, but we were warned that especially the Christians will be attempted to subvert. Nero did no such thing. Jewry does. The antichrist will sit in a new temple built in Jerusalem and proclaim himself to be God. Nero did no such thing.
Bad day, chaim?
Speaking of Saturn… I'm really fucking disturbed by the hexagon. If it had been a different planet it wouldn't matter as much but this is where it gets fucked up.
Given the above, this is one pretty damn fucked up coincidence since all of these things apparently started before:
Definition of Sabbath:
1. a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday.
2. a supposed annual midnight meeting of witches with the Devil.
So while I can kinda understand the Jew's obsession with Saturn because they equate it with their worship of Satan and the number 6, but to then very recently discover a massive hexagon larger than the diameter of Earth at it's north pole is spooky.
Where's the low JIDF won't fall into?
Daily reminder that these thread are created to show the "alt right" as a bunch of edgy kids and mods dont give a single fuck.
These threads might be created for another purpose, but they are repurposed by spamshills.
Mods need to sticky a Christianity criticism containment thread.
This is just like the constant pedophilia discussion threads we used to have.
Reminder that the topic is satanism in salem not christ on a stick #1488: electric boogaloo
polite sage for offtopic
The last time a christian general was made it was spammed to oblivion with goreposting and scatposting and then bumplocked, with shills defending Clinton of all people just to have an angle to shitpost.
Let's see what the shills claim
It doesn't have to include anything it was fucking code you moron. Revelations is a prisoner's spy letters. It's not some weird wizard diviine space talk about planets.
Christianity isn't a tradition in this Nation, it's a parasitical cult that never served any purpose except to do shit like let niggers become citizens, cripple the moral resolve of our people so Jews could take over, and now we fight and die everyday for Israel and cry about being nice to invading Mexicans based on a tradition of the stupidest people breeding and teaching each other slave morals.
The anti-christ already came. It was Cesar and he built a Temple to Jupiter with 4 horsemen and the whore of Babylon (venus) in the place of the Holy Temple.
You're calling your own people evil and antichrist so you can serve your master the Jew
Can't have you goyim unifying and putting aside disagreements for a later date now can we? No, you have to fight over things like religion and which of your religions is the most white!
Ok Chaim.
I actually found this thread interesting because I'm in MA and had no idea about what OP posted. Also Satan worship seems to tie in with the Jews and I wouldn't be surprised if we find a lot of greenbergstein names among the ones creating this "satan club for kids".
It's not talk about planets, you stupid fuck. See
Where is the third temple, then? That's the clear cut rule.
When jews get their temple, they will proclaim themselves to be God.
It is not "our" differences, it is (((them))) lying. Tbh, they are wasting their effort since I am more stubborn than entire jewry.
How is this related to satanism? Unless you are a satanist, of course.
I'm not saying the OP is the problem.
The problem is every discussion that is even remotely related to Christianity gets derailed into "christonastick" and if we had a sticky for this there wouldn't be any more excuse for them to shit up any other thread.
Christians are victims! Like niggers and Mexicans and Muslims and Jews! But we're the REAL victims!
Respect our Jewish God and our fairy tale Hollywood produce movies!
Satanism is larping
Christian is larping
Judiasm is larping
Islam is larping
It's all one fucking thing.
Textbook behavior.
and you are Christian then? based on your posts at least
But my point is that religion really doesn't matter in any substantial way. Kikes go under many religions but they are still kikes, aren't they? To beat yourself off about how you have the only true religion is just silly when every single religion out there has been subverted by the same "people". Save your "u r my enemy unless you convert" shit for when the real problem of the world is taken care of, please
The Jews of old were Palestinians. Jews of today are created by Christian Europe glorifying these old Semitic myths. They're fucking inbred cult members who mixed out so many times all that's left is a bunch of weirdos for the most part.
It's what would of happen to the Catholic clergy if they weren't all boy fuckers
inb4 he says something to the effect that he just wants people to notice him/the "truth"/"red pill". That is also textbook behavior.
Not an argument. Just being a victim again
And thats how (((they))) make cults for Moloch mainstream and acceptable for the goyim.
This religious diversity indeed had a catch.
LARP is indeed composed by a bunch of useful idiots.
Bobby Fischer points in another direction. Christianity is the antidote to jews.
Question: if no other gods existed, why is the first commandment written in such a way that implies that other gods exist yet makes a distinction that YHWH wants the most devotion? Seems weird that the Bible would have things like that and that those Egyptian mystics proving they can turn a stick into a snake in Exodus if no other god existed. If it's only one God, why was the Egyptian mystic successful in his stick snake magic?
religion = government
There is no difference. Our failures in government are a failure of Christians and the lost of the higher intellectuals who were not Christian and protected/created the Republic of the United States.
Or created slavish people in Europe under Christian monarchies that would be stupid enough to grow a plague like COmmunism
Holla Forums isn't Trump's or Milo's or Alex Jone's personal army. We existed before they started. The final redpill is to kill all Semitic cults.
Mix Age of Mythology, early Roman beliefs regarding other Gods, meme magic, and what the Emperor in 40k wanted to do with the Chaos Gods.
That's just my current take on it, though. You're asking a shitposting board something metareligious, after all.
Christianity grows kikes. If everyone stopped being Christian, they would look at kikes for what they are, a crazy desert cult.
I bet the created world is inferior to the uncreated one. Some gods are obviously false, like the Indian "create your own god" courses, flying spaghetti monsters and such. Most polytheistic gods are presumably misattributed to either spiritual beings of lesser status or even natural phenomena (animism).
Because nowhere in the Bible does it say there doesn't exist other gods, ya dingus.
Race traitor
But if Christianity is the antidote to Jews, why do they subvert Christian nations?
The south for example has been very Christian for a long time yet the kikes have owned it since they moved slaves and owned plantations. Just because goldburg wears a cross around his neck does not mean he is with you. Milo yabbadabbadoo is still a subversive ratfaced kike even being a "practicing" christian.
I have my own views on that, that in the absence of religion the government becomes the religion. Many atheists are leftists for that reason, their lack of faith in a magical infallible God leads to a faith in a magical infallible government. That's not to say that I do not welcome atheists to Holla Forums, but that they should be careful in case they fall into that same trap.
Yes it does. I hope you're not another fucking Christian that I have to teach his own stupid fucking slave cult book to?
Go ahead and try, bitch boy.
You're not very good at this, are you?
Answer the command faggot, name one Christian communist nation that ever existed.
Athiest is just a Christian word that means asshole. It's not a real thing. People always believe in something. Government and Religion aren't two different things, they are the exact same thing. It's all enforced beliefs in higher ideals. Christianity just believes in like little kid stupid shit, because it's for slaves
Every single nation in the West today.
Fuck, I live in this pozzed as fuck city and we definitely don't need more degeneracy.
Good at what? You're posting pedophilla and claiming to be a Christian. Is there a bigger loser than you on Holla Forums?
Daily reminder that "christfag" shills swamp every thread positive about Christianity. Hmm, I wonder what group of people generally hate Christ and want his worship to end?
Really. hard. to. say.
Shit nigger, nice rebuttal
You're fucking terrible at this.
Every criticism of Christianity is Jewish shilling? It always makes me laugh how Christians will criticize others and call them weak willed sjws yet completely collapse as soon as their sacred cow is subjected to even the slightest of ribbing.
Not the Jews… They sell worship of themselves to the goy all year
Will you stop with the pedophillia pics "Christian". You sick fucked up pathetic beta slave hypocrite.
lel Nice try JIDF, come up with some facts some time.
You spend every thread condeming Europeans and Rome.
It's the exact same fucking thing, expect without a Jewish zombie
Rick Wilson pls go and take your niglet with you
You believe in monsters, like a little boy.
Is today the day where you pretend you're a satanist instead of a pagan or atheist that hates Christianity more than the Jews? Chaim pls
holy fuck you're bad, $0.50 has been taken from your accounts
Another pedophile Catholic posting little girl pedo pics and are fucking shit MODS allowing this to make us look bad.
All those Christian buzz words. It must be hard to be in a victim religion.
Are you reading these off a checklist?
Are you a repentant shill who is making as bad a job as possible to let others know there are shills in our midst and what their targets are? I know you'll not be able to confirm that to us if you are, but if you are, it is appreciated.
I have the white whore version
Christniggers truly have something wrong with their brains. I've seen most denominations up close, absolutely abhorrent people who hide their depravity under a false veneer of piousness.
You have to be one according to what time of the week you're working, kikel
But we all really know you're Talmudic swine that will be wiped from this planet soon enough. But keep trying to divide white people based on philosophical or religious lines.
So basically liberals with their brain disease
That's the most shallow, blue-pilled explanation of the new testament i've seen in a while.
Are you a pedophile Christian? Because you keep posting 2D little girls
Wow it's almost like christniggers are dumb as fuck and don't have any principles!
It's the correct explanation of Revelations….
You have a lot of problems dude. Seek a bullet
Thanks for the laughs. You didn't need to ruin a thread with bait, though.
All these Pedowood "satanists!" threads. All you have to do is look at one Christian thread and see all the 2D pedophilia they keep on their hard drives.
That's Jewish religions for you….
this dress 'em up game sucks, the clothes aren't even drawn to match the body's position
You come off as both a newfag and an idiot. Go back to /reddit/.
Go back to jail pedo
How much more shit are you going to fling, little atheist shit-flinger?
Go fail another rebellion and get executed by white people for causing mass hysteria you lying kike magician.
Are your pics related a real meme?
All these Pedowood "satanists!" threads. All you have to do is look at one Christian thread and see all the 2D pedophilia they keep on their hard drives.
That's Jewish religions for you….
masc, a Holla Forums meme
Its almost as if Christians never read a single book in their entire ducking life
Holy shit you're not even hiding you're a shill.
Christianity banned slave revolts and most revolts in general.
You realize this shill is playing the "I'm a Satanist" role today right? Don't worry he'll pretend to be a pagan tomorrow.
lel was that just after pagans persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire?
Kikes are always satanists, though.
You're not hiding that you're a fucking pedo
No kikes are kikes and you're covering up for them
goiPhone. It also never remembers my use of the word kike.
I'm just laughing at how you yell "Pedo" like a feminist yells "Rape"
You have something wrong with you. Seek help.
Christ was the failed revolutionary you faggot. He sure as fuck failed to overthrow the Sanhedrin.
A repentant shill, or an actual Holla Forums user who is false flagging Holla Forums to make actual shills look stupid and less effective. I would do the same thing tbh. I think it's an anti-shill tactic Holla Forums doesn't use enough.
All these Pedowood "satanists!" threads BUT all you have to do is look at one Christian thread and see all the 2D pedophilia they keep on their hard drives.
That's Christianity for you….
Tbh I actually doubt if I've seen it more than 2 times in here.
Konata is in graduated and going to college at the end of the show, and looks exactly the same
You're covering up because sane people think you're crazy. And you are… Kikes worship Kikes not some European invented Pan hedonist god hybrid. You're a race traitor covering for kikes just like Alex Jones
She obviously skipped grades, duh. :^)
I've been thinking of the latter too but figured that it might've been enough that all manners of organizations from the JIDF to recent ones like benie's redditards and clinton shill got caught redhanded multiple times to give away that shills are in our midst and are too stupid to work efficiently.
It does give way for newfags to learn the ropes regarding shills, on the other hand, so I'm torn on the matter.
Kek. Defeatism will get you nowhere.
Where are the Sandherin now? Where is their temple? Where is their priesthood? Where are their lineages? Where are their tribes? The sandherin failed their coup. Christ gave rise to Christianity, the most successful religion of all times.
You're still a Christian pedo from B
Oy vey
That's right goyim, hating Juden and Satanists is akin to being a traitor and covering for kikes like Alex Jonesberg
Your schizo is showing Chaim
Must be Australian.
You're talking to a pedo as though he's a Holla Forumslack
Masc is just autism. Nobody really knows or cares about them.
Are you a bot or a very very desperate shill?
Satanism is just edgy larping, Judiasm is a real religion and you're covering for it by creating childish infowars conspiracies
Yes, and?
I think is spot on, you are Australian aren't you?
Also i'm just defending 2d, I'm neither a cuckstian or into flat chests
And day of the rope Christian pedos. Day of the fucking rope along with your Jewish masters.
Lmao good luck with that.
Then stfu.
Salem is a shitty tourist trap. This is probably just going to help trick more people into visiting because oooooh spoopy satanists live there now.
Good luck faggot even my waifu has a raifu
Hey guys the subject is about a "temple" dedicated to degeneracy. See their last opening ceremony for an example.
Why are we even discussing christianity?
Someone wanted a designated shitposting thread.
But user, what if your waifu 'is' a raifu?
Shills shilling, pretty much
You do raise a valid point
The descendents of the Sanhedrin are currently occupying our media, government, education, etc. they're called kikes and they descended from the same shammai Pharisees that Cuckrist fought against you moron. The most hardcore kikes survived and the global shadow government they have created is far worse than the Sanhedrin ever was.
And yes he obviously fucking failed. Being executed before even building up a big enough following to do shit to overthrow them is failure. He failed to defeat the conservative kikes with his liberal hippie kike-lite army.
Oh yeah the "most successful religion of all time" is being raped by Judaism and Islam right now.
because some edgy shill keeps bitching about it in every fucking thread
Nigger that big T is the truth. That hooked T only goes one way. Stop with your bullshit. Fucking Chinese stars.
With fabricated lineage (matrilineal) and not their traditional ones.
It is so absurd that people are believing broken records (jews) in anything. Even their fucking names are lies.
The Talmudic Rabbinical priesthood is thier lineage. Face it, the kikes still exist and Jesus only succeeded in ensuring the worst of them would cling to the most extreme parts of thier religion and continue on. If he had finished converting the Pharisees he could have completely changed the course of Judaism today. But he failed to do so and made them even more conservative as a result.
It would have been better if he never existed.
That's what the liar claims. Do you believe them? They do. But that also means they severed the connection they had to the Old Testament (old Covenant).
First posts are shills again.
It hooks with the Diversity bullshit getting pushed at anything.
But its kinda funny when people on advocate for a degeneracy around this parts
I think it was a already lost cause, kikes were already too far up on their own asses to accept losing their "Gods chosen people" status and that anyone could be saved.
they stare at the catalog all day
of course they're going to get first post
Reminder that Salem was originally in Danvers, MA. The lines got redrawn, but don't tell the tourists.
magic rabbi isnt talking about jews, he is talking about fake jews and who are fake jews - non jews - you goy
Why would anyone worship or admire some arrogant being lacking in free will whose whole rebellion was merely part of God's plan, chosen just like the Jews were chosen to be an adversary of Man?
Cronus/Saturn was always a shit god that demanded human sacrifice, that's why Zeus/Jupiter overthrew him.
Lucifer is bringer of light / knowledge.
while other gods assumed people are not worthy and have to suffer more, he believed in us and got severely punished for freeing us
Just shut the fuck up. You and I both know Jews exist to this day. Don't give me your "they aren't the REAL Jews but FAKE Jews" horse shit. The effect is the same, thier behavior is the same and they have Semitic dna. They are Jews.
Because the Jew's Torah is basically a cobbled together edited mishmash of texts Jews stole from other peoples and just put their name and the name of their god into it. That's why in Genesis God is talking to other gods or godlike beings.
Hahaha, holy shit Rick! I knew we drove you insane but maybe you should take up a hobby to take your mind off of pedophilia instead of projecting it onto the internet hate machine
Nigger 6 6 6 is a HOLY NUMBER IN JUDAISM. 6 Squared, 6 * 6 * 6 = 216. 216 is the sum of the names of their god. Christianity is ANTI-Judaism, but the do good faggots let kikes infiltrate and it has become PRO-Judaism over say the last 200 so years. There's over a thousand years of history of Christians hating fucking Jews.
Knowledge is worthless in and of itself, knowledge is materialist. Better to worship Sophia the bringer of wisdom.
white jews have less jew dna in them than black jews, that is why thay so butthurt about letting Ethiopian jews in Israel
A race of liars exists, making claims about this and that, and they are all lies. All they are interested in is power.
Jews were never good, their god was never supreme, and their book never added anything of value to the white race.
burn all satanists at the stake and crucify all christians. then the white race can finally progress.
Who fucking cares?
Even if all the opposition to Christianity on this board were shills (not the case), Christians still argue/think like niggers.
You can be in our club but you have to keep your retarded religion to yourself.
morality - principles (truths) concerning the distinction between right (true) and wrong (false)
lying/deception is immoral because the truth was not distinguished from the falsehood. quit projecting your dogmatic BELIEF system onto words with objective definitions. you are the best goy and do nothing but help jews with their word magic. moral relativists get the gas along with the jews.
Actually it was Muslim barbarism that destroyed the Empire…
Also it was the Catholic Church that built Western Civilization.
>you see goy guy, jews weren't actually jews
Anyone with 'cummies' in their vocabulary is either from TRS or 4chan. I suggest you go back.
This. Christianity came first, it's allegorical and EUROPEAN. The Semites, the parasites they are, wrote themselves in like some schizophrenic fanfic.
Jews are actually Turks, converts. Literally nothing they say is true.
*Red Suppository pills
Was this the case 50-60 years ago? It would seem to me that the more time people spend in public education, the more prone they are to agree with EU, Atheism, socialism…
Deep, dude.
I see that you enjoy watching homosexual pornography as well.
The goat should fear the frog.
Except that the Satanic Temple was founded for the explicit purpose of bootyblasting Christians.
The only people getting upset over what they do are Christians and the occasional muzzie.
I'm not going to read over this thread because I don't feel like reading through the cries thousands of Christfags with aching assholes. But let me explain to you what the Church Of Satan is all about:
The only people only who think shit like black robes and mangoats are spooky are Christians. It's so obvious they are trying to rustle jimmies that's it's almost unbelievable that you faggots fall for it every fucking time. Especially here on a chan. Fucking get over it.
Disgusting degenerate. We will purge you all on DOTR.
Are you dumb? You know they moved the Capitol right? Also the "fall" wasn't really a fall, it was a transition of states. Where Germanic and Celtic tribes began joining the empire. Culture suffered of course because they weren't as advanced as the Romans.
But in the East in Constantinople, they were developing some of the greatest art and architecture ever created…
Which was pillaged by what??
Nobody is jewish
everyone is jewish
Here is a full explanation…
Also trips is right
Heritics will be drowned
How can you be cool when obeying cultists?
Yeah I don't see a problem here.
You missed a Jew.
Was it a Anton LaFey fanclub? You know the guy who has a job as Ming the Merciless' stunt double.
One day this two thousand year old winter will end, and there will be summer for our peoples once again.
You will join your masters or wake from the nightmare. Then you will realize that nature is beautiful, men have courage, women are decent and God is not the monster you have been taught he is.
The nightmare will end, it has been foreseen.
Cuckoo, cuck!
So the asshole who posts these stupid shill oaths memes is a Christian? That makes perfect sense actually
How do we get rid of all these christcucks?
Is it enough just to point out Jesus himself condemned racism and thus you cannot be both a christian and a racist?
The MODS… they are the problem
Why don't you say something about video instead of just posting it like we give a fuck?
Why should I say anything?
Because you're an idiot who doesn't know how to introduce a new thought. Why don't you never post again? Because you're a fucking idiot
creepy pedos everywhere in Christian threads
There's no such thing as new thoughts.
t. Table talks
Top fucking kek, literally proven false. Funny how you pagans are so fucking hate filled you have to believe kike lies to delude yourself with your truth.
Gay thread. Speaking of Salem and faggotry…
Heinrich Himmler (18 February 1937)
base Himmiler
/fringe/christian/ shill the thread because they think pics will influence 50yr old business men
All the 6 references allude to the hexagon.
The hexagon represents a 2d image of the cube
And the cube represents the "prison" of 3 dimensional material reality.
Satan/ Saturn is the ruler of this "world" 3d reality, but he is not the ultimate God he pretends to be.
Jesus is a representative of the REAL GOD, that's why he was killed.
Gnostics had the right idea, that's why they got shoahed.
this. i spent 20 years as a Satanist. its all Jewish garbage.
filthy degenerate
You are incredibly misguided…
If you can find a virgin, you can appease Satan for a while.
Realistically, though, we're going to need Kek.
A thread of pure jew shilling
I can't wait for Jesus to burn this fucking world to a crisp
Dropping this in here because I'm nuking his other thread. This is a nice case study of a shill who doesn't know when to swap IPs.
Anti Christian D&C - Check
Anti Anime D&C - Check
Anti Trump D&C - Check
GATE/Fringe/Disinfo Shilling - Check
Degenerate picture, but yep this guy is right.
Of particular interest is the shill attempting to contact individual posters. Even through Tor, your identity may become disclosed to the jew shill.
As buttfucking went down, so did Rome's walls. Inclusive, barbarian-hiring crossies brought Rome to her knees. The metrics don't lie.
The Enlightenment was a mistake. Fuck "freedoms", "liberties", and "rights".
John Locke did drop the ball though.
Constantine I First Emperor to convert in Christainity decides to Introduce the solidus (Literally another gold coin) then he separates civil and military authority. Fracturing the Government and unity of rome .Under Constantine the cities lost their revenue from local taxes, and under Constantius II their endowments of property. They were the first 2 Christian Emperors and they fucked up the economy like no emperors did before.
But Christian like to omit those facts
wew, it's like a whole shill package rolled into one
Nigga they based their morality on equality, what are you on about
While that's obviously a shill, it's pretty funny you post as a vol whenever christcucks get BTFO eternally. Must be hard being an easily triggered moonman. Well, this is better than spamming 'reported for intl' anyway, so good job.
Although even he shit on those kind of ideas.
Voltaire shit all over equality, jews, what-have-you. Go pick up his Philosophical Dictionary, make sure it's not the Gutenberg edition for obvious reasons.
Much of what you learned about the enlightenment is bullshit. Your history teacher never actually went into anything any of these men said themselves, just summaries and bullshit like that.
If you don't have time to go read some of this stuff, KulturKampf is good.
You mean the mental virus that killed the Reich and our race?
satanism isn't a real religion though. its a social club for edgy militant atheists still buttmad mom & dad took them away from sonic 2 every sunday for church.
Now we wait for more shills to come out of the woordwork because this got stickied
Also checked
Marxism was invented in the 1990s
Here he is again.
The Volcano demon is who Christians call "God" and his son the Jewish commie
Reminder: As Neo-Nazis were memed into degenerate retarded junkie punks…. Holla Forums NatSoc and /christian/ is being memed into pedos=
I invite everyone to look into the screencaps in to find the exact same textbook behavior
It's like he is your personal nemesis kek.
I'm not particularly religious, but no matter your beliefs shouldn't we agree to be intolerant to people that openly and truthfully worship evil demons?
You would think that is one thing we could all agree on.
yes we need to stop kek at all cost . the frog posting must stop otherwise we all going to hell.
Kek mocks you.
We need to throw out all made-up Semitic Abrahamic bullshit.
These Middle Eastern desert fantasies (Satanism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam) create so much confusion and chaos within our people.
Your "whenever" is more like never. Because I don't recall hotpockets posting as hotpockets at all. And at this point, what difference does it make? :^)
What do you propose?
Try to be at least a little specific. I suppose you want unite our people under a common religion; you won't do that by saying "just reality lmao".
I don't need religion but if we do need something, National Socialism.
Thats would make sense. Shillary's people worship Satan itself to push their bullshit, why bend to do the same shit as this fuckers when you can just meme KeK and BTFO these faggots ?
Here's one exchange I had with moonman because he was going (600)+ in threads critical of christianity spamming that 'reported for intl' bullshit.
Blood worship. You can't join the club if you aren't already one of us.
sack of jerusalem best day of my life
Ha! Fucking liar
Lie. Anti-pedos on Holla Forums
Both lies from imkamphy, the most trust mod on Holla Forums
Here is my other thread
Go ahead and nuke it.
NatSoc never viewed itself as a religion. Apart from various occult pieces, it had something called Positive Christianity. You can't replace any religion by a practical ideology that's designed to incorporate a religion and not replace it.
The first fucking post in the screencaps is
so you're the liar. That's default anti-Trump shilling.
Praise Kek
That marks you as a goon my dear faggot shill.
Anime is bad, because it is escapism.
Escapism, whether western, eastern, wherever, is a universal bad.
However, unlike idiot goons claim, fetishes don't work that way - degenerates can get a fetish for very, very, specific things, and I believe that allowing access to lolicon materials in Japan decreased rates of molestation. Not entirely sure on that one though.
The only reason goons, like you, claim that anime equals pedo is because they are insecure with the fact that they are ACTUAL pedophiles, who hurt actual physical children. Also might have something to do with how anime "tries" to represent idealized beauty. Or something.
I don't like anime. I prefer a good book. And yes, anime - at least in it's current form, with it's current cultural messages - is bad, especially for the west. But goons, and those who have been brainwashed by them, are worse. There is a natural order to these things after all.
Basically, you outed yourself as a goon which means whatever you say is irrelevant.
Isn't the common theory that Jesus's mother Mary fucked or was raped by a graeco roman soldier and Jesus was actually half Greek?
Yes, a roman soldier.
It's not bad that they draw sexualized minors? Why not?
Never heard of it, probably some kike's fanon.
You really think muh jesus was born of a muh virgin?
I'd even go so far as to believe the miracles, the walking on water, and the ascendancy /fringe/ shit but the virgin birth? Nope, that's too much for me to believe honestly.
Oh yeah, and add to the story: raped, yet not stoned to death afterwards.
This. It's in the talmud.
Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera
Just because someone isn't wearing a burka doesn't mean it's sexualized, ahmed.
Funny, the Talmud seems to have adopted this pagan theory. Probably because it made the Christians look bad.
Wew. I was just going to request a source.
Kek. That's like finding a tombstone of someone named John Smith and making it a Mormon holy site.
Hermes could purportedly do everything Jesus could as could several other mentioned historical figures. I find it much more likely that Jesus was simply a half-jewish scholar of the esoteric arts who tried to be a good guy and then got his shit fucked up.
Daily reminder that Satan rebelled because God made him bow before Man because we are superior to the angels and the faggot couldn't handle it. Why would you worship a being lesser than yourself? Satanists are losers!
Also "muh chillren" is probably the stupidest argument. Anime has caused very very few cases of child molestation as far as I'm aware, and children don't really matter in the big picture right now.
At all.
Not to mention not all anime is lolicon or sexualized in any way - anime is an artistic style after all. And, no, not high art like the works of Michelangelo. Just art in layman's terms.
There is plenty of anime with good cultural messages - pronatalistic, traditionalist ones, or ones promoting order. However, they're mostly designed for eastern culture and society, and it is probably not a good idea for westerners to watch it at all.
First you purge the kikes.
Then you purge the goons and shabbos.
Then you purge the niggers.
Then you purge the shitskins.
Then you purge the degenerates - not all of them, of course - you need to give them an illusion of freedom - simply controlling the ones that are left with propaganda, slowly curbing them, culling them, is good enough.
Probably forgot a few people you need to purge - throw them in the bog with the rest of course.
At that point society is healthy.
Child molestation rates in Japan are extremely high, at least as high as in USA.
Every idol and child idol is being fucked by a greasy manager, everything is set up between the yakuza and government, there's an entire system of pedophilia ingrained into the system of the country's inner workings.
Do you people not get tired of doing the same stupid shit over and over?
Always suspected anti-Christians were an organized effort. They never change their language, topics, and always play stupid in the face of verifiable evidence. All signs of going off of a script. It's good to have confirmation.
Dont give those retards ideas
Two skinwalkers so far, going to deal with the rest.
The camera always goes straight to the crotch and they're always dressed like sluts. The often draw the actual labia outline through the panties. Of a child.
I didn't say anything about molestation rates. I'm just saying it's kind of fucked they draw kids like that so often.
If there's a young girl in an anime, she's probably sexualized.
Kikes were possibly responsible for the early stories of Christian incest/cannibalism among Romans too. Jesus in the Talmud is portrayed as a dark sorceror who held orgies.
You're both really retarded and probably the same faggot for all I know. The first post is probably pasta because I saw this bullshit before.
Fuck off.
Another one.
christcucks eternally assblasted at anybody who disagree with them(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Wew lads
Reality has turned into a movie.
Just so you autists know I actually like Christ and think he was a good man I just don't worship him. I doubt his divinity and that he was BORN OF GOD but it doesn't really matter that much to me. Yes obviously the shit in the talmud is bullshit. I don't really give a fuck if you idiots want to believe in your religion that was completely taken over by kikes after The Thirty Year's War feel free, Praise Kek.
You haven't considered that the power is inflating your head like a melon and you're hallucinating shills everywhere? You're just looking for excuses to ban people who you don't like and who don't agree with you if you think that picture illustrates a shill, you've become as bad as a goon mod.
This fucking Pro-Semite mod just banned me for being against Middle Eastern desert religions that have done nothing but cause havoc for Western Civilization.
So this is /christian/ now?
Anyone who doesn't agree with christianity is to be banned?
Holla Forums is completely compromised.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Now this is an actual goon you idiots.
Go back to SA, you cucked niggerfaggot.
We keep telling you those speech patterns give you hopeless cucks away, but you keep hammering on anyway.
You watched whatever had tits and discarded everything else due to lack of interest, didn't you?
It's okay, we were all 12 once.
Another, another divide and conquer thread. I think the intention for the sticky was to show that YES these people are coming here with an agenda and yes it is just a small handful trying to AstroTurf that the consensus here is against Christianity.
Holla Forums has always been a Christian board.
I could tell that poster was a goon since he posted a furry picture.
Praise Kek you heretic
Oh look it's a 'mod goes on a banning spree because he's a retarded low IQ christcuckold' episode.
Post my post history fampai!
Ahhhhhhhh the rage i feel is just… I really hate the muslims but atleast they defend their religion, albeit in stupid ways .. Why are chridtuans so cucked?!? I really have no right to way this but i hope GOD himself damns all these heretics and devil worshippers to suffer extreme agonizing pain IN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT! The likes of which no medicine or drug can mend…
Fucks sake take up arms and fight!!! Why is there no resistance to these monsters?! The rage im feeling inside right now…
Their turning all out nations into Sodom and Gomorrahs!!
I doubt you don't.
Now read the others.
Say what you will about that deluded faggot, but I was actually in those programs. There's something spooky there, and those Gifted Education threads are a prime target for shilling on both sides to derail them as far as possible, probably on account of the Tavistock connections. Remember how that Pulse shooting dig got fucked over once we hit the Institute?
Current thread is objectively shit though.
You realize that Kek has nothing to do with freemasonry right?
The reason many people don't like christcucking is because you openly dismiss anyone who isn't a christcuck even if they want to gas the kikes race war now.
Christcuck mod destroying the board to preserve Jewish traditions and myths.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
No, it's a D&C topic. The kikes take both sides. They'll use the very same infographs you just posted in order to distract anons. The key point is for you to participate in a D&C thread instead of other, more important threads. The fact that you're even talking about religion instead of noting down the plurality of D&C topics which you should be steadfastly ignoring and reporting makes you suspect. Too many anons have taken the bait lately, so this thread should be instructive.
Now, ordinarily, the kikes would return to sockpuppet and astroturf the thread to reply limit. They have an astronomical number of IPs to use, so this thread has been locked. I hope that Anons have found this to be helpful in recognizing D&C threads and posts, so that way board hygiene can be maintained in the future.
The shill making fun of rick wilson in one thread is going to be the exact same one d&cing against anime in the next. They take both sides, and every post which you make concerning these D&C subjects only helps them, since you spend your time hashing over old ground and not using it productively.
Hopefully this has been informative and instructive. If you're still confused at this point, you're retarded and >>>/4cucks/ is that way.
PS: tl;dr of the thread is pic related.