How Reality Winner was Intercepted

The leak:


The arrest:

Intelligence Contractor Is Charged in First Leak Case Under Trump

How she was caught:

How The Intercept Outed Reality Winner

Other urls found in this thread:

More like reality loser


This is all disinfo from the NSA. The original warrant states that they just audited what contractors printed that specific document. They didn't need to use the printer dots. So, NSA apologists get to drag Intercept's name through the mud because "lol how didn't they kno this".
Printer dots are really hard to remove anyways. Like, you have to basically destroy a lot of information in the scanned image of the printer dot document and you may have to destroy important parts of the document. Otherwise they'd be recoverable.
But, again, they didn't find the leaker through printer dots. They found the leaker through the auditing of who printed which documents in their own audit infrastructure.

If she is a kike her name is Reality Weary tired Winner. If she is a goy her name is Reality Sheltered-Space Winner. Regardless, all you newfags that still cast doubt on memetics you better seek some fucking redpills on it before you give your child a name that dooms them.

of course its all disinformation.

They did the simplest of data forensics. The lowliest computer illiterate newfaggot here should be able to conduct the same investigation.

Getting real fucking tired of this shit

can you try again please?

Friendly reminder arch-clickbaiter, tabloidist, and liar from Gawker Sam Biddle was one of the authors on that story. I don't know what the fuck The Intercept was thinking hiring that piece of shit but he seriously undermines their credibility. Scahill and Greenwald should find a new job.

Six people printed the document. They found out which one leaked it from the printer dots.

The Intercept is clueless and should never be trusted by any sources again.

More like she was clueless. They warn against most of those things she did wrong.

Wait, Sam Biddle was involved in that leak story? I don't hold The Intercept in high esteem but they should've known better than to hire that hack.

His dad is some kind of important guy.

wait what
I thought it was just some dumbfuck cringe codename like the NSA uses for their actual projects

she deserves to be locked up for that alone

She was clueless, too (bigtime), but the Intercept people are supposed to be security/anonymity experts. People see clearly now that they aren't. She probably would have been caught anyway, but that doesn't excuse the Intercept. They have zero credibility for confidentiality now.

yeah we know dude

No you actual dumb fuck
Holla Forums isn't real
"""mememagic""" isn't real
This is her fake name

Of the all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these

And only one used a WORK COMPUTER to email The Intercept. Guess who that was?
Nah friend you're the one who's clueless here

You're retarded. Please stop pretending you know what you're talking about.

What the fuck does this have to do with Holla Forums? Will you subhuman retards please go shitpost somewhere else?

t. drugged up moron who imagines he's a 1337 hAx0r

Dear dumb-ass,
If RW had done nothing else wrong but provide the Intercept with the document, and correctly covered her ass in every other way...
She still would have been caught because of the stupid, clueless, careless, dumbfuck mistake that the Intercept made. You're an idiot and you should shut the fuck up so you don't continue making a public ass of yourself.

If she had covered her arse properly then there would have been nothing she would have given The Intercept that would have compromised her :^)

This is true. The point is that the Intercept published it, meaning that they're just as dumb as her.

Well I don't trust anything the NSA or CIA says, so like whatever dude.

It doesn't matter what nation was the hacker from. The story is about Clinton's messages. Nobody wants to talk about that. They want to talk about who was russian or not.

This whole subject shouldn't be at Holla Forums.It belongs to Holla Forums next to the Killian documents controversy.

REALITYWINNER literally sounds like an NSA program name or something. One about fake news.

Ridiculous psyop is rediculous

No, your post should be on Holla Forums. This thread is about technical aspects of how she was caught.

I think the file was fake. Like that first file you see when you telnet into NSA HQ called "EXTRATERRESTRIAL OFFICER LIST.txt" an obvious honeypot

Shoo shoo.


Yeah The Intercept hired Sam Biddle sometime ago, so that says quite a bit about the intelligence and quality control of The Intercept.

I think you've confused The Intercept for The Register, which suggests you are rather unqualified to have opinions in this thread.


What the fuck is going on.


Nothing was incoherent about what he said, dumbass. He was basically saying that all the hacking tools described in this so called "report" on "Russian election hacking" were the same ones in the Vault7 leaks, aka the NSA's own toys.

pol is a bunch of fags who cant even do a FOIA request for operation REALITY WINNER


lol what an idiot, she called her mom from prison and thought it would be private.

sorry for the source


Yeah, even if the Intercept did a better job of protecting their sources, she would have still been caught.

fukken lel



theyre a tranny, right?

Truly a criminal mastermind.

And this ladies and gentleman, was able to outsmart a government entity that literally has access to everything in our daily lives with spyware.

Fuck this gay Earth.

I trust they are dumb enough to get exploited by this dimwitted twat.
Probably spending too much time on /mlp/

No, they are legally obligated to get exploited by dimwitted twats like this thanks to diversity hiring policies.