Brit/pol/ #1234: Fuck off We're Full Edition

Sharia May: 'All 27 will sign up to a Brexit deal with us

SNP Rebels welcome Brexit after abandoning Party line

Tanned European appears before judge for nail bomb plans in London

Sharia May meets Goldman Sachs to discuss Brexit

Latest Nigel interview on Hardtalk:
UKIP Leader Diane James Q&A:

Other urls found in this thread:"Tim Farron"&src=tren

Nice, I can feel their time is going to be up soon.

First for Sir Arfa

Good luck with that. Eastern euros simply won't go along with it.


No deal is better than a bad deal


Nest has pretty basic stuff, why are you searching amongst their pretentious shit.

People dressed like that in London are like 1 out of 5,000, no normie dresses like that.

this fog pavillion guy does a lot of nice designs

It's all pretentious

Not trade. Simple.
Ten seconds, nothing wrong with this stuff.

except that its expensive and you can get the same clothing from any charity shop anywhere

based poland

You mean trade by WTO rules, you can't not trade, the deal is about what the terms are spastic.

Next stuff is over priced and poor quality, what exactly are you looking to buy though?
If it's suits, go to a tailors, if it's casual order online.

Based thread number tbh

Then do that.

It's not me, fam, it's the user from last thread.

What part of 'non-autistic' did you not understand?

But they will STOP TRADING with Britain.

It's not worth it!

Fair enough, I've been doing some shopping lately. Looking at a new jacket and boots. I hate buying clothes.


Go to H&M then

Name one thing you bought recently that was produced by an east european country lads.


Autists are autistic

ur mom is gay xd

All those clothes are oddly shaped…

Get one of these lad.

Fuck off to another chan you tiresome faggots



Is this literally your argument for me walking around in a suit all day?

it's called "imageboard" you plebbitor faggot

top digits

jus b urself


I got some chocolates given to me from Ukraine, but they aren't EU.

But I am an awkward person

I don't buy stuff tbh.

I was going to post this. Also some other vodka a Polish lass gave me with a name in Cyrillic

It's all getting hostile again…


Witcher 3 DLC

Don't worry lad, no bullying here.

Wow that's a terrible suit

These digits,
now check mine


yeah this tbh




Tastes like vodka, so like shit.

I sure look forward to fighting with you guys against the Muslims. I'm sure your PVC figurine collection and Naruto headbands will do us a lot of good against Mudslime guns and knives.


Fuck off.

As a opposed to skull bandana's and track suits? Fuck off LARP'ers.

we're mostly men like Thomas tbh
thinkers not thugs
if we did nothing but shave our heads, do pushups and mutter dark things while sharpening knives in basements we'd be no better than the germans

But that's in another thread lad.

The pakis will quibble in fear once they see my katana lad



wew lad

Thats it I'm going on a diet, had pizza last night and was up all night shooting liquid hot shit

Got a splinter in my big toe and can't get it out tbh lads, why won't mummy save me lads tbh?

Just wanted that sweet triple double

sounds like you channeled the great lord on high himself

Does the thread always degenerate this fast? requesting more rare Jahans

So like Woes you are a faggot who thinks Youtube is going to save his race?

Right wing activism doesn't work. Activism is a victory parade not political activities. We see what happens when right wingers take to the streets and it's fights with Anti-fa supported cops. That's not how you change things.

Try a vegan diet lad.

Not sure what you're on about lad, this is a great thread.



no I just dont talk about my activities in local politics on an imageboard where GCHQ roams with impunity :^)


Gonna try for a nice (140).

Good lad are Gordo.

I really want him to kill himself tbh

You can see they're blacks from the pictures, just another example of how savage they are tbh

Sometimes we get close.


Our Immigrants, Our Strength
Ignore the xenophobia. Newcomers make New York, Paris, and London healthier and more vibrant.


Brits can't even come up with their own slogan. I do feel sorry for you though, I saw that stampede on it's way to brit land…

Diversity is (((our))) strength.

What are you spraffing?


This is what I'm spraffing about.

What does it mean, lads?

It means delete your pepe folder you normalfag

Lad you brought this out of no-where, its not in the OP or anywhere.

She's laughing at you.


That cloud looks like Godzilla.

She doesn't love me?

Leave me alone, lad

Pretty sure I am not blind :) :) :)
It's all going to be ok!

The lib dems are secretly red pilled

No, she never will, nobody will.

pretty sure you are lad, that flag is in all caps.

Don't know what you're talking about lad, it's not there

Important poal!!

Mummy loves me no matter what I do.

Shame its not genuine and its just because they love muslims.



She's just being friendly, nothing more. Either that or she's thinking if she smiles, you won't beat her up, take her into the bushes and rape her.

The north is anywhere above the m25 tbh.

22 stone fat fuck lad is on the pull into the bushes

I look pretty non-threatening, lad.


And I prefer "22 stone lad" instead of "22 stone fat fuck" tbh.


22 stone lad, can we get confirmation?

22 stone fat fuck lad detected

The North is white, the south is black.

The North voted for leave during the referendum, the South voted for remain.

North wins.

Can't argue that lad, London is hell.

Just call him GordonLite

Don't spit on the West Country like that, lad.
The only bits that voted remain are London and the shitty cities.

On what?


The west country don't see themselves as Southern though, they see themselves as their own entity. They can't stand Londoners just as much as the rest of us.

How much does Gordo weigh?

A picture of you on the scale.

How big are your tits lad


Hello you stupid autistic spastics


I'm so bored today

Not sure how I managed to reply to you tbh, that was odd


I think my money is safe tbqh lads, infact I might put more money on Trump winning I'm so confident in this.

Not that big. I never really had big tits. Looks nothing like Gordon's monster tits.

I'll do it later, lad. maybe tbh


I had some of those free bets, so I chucked them on Hillary ending up having to drop out at 3/1

lol cute brown babies xd

I accept.

same la' put on a few hundred, going to sorted

Will bullies be the next Prime Minister?

Theresa May is based

Do they have 'St. Enoch' written on their tops?

I put £40 on and got another £40 in free bets I'll get about £300 if Trump wins at the odds I had. Still thinking of putting more on though.

Good lad, this election will make us rich lad, RICH!.

What odds did you get, lad?
I managed to get it around 11/4-9/4

Truly the overtone window is sifting tbh

Sounds like he just wants to steal votes from NF

FN I mean


damn those were nice odds can't help but regret not doing it earlier but at least I know I did it before it got even worse

will probably buy a car off trump winning lmao

No he's not. He's a fucking Jew politician trying to get back into power

I hope someone gasses the cunt


Exactly fam

Don't be a retard you thick cunt. Get some reading comprehension . . . in the meantime? Enjoy my anti-ZOG water filters

Haven't showered since Friday morning tbh lads.

Has May actually done anything yet or is it all still talk

No one cares you tramp

Good lad

All being against RADICAL islam from a cuck government means

The odds on some websites are still decent for trump, I definitely think I'll put more in before the debates.

Post pictures of your the car when you finally buy it and post


It's a big stepin the right direction nonetheless though. A lot of what is happening today seemed impossible ten years ago. We're making great and rapid progress.

Much of politics is talk:


She's a pile of shit

Might have one now lad. Bit smelly tbh.

kek that's a good idea

What do you lads thinks of this?

Go back to be you depressed sack of shit


Leave him alone, lad…

ah yeah true

But I am me lad, what more do you want?

Cheers lad, bullies are no good.

What are the betting that her kids are niggers?


I want you to fuck off and stop self indulging and getting people to respond to you all day

She's really not to be trusted




She's not a cousin of Ralph Fiennes lad

I'm not, I just cant stand people like you talking about your shit life, as if anything anyone here says will ever make a difference to your mental state, you're already a piece of shit so why should anyone bother trying to get you to perform basic human functions like shower?



Aight lads. I've been thinking about the political movement we need to inculcate. Let's go through an analysis of our ultimate objective:

And by take control, we have to admit that we mean electoral success. UKIP is a great vector to spread nationalist ideas around and push the limits of the present political orthodoxy outwards in our favour, but in the next year Brexit will likely cause its raison d'etre to vanish and the un-charismatic and rather vapid people who dominate leadership positions in the party along with that globalist fuckface Carswell to derail it until it's either as liberal as the Cons or simply defunct.

UKIP is a self-enveloping thing, but it leaves behind a legacy of shattering the laws instituted over the past few decades by leftists and globalists which have meant that discussing migration, nationalism, and the problems associated with the postwar decline are no longer completely taboo.

It's a good base to work from, but there is a problem. The demographic coalition which will bring about nationalist victory is at its core composed of the white working class and the high conservative middle/upper class; but a new movement capturing these groups requires a lot of momentum to break the tribalist inertia which causes them to gravitate towards voting tribally for Lab/the Cons respectively - it was only the topic of the EU which managed to bring these people out to cause UKIP to explode.

We need to engage in a project which will last a few years. Firstly, we need to ensure that the globalists do not close ranks and make our grievances taboo once again. We need to keep the flame alive through constant public discussion which ensures that they cannot dismiss them as racist and hopefully cease prefacing such conversations with their own T&Cs. Making sure that we keep friends, family, and colleagues aware of our politics is a goods tart.

Secondly, though, we need to entrench ourselves in the very machinery which allows the globalists to control the agenda and suppress us. We need people in academia, journalism, the media, and corporate positions who either side with us or are at least informed enough about us to not just outright lie and smear/deface the British Nationalist movement. Universities are the mediums for this - we need to find a way to get our members who are in universities to either start or join student groups that allow the voicing of nationalist ideas and acclimatise the people who will control the instruments of public life to our ideas. Student Movements are vital - the Marxists understood this, and that's why university Marxist movements succeeded in making cultural marxism the norm in the chattering classes. We need to make our own move; those of you in Universities, I beg you to work together. If any anons are willing to breach anonymity slightly, you could share (student or burner) emails and after verifying each other are legit you could move to communicate and work together.

We need to create a non-racialist (ethnic nationalism isn't a viable public ideology), intellectual, and genial vanguard who will ensure that when the political organisation emerges we can start calling people to our side.

I think we should seriously consider either starting or coopting a national movement which brings in many people. Not a party, but for working people/normies community groups or labour orgs and for students some sort of discussion/debate group.

In the former we can spread the low-level popular propaganda like the second user mentioned, and in the latter we can distribute the higher level intellectual material to the future to ensure that they treat our ideas with seriousness.

If anyone here is interested/available to take action on either or both, get in touch anonymously with me.

>[email protected]/* */

Dear Anonymous user ##7557048,
You are a bully, ree.


Grow up or kill yourself basically


How do I grow up and be a big boy like you?

When I'm magically proclaimed dictator by the High Scooby of the Church of Wibble I'm going to remove all the ex Londoners from Essex and destroy the new towns to replace to a small extent the four million coons in London who I'll deathsquad

I'll turn the destroyed new towns into unmanaged forest/ature reserves where we can re-introduce various species such as the red squirrel and the beaver.




Nah. That was the other lad who sperged out the other day because nobody replied.

I wouldn't be sure about that.
The new Top Gear series still has millions of viewers, the BBC has a very efficient way of bringing content to its' audience
If anything, I don't think a foreign business should have gotten involved and taken over the series.

Lad the Chris evans top gear was a failure, it got less viewers on average than antiques roadshow.

These trips are higher than the number of people who watched the new Top Gear.

Chris Evans crashed the show with no survivors but I wouldn't be so quick to write off the normie-appeal of a Matt LeBlanc-run Top Gear tbh. He might manage to keep it from being cancelled permanently.

Top Cuck will continue lad, and there's nothing we can do.


kek"Tim Farron"&src=tren

What do you lads make of the new wall?

Erdingtons mine lad
I'll be King Rape of Erdington after the bombs drop

They all supported remain, Clarkson is a chipping norton twat. Hope they all die of cancer tbh.

What's did he do?

I swear I just heard some pakis drive by blasting a nasheed out of the windows of a vauxhall nova

I quite seriously think there needs to be more environmentalist nationalism tbh. None of this wishy-washy green bollocks about "muh wind farms" but instead focusing on supporting British native species and controlling things like ash dieback and invasive species like Japanese knotweed. Replace Tower Hamlets and other modern Caliphates with English oak woodland.
14/88 from Kew Gardens


im going to be the king of mummies stash of crisps, most of leeds will be my vassals i'll be the NEET leigelord

We should be nomadic horsemen and turn bradford, birmingham and london into pasture

Bullshit, they've all been destroyed in ditches.


What are you supposed to say when someone tells you "good job", lads?


meant to type corsa tbh

"Nice one" and ask if there is more you can do then hope they say no

What do you mean by "bollocks"?
Don't you agree renewable energy is more environmentally friendly than conventional sources of power?
Please elaborate on that statement.

tell them that you are a gorilla dick nigga that makes dyke pussy wet then give them a steiner flatliner into the pavement

I don't disagree, the English countryside and woods is what people used to think about of us. I almost never see Hedgehogs or foxes round mine anymore either.

They can keep them

Lad, they wash to dishrags.

"thanks"? it's so fucking simple man.

The population of hedgehogs in the UK is literally less than 3% of what it was in 1950

Thank you or you're welcome I guess?

They sure as hell were a fun car to drive around though. Same with Ford Sierra Cosworths.

And why would hedgehogs be important, exactly?

If you want a clean fuel source then just go nuclear

cus gonna go fast? :^)

That's just awful, why isn't anything being done about it?

Nuclear power produces dangerous radioactive waste. No thanks.

tbh i think the main reason they wanted to remain is just because it's easier to travel around europe in the eu and that's pretty much half of what they do

That doesn't make sense.

I don't like living so close to London, lads. It feels like all the immigrants are spilling over.

There's loads of foxes where I live in the south east. Haven't seen a hedgehog for ages though tbh. We used to have one who hibernated in our shed, we gave him some sticks and shredded newspaper to line his little nest - he was the epitome of comfy.

They're a massive bunch of cucks. Clarkson lives like 2 minutes from fucking Cameron and most of the british press for gods sake.
Traitors is what they are.


Any cosworth really, the problem was an insurance company would see "cosworth" and shit a brick.

It's a fucking million times better than the current tech of renewable lad, also much safer and friendlier than coal and oil. Lad we're going to need to go nuclear for peak oil, which'll be in a few decades, renewable just isn't going to cut it.

because who cares about that when we can increase the local population of muzzies

what this guy said

Biofuels are inefficient and expensive, wind farms are crap, an eyesore and costly to repair. Fracking and nuclear power are the only sensible alternatives. Aside from the fact that we haven't killed the arabs and took theirs, oil isn't that bad as it is.

Idk it's a pretty hard thing to quantify, a lot if it is stuff you can't really stop like people putting out slug pellets, and more cars, and motorways and roads existing cause they get run over and can't move around.

smash their windows lad

But why do you thank them? It's you who did the job.

"you're welcome" maybe. Still sounds wrong.

They're an important feature of our landscape and an indicator of the overall state of our environment beyond this.

It's either that, Thorium, or we go for the cucky option of low energy bulbs and wiring a bike to the oven to power it.

you thank them for them recognising what a good job you did

You're thanking them for the compliment/recognition.

We're innovating very fast. You're making some very pessimistic statements about the future here, and nuclear waste is a problem that there still isn't a solution for.

Do you really support senseless wars in which the government sends soldiers to countries we have NOTHING to do with to fight for corporate resources?



Focusing solely on wind farms, tidal power etc whilst doing nothing to challenge invasive species. That's what I take issue with. Problem is with the modern environmentalist movement, left-wing ideals make the whole thing a mess.

Still, I think we can reclaim environmentalism, but it's not going to be easy. According to some on the (((Left))) liking say, Quercus robur, English Oak, over Quercus rubra, the North American Red Oak, is racist. Also the semantics about "well goy nothing is really native, it all came here after the Ice Age"
Liking one soil over another is racist, all soils are equal.

Yeah, there was a reason armed robbers loved the cars. Such a fine quality car, blows Mitsubishi Evos out of the water TODAY.

I never really understood the BNP's opposition to fracking, it was one of the red flags to me that they were about to go full retard mode as a party.

I'd have no problem with our landscape being populated by more exotic animals, they're often a lot more interesting imo.

Yeah, we're innovating fast, and eventually there will be a use for that miniscule amount of waste in the world.

Okay, lads. Thanks. I'll remember that the next time.

I never claimed i 'hated' hedgehogs. You'd have to be a pretty bad person to hate such an animal. See

How do you think Overton shifts happen?

No we're not lad, renewable energy is never going to meet the needs that we have
Are you saying oil is going to be around for the next 100 years?

The only application for nuclear waste is currently nuclear weapons, of which there should really not be any.

Why do people write overton and not overtone? What is a ton? It weighs over a ton? Can some of my niggers explain this shit?

If they can be used for nuclear weapons they can be used for energy

Yeah nah nah.

Not at all, I absolutely agree we need to be looking for an alternative to oil, however that can't be something ten times worse.

there's nothing wrong with being contrarian tbh

not the same guy you reply to also

Are you actually autistic lad?

Yes, weapons of mass destruction that can wipe out entire cities in a split second are bad.

the fuck is wrong with thorium.

One has caused parts of the Ukraine to be permanently uninhabitable, the other hasn't.
Any more questions?

Been eyeing up an old guy's merc cosworth tbh, tempted and I have an empty garage.

MAD is what stopped two super powers completely destroying the world in a drawn out war

Don't know, I'm no chemist.
Are you?

I've got a proper claymore lad, mussies will shit themselves.

You know fine well the reason chernobyl happened was due to shoddy build quality and soviet autism.

So it's the elemental version of Muslims…

He's trolling you lads

I know you're not him because I filtered him fam. There is a great deal wrong with beingcontrarian. It's a sign that you are illogical and have no mores whatsoever. Only an imbecile chooses their position reactive to others.

It is a sign of absolute mental feebleness.

No I'm not, and if you're gonna go around with a peace sign and your dick hanging out shouting about how "NOOKLEEUH IS EEVIILL" then you should at least clue yourself up about it.

Farron btfo

A google search of 'MAD' only brought up a German intelligence service.
Is that what you mean?

Discussion is fun lad

I hate his stupid face so much. Glad he'll never be relevant again

Because hedgehogs aren't vibrant contributors to our economy, lad.


EU are the real racists, lads

mutually assured destruction lad

What role did autism syndrome play in the accident?
Did one of the engineers have the condition?

Last I checked, no Muslim has ever made land uninhabitable and made people flee their homes.
That's a bit of a prejudiced statement.

mutually assured destruction it's outdated as strategic nuclear doctrine is concerned.

It's named for Joseph P. Overton you spastic.

The soviet systems were built horribly and they failed, the men at the plant then ignored every warning and tried to cover it up from their superiors, resulting in a melt down.

This ones funny, is there a Dijkstra one?

ur pretty funny lad

The link to autism still isn't quite obvious to me.

Everyone was busy ducking for political cover as the place melted down?

Are you new?

Nice one fam, I thought "overtone" because that would make more sense to somebody unaware of who this nobhead is but I should everything about everything otherwise I'm a spastic yeah sure great OK filtered byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Not necessarily. I've taken the time to read through some of the discussions here before.


Must be; go through his earlier posts.

He's trolling. He's supported a number of equivocal positions and is just a plain mong. I rate him 2/10

Still a 4/10 anywhere else on the internet.

Which of my statements have been equivocal?
I've only expressed my opinion on the relevant topics.

What will you lads do if war ever breaks out between the two Koreas?

This guy is German. I can tell.

Hope that it concludes quickly, and we don't get involved.

Where are you from? Internetwise that is, not town or city.

He's saying they're deliberately shit opinions to provoke response. Hope GCHQ pays you enough for this gig.

Support the Norks tbh. They are the last refuge of racial nationalism one of two states left without a Rothschild central bank

War for oil is a meme.

Go for it.

I think it's gonna be great and cause a lot of salty tears.

There might be, but I haven't come across one yet.


Usually it's war for control of money disguised.


Going to try and get him down from £3700, there's a few problems with it.

kek that updated pepe

This tbh

Will be saddened by the death and destruction but it will be very interesting to see how the winner assimilates the loser whichever side wins. Best Korea fascinates me too tbh

I usually use forums discussing environmentalism and current events, such as
Other than this, I use (to stay in touch with friends) and occasionally 9gag (when I have free time and need a laugh).
I heard about this web-site on the news.

How long does it take to become a based brick layer?

Your link isn't working.

Very healthy attitude.

Couple years on the tools for the basics but you're going to be carrying bricks and mixing concrete for most of it.

You can go now.

Ok, I'll just assume you are baiting.

I don't know what you mean.

Lad I'd hardly say oil wars are a meme, I mean peak oil is coming and the US dollar is pegged to oil from the saudis, the Syrian civil war was even instigated because Assad refused to build a US backed pipeline.

filtered tbh.

We only like kikes when they're killing muslims tbh.

LOL, Farage blew this cunt the fuck out. He even resorted to "muh poster".

Personally I'd be ok with kicking out the jews and the muslims and stripping non brits of citizenship, only deporting them if they stop working for a few months on the trot or commit a crime tbh.

But there is no chance of anyone on here contacting or agreeing to meet you in any way. You need to try elsewhere.

That really erked me.


I like "kikes" (Jewish people) and Muslims regardless.
I don't think yours is a position a rational person should hold.

Is right.

No but the foxes seem to enjoy shitting in our garden.


What's that supposed to be?

Its a warhammer 40k thing i think.


What is Brit/pol/'s opinion of the badger cull?

It's the Guardian and Owen "The Pozz" Jones, what were you expecting?

Well anything right of the ultra left is rightwinged.


Bit mean, badgers are cute.

It's a waste of rabid badgers.

this tbh
they should be sent to calais and given away as pets to rapefugee kids

What is you peoples' opinion on this news story?

An excerpt,
"The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has insisted that a week-old Syrian ceasefire brokered by Russia and the US is not dead despite the bombing of an aid convoy and intensive airstrikes on Aleppo.
His words came as foreign ministers in the International Syria Support Group – including Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov – met in New York before the start of the 71st UN general assembly.
The UN had earlier suspended aid convoys in the war-torn country after a fleet of trucks carrying food to a rebel-held area was hit on Monday.
But Kerry insisted: “The ceasefire is not dead.”
The UN envoy, Staffan de Mistura, also said there was still hope of reviving the ceasefire, but admitted that delegates agreed it was in danger.
“The mood is that nobody wants to give this thing up,” the UK foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, told reporters.
“Quite frankly, the Kerry-Lavrov process is the only show in town and we’ve got to get that show back on the road.”
His French counterpart, Jean-Marc Ayrault, said that the meeting had been tense but other countries should now help Moscow and Washington overcome their differences.
“It was a fairly dramatic meeting. The mood was gloomy. Is there hope? I can’t answer that yet, but we should do everything we can,” he said."

In my opinion, this is a dramatic turn of events for the people in Syria, and especially Aleppo.
It's sad that there seems to be no conclusion in sight for this war.

Everyone in the media are some form of Blairite, if you see the treatment the BBC gives Owen Smith it's like he's their prophet

Owen Jones,
Message from Joe Owens:


Just release them they'll only get angrier and more violent when they realise they're in France.

What is Brit/pol/'s opinion of the Bulgarian National Socialist Workers Party?


I reject

literally who

Holy shit man, the memories. I haven't seen this since it aired, I remember being so fucking hyped when Big Sexy came out swigging that beer lol.

I'm glad that Nazism is over, wherever it is.
It's an ideology that led to so much death and hatred, it's almost unbelievable.

Nice flag tbh.

Is it gay to suck cock lads?

Only if you get a hard on.

No. Why would it be?

Really makes you think.

If you feel affection for a person of the same sex, then you are in fact gay.
That's not the same as sexual acts, however.

Not if its for suck jaw gains and cash.

Makes me think even being 20% white isn't enough to save them.

"Blacks pretend to be superior"
Who does? Don't generalise like that.




The media is right wing when you view it from their point of view.

When you're an ultra left wing nutjob who proposes constant communism allowing people to even discuss capitalism without shouting them down is "right wing bias".

It makes sense in context, you just have to be insane to have that context.

That's not what sodomy is

Depends which cock. I think we'd all agree that there's a difference between sucking off Are Nige and sucking off Gordon, for instance.

Got to get that diversity quota goy.

Sodomy is anything other than penis in vagina lad

Sodomy is oral sex as well as anal

LAd there's no need, he has a Daughter.

he cant be serious

The definition of sodomy has become rather broad now.

The need to have sex is a need to pass on your own genes with a viable partner. Everyone will go for the best genes and blacks, by going after white women in the numbers that they do admit that white genes are superior.

Ich lieben sie Pia, ich lieben sie . . .

How did we get this pic of Nige's little lass? Are there more?

Christ, I just saw how much C4 chief exec made last year.

Really does make you /think/

sodomy is buggery though right?

smh tbh fam

Now suppose she was 18 and was willing, what would be the result of former-colonial genes mixing with homeland-genes?

All buggery is sodomy, not all sodomy is buggery. Buggery specifically refers to anal sex.

this tbh

I've seen black people being with Caucasian women who were very good looking.
Your numerical rating scale for rating womens' appearances is belittling, and you're not really giving off the impression that this is a seriouss political discussion with comments like these (just to let you know).

wtf I love larping now

Nazism just simply doesn't belong in the 21st century, we've all learned from the mistakes of the past.

Ah, there is nothing more beautifully aryan than the traditional frizzy-haired continental germanic.


Impressive get lad

Doesn't sound local lad.

i think ive got it now

check em

That's Lisa fam, she should be gassed but Pia is my true waifu. I will make her love me. I will make Little Faragelettes with her lad. I'll shout "Blucher! Where are you with those reinforcements!" when i cum lad. I-I'll do it.

So have i once or twice, because money.

Also, stop the bait tbh.

These leeches really do fear privatisation.


filter it mate

Why do they have that smell? Every. Single. One. It's unique to their race as well. Is that like an animal thing where they detect other species by their smell?

Your beliefs won't get seats in the HoC or start a revolution in Britain so what's the point

I doubt money was the only factor, and you can't really tell just by seeing it.

I came here for a rational political dialogue with others. I don't know what you mean by 'bait'.

(5) Apocrine glands are scent glands in areas such as the armpits and groin. They produce secretions that, after they are degraded by bacteria, produce pheromones, chemicals that have sexually 22 and racially-distinctive odors. Not only are the secretions themselves racially different, but the species of bacteria that degrade them to produce the odors are also racially different. Thus, there is a distinct difference in body odor between the major racial groups, detectible by dogs 23 and by some people. 24 Asians have the least amount of body odor and find the odor of the other races, particularly blacks, objectionable. 25 Odor may seem like a trivial matter, but odor is very important, both in identifying genetic similarity between individuals and, between the sexes, receptability towards mating, the suppression of menstruation, and even the identification of mothers and their babies. 26 There is some evidence that women tend to be attracted to men whose odor indicates that they are genetically similar to theirs, but not too similar; a slight difference in odor indicates that the man’s immune system is different from hers, thereby possibly giving their children a stronger immune system. On the other hand, (Roberts, 2005). 27

    Sweat glands and other glands also differ according with race, with black sweat containing more chloride than white sweat. “Races also differ in the size and weight of endocrine glands, and in the substances carried in the urine.” (Coon, 1962, p. 116).

He sees that nations should be homogenous and therefore thinks some contrived ideology is required to save our race when all it ever does is add autistic embellishments which drive away adherents to the homogeneity principle which is a broad church indeed.

Is this "autism" comparison some sort of running gag on here?

Don't need much just ask them if they liked Britain as it was and don't like where it's heading.

These people are more deluded than I thought. Do they honestly think Farron had some kind of a point? I daren't check the site to see how many times it's going to make me cringe.

The current leader of the opposition is basically a communist, anything is possible as both parties swing further from the centre and the situation of the country gets worse.

You're pretty persistent aren't you fam? I'm surprised you're still going without being fed any (You)s smdh

Filtered him ages ago tbh.


That'd explain alot.

also the only declining market on the planet

They voted remain, it doesn't get more deluded than that.

I'd argue that trading with the rest of the world and making moves towards self sufficiency is the best way forward, if we can't feed our countries population with the food with can produce within the UK then the population needs to decrease, which it would be doing without the state funded importation of non whites.

What has Tim Farron actually done?

Clearly the massive infusion of shitskins is going to fix that and not stagnate it further.

Both sides had their reasons for the decision.
The access to an open market is pretty much the biggest factor, which the Right usually (sadly) ignore, caring more about stopping immigration (hurting the economy even more).

Took on the leadership of the Lib Dems so a braver man than most.

Made us laff

And he's not what the people want, the people also don't want nazism.


So that's what it looks like when you're having your soul sucked out by the party through a silly straw.

That isn't really an achievement tbh.

Seems the people want less immigrants and don't want to be flooded with shitskins, thats enough.

Loose women love Nige. How many times has he been on now?

Are you really surprised? People are naturally driven away from extremism because extremist standpoints are rarely rational.


post christ chan images, not anime grills

It actually doesn't, it says that the UK is significantly right-leaning

He's what labour members and voters want lad, as for nazism, you'd just have to dress it up nicely I think. Don't use the terms nazi or fascist and advertise as just an economically left and socially conservative ideology

I see Nige has been making the loose women wet again.

wtf! I love the EU now.


The most right wing the electorate are willing to go is Farage style civic nationalism, if you're prepared to campaign for that stay loony

No idea why the sound isn't working.

Checked lad.

>one poll was off by four percentage points in a very unique situation therefore all polls are meaningless

make me

Pic related.


Works for me lad.

Works for me lad

You think it's easy being the most unelectable elected representative ever?


What the fuck is this?

also that would mean the party would be the champion of the working class

She got it for making a report that said Labour aren't anti–semitic

do you really want to go down this route

Baroness Token.

Uh no lad, the polls were remain for days,

Yes, he'll never have any of the responsibility of a PM.

This is what I get for not paying close attention. I am quite angry at the moment.


He has to conduct his life knowing he'll achieve nothing.


I'll admit that kind of party has been tried before in Britain.

When Labour were still patriotic and religiously christian it was making massive gains

You're about 60 years too late

Tell me, how does that feel? =^)

Based Bob getting me in the wintry mood

well I've never whawhahawhahwa

Shame I missed that get tbh

I wouldn't know I'm quite content with where I'm heading atm.

Weird. It works when I play it from my HD but not once I've uploaded.





You're missing the point that a poll about a specific, very close election where being right or wrong is a matter of a few percentage points is different from the much broader sort of poll that measures people's attitudes

At least she isn't as hideous as Ginnie. I'd rather you autists started spamming her instead.


Why would you put up such arbitrary rules on how she can or can not behave?
She doesn't even know you.

Sounds like bizarro world tbh but yeah I bet it would have worked alright. When abouts was that? pre-war?

I love German women tbh




UKIP has a chance to become that party once it purges the lolbergs

I should like to have been killed in the war.

The rains have returned to nourish the forests.

Outing myself, because I feel like it

Why does German sound so ugly?

smh, French is the superior continental language tbh

didn't see this post because captcha at the time
More Nige on loose slaaags.

It has more masculine sounds lad


Yes but heat me out it is used by the French.

I know what you mean. German is the perfect language for ordering people about though.


I love it all


God willing

"clearly the media is right-wing for not letting me complain about a bbbbbiiiiigggggooooottttt"


But as soon as a left-leaning media would disallow commenting, you would soil your pants.

When are the Presidential debates?

Fucking kek it's real

God I hope she dies live on stage, would be the best thing to happen in human history

tbh i hate it whenever any video disables comments, for whatever reason



Do you think he was raised by a single mother?

The salt mining never ends. Feels good.

oooooo baby dat gonna be spicy boiiii

But that's not firebombing all of Germany

There, I have replied to you within this thread. It has been done.

I've thought of something local for you lads. Go plant some trees and shrubs.

>See you behind the gym after school, unless you're scared.

I love it too and I wish to die there in the heat of battle.


Cant watch more than 5 seconds of him

How do you become so feminised

How does he have the money for all of that?

I didn't watch your video.

He must browse the other place, people were suggesting that as a snide comment to make yesterday.
Ha, we are his spin doctors.

Being raised entirely by women.

lol, he actually said that?

What a fucking pleb.

I'm betting she debates him via skype, if she shows up at all.
She doesn't even turn up to her own rallies.

Posh southern cunts lad

If I had that dough I'd buy mummy a house




You can take solcae in being very right.

thanks lad

They can't be this stupid there's no way they have that much invested in hillary winning.

he literally does, Holla Forums or the_donald posted that obama retweet and then the next day he retweeted it lmao

2020 general election is going to be an absolute shoah lads

Their plan has fucked up, they thought her health would have held on long enough to get elected.

I think the greenscreen thing may have used some of this technology.

^– prepare to never trust the news again after watching that.

I paused it just at the right moment.

If I was a girl I'd be all over SA tbh

How do you do with women SA? Are you tall? Please tell me you're a manlet.


One of the films I was on, they had an audience for a TV show. The extras were told when to start and end clapping, and even then it was still rather natural sounding.
With her rallies, it cuts off WAAAYYY too cleanly and I thought at first that maybe they'd just be switching mics, but you'd still be able to hear clapping via her mic, which you don't.
Absolute bollocks tbh

Yep, confirmed.

If the tories faulter and labour stays as it is should be interesting.

I don't trust the MSM already mate.



As someone with a background in audio engineering, if they were using a compressor with a hard release set on it on the mic, it may have sounded like that.
Someone has said they recognise the laughter as stock audio though.

What is plausible deniability.

Why are you so perfect lad?


Going to be good lads

The perfect infiltrator.

This image board projection is retarded.

4cuck made themselves look like morons looking at how convinced they were that Romney was going to win

My experience in audio is feck all tbf, I figured that it'd be fucking difficult to manage such a clean cut-off like that; just look at Trump's rallies, it's a struggle to stop the cheering.


Don't be a poof, lad.

Those guys have honeypot written all over them. Even if they had noble intentions to begin with, they will be infilitrated by now.

Will they be detonating from inside Westminster lost property office?

No one would actually set the compressor like that. It's possible, but no audio engineer with over a day's training would.

It's definitely dodgy.

They're a disgrace.


NA rhymes with gay for a reason.


The only thing I could compare it to was the shoot that I was on, and with an audience trained for when to start and end applauding it was still nothing like that.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire thing is greenscreened, to the point where there's no actual conference room or audience or anything, just bloke with a PC and a recording of her.

Westminister has a luggage department now SA get with the times lad


I wouldn't be surprised if they're using the CGI program from from the video in and she's been dead since her "stumble".

I'm in NA ask me anything no joke


One thing I would say is if the government bollocks up Brexit (which they do most people in modern day government aren't good negotiators) then it will become a possibility that the Tories are going to have to make a coalition agreement.

This depends on a number of things though like

patriotic labour voters seeing the writing on the wall and realising their globalist party hates them and decides to the Vote UKIP
If Brexit voting Tory voters also see that the Sharia May deal is absolute shit and vote UKIP too
A general boost from 2 million or so added voters to the register also decide to vote UKIP
UKIP stop trying to be libertarian fuckwits and actually become a Pro Britain, Pro Christian and working class party.

How long have you been a LARPing faggot?

Why do you wear the mask?

Why have I just filtered you?

When I joined and then I suddenly got turned

Avoid our lives being destroyed by Unions who pay their workers 28 grande a year to harass us and run campaigns against us in the community.


Was getting caught part of your plan?

How do you deal with MI5?


This sounds like gay slang. You a bumder?

He's probably Millenial Woes

Only for SA . . . he's a dream boat

They're not on NA yet but NA may be a "preoscribed organisation" by the end of the year.



Nah he's a straightup Blairite

What has Joe Owens said that is wrong?

Joe Owens said he's gonna hit Benjamin Raymond if he sees him, will anyone from NA ever fight Joe?



I don't get the growing love for Corbyn. He may hate kikes but so do a lot of leftists.

That N are state assets. They aren't they're just incompetent. His local action stuff is actually being implemented right now by NA.

I love the antisemitic Corbyn meme.

It's a 4D chess move.

Could you elaborate?

Stickers aren't local politics m8

He's going to crash labour with no survivors

Why have we not seen any of this?

Oh. Yeah, that's not politics.

He's going to destroy labour from the inside, he's our man.

Corbyn keeps the Blairites out of power, it's quite simple lad

Owen has a point on NA. NA does symbolic protest bullshit when what NA should be doing is lurking in the shadows, picking off Paki rape gangs one by one, disappearing the bodies into 55 gallon drums of acid.

Do you want to rally people to your cause? Do something positive for the people you wish to protect, like death squading Paki rape gangs, instead of standing about dressed like cartoonish buffoons with masks on shouting shit at the shitheads from the Left who are dressed like cartoonish buffoons shouting shit back at you.

is there any proof that he is an inside man? If there is then we need a man like him over in the states

We're talking the feeding of the homeless, clean ups, anti-graffiti clean ups (in communist areas of control), etc. It's being "piloted" so that the intircasies can be better resolved before they're revealed to the public. It's one of the reasons NA has gone quiet for awhile tbh

alri gchq

You have Bernie who basically does the same thing

NA sounds as retarded as the people who wear masks and take anonymous as some super secret serious group.



cutting years off your life, one can at a time

What's it like having cystic acne above the age of 16?


Is it 2010?

Good times lads

Would you lads go to space if they let you?



depends how long for

Of course, passing the tests required would be another thing though. I'd try to do something memorable like being the first man to kill someone in space.

don dread on me :DDD

That's good. More of that and less chimping out against lefties who the general public equally don't give a fuck about listening to and hate.

Why are there so many poles in NA, why don't they go back to Poland?

Nah, GCHQ would have made my post more shaiming.

"You fucking weak degenerates stand around doing nothing while Muslims rape our women. You faggots are no real [insert in group]! You are a bunch of weak faggots and if you disagree you are probably a Jew"

All I know is if it were my little girl raped by Muslims and the government did nothing, nay, made ME into the enemy because of Muh Islamophobia and Muh Racism, I would consider my life over and my parental duty a failure and my life's mission would be to go Full Celtic Scalper and start hunting Xenos at night so that someday I could look my kid in the eyes again and know I did my duty as a father.

In a heartbeat. I'd sign up for a one way mars mission.

I share that sentiment.

Did any of you lads actually read that think tank report saying that Britain is right wing?


4th page

What can you do to make sure these issues are taken on board by NA's leaders?

Why is Alex Davies a leader? He seems like a bit of a moron.

fucking hate that kraut autism tbh
rather fetishize yank slags tbh

That flag is now considered raycis

wew lads


Who wants to bet that lefties will try to dismantle the foundations and halt the project? If so they should be charged as criminals or even terrorists.

Doesn't that apply to the American flag as well?

The leadership is a joke and because of NA's decentralised structure it's difficult to get anything done other than

Calling bullshit.

*other than the autism that has stuck for so long

looks like the yanks are going to have to resort to the whiskey rebellion flag now


oy vey
what's with yanks and having overly-complicated designs

Their flags are shit and they're all autistic

Take back our colonies and genocide the waste tbh

Please no, I don't want my flag to have jew stars on it.

We're complicated. You just wouldn't understand. :^)

To be fair the betsy ross flag and confederate stars and bars are fucking genius. Two of the best flags in all of human history.


idk lad, they seem okay. the american flag is pretty iconic tbh, our flag and the yank flag are probably the best flags design wise (including the jerrycuck flag as well)

send slags lad




Colours are god tier lad.

Not saying that Anglo flags aren't great. Tbh the Canadian Ensign is better than 99% of national flags.

This is the real flag of the united states

lad the american flag is the flag of the East India Trading Company plus some dots in the corner instead of the Union Cross

its easy to shit on the yanks lad but sometime we get autistic with it, I don't want to be like the jerries tbh. we were just as bad as them in the 19th century as far as being controlled by the banker jews

what is wrong with the Midwest? I escaped the Northeast to the Midwest and it is comfy as fuck.


Ya I know. They used our design. Probably why it looks so great.

yank flags are weird

Only if you're willing to send over some of your slags. English slags give me ultra-boners for some reason.

I'm not Irish. My family were Ulstermen.

I am a bit German though

Just a bit

no yanks stole it off British Guinea

when we recolonize america every british man will have a harem of midwestern women tbh


>I am a bit German though
So is most of England tbh.

best flag coming through

in an effort to be original they come off as a bit peculiar

fuck wrong pic


what if I am of english decent but american born?


pls go

kek I swear that used to be a Holla Forums meme

The problem would be getting them to actually vote.

All I want in life is a quiet home in Shropshire with an English slag-wife and white children

Is that too much to ask for?

seems to be a yank trend though


Holla Forums parody of a tumblr meme about men being rapists


he was shot 14 times with .51 caliber muskets and he only died from a cutlass

Based as fuck


wew indeed.

I think it is.

What is your opinion of acronyms on flags?

These are the top 5 state flags IMHO

Disgusting flag

I only like it because its a saltire tbh.

Hudson Bay Company works because it's a company.

I don't know why you'd use a seal as a flag but it looks okay. After I posted I realised there are some exceptions, especially if the text is Latin.

Holy shit, it looks like a European royal family crest. Looks great.

Black British students ‘psychologically damaged by white curriculum’


post your duncans

Tbh I only included it to prevent Maryland fags from chimping out. There fucking jerk off to their flag

If I didnt include the Maryland Flag I was going to add this one

It's Lord Baltimore's coat of arms. Doesn't stop it from being hideous


It's a feminist meme

Gets me every time

Whenever I see blacks at university claim this I ask them what was accomplished in Africa that needs to be covered. They never have an answer

It looks great.

Damn you for Villains, who are you? And, from whence came you? The Lieutenant made him Answer, You may see by our Colours we are no Pyrates. Black-beard bid him send his Boat on Board, that he might see who he was; but Mr. Maynard reply'd thus; I cannot spare my Boat, but I will come aboard of you as soon as I can, with my Sloop. Upon this, Black-beard took a Glass of Liquor and drank to him with these Words: Damnation seize my Soul if I give you Quarters, or take any from you. In Answer to which, Mr. Maynard told him, That he expected no Quarters from him, nor should he give him any.

new england lad

If you're colour blind maybe

Lads. My shire is being invaded by the Orcs, who has a cricket bat to lead me in my time of need?

Was honestly hoping you'd make fun of the flag so I could taunt you with the fact that we still have your forts.


This is unbiased


You're right there lad

At least you could actually recognise the flag of Maryland on a battlefield or just in general.



I was put on this earth to impregnate civic women. And by God I'm going to do it.

who /headingtothegym/?

Why are you calling someones DIY woodwork project "forts"?
They aren't even made of stone like proper castles.

Nah fam, pub quiz tonight


54 40 OR FIGHT


Nah it's my mate's Bdays so I'm getting trashed

kek that webm



fort ticonderoga is made of stone lad

Just why?



What is this shit?


It looks like someone put up 4ft high stone walls around a farmhouse?
My secondary school was more fortified.


Fort Sumter > Fort Ticonderoga


she's back

Hey, we didn't build the fucking things, you did.

I bet you don't even want to wrestle mountain-lions.

Its the historical importance of what occurred there

Meanwhile we have massive Norman castles that still stand today.

After you've watched someone stick two bowling pins in their ass and vagina, their word carries less weight.

Historical importance of the South being mongs and losing their shot at peaceful secession

Jews lad, Jews

Yes but were not proud of them, just like we're not proud of you lot.

They were built to intimidate the Anglos lad. Smh.

That depraved, really? I saw the webms of her slapping herself but didn't know about that.



Search "evalion" on pornhub or xvideos
If you really want to that is.

what the fuck is she even doing?


Well some one has to be the black sheep of the family.






Never let women into your movement

This is what we consider a normal family relationship in England, I'm proud of you son.

Seen it before, not 100% convinced it's her. But meh, women are whores.

Don't worry, AnnaSoftPL will always love you. And she reads Ayn Rand and says Fountainhead is her favorite book. She is comfy and right wing. I don't care if she is polish

go to 4:35 for ayn rand

I was expecting full size bowling pins. Bit of a disappointment tbh.

I don't think her word ever carried any weight

She's still kinda cute and redpilled ;3

Yes you should wife her lad, after 30k people online busted a nut to her and she put it up for everyone to see.


s-shut up you c-cuck
d-delete this

Fair point lad

Isn't Ayn Rand a fucking jewish zionist libertarian?

Who cares if people masturbate a video of her doesn't change a thing tbh

Well that turned out different than expected. I'm gonna go sleep now. Have a nice day and don't forget to kill some pakis.

Thanks. She is lovely.

It's not your fault

I can't stand ASMR tbh just reminds me that I'm not with an actual girl


that doesn't make sense lad


You know that I meant has let thousands of people watch her insert objects into herself for money

Imagine raising and loving a daughter for 18 long years and then she fills her holes with bowling pins on the internet.

source of her making money from it?

(trip dubs checked)
When you get lonely enough it is worth it

brb fapping

I think her pretend boyfriend "Constantine the Great" or something uploaded it out of spite


hence why the west country is still good while the rest of the south is shit. they maintain their own identity while the southerners throw theirs away in the name of diversity

to be honest cannon had rendered most walls useless by then
a wickerbasket full of dirt was more effective at absorbing the pounding of a cannonade than a stone/brick/concrete wall

unfortunately because of castle wells they'll flood when the seas rise
The towers will probably be comfy though

By God it's a real headline.