How do we get rid of Milo?
We really have to get rid of this subversive little shit. He's trying to co-opt and subvert us just like he did with GamerGate.

u mad?

You think you need to proactively try to kill him? He's trying to get AIDS, if he doesn't have it already, let nature do it

It's not Milo, it's those who are behind him. If you get rid of one subversive shill, you get another, as long as there is a wedge that allows for it. Attack the cause, not the effect. Expose the shilling techniques and manipulation tools instead of whining about e-celebs, that way people will learn to recognize the subversion before it happens.

But TRS said Kikebart was Reichbart now and they're our allies on the Altistic-Right?

HIV doesn't exist

He will probably fuck off on his own eventually, wasn't he recently portrayed as a "white supremacist symbol"?
I can imagine a filthy kike like him wouldn't want that kind of reputation.

I never liked milo.

Make normies realize he's safe as fuck.

And now they're trying to destroy him.

Do you trust TRS? I only side with Holla Forums, but I hear them mentioned a lot.

Surprised Milo knows about KEK, but the fact he's announcing it publicly to all the normies is rage inducing. KEK will deal with that faggot heretic.

this is pretty much it

the faggot knows his time is limited, so he wants to try and impact as many innocent people as possible while his pozzed blood still courses through his veins.

He will die of aids, alone like all faggots end up.

They're more or less in line with Holla Forums ideologically but buy into the "alt-right" label and are E-celebs with all the cancer that comes with that.

But yeah Holla Forums is the beating heart of the right wing backlash and we should treat everything else as merely our derivatives.

1. He's a valuable tool for bringing in the degenerate voters and trying to get fags to stop voting democrat
2. He triggers the living fuck out of feminists and SJWs
3. After the election, his 15 minutes will be up.
4. What this guy said

You wont. You'll just have to factor in the faggot brigades in this little rebel army. Use them as shock troopers if you must. Out Jew the Jew and turn his own weapons against him. Alternatively, you'll have to wait for the moment Kike queers like Milo Jew all his believers. That's the only moment you'll be to able purge the rest and maintain a strict gays to bog policy.

op just cum in his ass and give him aids. he will be dead in 2 years

isn't he progressing Holla Forumss agenda? isn't he an asset?

he'll disappear once the election is over

I've had good results at removing them with fire

Yes, I have no doubt they content mine here, and at least they give us an indirect interface to influence the public through the will of KEK, but they shouldn't spread the knowledge of KEK around to the normies, that's crossing the line.

DOTR will come, don't worry.
You can also kill him yourself, OP.

He is progressing his own agenda. We are just a tool for him

Considering you faggots never stop mentioning this stale meme, it's hard to think anyone doesn't know about it.
Oh yeah, le meme frog isn't normie domain already.
Heretic? Oh, have you all chosen a pope? No? Have you at least elected a bunch of bishops then? No? Well, at least you have your bible. Oh you don't have that either. Seems you don't have a lot of grounds to declare "Heresy" then.


Nah, I think he gets off on it.

Fuck off jew faggot

This. What we do is best when it is in the shadows and he brings a lot of attention.

He'll have to be watched, very closely. Keep eyes on him.

exactly, like the kike that he is

kek has done more for our cause than your kike god

They're lolberg LARPers


Don't worry heretic, your day will come.

You should never tolerate obvious subversives under and circumstances.

Fuck off jew niger fucker

They're not, fuck off d&c faggot.

True, but he's still of use.

He's triggering feminists and liberals all over the place

everyone is race mixed one way or another, stop trying to D&C

You mean like that time hundreds of thousands of dollars that was raised for a straight white male college grant disappeared.

The only reason this faggot is still being left to parade around promoting us is because it's working to help get Trump elected. In less than 2 months his use will be over but until then let's not rock the boat.

For all we know Milo might just be one of the best fag LARP's around and will suddenly become straight and hate niggers after the election but we certainly can't count on it.

Also to be honest his help in promoting Trump is something to be appreciated. From what I see the only downside to him is he supports gay niggerfucking. Heard he's a kike as well but haven't seen any proof aside from him being careful around the JQ (but what alt-right e-celeb isn't with the election so close?)

All I know is what's a good strategy for us today is about to dramatically change come November and we certainly want to hold off ousting anyone who supports us until then. Anyone who knows anything about group behavior and how bonding/fracturing works would agree with me on this. Just my 2c.


(trips checked)
I guess I agree. I just think we need to keep a close eye on him and remember what he truly is.


if kek's strong it will work

He sold these shirts and is a gay Jew.

Fucking guess.

Gas yourself Milo.

We aren't talking Germans with Italians here, he tells white women they should fuck black guys.

fuck outta here

I personally think that infighting is bad, stepping stones should be used and we should wait until the night of the long knives before the purge.

Fighting subversive kike isn't infighting.

god damn reddit fuck off nigger

Fuck off Kike.

He's a jew by blood through his mother, catholic by religion. He claims his jewish heritage, Rubin called him out on it once when Milo said that alt-right is correct about jews owning the media and Hollywood by saying, "they're right we basically do", Rubin responded, "What do you mean "we"?" and pointing to the cross Milo was wearing. Milo then explained that his mother was jewish and jews identify by blood and not just by religion.

Can this meme finally die please, a faggot bbc slurping kike is NOT in any way part of our movement. If you don't understand why, you should leave asap

Lets let Milo help get the faggot vote for Trump. In exchange, he can be last in line on the day of the rope.

jewish heritage comes through the mother, he's 100% kike

Stop giving him attention and he will vanish.

there is no fucking excuse for this

You can be a faggot that hates Milo and still vote Trump, this shit's not D&C.

Mulattos are fucking ugly as sin goddamn

I see. Well even then I think we should wait until Trump wins then do whatever. Potentially fracturing the "group" now would be retarded.

Shill liar

Someone needs to fix this to say devolving.

Let the nigger-humping faggot kike serve his purpose, which is to trigger the Left. He's practically untouchable by them, and it drives them crazy. He has gone on live broadcast to deny being a part of the alt-right. He doesn't want to be a leader, so stop agreeing with the kike media by saying he is.

Just ignore him if you don't like him. Nobody will care for what he has to say after the election.

Yes it is you retards. It's not D&C of Holla Forums it's D&C of trump voters. We don't need a single enemy who supports Trump. After the election is the time to take him down if you really care that much about him.

Being openly hostile to coalburners is funny as fuck, give them the evil eye and you can feel their shame

They really are But I am still dating one
God please kill me

I care more about the promotion of miscegenation than I do Trump.

Simple, don't give the faggot


Only cucks, degenerates and other faggots take him seriously.

Kek will give him AIDS and gives him a very slow and undignified death.

Milo is a faggot kike and everyone who likes him is a dumb faggots, fuck them

Hello Milo.


He obviously has 0 willpower and thinks things just happen to him instead of him being an active participant. I'd bet she even came onto him initially.

user you're just going to have to take responsibility and kill yourself.

It's the honorable thing to do.

He's surfing on subcultural trends like he surfs on cocks. He's just a gay attention whore.

Hint: you won't get rid of him if you keep paying attention to everything he does.

There will be a schism in the alt-right soon and Milo will likely be the initiator of the whole process.

How are you going to care about miscegenation when your country is flooded with hillary's muds? Trump is the bulwark against that. You need to see the forrest for the trees. You sound like those insufferable pro-life faggots who will throw an election over their one issue.

Never liked him, but now I think his use has run out. Pls remove.

Serves them right, they trusted a kike!


Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit White Identity.

By not giving clicks to that faggot


No, I'll still vote Trump but if someone tells me to stop slamming race mixing if the person promoting it is supposedly on our side I'm going to tell them they're full of shit.

That was most likely his intention all along.

But no goyim he's just a observer and journalist giving the alt-right a fair shake he's not a leader at all.

Even AIDS denialists recognize that HIV exists, you twat. They just don't think that that virus causes AIDS. Which it does. Otherwise you couldn't have gotten it through blood transfusions.

Kek will punish him, oh it will be so sweet

TRS is cool. Some of their audience are gay as hell and need to be gassed, but the writers are for the most part pretty solid. They use the label "alt-right" because they want to battle for that territory instead of just ceding it to controlled opposition and losing ground. And they are doing a good job considering their traffic and reach with podcasts and so on.

He's a good writer.

Not spamming the board every day with 100 "WAAAH I HATE [insert e-celeb here]" threads would be a start.

There is no such thing as AIDS. "AIDS" is a euphemism for

Look dude, Trump is cool and all, but he is the end goal here. After he is elected, we need to continue the rightward push and make sure the guy who comes after him is even more in line with us.

Not surprising, thats about what I expected his "how to kill the alt-right" speech to be about, its about the left not being shit not telling them how to fuck us over.

There's a huge chunk of gay niggers that fuck in secret.

There's no shortage of gay Asians.

Most sandniggers are in the closet fapping to gay porn.

Milo is a non-issue. He found success as a cum slurping nigger hole, but venerates and supports western white culture as the best, if not only, way to build a civilization. That's why he denigrates himself with blacks only, for the contrast of the taboo. He was a catholic schoolboy who probably got diddled by robed paedos.

Let him hound feminists 'til he gets bored of it. He's pretty much untouchable by the SJWs, until they start openly cannibalizing the gays. Which may not be long.

Study his methods of attack and then move on.

He spends at least half of every article writing about how great he is. He is absolutely shit

das rite

We won't get rid of him until we lose, and the last bit ain't happening.

t- Milo

Genuine question Holla Forumsacks, what's wrong with him fucking niggers but not procreating with them? As a fag, Milo can't naturally reproduce so it's not like he's breeding with niggers.

because bestiality is disgusting

Get out.

I don't think you know good writing, really.

You do know where you are right?

Would you fuck an animal?

He's promoting a lifestyle that opens people up to physical abuse and unnecessarily high chances of STD infection, just because he thinks black meat is naughty.

But that's just homosexuality. What does that have to do with race?

So I take it I'm not gonna get many serious answers?

He will self-destruct on his own.

He promotes women doing the same. see


I see. Well that sucks.

I don't disagree with you, Milo should be purged, but if it has to wait about another month for our own sake then there should be no sense of urgency at this very moment.

Only shills or the socially inept would think creating an unpredictable fracturing right before the election is a good idea. Not saying that's what you're suggesting, but do keep this in mind as to why most of us have been fairly quiet on this topic recently.

A group that doesn't explicitly exclude jews will be co-opted by them

Do you really think he can subvert us? He subverts liberals. Many of those people will hang onto the degeneracy they like, but they will also take on new ideologies that are somewhat aligned with us.

Instead of working against him, we should take advantage of him opening the door for us. Focus on subverting the useful people he subverts.

Personally, I would like to see a world where all white people can work together for our shared interests. I am not as concerned what that looks like as it occurs, but I think we can expect it to end up similar to most white culture. If we cannot convince some degenerates who hate themselves, their family, and their community to redeem themselves, then how can we ever win?


Better cut that out now, user.

Id be fine with him being a standard entryist cuck but he's a Nigger loving faggot Jew with obvious malicious intent.

No quarter to those with malicious intent.

1/4 black & 3/4 white

user yuo are of nigger

I think you spelled nigger wrong

Is suicide the only cure?

(trips checked)
No, just don't breed with whites

I was 100% serious, niggers aren't humans. Or atleast not humans in the original sense, they're stuck at a prior evolutionary state

This. Today's human's left africa like 40k years ago and the niggers stayed. They evolved differently

Trips confirm

If you have to have kids marry another Mulatto and don't breed above the replacement rate.

So I can't water out my nigger blood by having children with a white girl and redpilling them to do the same?

That's how you sound, fuckstick. kys my dude

Leave our white women alone nigger.

what is with this kind of logic?

Muh dik