Textposters refugee thread tbh
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kys faggot that have pics of cocks saved in his hard drive
Nastya :D
!Ok stop posting here. this is what the textfags want, so let them wallow in their own misery and filth. pedos are the cancer killing Holla Forums remember.
no wonder the sonya thread got nuked. but now there are popcorn in ptg now
might as well wait for a bit
Sonya thread got nuked because pajeets can't control themselves
sonya thread got nuked because people were dick measuring and hoarders were on damage control because they got called out on their bluffs.
seriously just forget about this place for a week and you'll see how much they need us. leaf
stupid vpn
good VPN's don't reveal your country tbh
so you are saying anits shat up there in order to bring back traffic here? Got it.
yes, thats what happened last week and thats whats happening now
are there really any unknown countries, or have you found a way to post images with the hidden service?
if the latter please tell me how to hack that so i can do it too
pick one
not Zhenya / 10
t. anna flag poster
which posting IP other than could not be linked to a country?
mods are asleep. post women
what else are they based on?
what else would even make sense to base it on?
if i post bare-ip i get flag of my homo-country, if i use vpn of a certain other country (same browser, etc) i get flag of that country
8ch is dead, why won't you people just let it die? Unless you can overthrow Jim, this place cannot be saved.
browser user agent for one thing
what you have posted good Sir was not women, such is called "Dykes"
Zhenya can save us
then i would always get the same flag even if i posted from different country
also, i could easily manipulate the country to better troll if they used that
how can a nigger save anything?
Pure degeneracy
how can you save anything with degeneracy?
Zhenya is NOT a nigger!
kys tbh
if tor detected then{
< unknown flag
} else {
< ip → country flag
At least post images
It tells me its listed as a Tor exit node if that helps
There are times when you'd wish it were possible to travel back to a single point in time and location. Pic definitely related
nice digits, nice 18+ female butt
t. anna flag poster
K-Pim is still my numero uno
very pretty but I'm not too happy she is in American now. She'll quickly become a normie and imbibe the rest of our degenerate "culture". Sad
it's ok. we are all friends here
reporting in, bros
Antis OUT
i'm a hebe tbh
i'm a pedohebeteleiophile tbh
Post some hebe
Do you have a queen of hearts?
literally 2nd best girl
She's literally perfect!
So is she, tbh
Slav speaking Loli's are so cute!
What about German?
Ukraine? nice
far fewer cute German girls than Russian ones
Give me a kiss user
Why didn't the cameraman smile back?
she looks sad
here you are posting sexualized images of children, yet you have the chutzpah to call me a degenerate for being a capitalist?
you have a lot shit to sort out for yourself, meine kleine deutsche-user.
pro tip: you Holla Forums fag fascists are being subverted by russians
Fuck off tbh
lol. sounds like you are the one sexualizing them tbh
by russian girls, yes
well you are.
wow you're pretty clever there dude.
report squad just fucking waiting to send you all the BAN-hell if anything goes illegal. fucking fuckers
you are the one that considers a picture of a girl's armpits 'sexualized'. Only in your mind closet pedo
oh fuck off
Reported for reverse psychology in trying to make pedos post CP to prove to you how little they care about being banned, you know exactly what you're doing you sick fuck.
she realized growing up was inevitable and the thought of it killed her
Translates: "I am a gigantic faggot! Rape my face tonight."
Fuck off Marabro
no tbh
Mara touches me in a special way
You are either asleep or gay! POST REAL WOMEN, not these shemale/trans/crossdresing hollywood miscreations. Here I will show you how real pussy looks like :)
Midgets are back? :^3