Russian thread

Let's have a Russian thread.

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not sure if russian they all sound the same to me dammit

They're obviously Russian.

Song is Russian, men are from Poople's Republic of Donetsk


I've got nothing, but lurking because Russians never fail to amuse

григорий лепс!






I think he died.


Russian girls are best girls



russians are subhumans

lmao especially the second pic, just look at the noses
well done

kys tbh


fuck off snow nigger

Degenerates out


I won't criticize you because you helped me find that song, Dmitri

Show us your flag, Amerilard

t. Mohammed al-Merkel

stop derailing the thread with pedo snow nigger spam

Russians seem pretty based


you should suck their dicks

butthurt amerimutt detected

Putin is based tho


based Putin


Russia is a shit skin cuntry

it is sad though…


Being Russian doesn't get yourself to be more entitled to be against Putin.
You're no different than a shell who gladly takes any criticism against Putin as true no matter what.

Germany looks increasingly like that these days though
Russia has more of a future than Germanistan, whoever poor they are at the moment

It does actually, because I live here and know what a shit he actually is.

Explain the truth to me about Russia & Putin

American (((media))) and both political parties hate Putin, why? And what problems do you have with Russia?

story time user, where did putin-san touch you

How shit is he? I know nothing about him

Paid putin shill bots detected.

ALERT! If you see russian spam bots always remember you are arguing with paid professionals

southern brothers reporting in.
(vid is from poland tho)

just a regular, self promoting peace of shit russian detected

Sure you do. You hear the media daily saying how bad he is

muh Crimea
muh democracy

ignore CIA posts
don't reply to CIA posts


American foreign policy is controlled by Jews many of whom are Russian expatriates
Russian was once mean to their grandparents so now the goyim (both Russian and American) must pay
preferably in blood


D & C kikes tbh

yes, most definitely a kike from fucking bulgaria where kikes and mudslimes get beaten by the minute

Corruption is severe, nothing is done property like construction or remodeling, because 70% of money is stolen. Censorship and lack of free speech. The only thing we produce is oil and weapons. $250 salary is maximum in most towns. Luckily I live in Saint-Petersburg where it's not that bad.

Gas the kikes(especially russian kikes), race war now.

but then you have to live with mudslimes everywhere

Does every slavic country hate Russia?

Looks pretty

They runied my country. Still better than turkoraches tho.

The colonists you forgot here have mostly moved to the capital and now have elected one of their own as a mayor, now our construction is starting to look like your construction. Please take your refugees them back.

Not sure, mostly so i guess, but baltics aren't slavic, you american education victim.

minus the mudslimes it would be

What do you think about Germans?

Are they turning your country into a sharia state?


"This is an ideological battle and a struggle of races. Here in this struggle stands National Socialism: an ideology based on the value of our Germanic, Nordic blood. … On the other side stands a population of 180 million, a mixture of races, whose very names are unpronounceable, and whose physique is such that one can shoot them down without pity and compassion. These animals, that torture and ill-treat every prisoner from our side, every wounded man that they come across and do not treat them the way decent soldiers would, you will see for yourself. These people have been welded by the Jews into one religion, one ideology, that is called Bolshevism… When you, my men, fight over there in the East, you are carrying on the same struggle, against the same subhumanity, the same inferior races, that at one time appeared under the name of Huns, another time— 1000 years ago at the time of King Henry and Otto I— under the name of Magyars, another time under the name of Tartars, and still another time under the name of Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Today they appear as Russians under the political banner of Bolshevism."

…and then they came to rape the Germans because Hitler was retarded

It is. But could be in far better state if we had proper government

kys negerfaggot

fuck off

t. (((Judeo-Bolshevist)))

Wenn Hitler nur den Krieg gewonnen hätte…

You and us both, friend

cool dudes, cucced tho

did someone say (((regime change)))

It's the buffer zone CIA belt. american and and russian kikes can't agree what kind of proxy niggers and shit skins they suppose to send to this regions so they don't send any at all.

Not exactly sure how they supposed to ruin an already ruined country.


Listen up boy, time for a history lesson.
WW1 ends, we're fucked up and all, but we manage to get on our feet and be a strong economic power(consider that when we were enslaved by turkroaches for 500 years) and then ww2 happened. We tried to stay neutral and then eventually got on the side of germany. If that wasn't enough the USSR came and enlarged our asshole even more for another 40 years.

вернуть товарищ Сталин и систему Гулага. As tovarish stalin would say "Я бы послала тебя в Гулаг!"

You capitalist scum

Убей себя, пидорас.

daily reminder that the holohoax was perpetrated by russian commies

They were jew puppets, but they enjoyed doing their new master's bidding, because it made them feel like winners. Centuries under mongol style "might makes right" governing has made them into mindless sheep who can't function without a tsar in one form or another, or else they go full retard.

So is (((communism))) to blame for Russia's problems? Or are Russians just White niggers?

Russians are even beyond the standard Stockholm Syndrome conditioning. They are extremely proud of their enslavement to Jewish (((Kremlin))) power and will defend it online for a handful of shekels and a bottle of vodka. Truly sad.

I don't understand it. Communism destroyed their country and killed millions of ethnic Russian and yet many of them are still fond of Stalin and wear communist outfits

>So is (((communism))) to blame for Russia's problems? Or are Russians just White niggers?
Perhaps both. IF you look up their pre-communist history it always a mad house but the communist made it exponentially worse and dragged half the world on their level.

I guess that's why communists liked russia in first place. I noticed the communists always display niggers, ching chongs and snow niggers in their propaganda pictures. It's because that's the the most miserable scum currently living on this planet - same as the communists.
It's a direct confirmation that communists are related to sad failure, destruction and misery. And that's also the reason why russians like communists - its all one and the same shit.

lol he ded

"Russia can’t be understood with the mind alone"

That line has become a common description of irrational Russian civilization. Over time, the phrase, "Russia can’t be understood with the mind alone," began to be used to explain any illogical and unexpected action made by Russia and the Russians.

that's because you don't understand actual history. you've received most of your education from youtube documentaries and hate threads on Holla Forums and Holla Forums.

the first thing you need to understand is that the vast majority of citizens in czarist russia were slaves for all intents and purposes. if you lived under those conditions you would have likely been a revolutionary too. there are debates in academia about how there were gradual reforms setting in, and that if the bolsheviks and anarchists had simply been more patient russia would have been much better off in the long run, but this point is debatable and moot at this point.

for all its problems and horrific failures, the USSR transformed hundreds of millions of people –who would otherwise have remained uneducated peasants condemned to czarist tyranny – into physicists, doctors, fighter pilots, engineers etc etc.

people got a free education, decent access to medical care and other social services. of course the respective soviet experiences of highly nationalistic and essentially developed european states like czechoslovakia, poland, and hungary were far different than that of undeveloped soviet states such as georgia, armenia and azerbaijan and those of central asia.

you also need to get this fundamental point through your thick, hateful skull: stalin (a georgian peasant) defeated and outsmarted hitler (your precious aryan jesus).

whether you are a lefty or a righty doesn't discount this fact. anyone who argues that germany lost to the USSR because of sheer numbers is either biased or uninformed. stalin was more strategically patient, better read on history, military tactics, and the history of warfare in general. anyway, YES, the USSR for the most part was a colossal shit show, but there are definitely things which, as a russian, uzbek, azeri etc etc, are worthy of being pride.

infographic-wielding Holla Forums tards incoming

right in the feels

are you people serious? i mean, do you actually believe these absurd things you post? i honestly can't tell anymore.

what about the great contrast between between male and female attractiveness (in general)?

Hitler was still right about virtually everything he said

i mean, you have no idea what you're talking about, but sure.

>>>Holla Forums

you realize this is why the real world doesn't take you people seriously. any person who posits a grounded, fact-based position that conflicts with your world view you just accuse of being a cryptojew agitator or lefty poll shill.

i've made this point here many times before but you shitbirds need to be reminded once in a while: all you can feasibly do is pass around your silly little memes and worthless infographics to other spiteful losers on Holla Forums and Holla Forums. it's a pitiful circle jerk to the outside world. it's a bit frustrating as a kind of educated normal dude who enjoys drinking and browsing Holla Forums occasionally, but at the end of the day i honestly feel bad for you guys.

most commies were not physicists, doctors, etc. they were alcoholic, largely uneducated peasants working unproductively in unproductive factories.
the old commie joke: "we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
stalin not only started the war, but was the most incredibly inept military leader of all time. it's only because he was willing to throw tens of millions of russians into the meat grinder, with a literal gun at their backs if they tried to flee, that germany simply ran out of bullets to kill them with.

was meant for this

wish this shitty site allow for post edits

I already assumed you misquoted my post , anyways


Hi schmuley.

70 years of muh communism not enough time HAHAHAH xD
…but wait there is still communism in Venezuela, and north Korea - that makes 100 years of failure and misery and no toilet paper

If anybody would have lived under communist conditions like the Russians did, they would have known why the Russains have abolished communism all together.

That's actually the christcucks. They always restrict knowledge. Do you know who else is restricting knowledge and is censoring everything?
Surprise it's the COMMUNISTS

And don't forget mentioning free labor as people were working for free in communist russia.

You are also swindling about the medical care shit because medical free care in communist russia was one of the worst in the world. The average age of death for a man was 55 years. Most people were simply treated with opioid drugs until they died.


Stalin nearly lost the war to a tiny mini state called Germany. Germany is pretty much a non-country.

Germany had
-a small land with no resources
-small population of only 60 million people
-no fuel, no metal
-lost a war and was economically destroyed by jews

Communist Russia had
-a huuuuuuge territory (+china) with unlimited resources
-a population more than double than that of Germany
-unlimited fuel and metal
-the only economic burden of russia was the communist jews themselves

Yet the non-country Germany managed to buttfuck the communist russians to a point where they nearly lost the war. It was the american anglo kikes and self hate loser germanocucks from america who had to help communist kikes by bribing the SS staff and German generals while additionally opening a second front and supplying communst russia with technology and weapons.
By this means it actually was the americans who won the war. After the war most of the SS members and nazi scientists went to live in USA. Oppositely communist russia was executing the former SS members and scientists. America managed to create a huge military power based on nazi technology and communist russia was lagging behind and dependent on kike spy information which they gathered mostly through the cat toilet in the middle east.
Finally the laughter became worse by each day. People all around the globe were laughing and the communist kikes. Tourists who dared to risk a trip to communist russia were laughing so hard, they all came back with ripped abs muscles

Eventually it because so shameful, that people in rassia all turned red like their own communist kike flag. (btw this is why the communist flag is red - its because communism is so shameful, they still don't have toilet paper in the year 2017). And because of the shameful communist red head syndrome, most russiand tried to flee into alcohol - the only available shit which you truly get nearly for free.
Some people say communists kikes allowed alcohol because of muh subversion, I don't think that's the truth. The truth is kikes are degenerate drunktards. Jews love to drink alcohol and piss their pants every day, because that's a jew tradition for thousands of years.
And many russian thought:

So this is how the communist empire finally crumbled - all people became true communists, got drunk and pissed their pants,
And even today you can feel the airwaves of the laughter from over 28 years ago - the airwaves of the laughter of the people who laughed at the communist red head jews and russians with pissed pants

hi there fritz, maybe your english reading comprehension isn't so good because it appears you've completely misunderstood the content of my post and the position i'm taking.

no one here is arguing the horrors that russian communism have caused (yet i'm pretty sure you'd conveniently look away from the equally horrific things that germany's brand of fascism brought about). i was merely trying to help some faggot understand why russians and other post-soviet people still find pride in their heritage despite all its problems.

get it? didn't think so. also, isn't it like 7 AM in germany? fucking stop watching hentai and go to sleep. you've got a long day of eating sour kraut and sausages and posting hitler memes ahead of you.

i'm not reading all that shit, homeslice.

honestly dude, the germans have done some very admirable things. i like german stuff.

but your people's downfall has always been your unbridled self-obsession and supreme ARROGANCE. if you as a country can collectively get the fuck over yourselves and pair up with france in bolstering the EU into a a solvent institution, then maybe you'll have a shot at reclaiming your place as a superpower. till then your just a neutered military power (aka: russia's bitch) with really fantastic manufacturing quality.



give me a break you dumb nigger. i'm not about to waste my time getting into a nitty gritty debate with a guy who's at best academically biased and at worst a genocidal maniac.

also i'm center right tbh :3

i believe you newfags would call me a "radical centrist"? that's the inane term you kids are throwing around now?



Hang yourself

i chuckled.

The (((EU))) is an American/CIAnigger project and should be destroyed. Russia is right to avoid any American influence because the USA is cancererous

Last I checked Germany killed about 20mil where as USSR killed some 60mil. Also the National Socialists at least had the decency to execute their victims, assuming you believe in the official holocaust narrative. The soviets literally tortured, starved, and froze people to death by the TENS of MILLIONS over decades in their slave labor camps.

Also Italy was Fascist; Hitler's Germany was Socialist. You know, like the Menshevik revolutionaries that Lenin and his buddies threw under the bus after they helped overthrow the Czar? Calling them 'fascist' shows you don't even understand the difference; it's merely a pejorative term leftists and commies have thrown around for the last eighty odd years.

You really should read it, but you wont. You'll just say he was a bourgeoisie reactionary because you're so deeply entrenched in your ideological program. That's okay, I used to be a natsoc but realized it was idiotic to identify with any totalitarian system, regardless of how much I admire certain aspects thereof.

Not the one you responded to, but just wanted to point out that if you believe Goebbels about the NatSoc government, supposedly the plan was to dissolve the authoritarian aspect of the government after the subversive jews had been deported from Germany. The war prevented the plan from ever being taken to completion obviously, but an interesting thought nonetheless.

that's rich.

whataboutism. silly throwing of numbers and subjective speculation.

i'd suggest you don't understand the economic principles which correctly allow scholars and historians to label nazi germany as fascist and the USSR as communist/socialist.

as i can tell you almost understand, the socialist in national socialist was a mere ploy by the nazis.

that's nice.


okay. so that's what hitler supposedly thought socialism means.

unfortunately for you his definition of it does not at all correspond to that of historians and economists.

not sure where you're going with this.

was my original post. i'm not a communist or a socialist and i'm not attempting to defend one or the other, nor am i saying the USSR was any better or worse than nazi germany. do you guys really not understand that?

i'm a capitalist, which to any reasonable person would make me more a fascist than a socialist.

degenerates out

oh look at all the horrors capitalism has wrought!

ughhhhh! )_;

Big words from a guy who went on a defense rampage of communist kikes.
There is more than just "one" form of capitalism. What kind of capitalist are you and why?


starts reading it secretly twice
Read a book nigger.
*facepalm You stupid nigger. It's 2017 - there are no native Europeans left in Europe well maybe in there some but they are somewhere located in hidden villages in the mountains.


two fold flaw in your logic. first, jews were, in fact, purged by stalin and second class citizens in soviet russia. the early stages had a bunch of atheist, non practicing jews but by the 1950s they were put in their place. so your whole thinking about jews' role in the USSR is flawed from the get go. second, i was not defending communism. i've stated this explicitly several times, and the base content of what i've written ITT should be evidence enough of that for any rational person. ipso facto: you're not a rational person

you're right. what?

Read a book nigger.

ok. so are you german or not?

once again, not sure what you're trying to achieve from this back and forth we're having.

hitler ftw

yeah. back to your pedo thread you fucking loser.

smart guy


and to be clear, i don't give a fuck if you're german or not.

this remains: you are a misguided loser

Fake lies. Some of the communist kikes didn't liked stalin so he send them to gulag like he did with pretty much everyone else who resisted him. Some jewish groups didn't liked him because he limited them in stealing russian resources and the communist kike empire already started to crumble because of that. Trotski for example snatched a huge amount of gold and managed to put it on a Swiss bank account, he then fled to south america but was whacked down anyway. Other jews did the same or similar, each time stalin gave them a budget for "xyz" they stole it and were afterwards assassinated in some way. Because communists were originally all poorfag bum-tier kikes, it all has lead them to kill each other for the chance to snatch some big money and flee aboard either to USA or south america. Later on after the war they usually went to the cat toilet state in the middle east.

Not going to derail the thread with deeper discussion on who is a jew and who not, because according to you anyone who converted to judaism is can be considered as a jew. Good, you can discuss that on Holla Forums and /christian/ but original core communists were 95% people with jewish background and this is a simple fact, perhaps today it's no longer the case but back then it was.

Religion was dis-encouraged throughout the communist time - most jews from the east block still are atheist even after migration to usa and the cat toilet in the middle east, and in fact atheism is actually compatible with the jewish faith due to judaism being rather a rabbinical/talmud thing

"Das Kapital" is in some of it's fundamental aspects pretty much an ideological version of judaism in dual combination with chritscuckery (or regionally islime):
The working class are the christcucks doing all the lower end jobs that are forbidden to jews while the education class is the jews that is leading all of the system. But marx stated money made the kikes corrupt so he made the system in a way where the education class gets less payed than the working class (this is why so many jews hate communism). Work 6 days a week and on sabbath you rest - the communist empire had 6 working days with 1 day rest. Communism was the goal which is basically similar to the biblical messianic time where everything like food is available in unlimited scale etc
What marx forgot to mention in his book was perhaps the most important part about capitalism though: money creation.

Anyway, communism is literally the ideological kike/christcuck (and muslime obviously too) so why do you try to convince anons of communism being a non jewish thing?

In this case you are a a stupid and uneducated person. If someone is not lowering himself on your level it means he isn't rational?

So you actually have no idea about capitalism at all, same as you have no idea about communism? You promote something you have no idea of and you defend something you have no idea of but then you deny your initial claims and you then start chit chatting with the random pedo-spammers to derail the conversation

>pair up with (((france)))
88 keks

it took you a really long time to write that.


yes, i also havent slept for at least 26 hours


Russian camwhores are best camwhores.

so they are Russian



Why/how did he explode and did he get hit by a car at the end?

Power cables overhead.

He earthed out on the steel bridge and got toasted.

Thanks fellow Anglo.
meep meep what is this bitch saying tbh no homo

is she autistic

Just anorexic.


She looks like she was 70 lbs. Imagine picking her up and thrusting her open with the greatest of ease.

she's probably closer to 90 lbs tbh
so much this


I am truly disappointed Holla Forums



Putin disagrees

jewtin is a nigger

could have swinged and grabbed onto the crane.

Not if he really wanted to be an hero

she is kind of cute
