I just bought one of these to try it and it's practically flavorless. I feel ripped off, they sell these for $4.
I just bought one of these to try it and it's practically flavorless. I feel ripped off, they sell these for $4
the blandness grows on you tbh
t. never ate it just theorizing
It upsets me how nature works sometimes. Crazy looking shit like this end up having almost no flavor but boring lazy design like apples (just a bunch of single color same size spheres) taste much better.
the durian fruit is one of the worst tasting foods imaginable. looks pretty kew too
Try dried figs if you haven't already. They may not look that appetizing, but they taste like candy.
That looks like a pastry.
that looks really appetizing tbh
The inside is like a mix of syrup and jam.
Protip; certain fig species are commonly found with dead wasps inside.
unappetizing tbh
They are so small you can't see them and they have no stingers. Really no worse than eating shrimp despite the fact that they have shrimp shit in their shrimp gut that doesn't always get removed.
wtf im never eating shrimp again
meep meep your taste buds have been desensitized to the true natural and organic flavor of the esoteric dragonfruit by decades of high fructose corn syrup consumption tbh no homo
i disagree tbh I spent the last two weeks eating 1-2 pomegranates a day so I have high expectations for fruits having strong flavor
It's the brown vein. That's why they say "de-vein the shrimp"
h-he's lying, right?
If you've eaten prepared shrimp like you ordered it at a restaurant chances are the digestive tract was removed, if you buy fresh shrimp to cook with though it's likely you'll have to remove the digestive tract which is full of poop.
I thought it would taste good because it looked wacky.
Nope, totally legit.
I've worked on a fishing boat and we often joke about that shit.
as if that matters. U can dring snakes venom like coke and itll be fine, cuz venoms r not uneatable
Those have different varieties. The best ones I've had so far tastes a lot like strawberry.
Durian is aqcuired taste, like coffe except the smell. It's best tasting when frozen first plus it cuts off the smell for like 50%
Also like that slimey dry / crunchy texture.
You'll be surprised. Bottom feeders feed on filth.
t. /ck/ fag
Buy cajá if you can find it anywhere. It's great.
bump for cajá
A lot of those fruits are bred to taste better.
They come in small batches from thailand and southern china,can you buy them in your local cornershop?
No. Thats why, foreign foods market+4 bux.
Most melons taste like water not that syrupy intense flavour you get from watermelon flavoured stuff. Real watermelon is at best 50% fake melon flavour at peak ripeness you need to learn to enjoy the water and subtleness of the flavour.