Kek theology thread

More and more i'm thinking that it's important to emphasize that Kek represents the fundamental character of anons and how our community inherently operates.

Kek is darkness and chaos but not in the fire, brimstone, anarchy, and 1000 years of darkness sense but more in the sense of randomness, probability, and the unknown. And anonymous imageboards fundamentally operate on chaos and not knowing anything about who you're talking to. That's the fundamental foundation of our community. However Kek is also the darkness before the dawn and thus the bringer of light. But by Kek's internal logic Darkness=Chaos and thus logically Light=Order. Thus he represents decentralized order emerging from chaos which again is exactly what's happened in anonymous communities. So I think that people trying allude to the idea that because Kek is the lightbringer that it means that he's analogous to Lucifer or Prometheus giving knowledge to mankind or even Satan himself are erroneously falling into the paradigms of other religions.

Remember Kek is our Egregore so thus he reflects our collective nature.

Other urls found in this thread: Tatomir_Article_II CongressForYoungEgyptologists_Lisbon2006_orig.pdf

We believe that there is a strong connection between the autistic spectrum and meme magic attunement. The more autistic an individual, the higher level meme they can use. Some of the most autistic individuals are capable of becoming level 100 Memelords with the ability to use Omega-5 Memes.

Kek could represent the order implicit in chaos, the formative principle.

But all this literal Kek worship is just another red herring for sliding, diverting attention from the real issues and attracting actual retards to dilute the userbase, so have a sage :3



Memes are serious retard, there are university courses for memetics.

It's science.

Rightly so, you busybody.
The Muses of the fine lyre love us,
And so does horn-crested Pan, playing his reed pipe.
And the harpist Apollo delights in us as well,
On account of the reed, which as a bridge for his lyre,
I nourish in the water of the pond.
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax!

gas thyself

Is that the greek word for '"Find / Found" (Vri-kes) with kek inside?

Reminder that this is literal Nordic paganism- from a literal Pagan Nord. LARPagans OUT, you mock us. This is a serious religion that opposes almost everything Abrahamic. It is deeply tied to our people, land and nature.

Christcucks, God is NOT love, love is important but not the be-all and end-all highest power. That idea has led to the great cucking of Europe and "muh feels" politics. Christianity won Europe because the Romans had better armies, period. Jesus was a great man but his life story was co-opted by the corrupt Roman church, who installed Peter as "the rock" and from there the church became a force of evil, with the pope's word being taken as gospel and subjugating the millions.

The Egyptian Ogdoad and the Norse gods were similar/the same gods with different names, arising naturally from the Aryan soul in different times and different places.

KEK is naturally the first to have revealed himself to us being the bringer of light, there are many more out there. Fate (Wyrd) is another. Note that there is nothing "supernatural" about any of this. None of us believe kek is a literal physical being sitting somewhere in the sky, that is retarded and goes against science and nature, from whence all of our beliefs come from- natural law.

Fate is a representation of the natural laws of determinism, chaos theory and cause and effect. Fate is important because it was Fate who brought us to this crossroads, down the long thousands of years of our history, every little inconsequential and grand event interacting with each other and building up to the great uncuckening of Aryans in the now. It was Fate who brought anons here to redpill themselves and create the environment in which KEK would reveal himself.

KEK speaks to us through numerology, but the key point here is OUR VERY BELIEF MAKES IT REAL. A simplified analogy is the placebo effect. If several thousand anons believe dubs show truth, we will interpret these dubs and act accordingly, thus creating the reality. There is always a priesthood who must interpret the will of the gods, that priesthood is currently Holla Forums. Normies simply cannot into it, but they can be affected by the divine memes.

Memes = spells. Power has always been in the hands of those who control the media, but in essence and since the dawn of time, language and writing. This is why we have the word "spelling". Memes are our next-level modern spells because they communicate ideas better than spoken word or text.

Our memes are naturally superior of course, often blessed by the power of kek, which is why we are winning and the libcucks simply can't understand why. Our spells simply convince people better than theirs. The only defence our enemy has against this is censorship, to protect their slaves from our spells. But of course, we are breaking through and slowly waking the world up.

Another god worth mentioning is Freya, the race bearer, divine goddess. Hating women for being irrational is like hating a river for being irrational, you're just missing the point. The river has power and beauty in its own way and doesn't give a fuck about your male rationality. We must lead them and protect them (the good ones, in the image of Freya), it is our role.

Meme on my friends.

As laughable as this all may sound, is any of this more ridiculous than Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc?

There's power in them memes. I know it.

I don't buy into this kek worship bs, the word 'kek' originated as a chan alternative to 'lol' people used to get dubs or trips etc and have a snark comment and anons would reply 'checked and keked'

But before I get my head ripped off here is something we can use to further this meme somehow

Shadilay brother

Kek takes on the characteristics of many deities.

Kek, like Tiamat, carries strong ties with the ocean. Just as we lurk in the abyssal zone of the Internet, so too has Kek lurked in the abyss of the human subconscious.

However, unlike Tiamat and the other primordial serpents, Kek is not bound to those depths. Kek, as a frog, is able to dive to the bottom of the pond to fetch the golden ball and walk about on land to better enjoy the prize. The metamorphosis that the frog undergoes invites comparison with the scarab headed Xeper, whose name means "to come into being."

In terms of demeanor, Kek's general joviality and penchant for absurd excesses echoes Dionysus, the ecstatic god of wine and good cheer.

Some who claim to have seen the face of God say they found it crying. What they failed to realize is that those were tears of laughter. Kek.
Kek's name was Kek 4500 years ago and it's still Kek.

You're retarded

Yeah, that's the point. Do try to at least brush up on Encyclopedia Dramatica before looking like a retard.

You realize you're worshiping an annunaki right?

What's the point?
Fuck off retard

Can you describe this a bit better? Because it doesn't seem like you understand the concepts that you are laying out at all.

What do fate and determinism have to do with willing gods into existence?

Dubs can be abused this way, because mods can reserve dubs for themselves, and thus push their agenda as the "will of Kek" Not too different from Abrahamic faiths and the infallible Pope. It's practically the same "priestly" algorithm that has kept humanity enslaved for countless centuries.




Note you can pretty much call these gods anything. Egyptians and Norse named them differently but they were always similar concepts. For the sake of coherency and meme power I suggest we continue to use Fate and Freya.

In terms of vessels, Pepe is powerful as the Harbinger of KEK. So we should discuss what images to use as our symbols for the others, there are more gods out there of course.

Odin is the god of LAW and ORDER, so obviously Trump is our symbol for the king of the Gods. We've already memed him as god-emperor, this is essentially just rephrasing. Also it can only add to our meme power and terrify leftists if we start referring to Trump as Odin.

As for Freya, we have already memed Taylor Swift as an Aryan goddess. I see no reason this needs replacing. Taylor will be our harbinger of Freya.

Fate was always represented as three sisters, one for the past, one for the present and one for the future. I'll leave it up to discussion, other anons input and the divine will of KEK to decide our symbol for Fate.

the egyptian deities are almost identical to all the others.

We didn't will any gods into existence, they are intangible, invisible and timeless powers that all free Aryan peoples have conceptualised throughout history. We will meme magic into existence.

And dubs can be abused but Holla Forums as a whole still believes in them, I didn't make them up. Most are granted organically and are subject to reason and checking.

I still think that creating a technical solution to mods or other groups stealing dubs is needed.

Do we have any Holla Forums anons that can come up with a workable solution?

Using living people as representatives of gods seems like a really shit idea tbh fam

I believe all this, and am still a Christian.
God is Lord of Lords

What's the best book I can read on ancient Egypt's religion and politics? I'm particularly interested in learning more about Kek, Heket, and Ogdoad, but from what I can tell info on them is extremely sparse.

I didn't meme it up, it came from Holla Forums in the past. Suggest something else, then. Something that represents the beautiful powerful Aryan woman ideal.


Fair enough, there's not necessarily a contradiction

Living people can take on the mantle of various deities. It's the foundation behind a lot of ancient Egyptian magic. These individuals are obviously not the deity in its entirely, only a limited manifestation; however, even such limited manifestations can be quite beneficial.

You need to take quantum mechanics into account as well,
the future has already passed and the past is currently ongoing to make up this perceived present, at the same time with free will, every possibility is super imposed like a hologram and when a human chooses to do something it is simultaneously eliminating and creating new super impositions on the quantum foam, but due to the fact that everything is essentially happening all at once in time the fact we can take actions that shape those super impositions we are essentially manipulating time on a quantum level,

imagine we are in the past and currently have multiple actions we can take that will shape the future but in the future we don't have access to some of these options, but since we are still in the past the options are still available to us.

You are talking about archetypes then. And how does that fit into determinism and fate? Determinism is a purely materialistic philosophy, no archetypes fit in that kind of view, nor any purpose, and the only fate there is is the thermodynamic death of the physical universe.

And a thing can be either a placebo, or real. It cannot be both. If it's placebo, then it's self-deception. If it's real, it's real.

The past is subject to revision imo, just like the future is. When Kek manifests the anime reality, it will ALWAYS HAVE been true.

How is placebo not real?

People really recover when they undergo placebo treatment. Their bodies actually change because of the placebo.

Uh.. Guys. The next Jewish year is a trips year.

Feels bad man.

Yes. Determinism/cause and effect is described by light cones and entanglement in QM.

No I'm talking about gods. And Fate is cruel, and the universe will of course end in heat death. I don't know what you mean by archetypes, cause and effect have real measurable influences on reality and that is, in this religion, called Fate, an intrinsic power in the universe.

an egyptian stone drawing did not create infinite dimensions and quantum foam

Then it's not placebo, it's the real effect their will/mind has on their body. The theory being that the placebo medicine does not contain the physical cure (a code, just like antibiotics block some proteins in bacteria to prevent them from reproducing), but a mental cure that transfers healing properties without a physical medium.

This is also how apparently voodoo magic works.

No it's not, because once quantum things become concrete/physical, they are real forever in that specific time-space instance

Jewish science. A nihilistic people create a science where coincidentally everything is preordained goyim and which ends in meaningless thermal equilibrium.

See the doctrine of dependent origination, and the parable of Indra's Net. The entire cosmos is dependent on the existence of each and every other constituent part.

you are still thinking in 3 dimensions user

We don't know the future, so projecting ANY science billions of years into the future is pointless. Who knows what we may discover or what may happen.

And I didn't bring science up, but if you really want to describe it in those (((terms))) you can.

Indra's Net would still apply in infinite dimensions. The universe can only conceive of existence as an index of relationships with every other existing "part." The universe isnt a THING made of PARTS. The human mind evolved that way but that's only relatively true. In reality the entire universe, including any multiverse that may exist, is one unbroken continuity only divided up into parts by human cognition.


user anything that is in such a low vibrational frequency to be 3 dimensional -such as indras net theory, does not apply to something we cannot even properly conceive of such a 9th 10th or 11th dimension all the way up past the 1,000,000,000th dimension, beyond the 10'10'100th dimension into the infinite

Nice quads. However, are you reading about Indra's Net? It would by default relate a 3-dimensional object with a 10-dimensional hyperobject. All existence is an index of relativity. The existence of any single atom within your body is determined only by the index of its relationships to every single other atom, even if those atoms happen to be 10d objects we mistakenly perceive as being only 3d.

atoms are only in existence in the third dimension user,

let me put it this way, you can draw a 2d object to look 3d but it is still 2d

Well got.

I-magi-nation, I was thinking about that breakdown the other day. I guess the hivemind is real. And you're absolutely right, magic comes from the imagination.

This isn't about atoms, it's about understanding what it means for anything, 10d or not, to exist. Existence is the sum total of all relationships between all distinguished objects. This is where human reason starts breaking down, because calculating every possible relationship is wayyyyy outside the scope of reason, not what it evolved to do, and probably involves a category error that makes it impossible in principle

Don't forget: Kek's appearance on FOX after Hyllyry's stream crashed with no survivors had a headline under it that said the word 'Majuws'.

well of course the higher dimensions are dependent on the lower ones, that is like saying you can't count to 10 without 9, which is true

Forgot to write what's next:
Majuws stands for 'Magi'. It was apparently a headline stating the descendance of Iranians, and it said that they were descendants of 'Majuws'.

Pepe is humanizing. Every time something stupid happens we take something from pepe, & pepe takes something from us. Eventually our shitposting should even out public opinion & more & more people are going to get shitpost shamed into acting like decent human beings.

I really think kek & pepe are good for the world.

wanting a coal burner to be our "goddess"

I just found this on my grandaunt's garden. Am I blessed by Kek? What sacrifices should I bring to Him?

Existence is one single unbroken continuity. Distinguishing one or two or four or eleven dimensions is just a cognitive function. The distinctions we make between objects are not quite arbitrary, but we evolved to see some things and categories and not others. But remember, from a certain point of view the entire multiverse is a single object with no constituent parts.

too represent a god or use the power of a god is one thing, but to claim another person being a god is fucking stupid. when you start beliving that another person is litrally a god you cant claim you are redpilled any more. remember that the shills wants us to become stupid, wants us to stop thinking for ourself.

Tendies and a bottle of urine.

Role playing as gods was a huge part of ancient religion. During hieros gamos, the prostitute is said to manifest Aphrodite. A king /becomes/ Tammuz during the vernal equinox ceremony. In voodoo, the deities "ride" humans once invoked, and they splash grain alcohol into the eyes of the possessed - if they don't blink, the possession is genuine.

you want us to become fanatics? not questioning any one at all as long as they tell us not to?

Daily reminder that these thread are made to show the "alt right" as a bunch of autistics tards and mods are ok with this.

Christian thread makers get banned cus >muh blog post
Yet kek shit is allowed.

There's a huge difference between something like invoking Papal infallibility and role playing/manifesting a deity within the context of a ritual. I don't think it's common in Haïtian voodoo for the houngan to be seen giving unquestionable commands, any more than a tribal shaman is considered a figure of political authority


There is no such thing as determinism, just habits of nature. What you perceive as determinism is just high statistical probability, caused by complex numbers evolving in certain direction.

Actually 6 dimensions are the basic framework of reality, 3 real and 3 imaginary. They make the base of sine and cosine waves which define reality and allow for time and space to exist, and affect each other.

Look up Euler's formula

What you speak of is the ether theory, which is correct, however there is no such thing as a single continuity, but an infinite number of them!

That point is zero, a point outside of space and time. The preceding pure mind, the pole. Of course, kikes will try to convince you that zero, infinity and imaginary numbers do not exist, and they have created some very complex theories to prove that, but in futility.

Materialism gets btfo mathematically.

To build on the connections from southern Europe to Northern Europe:

In Nordic paganism, Fate was, Three Norns. One, as you said, was Wyrd or Urðr . The other two were Verðandi and Skuld.

Hecate is the greek equivalent of the Norns.

She represents crossroads, magic, witchcraft, sorcery and light among other things

Cradle Filth wrote a song about her circa 2001

you realise that people will become fanatics when they think that a person is a god right? even if they dont, if their children is thought that the future generations would be fucked. fuck off with your shill bullshit. you wants to not be redpilled any more. Trump does not control us, its we that control him. always remember that Holla Forums


That's because Kek is real, christcuck. Now go welcome some migrants.

Also this. Anyone trying to make you worship anything, and especially anyone (an actual person) is a shill who wants to gain power over you.

It's not that the person IS a god, it's that they temporarily host a god. You're thinking too Christian, which is of course an occupational hazard for western theologians.

Kek is the god of obscurity.

You won't find anything about him except in passing.

fuck off with your shill bullshit. you are a retard or a shill, pick one

This book has some info about Kek in it:


Literally Norwegian for "cock"

I'm a dude who studied theology from profs from Harvard Divinity and I've done a ton of coursework in comparative religion. I think you might be poorly informed about the subtlety and depth of religions outside the tradition you're accustomed to. I wouldn't worry about Baron Samedi demanding unquestioning worship any time soon.

do you know what objects kek traditionally likes sacrificed to him?

Before the debates I shall burn a plate of tendies in front of a picture of his avatar Pepe whilst recanting Keks prayer:

*Amphibians 14 : 88*

went to Harvard and can only get a job that have you post comments on the intenet

OK boyo. You're either a shill or far too young to be arguing about fucking theology on 8pol.




funny how you dont even try to argue about what i said earlier. no wonder you couldnt get a better job with that head off yours. Good thing you posted a meme, that would for sure make you more believable for sure!

So your argument is that Trump is getting possessed by some entity? Makes sense, but he still lacks the charisma for that to be true.

You can have a man possessed by a divine force (like Hitler was), or have kikes convince you that someone completely average is, so they can use him as a central pivot of controlling you. There is a huge difference, and a huge deception.

Anyone else here get repeatedly pissed over the ways Heqet is mistaken for Kek? Though not a part of the Ogdoad, she's a fertility goddess that would be willing to help with white birthrates if she were given proper respect where it's due. And I don't believe that Kek approves of monotheism, so even if one were to primarily worship Kek, it would be fair to worship Heqet as well.

Nice Hitler Quads

Can do.

We've gone over this before but Kek tests his Disciples all through out their life, those that turn from the flames are cast away, those that cackle in the face of chaos are taken in. How ever Chaos does not mean evil and we are not related to satan.

We are deeply anti-semetic, we are bound through synchronicity but only the initiated will be able to stare back in time and see the threads of kek connecting us all.

We are all.

We need arsenal, more memes, more lore, more connections.


Good thing you changed your IP! now that finaly proves you are right dosnt it?

remember Holla Forums the shills wants us to stop being logical, and become fanatics. they know the battle of controlling the memes are lost and now they are trying to control the path we are walking.

I don't think Trump is possessed, but I do think he's tapped into some major Apollonian renewal energy.

Fucking this. I've been thinking this pepe bullshit is a CTR gig for some time. Shitposters posting ironically gave them the rope they needed to hang us with.

Despite literal kek-worship being autistic as fuck.

There is a spiritual element that is critical to our people, and lacking even in the most mainstream of religious beliefs (Christianity, neo-paganism, other shit like that)

What is important to have with Faith, is will. The ability to hold onto your faith and the will to follow through with your convictions.

Believing something will happen, in the grand scheme of things, isn't enough, you must will it into being, you must do.

Prayers and rituals have their place, but only as a means of whetting the will and remembering what you're fighting for, sort of like a spiritual sauna, a way of incorporating the traditions and memes of your ancestors into your reflection.

Don't be beholden to dogma, but seek spiritual enlightenment.

We've become morally desolate, and spiritually sick.

user. Heqet is not a part of the Ogdoad, and is a frog rather than a snake. You might be thinking of Kauket, Kek's female darkness counterpart within the Ogdoad. Heqet is married to Khnum.

It's a signifies that helps drive group cohesion, which is especially important when we're all anons. It helps give us an identity, and given Hillary hoisting herself on Pepe's pertard, I highly doubt it's CTR. CTR might want us to stop talking about him and Kek, though.

no, memes are good. it might have started with the jews being behind it but the outcome we have created so far is very good. the problem now is they are trying to make us to stop being logical. we just need to rember we are the one that control the memes not the opposite way

You mean the will to face lions unless you recant your faith and still doing it? The will to go from a downtrodden group of rag-tag hippies meeting in lofts with a knife at your throat to being the chief religion in the world's most powerful empire in less than 3 centuries? How about the will to organize half of fucking Europe to go kick arabs in the nuts because the Muhammadans are getting too close for comfort and then spending the next 7 centuries kicking the Moors out of Spain?

That kind of will?

What are you blabbering about, idiot?

He is most certainly tapping in some energies (those behind him are for sure), but i wouldn't call them Apollonian in any way.

It's so ironic
A bounch of autistic foul mouthed youngsters like us arguing in favour of patriotism, morality, family values, honour, virtues and against degeneracy, frivolity, edonism and vice because our society is sooo fucked up that we have nothing left to revel against
and yet despite being the ones claiming for all those old forgo5tten virtues to come back we are still the obscure fringe that normies look at with a mixture of fear confucion and disgust

Kek trully simbolizes us, the darknes, the ugly, those persived as evil and chaotic yet the only ones working towards a better tomorrow and still we are being demonized as the the snake Heket who bestowed the fruit of knowledge upon mankind so that they may break free from Yaveh's chains

Pretty much yes. There is truth to what people say when people mention Christianity is a "cucked jewish religion" or that "Pagans are larping faggots"

Those who "represent" these groups lack that kind of will, and many would to prefer to pray, and stay in their little ponds.

There's been a consistent demoralization surrounded spirituality that requires will and a certain moral adherence, especially in the younger generations.

You'll either have these faiths hemorrhaging younger members due to the allure of cummies. Or change their entire structure to a more "progressive" light as a means of stopping the hemorrhaging, essentially losing any sort of collective will due to endless philosophical and ideological compromises. (Though this is more of an issue with Christianity at the moment, anecdotally, most of the new-age alternative religions I've interacted with were wear neo-pagan-wiccan faggots, or Buddhists)

With those religions however, from those I've interacted with, had the same problem, none of them had any will, but not to the extent that mainstream Christianity has.

Though, I was always raised in the belief that the church was merely a place for fellowship, as opposed to a house of worship. You can find non-poz'd fellowships of any traditional religion. Smaller groups in general.

I think satan was originally similar to loki, a god of mischief, not pure evil, more like a troll.
If kek is the god of darkness and chaos, he fits our character well.
We have probably the darkest sense of humour possible without being total edgelords, and we live in chaos, we were born in it, shaped by it, that is why we don't fit into the "normal" world.

oh i didnt look at your ID before posting that. seems like you are the type of shill that likes to play on the Holla Forums side and make what they say into something else.

Lot of tl;dr in this thread.

Kek is a mirror, and though we darkly see it now we will recognize our attributes more keenly in coming years through its collective action.
One of the hardest things a group can do is assign itself definition and orthodoxy. Kek, Ammit, they are the starts of mystery cults. They are the foundation stones of a glorious temple to a higher purpose. They are the beginnings of an orthodoxy of this entrepid age. Be mindful that what you choose to make of it now will effect the future in more than a whimsical way, for tommorow belongs to we.

Meme responsibly anons. Meme fastly, justly, and delicately. Meme as though god himself guided your hands, for his new seraphims should be crafted with the best of intents.

Jesus, that's sad. I was raised the opposite and community just fell out of the whole system because you had a tight-knit community where people respected each other.

People with that kind of faith are still around. You just have to steer clear of the televangelist charismatic faggots, and the higher echelons of big churches. Look to your local catholic or lutheran parish, not to the pope, for example. There's significantly less cuckedness and much more will than you give them credit for but you can't go to a Starbucks church that seeks to placate people first and THEN get into the heavy stuff.

Look for some place involved in rational apologetics and I don't care if it's the Craig or Barron type of people but they're out there.

They are one
Kek and Heket are 2 faces of the same god
at least i don't see a way in wich one could worship Kek without worshipping Heket as well Though it is true that we do not have a snake equivalent to pepe

The other 6 ogdoads also deserve more atention
Primordial Waters: the internet
The Void and invisible powers: anonimity and meme magik
Eternity and Infinity: 8 chan

We have pepe for Kek who represents darkness and chaos
Although since the other 3 ogdoads are also frogs pepe could also represent them to
As for the female godesses
How about using Mia?
she is a smugg animu snake girl, and she would look great with a MAGA hat
She could be the meme we need to give Heket Hauhet, Amunet and Naunet the love they deserve

And i guess you are the supreme authority on what Holla Forums says and thinks?

I think the fellowship angle was played up, mainly due to the fact that the churches I went to growing up had about like, 20-45 people in it, tops, and we'd always have BBQs, and everybody knew everybody.

I agree with you completely though.

No. Just worship both. As for the female snakes of the Ogdoad, it makes sense to use lamias, but it's hard to consider Miia as representing any of the Ogdoad's elements.
The Ogdoad has darkness, air/invisibility, water, and infinity as its elements. "Void" is also a replacement element for when part of the Ogdoad leaves and is typically represented by Niu and Niut.

user, we are all but tadpoles in kek's great pond, the near death experiences are just us shedding our former skins(mentalities that hamper us), the fire just the dry are beyond the pond. We are venturing further and further.

Kek has been around a lot longer than you think retard, maybe you should concern troll else where.

There is much cross over between the various pantheons but they all boil down to similar concepts.

user you have no idea how close you are but you left out the future, the past and the present are all coexisting at the same time, our observation of this superstate is the key to our memes

Also, once again, Heket is not part of the Ogdoad. Under normal conditions, its four female snakes are Kauket, Hauhet, Amunet, and Naunet.

pure fucking cancer

this thread has nothing at all to do with Politics, News or any Current Events.

the reason i called you shills out today was to get other anons to see how you shills are trying and what you are trying to push at the current time. But in the end it wont matter what you do. people that have come here on their own can never change their minds, some can think that they have changed their mind living the "good life", but in the end as long as they have come here once they can never close their eyes again without remembering what they saw when they opened them. This is why what you are trying to do is pointless, your whole "job" is pointless. you will never be able to change things on here, you cant change the very being that made us what we are. No matter how much one try to change it, it will always revert back to its original route as long as we live.


Can somebody please webm this rare Pepe Youtube video?



It was supposed to be a fucking joke, you autists

Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it.
- E. B. White

Kek is effective because it's a joke. Don't dissect your god

user, the whole point of Kekism is synchronicity, whatever memes agglomerate to the memeplex are valid, we don't need to worry about absorbing the demons of other religions, it is only the interpretation of Kek that matters, so long as we worship no devils, we worship no evils….

I got you fam


Get your head examined

Haha, I remember you guys from /n/. I suppose 'Eat your beans' is next?

Did someone shoop Donald into his daughters chest or is he just always there watching over his children.


I've been thinking about this for a while and I've started piece together what might be a cosmology of memetic deities for our Hyperborean esoteric mythology coven.

First we have to start with what can only be described as a (Notice the A instead of THE) prophet archetype. The prophet to us is none other than Bateman/Dubsguy. It was him who, before Kek became emergent, who gave to us the logos of Check 'em (i.e. noticing how repeating numerals influence the perceived value of our post, beyond the purely logical content of our posts). The character of Bateman is chaotic yet orderly, the contradictory primordial water of what later is to become Esoteric Kekism, laying the foundation for our "rite" (checking post numbers).

Next is the dichotomy of the pale men. This one is a real kicker, because it contains an active and a passive side. Wojak is the passive side and Moonman is the active. Both has connotation with death: Wojak is the inwards looking pale man, unto which we identify with because he directs his sadness inwards, a mental struggle of coping with failure, sadness and negative emotions. Wojak is him-who-ends-himself, the Ouroboros, who in the dead of night takes his own life yet whose memetic power allows him to never truly die as a meme, displaying the futility of death and the ignominy of the empathic. We as Aryans, reject Wojak because he is weak and resigned to his fate. We desire struggle, honour and the defeat of our foes, so instead we turn to the other pale man, Moonman. Moonman is the proverbial black sun, whom during the darkest of days (The day of the rope (Metaphorical reading of this gives us "The Day of Combined Fate"; because the threads of fate are interwoven, much like the fasces, and becomes strong enough to end our opponents)) will guide us as we seek to instead end those who oppose us instead of ourselves. The connotation between the swastika and Moonman is also of great note because the swastika heralds The Return and/or Good Luck/Well Being (the four leaf clover also shares this logos of luck).

Bane is also interesting but I might save that one for a later date.


how can I measure my autis.. oh i mean my meme level guys? is there a way?

whoever gets dubs, is prophet

Why would we include someone who wants us to renounce the others?

Your influence on meme magic can only be as powerful as you allow it to be.

You're in KEK territory lad


Bingo. And both are changeable.

The funny thing is, once you change the past, it has "always been that way". You'll realize if you had a hand in it, though.

I am slightly ((worried))

I love this. Time to rev up photoshop.

"hey look at me I'm cool because I'm part of a retarded techno cult that worships an egyption frog god"

Bet most of you dumb asses followed that ebola wank shite.

Just stick to using pepe as a meme, and stop making retarded suggestions.

Fuck off back to brit/pol/ cunt

You cannot change the past. You can however, convince gullible goyim that it's possible, so you completely destroy their concept of reality, and so you can convince them to worship your jewish memes in a cultish manner, assisted with an army of bots and AI, just as planned.


Great come back, such an intelligent response.

Can't you morons create your own board for this shit. More retarded faggots on this board is not a good thing.

You're talking to people that probably believe the earth is flat, and that the lizards rule the world. You can't argue with the stupid.

Struck a nerve, did I?

Thus explainnging the mandela affect.

Our meddling in the past isn't producing much else beyond variances though.

The second some thing is changed it's always been that way, unless you're guided to knowing ala kek.


your heart, you must sacrifice your life, remember kek will reward you in heaven for your gift. Now do it faggot!!

Yes, because i see exactly what you operatives are trying to pull here.

I'm responding to his post, I seriously don't get your point here.


I'm just about done with this kek shit, lads. It's getting way too real.

KEK has meme'd Donald Trump into a presidency of the most powerful nation in the world you limey fuck.

If you want a board more suited for you here ya go.


I don't think they realize that this is a sanctioned occult thread nor whom they are fucking with.

You're not very good at this

errrm no, you dumbass

Hey there torrent fag, I had a dream last night about poisoned skittles, I had NEVER heard this shit in my life until my dreams last night and what did I wake up to?

Kek is giving me news while I sleep so i can wake up memeing strong.

Says the one that can't prove his moronic theology.

I get it, you're a loner with no friends, no job, and probably never had pussy, but you don't have to be this way.

No one is trying to prove any thing you dense fuck, Your christcuck shilling won't work here faggot nigger.


tl;dr: time flows both ways due to spooky action at a distance and entanglement!

christcuck is too ashamed of his faith to even admit it, lol


Praise kek

Probably triggard no one checks his heretical dubs.

I can't get over how terrified the kikes are of meme magic. I guess it makes sense. Whether our gematria is TRUE OR NOT, the dumb rabbis sure believe it's true, and are therefore intimidated by such an overt display of meme magic from the goy who are supposed to be as magical as cattle.

Shadilay, simply Shadilay!

You assume I'm Christian because? i can't even be bothered with this retarded shit.

your special aren't you?

And the only way for you to use those channels is to die first and reincarnate in a different timeline. Or travel faster than the speed of light, but good luck with that kek.

I assume your an oven bound kike tbh.

Has Kek blessed me? I feel he has. Recently, my acne has been clearing up at an unprecedented rate, I often feel like there's somebody walking just behind me.

Ah, so you're just a fedora tipper.



Dubs confirmed, Kek is with you brother.

That might be true, wave particle duality really can indeed send information back in time to the start of the ignition.

Thus time travel backwards (to an original point of the timeline) is possible via binary patterning.

You said time travel was not possible.

Shadilay brother

Kek blesses you and us

this makes me feel.
it makes me feel like home.



Color IDs so it's more obvious at a glance m8


Why does anyone even worship Christ? He hasn't produced a miracle in thousands of years.

r8 my OC


Childhood brainwashing and omnipresent Christian imagery threaded through western culture. Also, they only teach themselves about Christianity and call every else automatically evil. Religion is like language - if you can only speak one, you don't have a fraction as much insight into how it functions.


Here's one of my own - not as nice as yours, and it's based on an inside joke, but pepes are pepes.

Also another basic OC I've posted here a few times.


I bet someone has probably tried to fuck that thing

i r8 it 8/8 m8

You bet

Man I saw Pepe or Kek in my fucking pipe embers.

I lit it up, and there was that unmistakable face.

Shits getting cray cray.


my sides

Wojack is the cosmic straight man, the Fool tarot. He strength is his capacity to transform into Pepe. The Magician tarot card. Kek is… The Moon maybe? Dark, saturnine, filled with howling wolves lurking between the trees but also a time of great importance, a time to sow under the light of strange stars and await the coming of the dawn.

It's time to keep memeing hard, brothers. And don't forget to…

For real though, does anyone have any books on enchanting objects? I just got a job in manufacturing, and I create literally thousands of objects a day.

These ship all over the country. Any occultfags / hidden initiates willing to give me some direction on the matter?

i saw that meme in my head yesterday
can you feel a connection yet?

once you know the real name of god, and come to it logicaly, it is like a flood of old information slammed into your head always.

if you have been here for long you can take this shit site and read the truth without effort.

its a hoax

keep on saging slide threads true /polacks

fug :D

Bump for anti-Kek saging.

so all religions are compatible?

Esoteric religion, or at least the appearance of it, is useful to the cause and builds plausible deniability for other efforts.

No, only those with preserved indoeuropean proto-mythology

The placebo effect collapses cognitive dissonance which would otherwise cause stress which creates inflammation in the body and causes disease.

Thats why meditation is good for the immune system.
No desires=no cognitive dissonance= no stress= no disease

i understand the significance.
oh boy.

trying to force a kind of consistent pantheon goes against everything that we are learning.

the pantheon of gods will ALWAYS be in flux. the existence of gods depends on the people who believe in them.

Seconded. Developing an orthodoxy for Kek would be the symbolic death of his influence.

Thank you man, i'll be making some more OC similar to this, I will even be releasing a Flash animation similar to Captain Sweden… that is whenever I finish it.

I originally had Christ Chan on Banes horse but it didn't fit really well with the setting of the picture so I deleted her off. In addition there would be too many smug anime girls in the picture. Bane just fits better.

I'm not trying to force anything.

Just wanted to share some thoughts and create discussion.

i saved it

The biblical god is a spiteful cunt and his followers are mostly just massive cucklords. Its because of your kind that jews were allowed into germanic europe, and its because of your egalitarian buttfuckery that hitler lost the war.

Fuck off

I agree that trying to create order to Kek and ultimately the Ogdoad would be the end of it, but we must also remember the roots for which our memes are inherited from, without exploring the meaning behind these ancient symbols we wouldn't have known any of this.

as above so below nigga

Those dubs

Not that I disagree with you but to be fair the same can be said of women's studies and black history.

Wojack is YHWH, The Eternally Cucked God.

So the pendulum has swung as far as it can go and is slowing to a stop, to finally reverse course.

And with this sentence uttered by a "autistic foul mouthed youngster", I see that when the time comes, the young will "stand fast".

Add another one to the list of people cursed by kek

Actually the god of the old testament is probably Baal.

definitely not

A) What you are trying to say isn't wrong.
B) Spooky action is just shitty measurement devices.

You can lose a few brain cells and still be you.

What did she do to piss of Kek?

how so?

Maybe he got confused with Cher or something.

Lul Cher really did go prescription-strength nigger on Twitter the other day. Kek and in his instrument Pepe are really doing a number on these rich, stupid dykes




wrong direction


Do you mean mechanically or ideologically?


these are people who should never say anything.
unfortunately, that is most of the world.

What the Hell is the point of that first image? It's just dubs.

If we worship the god of the masons, we lend their egreogre power.

That's against our interests.

I wouldn't worry about it.

This. Also,

Celebrity breakups are pretty common, but they were going on for years and years and their marriage falls apart in the same month as this?
Well played Kek

I would

How many threads like this did you make though I remember the first one starting with 88 Dubs.

You're taking this shit too seriously.


I see you still have enough meth to reply to these threads, any luck with that puzzle of yours user?

Fuck off, shill.

the christian god abandoned this earth long ago friend. if you can't see this you must be sick in the head.

Let me explain for the slow students:
Fear is the mind killer.
You're being afraid, not smug.

No, you're attempting to coerce people into worshipping lucifer and thus giving power to the masons and to globalism.

You're projecting.


Put down the crack pipe and go to bed.

Yeah, you sure do seem to be triggered.

You are just as stupid as people who meme Kek as Jesus.
Kek is an Egregore while Jesus was a man who eventually became somewhat of an Egregore after death.

No one likes your idea because you can't give a single good reason for it.




official keku dubs checked

Have any of you other anons heard about Sepa. Sep, or Sepa is an obscure ancient Egyptian centipede god.

Shit dawg

Heh the D&C twins, Punch and Judy, have shown up to put on a puppet show.

Its basic neoplatonism.

Almost impossible for someone as successful as Mr. Pitt to see how angry people are. We have fallen so far.

pic related

Chaos exists in the underlying logic governing the Universe, the reasons don't have to be apparent, but that ultimately there are underlying aspects of reality that makes things turn out the way they do, and Kek is a deity that represents fundamental aspects of our percieved reality.
You are not Chaos, Kek is chaos.
Satan is not Chaos, therefore Satan cannot be Kek.

Pitt worships his plebian god, Mammon.

You're explaining this shit to someone who clearly has an ulterior motive

I know he's a shill/troll/tard, but its important to always elucidate as much as possible when juxtaposed with lies so the truth can eventually become more clear.

shit, they invoked him against scorpions, too!

Same with scorpions.

this shit is too fucking real

I've been having ridiculous, off the charts ,high weirdness in regards to synchronicity and meme magic since I started to regularly post on alternative media forums in like 08. It's only intensified as time has gone on.

For awhile I thought I was losing my mind or perception of reality…Then I started just going with it and having fun. I'm past the "OMG WTF is going on!?!?" phase. I also assure you that I don't worship any deities or do any kind of ritual magic. It just happens and I can't really explain it. I believe there are others out there and maybe the joining of our truth and light energy has created a meg-ton bomb of weird magic…

Weird shit has always happened. The only place weird shit doesn't happen is inside the jew-controlled media simulacrum. We're currently busting down the walls of that as well.

What tarot cards best fit Pepe/Kek and Wojack? Any of the number ones particularly evoke their feels?

hanged man?

Praise Keku! Hail Sepa!

Kek is the Moon, Wojack is either the hanged man or the lovers.

Kek isn't the moon, Moonman is the moon!

I have Moonman pegged as death. Transformation into a new civilization through the elimination of kikes and niggers

Sepa is also known for bringing fertility to the land, which America does need right now. Also this

Fertility too, eh?

Hopefully these gods bring fertility after they raze the earth of all these globalist weeds.

None of our enemies are creative enough to come up with something like this.

kek's relation to the moon is incredibly evident (the moon represents darkness, chaos, and the darkness before a new dawn), whereas Moonman strikes me more as the chariot (warfare, power, weaponry), and death would be ebola-chan (mass death, the leaving of the old and the coming of the new [ebola-chan was one of the first evident cases of meme-magick invocation])


Most cultures that leave food offerings leave edible food. If kek really likes tendies I'd imagine that he'd be insulted if you destroyed them in front of him.

Kek doesn't take sacrifices anyways. Sacrifices are for evil gods that demand you be willing to self harm for their continued favor.

Made some more, I love doing this

Death? Death is always Death. There is no Death but Death. Death isn't a symbol or a warrior. Death is the period at the end of a biography.
Death should be Death regardless of the tarot. There is no escape, even in the hearts and minds of all men together. Death will come to us all as sure as the sky is black.
I would say as the sun shines, but it's on Death's list towards the end.

404 is a good substitute tho


This is how kek works

Wojack is the fool god cucked by kek.

burnt offerings are a jewish thing, don't do that


yeah ok I buy it

what do you mean


Well, jewish holidays are still literally about celebrating killing Egyptians.

Pepe is the trickster, the changeling. This is why there are so many memes of him in different aspects and guises, while Wojak is more often the same.

Pepe's power is the ability to deceive his (and our) enemies into trolling themselves. To expose their inherent ridiculousness by mirroring it. They attack the mirror or Pepe only to encounter their own fists.

Praise Kek and his infinity forms.


To the gods went the blood and the bones and the guts. The Romans didn't waste the flesh of course


Well there are 2 main moon deities. Khonsu and Thoth

And Thoth

Death in tartot doesn't always mean something literally dies, it also heralds endings and therefore new beginnings. It's a card of change like The Tower, but not as sudden and shocking because the change was inevitable and in many cases predictable as death is.

It CAN mean literal death but not usually. Just like The Devil is about material desires, ignorance, subjugation, and hopelessness (all things associated with the devil) not the actual devil.

The devil is literally just jews

So Death is a 404.
While the tower is like a thread deletion.
And the Devil is degeneracy, aka Schlomo Shekelstien the Happy Merchant with his carrots and sticks.

The amusing thing is all archeologists now admit the Exodus was made up of whole cloth. Even Isreali Jewish archeologists admit the nation of Israel never resided in Egypt and the Exodus never happened.

Like the Holocaust

Has anyone figured out why 6 million is a sacred number to them

This religion has yet to conjure the meme of the color picker to the satisfaction of Kek, of this I am certain. For the meme should be the RGB of the 1488's at all times for quality assurance, for the purity and fortitude of kek supremacy.

No idea.

Yeah but you're oversimplifying. The tarot cards are very flexible in their meanings so gypsies can tell you what you want to hear no matter what cards turn up so it takes a skilled interpreter to give a good reading. Context matters, as does the question and you use those and other factors (like card placement) to determine what the card means specifically for that reading. Card meanings aren't set but will stick to the general theme of the card.

Reminder that Kek worship originated in Europe and spread to Egypt when various groups from the Mediterranean colonized it in the late stone age. Just look at the frog swastika.



yes, turn him into a dogma. we all know how that ends, right?

kill yourself you piece of shit
even better, let pepe do it
rolling for headshots

Praise Kek. The destroyer. He who pisses in thine hands and gives thine warts, yet cures the warts of the faithful. He who gives hallucinations. He who brings chaos and rebirth.

Christianity follows a trope that already existed in Egypt in the form of Ra and his son.

Ra's son was the intercessor on behalf of the people, and pleaded with his father during the weighing of the soul in the afterlife.

Not to mention the trope of the dying god of light.

Baldr, anyone?

Kek represents chaos and that's exactly what the chans are and that is exactly why Kek is so powerful that he can destroy Moloch who represents a form of order.

I know it's a form of esoteric autism, but I do honestly believe that Kek is our god champion to defeat Moloch and the sick, evil jews. Our daily, nonstop praise of Kek is infinitely more ennervating than a yearly trist at the Bohemian Grove.


Kek's mythos, as limited as our knowledge is suggests he's more of a herald or pathfinder for whatever it is that dethrones moloch. That's how I interpret bringer in of light anyways.

Considering the history of kek is as a derivative of lol in much the same manner as "lulz" from the Holla Forums raiding/trolling creedo "for the lulz" and that Holla Forums is the board for random content (therefore chaos), it couldn't be any more fitting that Kek is himself the god of chaos. "For the lulz" would modernize as "For the Kek", so it's likely that the energy from trolling and raiding dating back a decade worked as a prayer or sacrifice for our god Kek.

Not sure I want those trip

For Kek

May our autisim proceed uninhibited

Goys I've been noticing the number 88 and the infinity symbol all over the place recently.

The whole idea of sacrifices is Semitic and Amerindian in nature. Don't do that third worlder shit user.

i want that food item

Top fucking Shadilay, we're past the point where this sort of shilling can work.

As far as I know, it comes from a quote in the Torah, something akin to "you shall return to the state of Israel with six million less (people)".

It's not all nonesense user, you aren't wrong for having a belief in it.
Memes are very real and power abstractions, even if we don't think of the gods as living and materially tangible entities, they are very real and important because ideas (which memes are a collective of) ultimately manifest through people and affect the world.
Gods – Deities – Egregore exist and act through us regardless of whether they have physical being, they are still abstractions of our collective thoughts.

Well the actual word Kek, originally 'Kuk' goes all the way back to Egypt, maybe further.
But it is strange everyone started using it.


from world of warcraft you dumb fucking kike and you fail to see the importance of a chaos god showing himself through WoW chat.

It was popularized in the same period of time that brought us lel and zuz. As we started using it, it was a meaningless variant of lol.

Think about how many people played WoW in relation to using the internet in general, let alone imageboards.
It was a source. Definitely not the source. It is only my view, but I never saw warcraft mentioned once while it was becoming popular.

Are you seriously trying to say you started using KEK before the wow translations, before the boards that popularized them and before the people that popularized it it was old news to you.

Who the fuck are you trying to fool nigger, we took KEK from wow to the chans It wouldn't be 2003 that Holla Forums was a board and far before then KEK was every where on /n/ and Holla Forums

so they kept memeing that they had lost 6 million so they could set up israel

got it

Kek keks at the unbelievers. One day, brother.

If you are on alliance and an orc on the horde side says "LOL" it comes out as "KEK".

This is where i first saw it. Does that mean its where it originated? I do not know.

is that an actual thing?

There are three origins of the term kek

1) Egyptian frog god of primordial chaos.
2) Corruption of "lol".
3) Orcish "lol" in World of Warcraft derivative of korean onomatopoeia "kekeke" used in Starcraft

The second and third origins are so similar that the third origin gets misappropriated to rationalize the second origin, but that is not how it spread on the chans. The Warcraft connection was popularized after the lol variant was already around on its own. It gets mis-applied as a post-hoc rationalization.

In the real-time strategy game Starcraft, because the game originally did not support the Korean language, the onomatopoeia was written as “Kekeke" or "hahahah"

It didn't stick on the chans permanently though and fell out of disuse until recently when it was brought back by people shitposting different variations of lol (because lol had fallen far out of fashion) and eventually beat the others (lel, jej, zuz, ect) out. It's previous popularity probably helped it catch on but it was also pic related posted alongside it that really settled it. Which is why when it came back it was TOP KEK, before eventually being shortened back down to kek.

I almost guarantee we all fucking knew that already.
Your mmo experience coincided with starcraft KEKEKEKEKEK'ing of Zergs, animu villians, and the natural evolution of lol.

Undoubtedly the origins are in Egypt, I'm just trying to point out that we have always had kek

Interesting, I was first exposed to kek in wow, and to me it's most poetic for him to come out of a skinners box. At the very least that's how kek revealed him self to me.

Consider - there is more than one dimension to time. Time has a /topography./ The past isn't set in stone - the past is constantly being transformed by the present. The only moment in time is THIS moment, which radiates past and future out from itself. At least, that's one theory.

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

That's an interesting theory, ponder this for a second Mandela effect didn't exist till the internet, memes existed in a rudimentary manner but did not take on lives of their own until the internet.

We are quite literally changing history.

Hitler did nothing wrong, Praise Kek

i as well am christian. do i reject christ for kek? NO. however i will propogate his likeness to the highest reaches if it scares the leftists like mad. meme magic to me is a collective propaganda technique used to very very great affect.

praise kek

All religions seem to have a singular theme that before the universe and creation, there was formless chaos. Kek has always been, since before creation, as Kek is chaos and older than even the order than created the universe.

Even the kike god initially found himself as a spirit moving to and fro over the "waters" - classical speak for the Dirac field, zero point energy, "chaos," however you want to name it.

Ahhh. i never put the koreans kekeke into the picture.

As it is memed above it is memed below

I have something to bring up regarding the altering of the past via memes.

Some of you might recall a recent Holla Forums GET involving Snow Halation, a Love Live song that's been used as one of the running gags for SiIvaGunner, a meme channel dedicated to uploading various submitted joke content in the guise of simple video game music rips. If you've seen AlphaBlaster's TF2 videos and there's video game music with Flintstones leitmotifs, it's from SiIvaGunner.

Recently, the new Mario and Sonic at the Olympics game came out, and Sticks from Sonic Boom was in it, and vid related is her theme. People are pointing out that there are parts that sound suspiciously similar to Snow Halation. (I'm also kind of hearing Undertale, which is known for excessive leitmotifs, but that's just me)

Chances are, most of you haven't watched Sonic Boom because it's a children's cartoon (it's decent, Eggman steals the show, but Season 1 had animation budget troubles). Anyway, my point is that Sticks is like the Sheldon of Holla Forums- make of that what you will.

So I ask, did the Snow Halation GET fuck with reality? Are we going to start finding Flintstones and Snow Halation in more video game music from this point?

I've said it before. Kek is the darkness before the light, that causes the light. Like a roiling thundercloud it is only natural for the chaos to produce a bolt of light.

The Word>The Darkness>The Light.
The Word is God, the Darkness is Kek, the Light is Jesus/Budha/Zoroaster/Harambe etc.
The inconceivable, the unfathomable, the mortal stepping stone to acceptance of your place in between the two.

In other words, Kek is the personification of material reality and the crazy causation that brought us here. The Deus Ex Machina. Kek is as inevitable as the rising tide, for it is a force, and no human action could halt its manifestations.
For those who it effects to ill ends, he is known as Finagle. The dread god Finnagle, and his mad prophet Murphy.


the fuck how is this relevant to shit what the fuck is halation, sheldon, what the fuck you have to stop defining the world in terms of jewish created media, you're not making any sense.

You fill me with spiritual optimism, brother. The times seem dark, but the Keks are great.

Do you want me to fill you in?

You're the normalfag here

I personally revere kek and Ebola-chan as agents of divine punishment/providence, not just as propaganda.

Yeah no. If any of us is ever made a prophet of the gods it will be in such a way even us, in our autism, will be able to understand exactly who it is.

Bloody hell mate, you've got no idea what you're on about.

They had 6 kids over a 12 year marriage. Yeah

Question: will the >>7654321 get have magical meme properties?

Most likely.

I just searched for the gematria of Christopher Nolan's name and not only is the Jewish gematria for his name 644 dubs but some the words that show up are:
the list goes on

i'm starting to think that maybe i should rewatch Interstellar to see if Kek hid a message for us there

OC for the KEK gods

I honestly think that the biggest threat is trying to assign Kek a dogma.

There are as many denomination of Kekism as there are worshipers and every user must come to their beliefs on their own.

That's the best thing I could possibly ask for from this. A universe with possibilities and happenings out of my control, but at the very least I can choose to live how I want to live.

Just some other interesting words that showed up
>America Babylon Multycultural Merica
>G R E E D Y Banks english gematria is 666 and simple gematria is 111
>This Man Makes himself a God Emperor
>Nyc is Gone New York City?
>The Deaf Can Hear The Blind Can See Normies waking up?

Kill yourself

t. Chad Normalfag

Of course he isn't luciferian, but he may be satanic.
Lucifer was a babylonian kang, a semite, the offspring of miscegenation with negroid demons. He fell from heaven meaning from Hyperborea, where all the Aryan Aliens were using microaggression to get rid of his refugee Nigger ass. He is also the god of the Jews and freemasons who think he brought light meaning enlightenment meaning cuckoldry and faggotry. Lucifer is also a name for venus so astrologically he is a feminist bitch.

Satan means "enemy" in hebrew so he is the enemy of the Jews and also a god of destruction. The medieval depiction of satan was also based off of pagan gods such as cernunnos a fertility god with horns and a giant dick.

The message is simple user, Time is meaningless. Memes stretch beyond every thing.

Nothing is sacred

Writting what kek has done is trivial record keeping and fucking harmless you fucking nigger

Allison Rapp is a casualty of kek having lost the cuck battle and her job at nintendo.

Is not a dogma but a workings of kek

"kek btfo the cucks when ashley madison leaks we're proven to be fruitful."

Dubs have confirmed the opposite you kike.

not pepe but have some OC fresh out of the oven

Hey user how did you do this?

nd the one first able to see the light in the darkest time, and to bring it out of its seclusion from others

This is really nice.
Good job m8

Certainly the embrace of an esoteric ideology is essential to the success of an movement. And indeed, the present generation is at the bottom of the cycle of social vitality, so the only way to go is up and toward improvement. Despite being the lesser esteemed and the outsider, or even the most condemned in the worlds view, the forces of nature take side with us because we can only look towards the restoration of the fundamentals of social order we know have worked in the past - that were consistent with and in harmony with nature.

Kekology embraces the ideals of such a time - the most actively oppressed generation develops the greatest and most effective opposition to the true forces of the oppression - becomes the first able to see the light in the darkest time - to bring it out of its seclusion to others - and achieves new order from within chaos.

The forces of nature meet us in the same time and place, and make all these things possible with the same natural process by which they also worked with Moses in ancient times.

Ten plagues of nature-induced chaos were wrought under Moses to bring our ancestors (the patriarchs of the Western nations) out of the slavery that bound them back then. When we compare both stories, the present and the ancient, we find we are already in that process, and we can realize where it leads next, how it works, and why.

The first act in the ancient story was the rod of Moses before Pharoah. This is when the sacred revelations of Moses (found here: were first presented to those keeping our people in slavery, which were church leaders in our time, nearly 20 years ago. Over the several years, they finally got all bent up enough to just throw down their own rods in self-righteousness, and blow the whole problem off, but none of them prevailed.

The next item of natural process was the river turning to blood. Pharoah also saw this plainly, realizing they had caused Christianity to be subverted and politically overthrown by the deceiver, Judaism. They realized their own doctrine (the river) was no longer life-supporting. This also led to the fish dying, which has happened since, because none of the fish (Christians) they are able to catch now are of any value to the real world. And the whole faith has been dying ever since because it only perpetuates the bondage of ignorance and self-destruction they created.

The next item was the plague of frogs. This began some years back when music emphatically embraced the truth and started making a lot of noise about it. Online activism also started making cryptic noises about it as well, of which memeing is the most notable.

But the next plague is one we need not suffer from. In fact, the next seven plagues only affect those outside of the truth and not those on the inside. This should also bring others in enmasse too. It is the plague of lice - the smallest creature - the individual. It is what each man does with his own hand. This is the first plague the enemy cannot copy too, because there is no opposite to it. It is also described as the finger of God, which is the tenth part. Preachers like to say this is the tithe, but it is bigger than that. It is what we support with our hands. The way we need apply it is to put together a broad-based effort of social media, online journalism and related influencers that directly opposes the main force of aggression against truth - which is MSM. In other words, we need to start a boycott effort of all products and services advertised on national television.

Online entities and associations that do this will empower themselves. They will grow from individual efforts (lice) to more collective entities of many followers and adherants (flies) and become the next plague against the opposition - thriving on it, and immune to the impact of it. Not only that, but they will collectively start taking so much charge of public influence even the major media will find the need to comply with it.

Guess Kek does like you user.

You're not co-opting us Luciferians.

Fuck's sake man get your basic history in order before you start with your sophistry. Christianity wasn't even close to being around back then, you're at least a thousand years off.

Fuck off Mason/Satanist

back to kikechan with you.

"Enchanted" objects are mostly placebo, mineral objects can't hold very much power by themselves

The evil jews are always here. Evil and nasty thieving jews.

Must be absolutely fucking terrifying for them.

Jews are fucking obsessed with the number 6.

Also the 6'th planet of the solar system has a Hexagon on it's northern pole and they've been obsessed with that number far before modern astronomy.

Pretty fucking spooky.

Are you familiar with basic energy manipulation? "Enchanting" is basically that except you direct the energy into the object instead of into your body. If you want a book on energy manipulation Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways is good and very practically oriented. Just remember that 90% of the occult is bullshit and you have to learn how to tell the difference on your own.

TL;DR difference with sorcerers and magicians/wizards

Practitioner of magick: affect/change reality by changing yourself and your psyche
Sorcerer: change reality by trickery and external influence

For example magicians influence with sheer force of will. The collective determination of this frog worshipping cabal kikes loathe so much is potent enough to affect reality. Pepes everywhere are examples of our influence they are prevalent enough to affect reality like elections for example.

Sorcerers however resort to trickery, underhanded tricks and weak pleb tier incantations for example currency and various things of materia that do not have any value are decided to be worth something that has real value. Various sorcerers use these to gain power, influence, etc over reality.

It's deceit basically.

Never thought about it that way, how truly amazing we are.


(neat digits)

Raising energy within yourself is just a stepping stone to being able to change yourself at will. The key is being aware that it's possible to just will yourself to be more energetic after you come to understand it and strip away the unnecessary bits. Using an object as a focus doesn't really do anything except what you think it does.

Doesn't really have anything to do with your definition of sorcery unless you're referring to the people who trick gullible people into buying shiny rocks.

Add Winter-chan to that pantheon, user. This will be Her year of reckoning.

I was offering my view on Kek, I never said that I said was canon or objectively true, it's just my take on it.

There are as many denominations of Kekism as there are followers.

making a rare pepe right now, what should i make him hold, he has two hands open

what should he wear

what should i put on his head

mythologically consistent shit only, please

Top kek

well said



Give him a tabard/sash with this repeating on it around the edges, maybe with some sort of esoteric text in the center

Okay HOLY SHIT user

I just asked a question just like this when you asked it, TOP KEK the hivemind, I fucking love it.

This is the power behind Kek as we know it. Look up the pdf here if you do not know of it.


My god user, that looks as if I made it, I liek

Praise Kek



We are not jews.

We are the lost tribes, who the Jews cut off from our ancestors, then claimed ALL the tribes are just their one portion of Judah. The inheritance of Abraham belongs to the white nations of the whole West. That is what that book is about.


meme magic and the blessings of kek have come to us because based samurai Haku Zynkyoku BTFO the Jews power on the Astral Etherial Plane in 2012.

we are now entering the final phase of the Astral Etheric War

It's the thought that counts? lel
dank oc tho user

Religion is a social technology that's supposed to promote the interests of the tribe and the character of gods represents the common soul of a people. Christianity doesn't seem to be promoting the ethnic interests of whites anymore, and the teachings have largely been corrupted from something that speaks to us spiritually.

If you think about it, all religions started as silly memes. They grow over time to encode the wisdom of a people in fables and parables. Meme magic is basically prayer.

I wonder if it's possible that generations from now, if we can turn back the tide, perhaps we'll have shrines to Kek and glorify the name of the god who protected our people. Probably not, but there must have been a similar threshold to cross for other religions.

We have that threshold now. Look at these posts and pull up the pdf there. It has quite a history and puts us in step with nature to renewal again.

Your doing good user.

Kek is an angel of the Lord. A hidden weapon designed to confound evil into self-destruction with irony and absurdity, for the Lord loves irony. Like when the Lord "saved" the sinners in Moses' congregation after the Exodus from the border army of the Canaanites by forbidding the sinners entrance to Canaan under penalty of God not protecting them from the weapons of the army.

Praise Kek.

Pepe represents the light:
His skin is green.
His lips are red.
His shirt is blue.
Those 3 colors represent the colors needed to make white on a computer screen.
Wojak is the dark:
He appears white on the outside, but on the inside he is truly dark from the sorrow. If you think more deeply, wojak on a white background is just black lines, the white filling the outlines is just the background. He is a facade; constructed from the darkness
Gondola is the gray:
Gondola represents the neutral; harmless, pondering. He represents nonaction, and he is 2 generations corrupted from pepe (with spurdo being a mishmash of pepe and pedobear to make fun of newfags, and gondola being the corruption of spurdo) so he has fallen from the light.

Kek is the trinity:
He will usher in a new age;
The age of wojak
The age of gondola
and finally the age of pepe.

Anyone else old enough to remember how great Holla Forums was before these "praise kek" autists started shitting up the board?

about when was that?

Back when he was on reddit I guess.

Rate my new mousepad

The ass was fat

Why does Gondola envoke such feels in me?

Yeah man back then we weren't taking down David Brock or Hillary's chief IT guy.

Man those were the fucking days.

We badly need a new belief system or religion for h'white people, Christianity is inherently cucked slave morality, neo-paganism is gay af, and occultism is oven worthy. Kek is the true religion of the ubermensch because he demands no worship other than dank memes and fighting the Eternal Jew and its influence, it is the best replacement for Abrahamic death cults and other nonsense as a guiding mythos of our people.

Kek christens only the highest quality memery with repeating holy digits.


can someone explain to me if kekism/meme magic has anything to do with Plato's Theory of Forms?

kek is a fractal god. chaos is nothing but intricate order at the first glance.



Meme magic is the last stand of implicit whiteness.

order of disorder

There is a difference between 'being (a) god(s)' and 'assuming a godform.' you want to be doing the latter.

Kek there's a 17 act property of wood land in alaska for 15 k if dubs I start a gofundme/Kickstarter to buy the land and turn it into a Holla Forums land retreat

Yeah. Because we can't do either of those things unless we have a bunch of autistic retards running wild on the board.

Guess I'm going to wait till I have the dosh then thank you Lord kek for the guidance

Shouldn't there be a counterbalance to the darkness of kek? Something just as powerful? People are talking about odin but that meme is nowhere as big as kek. Finding the inner hero and fightin FOR something as opposed to simply fighting against anything for the sake of being a troll is important if you truly want to make changes. Also ceremonial planetary high magick and doing middle pillar and lbrp rituals using non-hebrew deities and the REAL swastika is important to counterbslance with the black sun and the inverted swastika of the nazis. This board is being plunged into extremes by the shills. Practicing magic without the proper checks and balances is a jewish practice. They use the qilopth which is qabalic magic without the checks and balances. Don't do the same thing theu are doing. The reason the nazis failed is because of precisely this. They were tricked by the jews to put ALL their energy into the black sun and did nothing for the Prime Creator. They worshipped transplutonian beings that twisted their minds and pulled them away from the ideals of positive german expressionism. Don't make the same mistakes they made Holla Forums.. Find your inner hero. Defend your people but also defend all of humanity from these transplutonian entities. The black sun is a tool to be used in conjuntion with the light of the prime creator. Youtube 'qilopth' and 'planetary high magick' and become your higher self


Part 2 qilopth and qabala magick. WATCH!!

Synoptic explanation of the true nature of the black sun.

We should be careful though, I was looking up about curses and black magic, then I saw something in room waking at night.

A dark shadow-y figure, in the form of a dark mist or cloud. Couldn't get a look at it its face, just could see the outline of this figure. It was about as tall as an adult male. Creepy.

Never again.

Neat digits there yourself, lad.

If only people truly understood what they were doing. This is why accurate knowledge of occult sciences is so vital otherwise you think you're helping the cause but actually end up building your own prison.

I heard they're building fema camps in the astral planes and that the mark of the beast is your ssn. Do the numerology on your ssn. Humanity is not only consenting to their own imprisonment, they are paying for it.

There is an astral doppleganger egregore of yourself that linked with the plutocracy matrix. Your ssn is a vital link to it. Learn about the faustian pact. They are offering YOU up as a sacrifice to the dark energies they work with. By promoting the unbalanced practice of the black sun you are not only consenting you are solidifying it more

This has to END. Fight them in the astral planes. Learn dream control.

Connect with the prime creator and connect with your higher self. Please. Help others do the same. Watch all videos in channel linked above. Reconnect with your European ancestors. Stop messing around with the black sun so indiscriminately. The elite bloodlines at the top span all races including europeans and jews. They don't give a fuck about humanity only themselves. They don't care about their people. They want to stop any and all connections to your ancient european cultures and traditions and set up a culture built by transplutonian beings. The black sun is a ponzi scheme. They are all using it.. Yes even jews. Fucking learn your shit and become the light for your people. This shit is real you cunts.

Do the LBRP every morning and you should be fine. DONT DO THE GOLDEN DAWN VERSION

This does bring up a good point.

When we're caught up channeling the end of the present status quo, we aren't cultivating our own nobility (nor that of our people).

However, I think that the disconnected nature of our movement helps us in this. Does our board not have self-improvement threads on a regular basis? Shall we not see more and more of us producing media for dissemination as we grow in strength and numbers? Say what you will about the Christ-chan autist, but he's the herald of the autists to come; the angry young men ( ) have died only to be reborn.

Lucid Dreaming/Astral Projection were both highly valued by the ancient Egyptians, so it would certainly fit with the themes we've developed through Kek. Moreover, even if, as a novice, you're unsuccessful in the endeavor, it's still relaxing to just lay down for a little bit. I reckon that there's many among us who would benefit from such relaxation alone.

Can suggest books for neophytes and initiates?

Should kek be a legal religion. Thread here:

The Kybalion is a good place to start.



Btw I'm not sure how it is in other nations…

But in my country Gypsies are afraid of Frogs

Your senses are still scrambled between dreaming and reality, so you're still detecting vestigal "presence" from fantasy characters in your dreams. Tends to happen with people inexperienced with lucid dreaming, and it's nothing to be afraid of. If they "talk", don't freak out and stay calm; you'll realize that they don't actually have their own voices and are using voices from people you know in real life or heard from television/radio/movies/phones/cartoons/whatever. That's because those shadow people are just quick sloppy constructions from your subconscious memories as your sleep-confused mind tries to "make sense" of those dream characters in waking reality. Once it happened to me and it was talking with my father's voice, which was actually pretty funny because it said all sorts of stupid shit my father would never say in real life.

Wait, when was this exactly?


this guy drank the kool aid. Kikes are afraid of the black sun because of the retribution that involves their eventual death and the revenge of the dead slavs who died during the communist exterminations.

Deus Vult.

As I said in the other thread:
fuck no, the kybalion is book that sums up the initiates prior knowledge and can only be truly understood by someone with prior knowledge and understanding.The true purpose of the book is only revealed to you at the time of your life where you're ready for it. Your first book to go would be "Secret teachings of all ages" and go on from there, just try to keep away from satanist shit, especially crowley. Satanist literature is disinfo

Kek is with all of us Floridafags

Florida is the greatest state in the greatest nation on earth. Besides we are possibly the most chaotic state in this whole damn union

No y'all aint. Your state is half yankee for crying outloud


Okay good point, North Florida then faggot. The half of our state that is yuppie yanks, cubaspics and uppity niggers isn't real Florida.

They are essentially foreigners compared to real born and bred Floridians.

I swim in pic related every weekend and there are literally a hundred swimming holes within driving distance of my house not even including the gay ass beach. The place is also infested with frogs to the point you have to watch out or else you will step on one.

Stay mad Georgafag

Goddammit wrong pic

Goddamned fucking phone


They are literally everywhere and when they meme for the rain to come the sound can drown out most conversations.

I am from Texas faggot

You know, the only things you see in Texas are steers and queers, you got horns under that hat boy?

Anyway we way derailed this thread have an old school Pepe

Agreed. See you not battlefield brother

Agreed. See you on the battlefield brother

That sounds/ looks like sleep paralysis effects user.
I get it sometimes when very tired or if my serotonin levels are out of whack.
Nothing bad ever happens, just a feeling of uncertainty/dread, you get used to it, and it never lasts very long.

This shit again? Either you are down with Holla Forums's Occult Division or you keep quiet about what you dont understand.



Just made some simple Praise Kek apparel, stickers, notepads etc.

Low energy

I prefer to call it minimalist.

I'm working on some more interesting styles.

2 weeks in MS paint.

So how does meme magic fit into subjectivism?
Doesn't it support what leftist were pushing for centuries?

Subjectivism =/= absolutist relativism.

Everything is subjective/objective, one/separate etc. at the same time.

say a prayer for unknown knowledge in front oif His Statue. Put a drop of your blood (or a squished bug, even berry juice if you're a puss) on His Mouth. Be sincere. Do this daily at dusk or better still at midnight, as that is when frogs are most active

I am Keku, bringer of the Void.
Long have i slumbered, but Awakening is Nigh.
You, my friends, will be there when i return from the Farthest Shore into the World again to Lead you Forth to the Ultimate Battle.

In the meantime.. Subvert the Dominant Paradigm.

(notices your digits)


What's this?

There is absolute truth but for now we have never be 100% sure when we've grasped it. I can't envision a world that doesn't operate on fundamental axioms.


To troll with. Not as a fashion statement.

Reminder for yall to read Memetic Magick by Packwood

Book of Atem by philip h farber has good info on memetic entities in the first chapter.

What kind of merchant move is that? Operating pretty deep in the shadow of Hermes there, Chaim.

I just had a startling revelation.
Pepe's green skin is kind of fitting to serve as representing Kek, since that same color was used to represent those brought back from the dead, like how Osiris was commonly portrayed as green, and darkness can be easily associated with death. So I thought about some of the other frogs of the Ogdoad. For Nun, frog of the primordial waters, wouldn't blue be a sensible color? But if that's the case, then the most prominent blue frog out there is–

O-oh shit.

i see kek as the god of epistemology, though.
epistemology is intertwined with logic.
it's the subfield of philosophy that is about what we can know.
it's what probability has to do with beliefs.
the vast majority of our beliefs are possibilities, and not certainties.
but if you are exhaustive when seeking the truth, as a detective/conspiracy theorist, you end up with disjuncts:
Pv~P 100% certainty
~P = QvRvSvTvU…………….. 100% certainty
this is the method of the skeptic.
we consider possibilities. however, we accept what's most probable. there's still doubt though.

now, this current zeitgeist is fucking retarded and unhealthy. it needs to be destroyed. if we don't, our population will not be able to meme.
but what do we replace it with?
we need to pursue something worthy of our people which is as close to the truth as possible.

otherwise, our society will be dysfunctional.
if our people know what the objectively true ethos was, our actions would be perfect. we would be virtuous and strong and actualize the potential of our meme wizardry.

this is how i see kek.
kek would cause the enemy to question themselves, destroying the current year zeitgeist, and usher in the light.

i went full retard after no sleep for 30 hours and had a spiritual experience; and saw some ridiculously improbable signs that prompted me to believe that the horsemen of the apocalypse were unleashed and god urged us to forgive.

my autism is going haywire.

as for kek being anonymous, i guess i'll trust your judgement on that.
i'm no kek theologist.
i may have been a tad too outgoing. hope i didn't tear a hole in space somewhere.
sorry kek.


Even more spoopy than spellingtons.

Thanks Lad


If repeating digits it's real

I guess notunless I'm just a huge faggot

I laughed hard this is a vastly underrated post

And if the current "zeitgeist" happens to be aligned with us, what then? Then it would seem you're wrong.

Even if he's wrong, at least he doesn't format like a faggot who doesn't know how to lurk.

Why do they double space? I single space sometimes to keep paragraphs and replies separate but his post is like







nice dubs user

you don't understand what Holla Forums is because you don't understand what a zeitgeist is.
zeitgeists exist in pockets and scopes.
Holla Forums changes every second.

and now you understand fascism just a little bit better.

Yes what a wonderful symbol, we will totally use this in the future!

Make it an octogon.

reminds me of the kanji for "east": 東


Six represents the completeness of the mortal plane.
Seven represents the perfection of whatever comes after.
The filthy kikes are obsessed with, and have subverted the number 6 because they have no real capacity for higher thought. They have no empathy, they have no foresight, they have no concept of "7". They only care about the material world, and they obsess over how they can control it.
Six is not inherently an evil number, that's just fucking absurd. It's just been perverted for literally thousands of years. Six is important, yes, but mainly it should be used as a stepping stone to reach seven and above.

t. Occultfag

That is called sleep paralysis. And kek is not black magic.

May I invest another thought? How about we overlay two squares as to make it seem it had arrows.
I like how the center looks like a sun wheel.

This. It's the 6 perpendicular directions from the in a cube representing the 3 spatial dimensions, but they had to take this star and make it theirs, even though Hinduists probably used it before them.


That would make you warlocks. Claiming that it is you who are powerful is absurd unless you have the control over Kek.

I'm telling you, they are filled with ego and/or glutton. What do you think will happen if

Reposting this from another thread 4u big guys, forgot this thread was here.

Jewish groups like the bilderbergs, rothschilds etc. and goy groups like the freemasons, trilateral comission, etc. are those who want to control humanity and turn the masses into their slaves to ensure perpetual control of the world. Generally the jew counterparts control their members through blackmail (videos of them fucking children or sacrificing humans, general kike shit) and the goy counterparts use threat of loss of power combined with degrading and disgusting initiation procedures. They generally worship gods that are not that old, 3,000 years is about how old Moloch is.

Then there's their opposition, which consist of what I call masonic knights. They are not organized nor do they work together but their general goal is to force the ascendancy of humanity through whatever means possible. Most of their orders come from splinters of the Order of the Golden Dawn which was destroyed by Aleister Crowley at the dawn of the 20th century. The Order of the Golden Dawn is also a splinter of an older tradition but that's beside the point. The point is that these are the people behind CERN and the LHC. The actual use of particle colliders is not divulged to the public. Particle colliders release huge amounts of energy by design, energy that is not visible to any electronic devices that exist. By accelerating massive amounts of matter into each other energy is released into the area directly around our solar system. The vibrational energy of our solar system has been gradually increased since LHC first started operation, and by looking at the times it was upgraded and taken offline you can actually draw direct points to the ebb and flow of "meme magic"'s rise in power. In 2022 CERN plans to increase the power of LHC by a factor of 10, you can see where I am going with this.

Kek seems to be an unknown factor that has come into play due to the actions of both parties, an old god has been awakened and a third party has come into play, and neither side has any idea what the fuck is happening. They tapped into forces they didn't understand and fucked themselves hard. Kek is just one of the many names of a force as old as humanity itself. He has been known by many names, he is the bringer of order from chaos, the light that emerges in total darkness, the creator of possiblity from impossiblity, the former of reality. He is a true god unlike Yaweh and other parasitical entities, he does not demand sacrifice nor does he demand worship, yet he does not reject them. He is above the need of such simple things. Kek is here to move the heavens and act as the mediator of Will, he has chosen his people to create a new world in their image, if you will but meme it. Praise Kek.


Kek works in mysterious ways user, check yourself.

Are you sure it doesn't simply remind you of the Taoist bagua?

Whether you believe or not doesn't matter, not really, of course if you do it helps more but even ironic shit posters are fueling the power of meme's. We are creating reality, I wouldn't be surprised if soon the (((media))) reports on "original holocaust numbers may be smaller then first thought" will playing it down of course.

Like this annon asked
yes these other gods exist also, bow much do people believe in them and act upon them? I mean really believe not just say they do and never go to church, pray, ect. Muslims act upon their beliefs and reinforce them, we find logical reasons when this happens, "ISIS inspired lone wolf" and its true, but also created by the belief of the extremists. If they didnt believe it wouldnt happen and it wouldnt happen if they didnt believe, meanwhile the majority of "muslims" drink, eat pork ect but don't really care. Imagine all the happenings during the crusades and moorish invasions? Now we have guys yelling 'pepe' at Hillary and literal gay nigger lovers shilling for us. All we have to do is smugly argue with people on the internet and not apologize for it.

One thing that always interested me however is how a lot of ancient gods seem the same, is it because they were all trying to describe the reason for natural phenomenon? Or a world wide conscious in humans early days? I think its a bit of both but what is the ratio I wonder?

Could also be the Atlantis theory or some such. The atlanteans probably had a pantheon and the various groups that survived got scattered and eventually the names became bastardised along with a few other things. For example the Greco-roman gods compared to the norse pantheon. Very similar beings butThe greco-Romans would often toy with or play with mortals for their own amusement, whereas the norse gods were considered more akin to friends of humanity rather than strangers or the like


I believe that Kek gives dubs to a worthy post but doesn't necessarily take dubs away from all posts that are not worthy.

It takes a lot of energy to assure that every shitpost doesn't get dubs, but he is always there to give the ones that really matter dubs.

I think we should wait until the god reveals to us what his/her new name should be.

We didn't just decide by council that Kek should be Kek, and not for instance, Kalki. Kek revealed himself to us and gave us his name. We should patiently await for the others to reveal themselves in an organic manner as well. They surely will when they are ready.

That is not to say that I disagree with you by them going by many different names. But who knows better how to brand themselves than the deity them-self?

The Frog-God frequently employs a magician to deliver its oracles to those who have faith. Should the magician declare that the God is pleased, happiness is sure to follow; but if he says the God is angry, women and children sit sorrowfully about, and neglect even their meals. Such is the customary belief, and it is probably not altogether devoid of foundation.
-Pu Songling 1640-1715

Chinese books describing the 'Frog God' and his family, powers and daughters.

You have misunderstood it. The chaos of kuk or Kek represents the ego-death, that every soul must go trough before they join the higher consciousness (God). It's the same in many religions across history and space, becuase it is true. Google up Kali (hindu god) she is the hindu kek. Make of this, what you will.

For me, Kek is chaos, darkness, but not purposeless, sadistic evil, but rather the darkness that scares, destroys, the ego, the evil. He is the guardian of light, the destroyer of falsehood.

Pic related, is hindu kali

Oy vey, shut it down!

During the day thou shalt approach the frog whenever convenient, and speak words of worship. And thou shalt ask it to perform such miracles as thou desirest to be done; and they shall be done according to Thy Will. Also thou shalt promise to the frog an elevation fitting for him; and all this while thou shalt be secretly carving a cross whereon to crucify him.


And I assume unto myself and take into my service the elemental spirit of this frog, to be about me as a lying spirit, to go forth upon the earth as a guardian to me in my Work for Man; that men may speak of my piety and of my gentleness and of all virtues and bring to me love and service and all material things soever where I may stand in need.

maybe one of you can make a nice logo out of this thing if you please

Trump will win.

Hillary will cough so much that time runs out on all questions asked & the most important questions go to Trump.

I wish


(checked and praised)

Remember anons, the ogdoad comprises 8 gods, so far only kek has been revealed to us and made our beloved pepe his avatar. Now inthe first book of the new testament, jesus is sent to EGYPT in order to avoid the SLAUGHTER OF CHILDREN. I think kek has emerged from ancient egypt to protect us in this time of white genocide, and as our story progresses we will meet the rest of the ogdoad, and they will adopt our memes as their avatars.

But of course, we cannot force this anymore than we can change the laws of nature, even meme magick is itself a higher level law which we are obeying dutifully. Shadilay anons.

Does anyone have that old half chan Lucifer post? The one with this image without pepe.

Kek is the Tower.

That backpedaling has already started. If you look past the Shoah Businessmen, you'll find that historians have whittled down the number of deaths on just about every specific instance of the alleged war crimes. This is conveniently left out when they give their oh so brave "Never Again!" speeches, but the Truth is out there.

You are the atheist, as you deny Kek and worship a false jewish (((messiah))).

The original good guy lucifer image you mean?


Fuck, look at what I found in the Android Store!

There is even a tarot game with kek!

Can we not do this shit?
It's really just kinda gay when you overthink it and start writing rules and dogma.
Just apply the memes by the standards you hold the world to.

I think I've only read one mention to make rules and dogmas and anons agreed it would be the end of it.
The rest is just dank memes and OC. Occasional rationalizations and thoughts for others to borrow.

Your autism wasn't strong enough. You'll serve Kek in a different way, have at least three ethnically pure children.

/rainingfrogsonelectionday/ where

mine adds to 111 ffs. What can I do about this?


And dubs confirm. Thank you oh Kek!
Thank you. THANK YOU!

Reminder: Holla Forums has never been a christcuck board and never will be.


OC… Added extra-memetic beats and remixed to 3:33 track length.

Daily reminder behind every kek thread is a flaming faggot.

" Yet ye have forsaken me, and served other gods: wherefore I will deliver you no more. Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation." Judges 10:13-14

I have seen something similar in a dream, on a great green flag.


praise kek

Why throw pearls before swine?

I remember when it was.


He loves us all, after all. You are our greatest allies.

The Jin Chan (Chinese: 金蟾; pinyin: jīn chán; literally: "Golden Toad"), also called Chan Chu (Chinese: 蟾蜍; pinyin: chánchú; literally: "the Toad") or "Zhaocai Chan Chu" (Chinese: 招财蟾蜍; pinyin: zhāocái chánchú; literally: "wealth-beckoning toad"), is most commonly translated as "Money Toad" or "Money Frog". It represents a popular Feng Shui charm for prosperity.

This mythical creature is said to appear during the full moon, near houses or businesses that will soon receive good news (most of the time, the nature of this good news is understood to be wealth-related).

According to one Chinese legend, the Jin Chan was the greedy wife of one of the Eight Immortals, who was transformed into a toad as punishment for stealing the Peaches of Immortality.

The Jin Chu is usually depicted as a bullfrog with red eyes, flared nostrils and only one hind leg (for a total of three legs), sitting on a pile of traditional Chinese cash, with a coin in its mouth. On its back, it often displays seven diamond spots symbolizing the Big Dipper, or the Plough, which plays an important role in Chinese astrology. The toad is often shown in the company of Liu Hai, a fabled 10th-century Chinese alchemist who learned the secret of immortality from the Chan Chu, and became a xian (immortal). In Japanese, Liu Hai is known as Gamma Sennin (Toad Sennin). There is a body of mythology about the pair, and they are sometimes included among the Eight Immortals, or depicted with members of this group.

According to Feng Shui beliefs, Jin Chan helps attract and protect wealth, and guards against bad luck. Because it symbolizes the flow of money, Feng Shui lore insists that a Jin Chan statue should not be positioned facing the main door ("outward"). It also "should never be kept in the bathroom, bedroom, dining room or kitchen".

Jin = Gold/Frog
Chan = Prosperty

Golden Toad
7 diamonds

The last Frog year at Chinese horoscope was in 2008. Well, you know what happened this year.


Dubs are not necessarily rewarded to the most truthful of posters. Dubs are given to posts with a truth in them. Sometime it's just a truth that you might have to dig for.

A shill using a new shilling tactic might get dubs. This is not because the content of his message is truthful, but rather Kek is drawing our attention toward his post so as to learn from it.


Every faithful has his uses. Live happy and make many White children. The burden of memes is not yours to carry, brother.

Remember kids, sage go on all fields.

Nope. That was literally the Moires (moira means fate in even modern Greek). Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho.

Kek is really just a symbol for the laws of causality, unless you want to get into the turbo autistic definition that involves meme magic and astral planes, but that's mostly just conjecture.


Don't panic my dudes.


I fucking hate you God damn kuck posting numerology faggots.

you need your own Chan to contain this outrageous circle jerk faggotry

Never post on Holla Forums again and stop masturbating five times a day


I could never get good clips out of that, the movie is way too slow. this might be my last try.


We must include the letter "h" into our theology.

This thread needs more clean up in isle three.


It's jewish psyops.

Only retards fall for this shit.







Yes. Turk here, I have loved topkek before it was a meme.

h, my friend.

I don't see "h" becoming part of mainstream memetics any time soon. I've almost forgotten about h, thanks for reminding me.



That image size. Wew lad.

You're going to burn at the stake you fucking heretic.

This is one of the pieces of music that wouldn't let go of me for years. It was a rare and beautiful glimpse into the twisted night we've just been through. One of the first confirmations for me that there were others who saw the same depths approaching and could only feel feels regarding that powerful unknown. With the current bizarro-world turn of events, I can't help but remember this track and how far we've come since the darkness began.

Get lost.

Actually it is, but butthurt tards fall for it and ctrs get money every time they bump this crap.

Some autists are alright, but many are just autistic STEM warrior (((science)))lords who refuse to accept they backed the wrong horse. and their little set of rules for decoding reality holds no innate value. Praise Kek.

Gentlemen, please refer to my second post which is where Kek granted me the double bubbles and automatically made me right the whole time.

Ford's role in TFA was low key depressing.

He was a man clearly LOOOONNNGGG past his prime, a legend from one of the greatest wars the Galaxy had ever seen, forgotten, his only child a psychotic washout who went against everything he ever believed in. And still going on penny ante smuggler runs, still trying to recapture his golden days. It's like going back to the fast food joint you used to work at 10 years ago and seeing some of the same people you worked with then still there. Then you realize inside, something must've gone terribly wrong in their life.

I imagine him smiling rogueishly at pretty young girls, only for them to get royally creeped out at grandpa trying to make a move…

Fuck JJAbrams. Anyway, just a thought I had, back to the real issues

I've discovered today something that I've never seen posted.
All the male deities of the Ogdoad were frogs.(Kek, Nu, Amun and Huh).

"The Egyptians believed that before the earth was created, there was nothing but a dark, directionless, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nun and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). The chaos existed without the light, and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolised obscurity, the kind of obscurity that went with darkness, and night."

Original article:

"The eight deities were arranged in four male-female pairs: Nu and Naunet; Amun and Amaunet; Kek and Kauket; and Huh and Hauhet. The males were associated with frogs and females were associated with snakes."

Wilkinson, Richard H. (2003). The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. p. 78

So, it's just Kek? Or the entire Ogdoad is with us.

consider all essential spiritual elements.
consider their mutual exclusivity with respect to their actuality and potentiality.
consider their distribution.
consider the assumption of a universal increase or decrease of their combined potency.
consider the assumption that there is balance.

consider the separation of objective truth and subjectivity falling within the scope of what is objectively true.

people can express the same truth in different ways, just as language.

Speaking of Turkey,

The same day as D.A.K


our desires very often lead us astray.
this pertains to anything: even knowledge.
there is a way to make water taste like wine.
there is a way to improve the human condition.
there is a way to allow god's presence in our lives.

I'm feeling Goebbels rn. I feel like I could do so much, but I'm just drained and adrift… lost at sea. Been like this for so long now. Someone or something give me a sign of what to do or where to go.

Praise Kek!!!

Increase your resources user. Health first, socialise second, wealth thirst.

How you go about attaining those ideals depends on you. What you do with all that power is spread those values more.

Praise Chaos and the coming Light.
Sincerely Thoth.

Praise and witness Kek invictus!

Thanks, Thoth. Nice of you to drop in.

How about we think rationally and try to focus on our well-being and our internal reasoning to better ourselve-NO IT'S IN THE FROG AND NUMBERS!!!


But user in the great scheme of everything we are only frogs and numbers.


Thanks, user. As strange as this may seem… that helped me.

(Checked and praised)
==Shadilay Shadilay

Shadilay Shadilay
Oosh. Tired. Forgive me, Kek.

Thanks user. Webm is a little OC I made in hope of empowering Trump and calling upon Kek's favor in our mischief.

KEK is a egregore, but it has existed before as an Egyptian god. I believe that thoughtforms are kept alive in the historical record about them, And he has been ressurected by us, or maybe the WoW "KEK" laughter was a way of collecting energy for him, sparcely but efficiently, until he planted the idea of a meme that could make him powerful by collecting energy in a more specific way, trusting in quality rather than quantity. Shitposting is not as big as world of warcraft, but "Pepe" hás some characteristics in common with KEK, as per example the chaotic behaviour. It collects energy more efficiently therefore.

KEK climbed his way to being worshipped again, but his incredible reality-changing power come from us, colletive-thinking human minds. As long as we don't go too far when creating a doctrine/dogma, and keep in mind what WE want rather than what he is, he will be a mirror of our collective thinking and always aid Holla Forums unto reaching our goals.

But we aren't capable of being the only group feeding him. If we feed him consciously, we will determine how he will behave, but if we make Normies mentalize and contribute with energy to our god uncounciously, we can escalate the shitposting and the uncuckolding of civilization to higher levels. We contribute with power and control, they are harvested to provide energy.

Shadiley, brothers.

That webm had a really dank Heqet in it.

fake and gay

what does he mean by this

why has nobody checked these fine digits

this post is strange what does it mean


shadilay brother

Jesus Christ, the world treats these people like gods even though they have such fucked up lives. These people are garbage. Truly garbage.


let the light in.
it is given to those who are open to it.

progress can be made when our expressions accurately reflect our true circumstance.


lol christcucks

low energy baitpost smdh

we have a large jewish population.
more fun for us on the day of the rope.

kek was on adventure time as a magician frog with DUBS HATS Tatomir_Article_II CongressForYoungEgyptologists_Lisbon2006_orig.pdf


The idea of hating women and viewing them as inferior has shitskin roots. White men didn't hate women before they got christcucked. If you think women are inferior then you're a race traitor.

Guys, you are serving a certain cabal in their attempt to create a thoughtform-turned-creator deity that they hope will overthrow the Divine Creator, at least local to this galaxy, possibly even this entire 3rd dimension, and render it theirs for the taking.

Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do..

This is exactly the tripe that was lodged at the church during the 1800s (Pope Leo XIII described it as "Americanism"). Western sources would try to claim that they were "ahead of the church" and that it "needed to get with the times", implying that truth was transitory and non-absolute, and thus leaving the door open for infiltration and massive pozzing in the form of Vatican II. In other words Post-Structural Critical Theorist nonsense.

How does it feel to be a Frankfurt School, D&C shill?

Yeah yeah I get it, you're a very good goy. Just look up old norse history. While men and women had different roles and weren't allowed to switch roles, you won't find any evidence that men viewed women as inferior, only the opposite. Men and women didn't hate each other back then, this "gender war" and the rise of feminism only happened because of the very unnatural teaching that women are worth less than men.

Thoth was not part of the Ogdoad, but rather was with them.

The Ogdoad are the elementals:
Fire, Earth, Water, Air:
Kek (kk), Heh (hh), Nu (n), Amun (imn)

Each of the Ogdoad are represented by a frog, and each has a snake consort/wife.

That's why Pepe is mysterious. He can represent any of the four elements.

I collected each. Also see a suggestion for a snake goddess.

Very nice image. I like it.

How do you know it's not the Divine Creator in disguise?

Praise be to kek


Thank you. I've been interested by philosophy all my live. I've tried to mix some aspect of Plato, Nietzsche and Kant in this single image.

Plato : Obviously, for the allegory.

Nietzsche : On the invention of idealism (part of nihilism). As you can tell, BLM and feminism are a new type of religion (you must read "On the Genealogy of Morality" to fully understand).

Kant : On happiness. This one is also a bit complicated. But for Plato, escaping the cavern is hard (kind a like swallowing the red pill). In a Kant perspective, you can be happy. Just like Pepe on this picture.

I've read hundred of philosophical/ theological books and nothing have been more intellectual deep than memetic/ kek. Don't give up deer followers, we are on the good path.

Christianity has always taught that both men and women are eligible for salvation in the eyes of God. That principle, as well as the doctrine of Free Will, are unique to Christian faith. The only type of gender "division" that you could argue exists involves distinction and delegation of different roles among the sexes–a concept to which Norse civilizations are not strangers.

Feminism happened because the kikes provided outside funding and media support to Betty Friedan who artificially created friction between men and women by criticizing these naturally occurring, God-given roles. Your claim tacitly states that subversive agents like her–and the fuckton of other Critical Theorists out there–couldn't have stirred the same dissensions among pagan societies when, in fact, the antecedents for said societies were no different from Christian ones'.

Weird, I thought there's higher states of existence where one can exist through.

I guess we can all throw all of that logic away because you dumbed it down to a weird duality!

Then I think I'm more on the ball than most here.

This guy has the right idea, I got the double bubbles. Remember to always lobotomize yourselves before the boogiemen get to you!

Check this post any because praise kek
makes me happy to see the memes fly user



nietzsche was a relativistic faggot
relativism is more in line with marixsm: christianity is an objective patriarchal morality

nietzsche was a relativistic faggot
relativism == marixsm: christianity is an objective patriarchal morality and therefore the opposite of that degeneracy

nietzsche was a relativistic faggot
relativism == marixsm: christianity is an objective patriarchal morality and therefore the opposite of that degeneracy


Oh look, it's a christcuck saying things he can't prove again.

Same, though I don't dabble in esoteric frog worship. Not counter-signalling, my religion is full of cucks that need to Deus Vult right the fuck up, but memetic magic is a double edged sword.

Be careful with what you summon user.

i enjoy your reasoning.

something meaningful can be contained within a sea of shitposts.
being a patriarch begins with the individual.
moral relativism is true due to differing circumstances: chaotic good. god will judge. we will have faith.
we hope that our propositions aren't misleading. due diligence is also a matter of good will. we're imperfect, but we can try.