Nick Spencer just wrote SJW terrorists in Captain America: Sam Wilson. I expected some right-winger to write this as a caricature of SJWs, but no, this is an actual SJW writing a parody of themselves. Thoughts?
Is this SJWs parodying themselves?
Other urls found in this thread:
To be honest, ever since reality broke in 2015 i can't even tell anymore.
Superheroes have always been practitioners of social justice.
You've been reading this gay shit all this time and only now you're surprised to realize this?
Maybe it's not the comics that are dumb. They're making their quick buck. You're the ones giving them attention for it from your outrage. And no, your outrage isn't harming them. Sales have been rock bottom since the speculator market crash, nothing they do can harm their sales. The tiny remaining handful of people who have a fetish for giftwrapped dogshit don't have some other giftwrapped dogshit factory they can threaten to buy from instead. The big two have the entire market cornered with the very bottom of the barrel and they know there's nothing they can do to lose it at this point, because the people who have better taste (i.e. people who aren't entertained by piss poor writing and childish concepts) have already been getting their needs met anywhere else. Make no mistake, the bottom of the barrel consists of you, if you like superhero comics. You're the people that even faggot weeaboos look down on.
Can I have some context there? This doesn't look like a parody and more like lack of awereness. They aren't being presented as terrorists, but as new young heroes.
It's almost as if OP should have posted the comic in context and not just some screencaps he found off twitter.
Doing a parody would require self-awareness, which SJWs haven't got
We've been seeing a lot of this. It's probably the same guy doing it too.
I bet they actually think this stuff sounds witty and cool.
Pathetic, to be honest.
I'll explain what's going on, since OP is a lazy fuck. People might argue if this is a parody, but you have to realize this is written by Nick Spencer, the guy who wrote Sam Wilson taking on a bunch of stormtroopers who took over the police force in order to beat up minorities. And the same guy who wrote that Sam Wilson delivers Rhodey's eulogy since Tony wasn't feeling well, with said eulogy about being a black superhero.
The new Falcon, who's name I completely forgot despite reading the comic 12 seconds ago is from Mexico and the Evil White News Network is suggesting he might be an illegal immigrant and has to go back, a thought pioneered by a right-wing knockoff, probably supposed to instill the image of Laura Southern or any known right winger.
Laura Southern is speaking at a college and Mexican Falcon and Rage decide to head over and tell her a thing or two about a thing or two. However, her appearance is already being protested by the college students, including The Bombshells (the kids in OPs image), who want to murder her. Now, yes obviously, the dialogue of The Bombshells is supposed to be parodic. Only idiots go 'no its sjw and theyre dumb hehe'. Yes, Nick Spencer is making fun of how left college kids talk while simultaneously writing a comic where the Mexican man stands up to the evil white right lady. At the end of the comic, Black Rage gets apprehended by the evil police stormtrooper force.
To sum it up, parody or not, this dialogue is embarrassing and I hope this comic gets in hot water by the people it's pandered to.
For the record, yes, this reads like a parody (somewhat like how PC Principle in South Park was a parody, in fact South Park doing it first is probably why this comic is doing it now). It will get attacked in the "comics media." Comicsalliance will write an angry article about it.
The problem is that it's not truly a parody. It's merely references. References to memes making fun of the original behavior. When it's a reference, it strips the actual mockery out, leaving nothing but empty words. So there is no intended parody happening in these pages regardless, because it has nothing to say about the specific behavior (at least according to these out of context pages and panels). The inherent nature of the concept of "jokes" is that they are always at someone's expense. If it's not at someone's expense, it's not a joke. Therefore, if it's not mocking the behavior of a person or group, it is not parody.
Which is ordinary for superhero comics, as cape comics are the most empty form of comic storytelling in the history of storytelling. They are consistently written by people with no talent or skill of even the smallest shred. If someone does have talent or skill, they write movies or TV instead (only resorting to comics out of desperation or as lower class work to keep a slight paycheck coming in).
Now, if these SJW heroes turned out to be hypocrites in some way that was portrayed to the reader, such as them being violent coke heads or psychopaths or lashing out at random innocents, then yes, this would be parody, and it might even be relatively sharp. Until then, it's just memespew.
Considering the rock bottom level that capeshit writing has always consisted of, all the way back to the 1930s, it's pretty obvious that this is most likely not parody, just memespew.
You're right but,
swc plz go
Spencer is a legitimately good writer. The only people who think he's an SJW simply don't read comics.
The same goes for Jason Aaron. I'd argue that pressure from editorial is why they did certain things. They both have some great work under their belts.
That's why biggest and most influential board on Holla Forums is filled with statists.
Heavy denial or just straight up shill. I can't tell. Spencer and Aaron WERE good writers but both drank- no chugged the kool-aid hard. They're a lost cause of nu-male cucks.
Also, everything on the comic book side is talking about a very rare kind of person. I wouldn't disagree if you put them under the label "collector", but most readers are fine. SJW books aren't selling.
Thor looks like he's shit his cape.
Did you see the images in the OP? He's not an SJW. If anything he's just a liberal.
They are not even in costume! I miss flamboyant villains.
As if that's any better.
It's probably just editorial, m8. The Hydra thing DEFINITELY was. Do you really think it wasn't Marvel that asked him to do it? Do you really think that if it was his idea, they would have let him write it?
If they don't all end being beaten and raped I'll be very disappointing. The guy looks asian, so he might be sissified in a way it might actually look good, like thailand do.
They let their writers do almost whatever the fuck they want! Where have you been that you'd think otherwise?!
Im too scared to ask for context
That sounds like editorial, man. It's not spencer's style. He tends to write more comedic heist-style stuff. He seems to be fucking around mostly, like with the hydra reveal.
They really don't. The only reason they do outlandish things is because they feel they need to in order to boost sales. Bendis didn't kill the hulk in civil war II because he thought it was a good plot detail, he did it so people would go "WHAT, THEY KILLED THE HULK?"
This is the dawn of a new age in comic book sensationalism.
that would really make some waves in the mid 90s huh
Holy shit are you deluded.
they had already killed or otherwise changed virtually everyone else he could kill
Oh the bright side it gave us a nice reaction image.
Holla Forums doesn't read current year comics, fuck off back to /leftyco/ buttseeker.
It was kind of funny that EVERYONE in that comic was breaking the law
The centralized controllers are willing to lose money, because art is a propaganda expense
Social Justice isn't about breaking laws. It's about using the law to enforce identity politics, and when the law fails, they get to claim oppression and convince themselves that they are finally fighting in the glorious revolution all the other generations got to have. Seriously, a good majority of SJW-ism is just faggots wishing they had their own civil rights movement to channel their aimless righteous indignation into. It's like they've been blueballed by their own ideology which was actually becoming a lot more tolerant and understanding because of previous social justice movements.
Someone get tumblr and twitter to protest this for making black lives matter and social justice look like a violent, simple-minded joke.
Yet they bitch about them, which means Marvel's strategy is a complete success. I wouldn't have known/cared about this issue of Captain America (or any issue of Captain America for that matter) if OP didn't make a thread complaining about it. Once again, Marvel maintains it's relevancy by exploiting the stupid.
No need. The twitter hordes are already threatening to lynch Spencer for this indignity.
This is a goldmine for Marvel. I expect Captain America sales to go up from this.
My take is they saw how popular the captain is a nazi gimmick was so they think
so they are making their antagonists into SJWs thinking people are being edgy and dark.
You are such a newfag if the rest of your post wasn't already enough of a give way.
Seriously though, how many iterations of this thread have to be made before the obvious gets pointed out again and again?
I still get why SJWs aes triggered. Didn't they get what they asked for?
So its not a true parody and only done to make Nick Spencer's views seem reasonable by using strawmen?
It'd be funny if they turn on each other and kill the Asian guy because Asians tend to have higher income and intelligence so therefore he is privilleged.
I've responded to this pic before in another thread but do you and Brevoort not understand the concept of diminishing returns? Their sales have been plummeting man. They are losing.
I remember reading parts of the Sam Wilson Cap. America where he fights the Serpent Society. And it occurred to me that he seems heavily inspired by the Gruenwald run. I just wonder how could have Spencer's run have been better? Make the villains more nuanced? What made Gruenwald's run so good and Spencer's so terrible when both deal with politics. Its a shame because he could've done something extraordinary with this given the political times we live in now.
No, user.
Sure, you may not have known or cared about that issue of Captain America, but did you buy it?
Of fucking course not, because Marvel's strategy is a massive failure.
Gruenwald didn't live in an echo chamber
I'd argue that because of the steady increase in piracy and the prevalence of social media in giving curious people the gist of a bait comic plot in a single tweet, the outrage model is losing its effectiveness in selling comics.
In the last two decades, provoking your readership(and outsiders) always yielded immediate short term sales, and still does since comic shops are easily influenced by such things. The only reason it isn't working as well right now is because multiple failed events have ruined the market and drove off large amounts of habitual readers. Convergence, DCYOU, Secret Wars, Civil War 2, Marvel NOW! all of these have degraded the market in some form or another, so comic shops are tightening their belts and are less frugal with their money.
2017 is going to be a really rough year for comics.
Dude, I don't need to buy it. Comic shops need to buy it. If shop owners see a big buzz online about a specific comic, they'll increase their orders to meet potential demand.
Or at least they would if they weren't fucking dying right now.
Except they're not
Marvel is sending free issues out and some shops are just telling marvel to fuck off
And ended up damaging companies severely on the long run
You admitted it yourself, people are getting sick of all the bullshit
Oh I dunno, back when I was an SJW (long before that term was invented), I wrote a parody website about the "extreme end" of my own politics, only to end up padding about half the list of policy ideas with stuff I actually agreed with. It was a pretty effective mirror to look at myself in.
Mind you, this guy might just be a totally unprincipled hack who can smell which way the wind's starting to blow, and is laying the groundwork for making money off it.
Someone used my OC
I think that's the way everything is going. It'll confuse both their tiny minds and it'll be hilarious.
But they have never used these kind of buzzwords. That's what makes it hilarious, and it looks like a parody. If the writer is serious about this, I just don't know anymore.
Also, usually super heroes have a reason to break the law, namely corruption or incompetency,
You tried to hard, fam
I notice this trend in movies, videogames and tv shows as well. With companies focusing on gimmicks and short term results rather than the long run and making something good.
Unrelated but speaking of Archie..wasn't there a book where they had Betty and Veronica go all lesbo? Could be one of those bizarre Archie books where either the cast got killed by the Predator..or zombies.
Don't remind me.
It hurts.
what's the difference also see
fuck off
fuck off too
I hope Spencer one day renounces his ways, then I'll get the Superior Foes omnibus
user is right about the echo chamber, and also Gruenwald wasn't nearly as preachy. I mean, I'll have to look up this full issue (since OP apparently can't manage a simple storytime), but even from the snips I can see, it's preachy. And even if Spencer is hating on the Alt-Right, SJWs or whatever, he's preachy. Nothing feels subtle enough.
Captain America has always been a balance between natural and over the top, it's a man dressed as a flag who has to feel genuine. Gruenwald would keep characters very natural, they did things that made sense with who they were. When Magneto came to fuck Red Skull up over the holocaust thing, it wasn't a whole issue about how bad Nazis are and how good Jews were… it was one dude pissed off at another dude and they threw down with every resource they had available. The little I've read of Spencer's stuff has the characters act how they should, until a certain point where the plot needs them to pull a 180 for no reason, so they just pull it. Because the plot wants a thing, not because the characters do.
The only thing Spencer has successfully done is get talked about constantly. Almost never in a great way, but he keeps his comic in the spotlight, which I'm sure keeps Marvel happy.
Honestly, the only thing that really pisses me off is Rhodey's eulogy. But that pisses me off A LOT.
I hate when we have a shit OP, because it means we end up with shit discussion. What's even the point of an image board if OP's can't even do more work than some fuck on twitter? I'm considering finding the issue and storytiming it, but now people will bitch about a new thread, and just posting it in this one will mean some people will just ignore it and have non-discussion about the twitter approved out of context panels OP chose. Shit OPs bring down the whole board, who would want to have discussions with so little substance?
That wouldn't be parody, that would just be a Millar book.
Yeah, there's no way Tony would ever miss out on the funeral of his best friend.
Especially when they later showed him at Banner's funeral. These people could have any stupid political beliefs they want, but you NEVER betray the characters like that. It makes it impossible for a reader to get invested in any of this shit.
also that they made Ironheart a new 'I fucking love science' character instead of 'Rhodey's niece is fucking pissed and putting on an old War Machine suit'. if you're going to rip off Steel's daughter at least do it properly.
Almost seems like the entire solution to the issue could be summed up as "Don't become stereotypical anime." One of my biggest complaints about the whole anime and manga industry is how characters can mindlessly get in numerous minutes trying to justify themselves.
Damn it SWC stop being right
They have no self awareness at all.
I think that's just the ol bad writer trap of thinking characters having monologues about their motivations is cool and deep, despite the author having no real idea how to make it interesting, and assuming the audience is retarded and has to have a point slammed over and over. (or they just don't have any other ideas)
Doesn't help that they're generally trying to justify 'hero being a hero despite adversity' and 'villain continuing to do bad things' a lotta the time. Trying to be deep and meaningful with no idea how or why.
I'd say there's room for a superhero who treats the whole thing as a scientific exercise first with crime-fighting/protecting the world a lesser priority, as an ongoing flaw, but we already have Mr Fantastic.
It's not a parody because SJW have no self-conscience at all. Very early on they are taught that the world is full of all kinds of injustice and it's their duty to get rid of it, no matter the cost. How could they be wrong if they fight for good? It's no different than any other kind of fanatic, really.
is that from Multiversity?
Read his Star Wars comic, you braindead cuck.
If you believe your average Holla Forums user gives any shits about a pozzed and childish as fuck media like comics, you clearly have never been there. When youre reading about Hollywood pedo rings and media rigging the thing you're gonna be angry about isn't Captain America becoming a groid.
All the outrage about comics happens here, and even when you idiots try to crosspost it gets buried in minutes.
Now fuck off back to whatever lefty shithole you came from.
No, you and the people of this board bitch about them, and even the people here don't give enough shits to actually buy them.
Their tactics are shit and so are yours.
Maybe whatever commie shitboard you come from cares though, those evil SJWs are using your marxxist ideology to do ==not real== communism after all.
newfags still can't redtext
Are they dying? Is this another Christmas gift?
Hope so
It's a new years miracle!
This is pretty fucking funny
what a way to start a year
It's gonna be a good one indeed.
And that's pretty much the only part of the issue that isn't shit.
This cuck always seems to make his strawmen seem reasonable.
He probably goes online, sees what the most evil people in the world (non-leftists) are saying, puts that ad verbatim into his comics and just assumes everyone will see how evil they are for saying such horrible, racist, misogynist, transphobic, disgusting things.
That's certainly how it came off with Red Skull, anyway.
I would have to agree with Bleeding Cool that Ann Coulter is a more likely candidate for who Spencer is trying to strawman, because of the character's initials. Not that she couldn't be Lauren Southern or somebody else because jesus christ there are so many blonde haired, blue-eyed female conservative pundits.
I guess the master race is returning then.
I thought Red Skull was a super human on par with Captain America.
If I was desperate and had time I think I could grab a ledge that high and pull myself up. Artist really should have drawn it higher
I think originally he was a normal human who was just intelligent. It only later he becomes super human on par with Captain America by having a clone of Captain America's body and trasnferring his conciousness to it while his old one dies. Also, the whole him being equal to Captain America was simplified for the movies.
Still, should have been drawn a bit higher in the left panels.
Which one of you guys predicted this would backfire and majorly piss off SJWs?
But wasn't the new Falcon actually an illegal inmigrant?
Also, is Steve Rogers still an Hydra agent? that's the reason why he is so shitty lately?
How does it feel to be so shitty as a writer and a propagandist you are not just hated by the people you insult but the people you try to convince?
It would be hillarious if it wasn't so sad.
I remember seeing this outrage on my tumblr. Its good to see them eat each other alive.
It's beautiful.
Funny thing is, even when he's a Hydra agent people in Holla Forums still on his side when he berated Capt Marvel/Carol Danver.
I guess if they sell 500 copies and all 500 have tumblrs that's still enough for online outrage
I need to know about this. For research.
When he had an actual point about teen superheroes?
Yep, that one. He's pretty much berating on her because she's trying to play god again even after putting Tony in coma.
Funny thing the teen hero was apparently a SHIELD agent or something.
Yay! child soldiers!
There is nothing more american!
Nice dubs.
Thanks user.
is this parody?
are these the designated bad guys I'm meant to disagree with? I'm agreeing with them.
get the fuck out you faggot
Given the timing on the release and the comment about the new Falcon being deported, I'm guessing that this issue was written shortly after Trump won the election. So these are meant to be agents of the incoming corrupt and backwards establishment that the hero is being forced to work with, even though they will regularly make life difficult for him. Similarly, the social justice assassins are probably based on all those ugly riots 'protests' and all the bullshit that happened on colleges that made the left look bad at around that time.
Assuming he continues on the course he's currently following, Nick Spencer will probably eventually reveal that Ariella Conner is secretly a Skrull or a Hydra Agent, or some other bad thing that will allow Captain Amerifalcon to punch her in the face.
Or he'll just show his inner cuck some more and do a 'redemption' story arc. Pic related, but spoilered for suggestive content.
Kill yourselves.
So is no one going to storytime it? I would but I've got no idea where to download it
I think it can be read on or something.
I can't believe we are only 118 posts in and nobody storytimed this shit yet. Oh well, looks like I gotta do OP's job.
This is what Marvel’s “superheroes” do these days: Show up at conservative events to confront speakers about their views. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.
I have to admit tho, not-Ann Coulter is pretty waifuable.
You see beaner Falcon tells not-Ann Coulter she should be glad he took a white people's job to save her life, even though his job belong to a black man.
I don't think she's a reference to Ann Coulter, user.
I think she's a reference to the Tomi Lahren. Who everyone decided to hate in 2016 when she talked shit about BLM, even though she's actually very reasonable. And isn't even shitty like other conservatives in news media that have meltdowns during debates. She knows how to argue and her debates with people are pretty interesting to listen to.
Ah, wait, didn't realize they gave her the name 'Ariella Conner.' That sounds like she is based off Ann Coulter.
Yeah I was about to point out, though as other anons posted several female conservatives happen to be blonde-haired and blue-eyed like Lauren Southern, Ann Coulter and Lahren.
Seriously, if it weren't for the initials 'AC' she could be anyone. Blonde haired, blue eyed female conservative pundit is such a broad descriptor that it doesn't narrow things down in the slightest
And to end the issue, looks like Marvel's own Jerkops are back. You know, this looks like a better drawn Sonichu, because you have a character who doesn't really do anything heroic and only picks up fights with people that disagree with him
Someone with a Twatter should send the real Ann Coulter the choice bits
Something like
Chris-Chan missed a trick. If he had even one moment of self-awareness, realised he couldn't draw and just stuck to writing, he could be working for Marvel right about now
The bar is so low at this point I wouldn't put past it.
Trying REALLY fucking hard to push that whole "America is a fascist police state!" narrative that lefties laughed at fringe right-wingers for.
And this was made in America under Obongo's administration. This will become even more insufferable when Donnie gets to office. Its a good thing normalfags don't care about libshits and their propaganda anymore.
So Stark being absent was the part that pissed you off the most? How's about the fact that Rhodey's actual FAMILY isn't covered to any degree, and instead we get a bunch of random Marvel dindus being all sympathetic because he was black n' sheet, even though none of them ever hung out with him?
Not the thing that pissed me off the most but one of them.
Rage? Isn't he about twelve years old?
And someone was bitching about child soldiers?
It's not really surprising, SJW is essentially a witchhunt.
Anyone not making the right virtue signals is going to be set upon and torn apart. Of course they'll turn on each other.
This page explains him dubs.
Yep they do.
'Captain America: Sam Wilson' comic writer under fire for mocking social justice activism
By Gavia Baker-Whitelaw
I thought DC did their own bombshells?
That shit is dead as doornail, but these cucks are still afraid of it. Will they ever let go?
You know since this is getting political I wonder why these comics haven't called out the Obama or the Democratic party for their own hypocrisy. Obama continued the drone strikes and increased it compared to Bush and then you have the whole DNC scandal and using identity politics to divide people rather than unite them against a corrupt government. I get sick of seeing this "hurr durr conservatives bad liberals good" shit when the liberals are no different at this point. Especially with their "muh Russian hacking" conspiracy nonsense.
I'm surprised that alot of people don't understand that. For example, alot of people seemed to think that Gawker/Kotaku would die off for good, but I knew they would never die off. Even if it went bankrupt, it would get sold off for pennies and then business would continue as usual (speaking of which, didn't all that already happen?)
That would be raycissssss…
Isn't that the site that glen beck is behind?
Yes I'm surprised it hasn't crashed yet.
Is this Moviebob talking? What the fuck
Apparently it is.
They will never, ever let it go, because it exposed their bullshit to a lot of people who had ignored it until then.
Like any fundamentalists, SJWs cannot tolerate parody or satire, and will savage anyone questioning the party line, a thoughtcrime worse that not memorising your 52 pronouns.
Nick Spencer has been declared an un-person.
What the hell does that mean?
Doesn't matter you think it's a parody or not, because it is.
Then you are just making an edgy Millar book. Just because it's less subtle doesn't make it more of a parody. Funnily enough, they are already being portrayed as vicious psychopaths lashing out at innocent people, but you are autistic enough you are outright refusing to see that.
Parodies are to be understood within a context. By definition, they are referential humor, so memespouting, while rather lazy, is perfectly fine for parodies. In this case, The Bombshells are being built as a strawman in which real SJW is being caricaturized. The funny thing of caricaturization is that you exaggerate some of the most prominent traits so, while you are not actually seeing an accurate depiction of reality, the core concepts behind the caricature are still present in reality. This means a real SJW wouldn't make a sentai squad to throw bombs at those who are deemed unworthy in their eyes, but they do often make "Internet left wing death squads" that love to virtually beat up people who did nothing wrong.
What's funnier, and something that even you fucking autists should have noticed, is that The Bombshells are trying to attack Rage. That's it, they are trying to attack a superhero known for being a minority whose entire superhero career consists of fighting racism. And all this just because Falcon decided to tell them killing the right wing lady isn't the solution. This parodies something we saw very well in the #NotYourShield campaign, in which SJW attacked the people they claimed to protect just because they didn't agree with what they were saying. This is so obviously trying to parody college safespacenauts it would be almost cringy if it wasn't because it's so absurd it's funny, twice so considering Poe's Law applies. The SJWs are depicted as unreasonable villains who spout nonsense; it can't be more obvious. Fuck, it's so obvious SJW are getting offended for it as if that was an achievement and even Spencer went out and said it was a "light-hearted satire".
I swear you fucks are so high on the spectrum you miss out on even the most obvious jokes. No wonder why Holla Forums also got outraged at that Battleborn character's female character domination sentence "feminism is awesome", even though it was clearly being mentioned as a joke regarding female inferiority.
How long until Marvel goes Bankrupt? I don't believe anyone is buying this shit.
Oh god. This is a jewel. Couldn't we stir the shit a little more and make an even bigger deal of nothing?
With Disney propping them up, never. Theoretically they could drop them if they just bleed money but that's not gonna happen. For Disney to drop Marvel they'd have to do something other than remake their animated properties in live action and that's just not gonna happen. Not when they can lean on Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm instead. I mean, shit, creating things is hard work
Plus they'll just survive off of reprints anyways.
They recently axed their video game division, they can axe marvel
You do realize even if it is satire doesn't mean its good satire? Yeah he's making fun of SJW's so what? I've seen it done so much better this is tame. Shit its probably the tames thing he's done in this comic.
Except Holla Forums is always right, though.
When will you fucking faggots stop sugar-coating and pussy-footing about? Call them by their fucking name, MARXISTS.
They're Global Corporatists if anything
Never, Calling em SJW is less effort and they are unworthy of any more then necessary.
Video Games are a medium. Marvel are a pumpkin patch of licences. If they get rid of Marvel they say goodbye to ever being able to make films based off of all the millions of properties Marvel own and they're never going to do that. Because eventually they're going to run out of animated films to remake in live action and they'd have to come up with new stuff and given Disney's total creative bankruptcy it just won't happen
Marx already has enough bullshit associated with his economic ideas, most of which he spent his life fighting against, let's not pile any more Fuckers on the name.
Did somebody say Marx?
Yeah, we are talking about how to go about Kirby Super Star cartoon adaption..
The last kirby cartoon wasnt too bad.
Do people still play that? Why do people still play that?
At least DC will never be tainted by SJW politics. They remain forever unbiased and god-tier in quality. Rebirth was fucking astounding.
What the fuck does that mean? If it's amalgamation of two persons or more then it's understandable if they are called they/them. But being awesome? What the fuck?
It isn't. 'It' is just an attention whore
Don't forget going out of their way to call anyone advocating economic justice a racsexist nazi bro.
That's subtle criticism of "muh pronouns". DC still remains untouched and superior. Your argument is invalid.
No it isn't. The whole thing is completely pozzed. You are delusional
Uh, yes it fucking is. You seriously couldn't tell that "awesome" was used sarcastically and/or exasperatedly? Not to mention Deadman's utter disillusionment with the whole thing.
Regardless, this is at least the farthest DC would ever go into SJW territory… unlike Marvel, who literally cucks up to every opportunity to please their SJW overlords, who in turn seem to want to demonize DC as much as they want. They're responsible for censoring a variant cover of Batgirl just because it involved the Joker "victimizing" her or some shit, and let's not forget how they're directly responsible for pussifying the Suicide Squad movie by forcing them not to involve any abuse in Harley and Mr. J's relationship.
The evidence is overwhelmingly clear. #DCmasterrace
Read the whole comic, dumb ass
Imagine if Bill Willingham had fridged Batgirl in the present political climate.
I am sorry, but how new are you? Without double standards, the left wouldn't have any standard. They have constantly looked the other way for all the shit that Obama pulled in his government and now top-cucks such as OccupyDemocrats like to pretend that his government had no scandals whatsoever nevermind:
These are just from the top of my head. There is way more shit that I could name, but Obama has done things that should have gotten his ass impeached, but the media not only refused to call him out on that and remained silent, but has become an accomplice.
He said he would end the Iraq war, instead he broadened it. He handled the Middle East situation poorly and it has spread to more countries. This is his legacy.
>two weeks later
>"Skull, I've brought you more wat– WHY does it smell like semen in here?!"
Let me guess… she starts haranguing him about mind-rape?
8/8, m8.
Delicious pasta you've got there faggot.
The media may have forgotten it, but I fucking haven't.
She does actually. She claims he's not allowed to possess her without her permission. There's all sorts of cancerous shit in this book.
Why do I keep coming back to this board? Holla Forums is full of win. Holla Forums is full of news about writers and artists I'm not legally allowed to kill.
You enjoy the anger.
It gives me comfort imagining their gruesome demises by my hand. Every shitty comic or statement they make just makes me feel more justified and happy to think about torturing them. It's quite soothing.
You're hoping against hope that one day a Red Lantern ring will fly in through the window and you can go on a massive purge of rage.
And more conservative women are hotter then libral.
Oh no doubt about it, fam 👌
He looks familiar. Does he collaborate on the Corbett Report?
Probably, although at this point in the game, I'm not sure I need the ring to spew acidic lava at people.
SWC fuck off
Btw you need to call your mom :^)
We are reaching CWC levels of writing ladies and gentlemen
forgot pic
Battleborn is shit. I'm just saying making a fuss over that specific sentence is something only a retard would do.
To be fair I think the americop was an idea from a previous comic.
Wasn't he a fed before being put into marvel? I remember reading that in some thread here. Funny to see him throw his sjws followers that he created under the bus to distance himself to appear neutral to the coming change. Typical fed cowardice if it was up to me I wouldn't accept it and make him burn with the rest.
He was part of a city council I believe.
…are you fucking retarded?
This was probably written before she lost. I get the feeling this was Spencer saying "See Trump supporters? I get how bad some lefties are. Now please support Clinton."
This. GG spoiled their free ride and woke up a LOT of young folks. And then SVU helped the cause by having a literal hunchback scream at a lesbian. It's not every day you see a strawman backfire that badly.
Where's the part where Ann-Coulter-with-glasses-and-no-Adam's-apple is proven wrong?
Should've called in Ghost Rider for a Penance Stare.
I wonder what happened to that actor. I kind of feel sorry he got put into that shit.
I don't think GR wants that kind of mess on his everything.
Faded back into irrelevance most likely
Poes law
What a waste of good trips.
You are fucking retarded.
Are you the cuck who wrote this?